
32-bit HDR images, 200, 201

70-200mm f/2.8 lens, 30, 36


about this book, 25

action photography

panning movement in, 172173

setup for shooting, 174175

Add Layer Mask icon, 195, 207

Adjustment Brush

aquarium photography and, 159

dodging-and-burning with, 206

portrait photography and, 13, 37, 61, 69

product photography and, 168

spotlight effect and, 194

travel photography and, 143

wedding photography and, 113

Adler, Lindsay, 63

Altare della Patria photo, 122123

animal photography

aquarium photos, 158159

pet photos, 180181

zoo photos, 150151, 156157

Antique filter, 209

aperture priority mode

flower photography and, 160

natural light portraits and, 20, 21

aperture settings. See f-stops

Apollo softbox, 76, 80


Dog Whistler Pro, 181

ND Timer, 149

aquarium photography, 158159


dramatic side lighting for, 4041

edgy lighting for, 5657

V-flat lighting for, 6869

Auto Mask checkbox, 206


Background layer, 195, 204, 207

background lights, 50, 52, 61, 64


action shots and, 173, 175

hot-shoe flash and, 77

instant black, 8889

natural light and, 6, 8, 12, 28, 118

separating subjects from, 77, 175

studio lighting for, 50, 52

travel shots and, 132, 135

backlight stands, 52

battery packs, 28, 40

beauty dish, 30, 50

beauty look

simplified setup for, 6263

two-light setup for, 5051

wraparound light and, 5859

Beijing, China, 132135

bird photography, 156157

Black & White filter, 209

Black & White option, 113, 198, 208

black background technique, 8889

black point, 198

black-and-white photos

converting color photos to, 113, 198199, 208

direct window light for, 17

duotone look for, 113, 208209

muscular subjects for, 57

plug-in for creating, 17, 57, 99, 199, 209

wedding shots as, 107, 113

Blacks slider, 198

Bleach Bypass filter, 47, 189

bleach bypass look, 188189

blend modes, 197

Multiply, 195, 196

Screen, 207

Soft Light, 192

BLOWiT Fans, 38, 64

Blur slider, 204

blur vignette, 204205

blurred backgrounds

action shots with, 173, 175

See also out-of-focus backgrounds

BorrowLenses website, 150

bracketing photos, 192, 200

bridal portraits. See wedding photography

Brush tool, 195, 207

Buissink, Joe, 107

burst mode, 137

Buy This Book of Chapter Intros Even Though You Won’t Learn Anything (Kelby), 4


cable release, 152, 160, 164, 182, 184

Cactus Triggers, 83

Camera Raw, 3

Adjustment Brush, 113, 143, 168, 194, 206

Clarity slider, 31, 131, 155, 190, 198, 202

Contrast slider, 17, 117, 147, 188, 198

Exposure slider, 113, 179, 194, 202

Highlights slider, 113, 185, 194, 198

Post Crop Vignetting, 11, 109, 147, 151, 163, 179, 190

Radial Filter tool, 179, 194, 195

Saturation slider, 31, 196

Shadows slider, 123, 131, 155, 171, 190

Temperature and Tint sliders, 202

Vibrance slider, 69, 129, 155, 188, 202

Whites and Blacks sliders, 198

See also Photoshop

cameras, digital SLR, 4

car detail shots, 170171

catalog look

for men, 5255

for women, 7071

church photography, 138139

circular polarizer, 152, 153

cityscapes at dusk, 182183

Clarity slider

black-and-white photos and, 198, 199

bleach bypass look and, 188

creative white balance and, 202

high-contrast skin look and, 190

landscape photography and, 155

portrait photography and, 31, 41

travel photography and, 131, 137, 143

Clone Stamp tool

distracting object removal with, 135

eye retouching with, 51

flower retouching with, 161

spot removal with, 171

close-up lens, 101, 160

close-up photography

car detail shots as, 170171

flower photography as, 160163

wedding detail shots as, 100101

collapsible diffuser, 85, 98

collapsible reflector, 12

Color Efex Pro

Bleach Bypass filter, 47, 189

Color Stylizer filter, 209

Cross Processing filter, 53, 71

Glamour Glow filter, 47, 99

High Key filter, 35, 47

Tonal Contrast filter, 69, 79, 95, 147, 191

video tutorials on, 47, 53

Vignette: Blur filter, 205

Color Stylizer filter, 209

combined images

cityscape at dusk, 183

grungy, aged look, 196197

landscape with moon photo, 165

composition, 176177

Live View used for, 123

portrait backgrounds and, 75

Conair Travel Smart LadderKart, 115

Content-Aware Fill feature, 19

continuous lights, 67, 168, 169, 180

Contrast slider

animal photography and, 151, 157

aquarium photography and, 159

black-and-white photos and, 198, 199

