What now?

We explored quite a few Prometheus metrics, expressions, and alerts. We saw how to connect Prometheus alerts with Alertmanager and, from there, to forward them to one application to another.

What we did so far is only the tip of the iceberg. If would take too much time (and space) to explore all the metrics and expressions we might use. Nevertheless, I believe that now you know some of the more useful ones and that you'll be able to extend them with those specific to you.

I urge you to send me expressions and alerts you find useful. You know where to find me (DevOps20 (http://slack.devops20toolkit.com/) Slack, viktor@farcic email, @vfarcic on Twitter, and so on).

For now, I'll leave you to decide whether to move straight into the next chapter, to destroy the entire cluster, or only to remove the resources we installed. If you choose the latter, please use the commands that follow.

 1  helm delete prometheus --purge
 3  helm delete go-demo-5 --purge
 5  kubectl delete ns go-demo-5 metrics

Before you leave, you might want to go over the main points of this chapter.

  • Prometheus is a database (of sorts) designed to fetch (pull) and store highly dimensional time series data.
  • The four key metrics everyone should utilize are latency, traffic, errors, and saturation.
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