Alerting on unschedulable or failed pods

Knowing whether our applications are having trouble to respond fast to requests, whether they are being bombed with more requests than they could handle, whether they produce too many errors, and whether they are saturated, is of no use if they are not even running. Even if our alerts detect that something is wrong by notifying us that there are too many errors or that response times are slow due to an insufficient number of replicas, we should still be informed if, for example, one, or even all replicas failed to run. In the best case scenario, such a notification would provide additional info about the cause of an issue. In the much worse situation, we might find out that one of the replicas of the DB is not running. That would not necessarily slow it down nor it would produce any errors but would put us in a situation where data could not be replicated (additional replicas are not running) and we might face a total loss of its state if the last standing replica fails as well.

There are many reasons why an application would fail to run. There might not be enough unreserved resources in the cluster. Cluster Autoscaler will deal with that problem if we have it. But, there are many other potential issues. Maybe the image of the new release is not available in the registry. Or, perhaps the Pods are requesting PersistentVolumes that cannot be claimed. As you might have guessed, the list of the things that might cause our Pods to fail, be unschedulable, or in an unknown state, is almost infinite.

We cannot address all of the causes of problems with Pods individually. However, we can be notified if the phase of one or more Pods is Failed, Unknown, or Pending. Over time, we might extend our self-healing scripts to address some of the specific causes of those statuses. For now, our best first step is to be notified if a Pod is in one of those phases for a prolonged period of time (for example, fifteen minutes). Alerting as soon as the status of a Pod indicates a problem would be silly because that would generate too many false positives. We should get an alert and choose how to act only after waiting for a while, thus giving Kubernetes time to fix an issue. We should perform some reactive actions only if Kubernetes fails to remedy the situation.

Over time, we'll notice some patterns in the alerts we're receiving. When we do, alerts should be converted into automated responses that will remedy selected issues without our involvement. We already explored some of the low hanging fruits through HorizontalPodAutoscaler and Cluster Autoscaler. For now, we'll focus on receiving alerts for all other cases, and failed and unschedulable Pods are a few of those. Later on, we might explore how to automate responses. But, that moment is not now, so we'll move forward with yet another alert that will result in a notification to Slack.

Let's open Prometheus' graph screen.

 1  open "http://$PROM_ADDR/graph"

Please type the expression that follows and click the Execute button.

 1  kube_pod_status_phase

The output shows us each of the Pods in the cluster. If you take a closer look, you'll notice that there are five results for each Pod, one for each of the five possible phases. If you focus on the phase field, you'll see that there is an entry for Failed, Pending, Running, Succeeded, and Unknown. So, each Pod has five results, but only one has the value 1, while the values of the other four are all set to 0.

Figure 3-34: Prometheus' console view with the phases of the Pods

For now, our interest lies primarily with alerts, and they should, in most cases, be generic and not related to a specific node, an application, a replica, or some other type of resources. Only when we are alerted that there is an issue, should we start digging deeper and look for more granular data. With that in mind, we'll rewrite our expression to retrieve the number of Pods in each of the phases.

Please type the expression that follows and click the Execute button.

 1  sum(
 2    kube_pod_status_phase
 3  ) 
 4  by (phase)

The output should show that all the Pods are in the Running phase. In my case, there are twenty-seven running Pods and none in any of the other phases.

Now, we should not really care about healthy Pods. They are running, and there's nothing we should do about that. Instead, we should focus on those that are problematic. So, we might just as well rewrite the previous expression to retrieve the sum only of those that are in the Failed, Unknown, or Pending phase.

Please type the expression that follows and click the Execute button.

 1  sum(
 2    kube_pod_status_phase{
 3      phase=~"Failed|Unknown|Pending"
 4    }
 5  ) 
 6  by (phase)

As expected, unless you messed up something, the values of the output are all set to 0.

Figure 3-35: Prometheus' console view with the sum of the Pods in Failed, Unknown, or Pending phases

So far, there are no Pods we should worry about. We'll change that by creating one that will intentionally fail, by using an image that apparently does not exist.

 1  kubectl run problem 
 2      --image i-do-not-exist 
 3      --restart=Never

As we can see from the output, the pod/problem was created. If we created it through a script (for example, CI/CD pipeline), we'd think that everything is OK. Even if we'd follow it with kubectl rollout status, we would only ensure that it started working, not that it continues working.

But, since we did not create that Pod through a CI/CD pipeline, but manually, we can just as well list all the Pods in the default Namespace.

 1  kubectl get pods

The output is as follows.

problem 0/1   ErrImagePull 0        27s

We'll imagine that we have only short-term memory and that we already forgot that the image is set to i-do-not-exist. What can be the issue? Well, the first step would be to describe the Pod.

 1  kubectl describe pod problem

The output, limited to the messages of the Events section, is as follows.

...  Message
...  -------
...  Successfully assigned default/problem to aks-nodepool1-29770171-2
...  Back-off pulling image "i-do-not-exist"
...  Error: ImagePullBackOff
...  pulling image "i-do-not-exist"
...  Failed to pull image "i-do-not-exist": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: repository i-do-not-exist not found: does not exist or no pull access
 Warning  Failed     8s (x3 over 46s)   kubelet, aks-nodepool1-29770171-2  Error: ErrImagePull

The problem is clearly manifested through the Back-off pulling image "i-do-not-exist" message. Further down, we can see the message from the container server stating that it failed to pull image "i-do-not-exist".

Of course, we knew in advance that will be the result, but something similar could happen without us noticing that there is an issue. The cause could be a failure to pull the image, or one of the myriads of others. Nevertheless, we are not supposed to sit in front of a terminal, listing and describing Pods and other types of resources. Instead, we should receive an alert that Kubernetes failed to run a Pod, and only after that, we should start digging for the cause of the issue. So, let's create one more alert that will notify us when Pods fail and do not recuperate.

Like many times before, we'll take a look at the differences between the old and the new definition of Prometheus' Chart values.

 1  diff mon/prom-values-errors.yml 
 2      mon/prom-values-phase.yml

The output is as follows.

> - name: pods
>   rules:
>   - alert: ProblematicPods
>     expr: sum(kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~"Failed|Unknown|Pending"}) by (phase) > 0
>     for: 1m
>     labels:
>       severity: notify
>     annotations:
>       summary: At least one Pod could not run
>       description: At least one Pod is in a problematic phase


We defined a new group of alerts called pod. Inside it, we have an alert named ProblematicPods that will fire if there are one or more Pods with the Failed, Unknown, or Pending phase for more than one minute (1m). I intentionally set it to very low for duration so that we can test it easily. Later on, we'll switch to fifteen minutes interval that will be more than enough to allow Kubernetes to remedy the issue before we get a notification that will send us into the panic mode.

Let's update Prometheus' Chart with the updated values.

 1  helm upgrade -i prometheus 
 2    stable/prometheus 
 3    --namespace metrics 
 4    --version 7.1.3 
 5    --set server.ingress.hosts={$PROM_ADDR} 
 6    --set alertmanager.ingress.hosts={$AM_ADDR} 
 7    -f mon/prom-values-phase.yml

Since we did not yet fix the issue with the problem Pod, we should see a new notification in Slack soon. Let's confirm that.

 1  open ""

If your notification did not yet arrive, please wait for a few moments.

We got the message stating that at least one Pod could not run.

Figure 3-36: Slack with an alert message

Now that we received a notification that there is a problem with one of the Pods, we should go to Prometheus, dig through data until we find the cause of the issue, and fix it. But, since we already know what the problem is (we created it intentionally), we'll skip all that, and remove the faulty Pod, before we move onto the next subject.

 1  kubectl delete pod problem
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