Exploring centralized logging through Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana

Elasticsearch is probably the most commonly used in-memory database. At least, if we narrow the scope to self-hosted databases. It is designed for many other scenarios, and it can be used to store (almost) any type of data. As such, it is almost perfect for storing logs which could come in many different formats. Given its flexibility, some use it for metrics as well and, as such, Elasticsearch competes with Prometheus. We'll leave metrics aside, for now, and focus only on logs.

The EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana) stack consists of three components. Data is stored in Elasticsearch, logs are collected, transformed, and pushed to the DB by Fluentd, and Kibana is used as UI through which we can explore data stored in Elasticsearch. If you are used to ELK (Logstash instead of Fluentd), the setup that follows should be familiar.

The first components we'll install is Elasticsearch. Without it, Fluentd would not have a destination to ship logs, and Kibana would not have a source of data.

As you might have guessed, we'll continue using Helm and, fortunately, Elasticsearch Chart (https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/elasticsearch) is already available in the stable channel. I'm confident that you know how to find the chart and explore all the values you can use. So, we'll jump straight into the values I prepared. They are the bare minimum and contain only the resources.

 1  cat logging/es-values.yml

The output is as follows.

      cpu: 1
      memory: 1500Mi
      cpu: 25m
      memory: 750Mi
      cpu: 1
      memory: 1500Mi
      cpu: 25m
      memory: 750Mi
      cpu: 1
      memory: 3Gi
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 1500Mi

As you can see, there are three sections (client, master, and data) that correspond with ElasticSearch components that will be installed. All we're doing is setting up resource requests and limits, and leaving the rest to the Chart's default values.

Before we proceed, please note that you should NOT use those values in production. You should know by now that they differ from one case to another and that you should adjust resources depending on the actual usage that you can retrieve from tools like kubectl top, Prometheus, and others.

Let's install Elasticsearch.

 1  helm upgrade -i elasticsearch 
 2      stable/elasticsearch 
 3      --version 1.14.1 
 4      --namespace logging 
 5      --values logging/es-values.yml
 7  kubectl -n logging 
 8    rollout status 
 9    deployment elasticsearch-client

It might take a while until all the resources are created. On top of that, if you're using GKE, new nodes might need to be created to accommodate requested resources. Be patient.

Now that Elasticsearch is rolled out, we can turn our attention to the second component in the EFK stack. We'll install Fluentd. Just as Elasticsearch, Fluentd is also available in Helm's stable channel.

 1  helm upgrade -i fluentd 
 2      stable/fluentd-elasticsearch 
 3      --version 1.4.0 
 4      --namespace logging 
 5      --values logging/fluentd-values.yml
 7  kubectl -n logging 
 8      rollout status 
 9     ds fluentd-fluentd-elasticsearch

There's no much to say about Fluentd. It is running as DaemonSet and, as the name of the chart suggests, it is already preconfigured to work with Elasticsearch. I did not even bother showing you the contents of the values file logging/fluentd-values.yml since it contains only the resources.

To be on the safe side, we'll check Fluentd's logs to confirm that it managed to connect to Elasticsearch.

 1  kubectl -n logging logs 
 2      -l app=fluentd-fluentd-elasticsearch

The output, limited to the messages, is as follows.

... Connection opened to Elasticsearch cluster => {:host=>"elasticsearch-client", :port=>9200, :scheme=>"http"}
... Detected ES 6.x: ES 7.x will only accept `_doc` in type_name.
A note to Docker for Desktop users
You will likely see much more than the few log entries presented above. There will be a lot of warnings due to the differences in Docker for Desktop API when compared to other Kubernetes flavors. Feel free to ignore those warnings since they do not affect the examples we are about to explore and you are not going to use Docker for Desktop in production but only for practice and local development.

That was simple and beautiful. The only thing left is to install the K from EFK.

Let's take a look at the values file we'll use for the Kibana chart.

