Comparing actual resource usage with defined requests

If we define container resources inside a Pod and without relying on actual usage, we are just guessing how much memory and CPU we expect a container to use. I'm sure that you already know why guessing, in the software industry, is a terrible idea, so I'll focus on Kubernetes aspects only.

Kubernetes treats Pods with containers that do not have specified resources as the BestEffort Quality of Service (QoS). As a result, if it ever runs out of memory or CPU to serve all the Pods, those are the first to be forcefully removed to leave space for others. If such Pods are short lived as, for example, those used as one-shot agents for continuous delivery processes, BestEffort QoS is not a bad idea. But, when our applications are long-lived, BestEffort QoS should be unacceptable. That means that in most cases, we do have to define container resources.

If container resources are (almost always) a must, we need to know which values to put. I often see teams that merely guess. "It's a database; therefore it needs a lot of RAM" and "it's only an API, it shouldn't need much" are only a few of the sentences I hear a lot. Those guesstimates are often the result of not being able to measure actual usage. When something would blow up, those teams would just double the allocated memory and CPU. Problem solved!

I never understood why would anyone invent how much memory and CPU an application needs. Even without any "fancy" tools, we always had top command in Linux. We could know how much our application uses. Over time, better tools were developed, and all we had to do is Google "how to measure memory and CPU of my applications." 

You already saw kubectl top pods in action when you need current data, and you are becoming familiar with the power of Prometheus to give you much more. You do not have an excuse to guesstimate.

But, why do we care about resource usage compared with requested resources? Besides the fact that might reveal a potential problem (for example, memory leak), inaccurate resource requests and limits prevent Kubernetes from doing its job efficiently. If, for example, we define memory request to 1 GB RAM, that's how much Kubernetes will remove from allocatable memory. If a node has 2 GB of allocatable RAM, only two such containers could run there, even if each uses only 50 MB RAM. Our nodes would use only a fraction of allocatable memory and, if we have Cluster Autoscaler, new nodes would be added even if the old ones still have plenty of unused memory.

Even though now we know how to get actual memory usage, it would be a waste of time to start every day by comparing YAML files with the results in Prometheus. Instead, we'll create yet another alert that will send us a notification whenever the requested memory and CPU differs too much from the actual usage. That's our next mission.

First, we'll reopen Prometheus' graph screen.

 1 open "http://$PROM_ADDR/graph"

We already know how to get memory usage through container_memory_usage_bytes, so we'll jump straight into retrieving requested memory. If we can combine the two, we'll get the discrepancy between the requested and the actual memory usage.

The metric we're looking for is kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes, so let's take it for a spin with, let's say, prometheus-server Pod.

Please type the expression that follows, press the Execute button, and switch to the Graph tab.

 1  kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes{
 2    container="prometheus-server"
 3  }

We can see from the result that we requested 500 MB RAM for the prometheus-server container.

Figure 3-42: Prometheus' graph screen with container requested memory limited to prometheus-server

The problem is that the kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes metric has, among others, pod label while, on the other hand, container_memory_usage_bytes uses pod_name. If we are to combine the two, we need to transform the label pod into pod_name. Fortunately, this is not the first time we're facing that problem, and we already know that the solution is to use the label_join function that will create a new label based on one or more of the existing labels.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(label_join(
 2    container_memory_usage_bytes{
 3      container_name="prometheus-server"
 4    },
 5    "pod",
 6    ",",
 7    "pod_name"
 8  ))
 9  by (pod)

This time, not only that we added a new label to the metric, but we also grouped the results by that very same label (by (pod)).