bleach bypass look and, 188

landscape photography and, 147

lens flare effects and, 117

portrait photography and, 17, 41, 79

starry sky photos and, 185

travel photography and, 127, 133, 137

contrasty light, 1617

Convert to Grayscale checkbox, 113, 198, 208

creative white balance, 202203

Cross Processing filter, 53, 71

CTO gels, 91


dappled light, 1415

daylight landscapes, 152153

depth of field

fast lenses and, 34

flower photography and, 160, 161, 163

macro lenses and, 100, 101, 160, 161

desaturated bleach bypass look, 188189


colors, 31, 111, 188

textures, 197


car detail shots, 170171

travel photography., 130131

wedding photography, 100101

Dewis, Glyn, 89


gear recommendations, 8, 10, 84

hand-held, 8485

hot-shoe flash and, 7475, 8485

larger areas softened with, 1011

reasons for using, 9

shower curtain liner, 18

softening sunlight with, 811, 9899

diffusion sock, 60

digital SLR cameras, 4

The Digital Photography Book series, 5

direct sunlight

shade vs., 67

shooting portraits in, 2021

window light as, 1617

See also sunlight

Distance Scale window, 184

distracting objects

hiding with perspective changes, 122123, 126127

zooming in to hide, 134135

DiVitale, Jim, 168

dodging-and-burning, 206207

Dog Whistler Pro app, 181

Doorhof, Frank, 27

double-exposure feature, 165

dramatic lighting

portraits with, 3031, 4041, 9293

side lighting used as, 4041

sunset portraits with, 9293

wedding photography with, 108109

DSLR cameras, 4


applying to photos, 113, 208209

video on creating, 107

dusk, cityscapes at, 182183


edge lighting, 112113

edge vignettes. See Post Crop Vignetting

edgy lighting, 5657

egg crate fabric grid, 54, 56


Midi Octa softbox, 32, 40

Ranger Quadra flash unit, 170

Ring Flash 3000 unit, 39

entertainment lighting, 3839

environmental portraits, 7879

epic wedding shots, 114115

Eraser tool, 181


Ray Flash adapter, 38

Rogue 3-in-1 Honeycomb Grid, 76, 95

exposure compensation, 16, 21

Exposure slider

creative white balance and, 202

dramatic edge lighting and, 113

product photography and, 179

spotlight effect and, 194


F.J. Westcott. See Westcott gear

fans, 38, 64

fashion lighting

one-light setup for, 3233

two-light setup for, 6465

fast lenses

focusing technique for, 25

low-light situations and, 104, 105

shallow depth of field with, 34

Feather adjustments, 179


Antique, 209

Black & White, 209

Bleach Bypass, 47, 189

Color Stylizer, 209

Cross Processing, 53, 71

Gaussian Blur, 99, 192

Glamour Glow, 47, 99

High Key, 35, 47

Iris Blur, 204

Lens Blur, 205

ND (neutral density), 148, 149

polarizing, 152, 153

Radial, 179, 194, 195

Tonal Contrast, 69, 79, 95, 147

Tone Enhancer, 191

Unsharp Mask, 17, 57, 69, 89, 127

Vignette: Blur, 205

fish photography, 158159


aiming upward, 104

freezing movement with, 76

gels used with, 9091

hot-shoe, 7395

natural light with, 3435, 8687, 102103

one-light, 2747, 7879

positioning, 103

power setting, 61, 75, 103

ring flash, 3839

shutter speed and, 108

softening with hand-held diffuser, 8485

spot grid used with, 9495

two- and three-light, 4971, 7677

wedding reception, 104105

See also lighting

flat lighting, 4445

flower photography, 160163

individual flower shots, 160161

water drops added for, 162163


fast lenses and, 25

locking the focus, 116

ND filters and, 149

starry sky shots, 184

food photography, 140141

Forbidden City, 132133

framing images, 175, 177

Free Transform feature, 196

freezing motion, 76, 106, 158, 175

frosted shower curtain liner, 18


action photography and, 175

author’s favorite for portraits, 36

dramatic side lighting and, 40, 41

instant black backgrounds and, 89

landscape photography and, 146, 147, 154

lens diffraction and, 146

out-of-focus backgrounds and, 6, 12

starbright sun effect and, 155

studio settings for, 42, 58

zoom lenses and, 124


Gaussian Blur filter, 99, 192

gear information, 3

gels, used with flash, 9091

gift shop photography, 124125

Glamour Glow filter, 47, 99

glass, reflections on, 159

gold reflectors, 12

Google Nik Collection

Color Efex Pro, 35, 47, 53, 69, 189

HDR Efex Pro, 193

Silver Efex Pro, 17, 57, 199, 209

gray seamless paper, 32

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 146147


egg crate fabric grid, 54, 56

Rogue 3-in-1 Honeycomb Grid, 76, 95