 1  cat logging/kibana-values.yml

The output is as follows.

  enabled: true
  - acme.com
  ELASTICSEARCH_URL: http://elasticsearch-client:9200
    cpu: 50m
    memory: 300Mi
    cpu: 5m
    memory: 150Mi

Again, this is a relatively straightforward set of values. This time, we are specifying not only the resources but also the Ingress host, as well as the environment variable ELASTICSEARCH_URL that'll tell Kibana where to find Elasticsearch. As you might have guessed, I did not know in advance what will be your host, so we'll need to overwrite hosts at runtime. But, before we do that, we need to define it.

 1  KIBANA_ADDR=kibana.$LB_IP.nip.io

Off we go towards installing the last component in the EFK stack.

 1  helm upgrade -i kibana 
 2      stable/kibana 
 3      --version 0.20.0 
 4      --namespace logging 
 5      --set ingress.hosts="{$KIBANA_ADDR}" 
 6     --values logging/kibana-values.yml
 8  kubectl -n logging 
 9      rollout status 
10      deployment kibana

Now we can finally open Kibana and confirm that all three EFK components indeed work together and that they are fulfilling our centralized logging objectives.

 1  open "http://$KIBANA_ADDR"

If you do not see Kibana just yet, wait for a few moments and refresh the screen.

You should see the Welcome screen. Ignore the offer to try their sample data by clicking the link to Explore on my own. You'll be presented with the screen that allows you to add data.

Figure 7-8: Kibana's home screen

The first thing we need to do is create a new Elasticsearch index that will match the one created by Fluentd. The version we're running is already pushing data to Elasticsearch, and it's doing that by using LogStash indexing pattern as a way to simplify things since that's what Kibana expects to see.

Click the Management item from the left-hand menu, followed with the Index Patterns link.

All the logs Fluentd is sending to Elasticsearch are indexes with the logstash prefix followed with the date. Since we want Kibana to retrieve all the logs, type logstash-* into the Index pattern field, and click the > Next step button.

Next, we need to specify which field contains timestamps. It is an easy choice. Select @timestamp from the Time Filter field name, and click the Create index pattern button.

Figure 7-9: Kibana's Create index pattern screen

That's it. All we have to do now is wait for a few moments until the index is created, and explore the logs collected from across the whole cluster.

Please click the Discover item from the left-hand menu.

What you see in front of you are all the logs generated in the last fifteen minutes (can be extended to any period). The list of fields is available on the left-hand side.

There is a silly (and useless) graph on the top and the logs themselves are in the main body of the screen.

Figure 7-10: Kibana's Discover screen

Just as with Papertrail, we won't go into all the options available in Kibana. I trust you can figure them out yourself. We'll just go through a few basic operations in case this is your first contact with Kibana.

Our scenario is the same as before. We'll try to find all the log entries generated from the random-logger application.

Please type kubernetes.pod_name: "random-logger" into the Search field and click the Refresh (or Update) button located on the right.

More often than not, we want to customize the fields presented by default. For example, it would be more useful to see the log entry only, instead of the full source.

Click the Add button next to the log field, and it will replace the default _source column.

If you'd like to see an entry with all the fields, please expand one by clicking the arrow on the left side of the row.

Figure 7-11: Kibana's Discover screen with filtered entries

I'll leave you to explore the rest of Kibana on your own. But, before you do that, there's a word of warning. Do not get fooled by all the flashy options. If all we're having are logs, there's probably no point creating visualizations, dashboards, timelines, and other nice looking, but useless things we can do with logs. Those might be useful with metrics, but we do not have any. For now, they are in Prometheus. Later on, we'll discuss the option of pushing metrics to Elasticsearch instead of pulling them from Prometheus.

Now, take your time and see what else you can do in Kibana, at least within the Discover screen.

We're done with the EFK stack and, given that we did not yet make a decision which solution to use, we'll purge it from the system. Later on, if you do choose EFK, you should not have any trouble creating it in your "real" cluster.

 1  helm delete kibana --purge
 3  helm delete fluentd --purge
 5  helm delete elasticsearch --purge
 7  kubectl -n logging 
 8      delete pvc 
 9      -l release=elasticsearch,component=data
11  kubectl -n logging 
12      delete pvc 
13      -l release=elasticsearch,component=master
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