Figure 3-43: Prometheus' graph screen with container memory usage limited to prometheus-server and grouped by the pod label extracted from pod_name

Now we can combine the two metrics and find out the discrepancy between the requested and the actual memory usage.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(label_join(
 2    container_memory_usage_bytes{
 3      container_name="prometheus-server"
 4    },
 5    "pod",
 6    ",",
 7    "pod_name"
 8  ))
 9  by (pod) /
10  sum(
11    kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes{
12      container="prometheus-server"
13    }
14  )
15  by (pod)

In my case (screenshot following), the discrepancy was becoming gradually smaller. It started somewhere around sixty percent, and now it's approximately seventy-five percent. Such a difference is not big enough for us to take any corrective action.

Figure 3-44: Prometheus' graph screen with the percentage of container memory usage based on requested memory

Now that we saw how to get the difference between reserved and actual memory usage for a single container, we should probably make the expression more general and get all the containers in the cluster. However, all might be a bit too much. We probably do not want to mess with the Pods running in the kube-system Namespace. They are likely pre-installed in the cluster, and we might want to leave them as they are, at least for now. So, we'll exclude them from the query.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(label_join(
 2    container_memory_usage_bytes{
 3      namespace!="kube-system"
 4    },
 5    "pod",
 6    ",",
 7    "pod_name"
 8  ))
 9  by (pod) /
10  sum(
11    kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes{
12      namespace!="kube-system"
13    }
14  )
15  by (pod)

The result should be the list of percentages of a difference between requested and actual memory, with the Pods in the kube-system excluded.

In my case, there are quite a few containers that use quite a lot more memory than what we requested. The main culprit is prometheus-alertmanager which uses more than three times more memory than what we requested. That can be due to several reasons. Maybe we requested too little memory, or perhaps it contains containers that do not have requests specified. In either case, we should probably redefine requests not only for the Alertmanager but also for all the other Pods that use more than, let's say 50% more memory than requested.

Figure 3-45: Prometheus' graph screen with the percentage of container memory usage based on requested memory and with those from the kube-system Namespace excluded

We are about to define a new alert that will deal with cases when requested memory is much more or much less than the actual usage. But, before we do that, we should discuss the conditions we should use. One alert could fire when actual memory usage is over 150% of the requested memory for over an hour. That would remove false positives caused by a temporary spike in memory usage (that's why we have limits as well). The other alert could deal with the situation when memory usage is more than 50% below the requested amount. But, in case of that alert, we might add another condition.

Some applications are too small, and we might never be able to fine-tune their requests. We can exclude those cases by adding another condition that will ignore the Pods with only 5 MB reserved RAM, or less.

Finally, this alert might not need to fire as frequently as the previous one. We should know relatively quickly if our application uses more memory than we intended to give since that can be a sign of a memory leak, significantly increased traffic, or some other, potentially dangerous situation. But, if memory uses much less than intended, the issue is not as critical. We should correct it, but there is no need to act urgently. Therefore, we'll set the duration of the latter alert to six hours.

Now that we set a few rules we should follow, we can take a look at yet another differences between the old and the new set of Chart's values.

 1  diff mon/prom-values-old-pods.yml 
 2      mon/prom-values-req-mem.yml

The output is as follows.

<   expr: (time() - kube_pod_start_time{namespace!="kube-system"}) > 60
>   expr: (time() - kube_pod_start_time{namespace!="kube-system"}) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 90)
> - alert: ReservedMemTooLow
>   expr: sum(label_join(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace!="kube-system", namespace!="ingress-nginx"}, "pod", ",", "pod_name")) by (pod) /
sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes{namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod) > 1.5
> for: 1m > labels: > severity: notify > frequency: low > annotations: > summary: Reserved memory is too low > description: At least one Pod uses much more memory than it reserved > - alert: ReservedMemTooHigh > expr: sum(label_join(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace!="kube-system", namespace!="ingress-nginx"}, "pod", ",", "pod_name")) by (pod) / sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes{namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod) < 0.5 and sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes{namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod) > 5.25e+06 > for: 6m > labels: > severity: notify > frequency: low > annotations: > summary: Reserved memory is too high > description: At least one Pod uses much less memory than it reserved

First, we set the threshold of the OldPods alert back to its intended value of ninety days (60 * 60 * 24 * 90). That way we'll stop it from firing alerts only for test purposes.