spot grids, 9495

grungy, aged look, 196197


hand-held diffusers, 8485

hand-held shots, 18, 124

HDR Efex Pro, 193

HDR images

realistic HDR look, 200201

software for working with, 193

tone-mapped HDR look, 192193

travel shots utilizing, 139

HDR Pro option, 192, 200

HDR Toning dialog, 200

HDRsoft Photomatix Pro, 193, 201

Headshot, The (Hurley), 67

headshot lighting

Hurley-look, 6667

simplified beauty look, 6263

Healing Brush, 39, 43


distracting objects, 122123, 126127, 134135

tourists in travel photos, 136137, 138139

High Key filter, 35

high-contrast skin look, 190191

Highlights slider

black-and-white photos and, 198

dramatic edge lighting and, 113

spotlight effect and, 194

starry sky shots and, 185

Hoodman Loupe, 172

hot-shoe flash, 7395

dramatic sunset portraits and, 9293

environmental portraits and, 7879

gels used with, 9091

instant black background and, 8889

larger softboxes used with, 8081

simple one-light outdoor, 8283

softening light from, 7475

spot grid used with, 9495

sunlight used with, 8687

two-light location setup for, 7677

HSL/Grayscale panel, 113, 198, 208

Hue/Saturation adjustments, 111, 196

Hurley, Peter, 66

Hurley-look headshot lighting, 6667

HURLEYPRO Pro-Board, 66


Impact Quikbox, 74, 78, 82, 86

Instant Black Background technique, 8889

Iris Blur filter, 204

ISO settings

instant black background and, 89

low-light situations and, 105, 138

noise reduction and, 184

studio work and, 42

Istanbul, Turkey, 130131 website, 196


JPEG mode, 141

K website, 3

kicker lights, 5455, 6061

Kino Flo continuous lights, 67


landscape photography, 145

daylight shots, 152153

moon shots, 164165

starbright sun effect, 154155

stream shots, 146147

waterfall shots, 148149

See also nature photography


Large Standard Skylite Rapid Kit, 10

Triflector MK II reflector, 51

layer masks, 195

Lens Blur filter, 205

lens diffraction, 146

lens flare look, 116117

lens hood, 117, 159


close-up, 101

focusing with fast, 25

hood for, 117, 159

long, 150

macro, 100, 101, 160

ND filters for, 148, 149

polarizing filters for, 152, 153

renting, 150

super-wide-angle, 115, 142

tele-extender for, 150

travel photography, 122, 124

wide-angle, 78, 79, 92

LensProToGo website, 150

Levels adjustments, 192


background, 50, 52

contrasty, 1617

dappled, 1415

diffused, 811

kicker, 5455, 6061

natural, 625

reflected, 1213

rim, 21, 34, 113

window, 1619

wraparound, 3637, 5859

light pollution, 185

light stands vs. monopods, 112


continuous, 67, 168, 169, 180

dramatic, 3031, 4041, 9293

edge, 112113

edgy, 5657

entertainment, 3839

fashion, 3233, 6465

flat, 4445

hot-shoe flash, 7395

Hurley-look, 6667

mixed, 3435

natural light, 625

one-light, 2747

side, 4041

straight-on, 45

two- and three-light, 4971

See also flash

Lightroom, 3

Adjustment Brush, 13, 113, 143, 168, 194, 206

Clarity slider, 31, 131, 155, 190, 198, 202

Contrast slider, 17, 117, 147, 188, 198

Exposure slider, 113, 179, 194, 202

Highlights slider, 113, 185, 194, 198

Post Crop Vignetting, 11, 109, 147, 151, 163, 179, 190

Radial Filter tool, 179, 194, 195

Saturation slider, 31, 196

Shadows slider, 123, 131, 155, 171, 190

Temperature and Tint sliders, 202

Vibrance slider, 69, 129, 155, 188, 202

Whites and Blacks sliders, 198

Live View feature, 123, 160, 184

location setups

gels with flash in, 9091

on-location product shoot, 178179

two-light flash in, 7677

Long Exposure Noise Reduction, 184

long exposures

noise reduction for, 184

starry sky photos and, 184

waterfall photos and, 148

long lenses, 150

lower perspective

for portrait photography, 81

for travel photography, 123

low-light situations

cityscape photography in, 182183

fast lenses used in, 104, 105

starry sky photos in, 184185

travel photography in, 131, 142143

wedding photography in, 104105

luck in photography, 111


macro lens

flower photography using, 160, 161

wedding detail shots using, 100, 101

manual mode, 64, 102, 165

Mautner, Cliff, 21

Mega JS Apollo softbox, 76, 80

Merge to HDR Pro, 192, 200

Midi Octa softbox, 32, 40

midtone contrast, 190

Milky Way photos, 185

monopods vs. light stands, 112

Montmartre, France, 142

moon photography, 164165

Moore, Brad, 170


freezing, 76, 106, 158, 175

panning to show, 172173