Next, we defined a new alert called ReservedMemTooLow. It will fire if used memory is more than 1.5 times bigger than the requested memory. The duration for the pending state of the alert is set to 1m, only so that we can see the outcome without waiting for the full hour. Later on, we'll restore it back to 1h.

The ReservedMemTooHigh alert is (partly) similar to the previous one, except that it has the condition that will cause the alert to fire if the difference between the actual and the requested memory is less than 0.5 and if that continues being the case for over 6m (we'll change it later to 6h). The second part of the expression is new. It requires that all the containers in a Pod have more than 5 MB of the requested memory (5.25e+06). Through that second statement (separated with and), we're saving ourselves from dealing with too small applications. If it requires less than 5 MB RAM, we should ignore it and, probably, congratulate the team behind it for making it that efficient.

Now, let's upgrade our Prometheus' Chart with the updated values and open the graph screen.

 1  helm upgrade -i prometheus 
 2    stable/prometheus 
 3    --namespace metrics 
 4    --version 7.1.3 
 5    --set server.ingress.hosts={$PROM_ADDR} 
 6    --set alertmanager.ingress.hosts={$AM_ADDR} 
 7    -f mon/prom-values-req-mem.yml

We won't wait until the alerts start firing. Instead, we'll try to accomplish similar objectives, but with CPU.

There's probably no need to go through the process of explaining the expressions we'll use. We'll jump straight into the CPU-based alerts by exploring the difference between the old and the new set of Chart's values.

 1  diff mon/prom-values-req-mem.yml 
 2      mon/prom-values-req-cpu.yml

The output is as follows.

<   for: 1m
>   for: 1h
<   for: 6m
>   for: 6h
> - alert: ReservedCPUTooLow
>   expr: sum(label_join(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace!="kube-system", namespace!="ingress-nginx", pod_name!=""}[5m]), "pod", ",", "pod_name")) by (pod) / sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores{namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod) > 1.5
>   for: 1m
>   labels:
>     severity: notify
>     frequency: low
>   annotations:
>     summary: Reserved CPU is too low
>     description: At least one Pod uses much more CPU than it reserved
> - alert: ReservedCPUTooHigh
>   expr: sum(label_join(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace!="kube-system", pod_name!=""}[5m]), "pod", ",", "pod_name")) by (pod) / sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores{namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod) < 0.5 and 
sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores{namespace!="kube-system"}) by (pod) > 0.005
> for: 6m > labels: > severity: notify > frequency: low > annotations: > summary: Reserved CPU is too high > description: At least one Pod uses much less CPU than it reserved

The first two sets of differences are defining more sensible thresholds for ReservedMemTooLow and ReservedMemTooHigh alerts we explored previously. Further down, we can see the two new alerts.

The ReservedCPUTooLow alert will fire if CPU usage is more than 1.5 times bigger than requested. Similarly, the ReservedCPUTooHigh alert will fire only if CPU usage is less than half of the requested and if we requested more than 5 CPU milliseconds. Getting notifications because 5 MB RAM is too much would be a waste of time.

Both alerts are set to fire if the issues persist for a short period (1m and 6m) so that we can see them in action without having to wait for too long.

Now, let's upgrade our Prometheus' Chart with the updated values.

 1  helm upgrade -i prometheus 
 2    stable/prometheus 
 3    --namespace metrics 
 4    --version 7.1.3 
 5    --set server.ingress.hosts={$PROM_ADDR} 
 6    --set alertmanager.ingress.hosts={$AM_ADDR} 
 7    -f mon/prom-values-req-cpu.yml

I'll leave it to you to check whether any of the alerts fire and whether they are forwarded from Alertmanager to Slack. You should know how to do that by now.

Next, we'll move to the last alert in this chapter.

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