Move tool, 196

Multiply blend mode, 195, 196


natural light, 625

dappled light from, 1415

diffusing harsh, 811

direct sunlight as, 2021

flash mixed with, 3435, 8687, 102103

flower photography in, 160

food photography and, 141

indoor use of, 110111

positioning reflectors in, 1213

shade vs. sunlight as, 67

studio lighting mixed with, 3435

wedding photography and, 9899, 110111

window light as, 1619, 2225

See also sunlight

nature photography, 145

fish in aquariums, 158159

individual flowers, 160163

zoo animals, 150151, 156157

See also landscape photography

ND Timer app, 149

negative space, 129

neutral density (ND) filter, 148, 149150

Nik Collection. See Google Nik Collection

noise reduction, 184


one-light setups, 2747

dramatic lighting with, 3031, 4041, 112113

entertainment lighting with, 3839

environmental portraits with, 7879

fashion lighting with, 3233

filling in shadows with, 4243

flat lighting with, 4445

mixed natural and studio lighting with, 3435

outdoor portraits with, 2829, 8283

playing up shadows with, 4647

side lighting with, 4041

straight-on lighting with, 45

wraparound lighting with, 3637

See also two- and three-light setups

on-location product shoot, 178179

OnOne Software Perfect Photo Suite, 189

Opacity adjustments, 192, 196

outdoor portraits

dappled light in, 1415

diffusing sunlight for, 811

direct sunlight for, 2021

one-light techniques for, 2829, 8283

positioning reflectors for, 1213

shade used for, 67

wedding photography and, 9899

See also portraits

out-of-focus backgrounds

action photos and, 175

hot-shoe flash and, 77

natural light and, 6, 8, 12, 28, 118

travel photos and, 132, 135


panning, 172173, 175

paper textures, 196, 197

Paris, France, 138139

Perfect Effects plug-in

Antique filter, 209

Black & White filter, 209

Bleach Bypass filter, 189

Lens Blur filter, 205

Tone Enhancer filter, 191

Perfect Photo Suite, 189


for portrait photography, 81

for travel photography, 123, 127, 136137

pet photography, 180181

photo recipes, 2

Photomatix Pro, 193, 201

Photoshop, 3

Arrange option, 152

Clone Stamp tool, 51, 135, 161, 171

Content-Aware Fill feature, 19

Eraser tool, 181

Gaussian Blur filter, 99, 192

Grayscale mode, 99

HDR Pro option, 192, 200

Healing Brush, 39, 43

Hue/Saturation adjustment, 111, 196

Iris Blur filter, 204

Unsharp Mask filter, 17, 127, 151, 169, 173

See also Camera Raw

Photoshop Elements, 3

Photoshop Lightroom. See Lightroom

PocketWizard PlusX transmitters, 76, 83

polarizing filter, 152, 153

Portland, Oregon cityscape, 182183


beauty look for, 5051, 5859, 6263

catalog look for, 5255, 7071

dramatic lighting for, 3031, 4041, 9293

edgy lighting for, 5657

entertainment lighting for, 3839

environmental, 7879

fashion lighting for, 3233, 6465

filling in shadows on, 4243

flat lighting for, 4445

Hurley-look for, 6667

natural light for, 625

one-light setups for, 2747, 5051, 7879

playing up shadows in, 4647

side lighting for, 4041

sunset, 9293

two- and three-light setups for, 4971, 7677

video tutorial on retouching, 23

window light for, 1619, 2225

See also outdoor portraits


capturing moments between, 53

tip for wraparound light, 37

Post Crop Vignetting

animal photography and, 151, 157

flower photography and, 163

high-contrast skin look and, 190

landscape photography and, 147

portrait photography and, 11, 15, 25

product photography and, 179

wedding photography and, 109, 111

poster board, 161

post-processing examples, 187209

black-and-white conversion, 198199

blur vignette, 204205

creative white balance, 202203

desaturated bleach bypass look, 188189

dodging & burning, 206207

duotone look, 208209

grungy, aged look, 196197

high-contrast skin look, 190191

realistic HDR look, 200201

spotlight effect, 194195

tone-mapped HDR look, 192193

product photography

on-location, 178179

studio setup for, 168169


QuikBox kit, 74, 78, 82, 86


Radial Filter tool, 179, 194, 195

Ranger Quadra flash unit, 170

RAW mode, 141

Ray Flash adapter, 38, 39

realistic HDR look, 200201

reception flash, 104105

reflections on glass, 159


beauty look using, 51

filling in shadows with, 42

outdoor portraits and, 1213

V-flat, 38, 6869

renting lenses, 150

retouching portraits video, 23

rim light, 21, 34, 113

ring flash, 3839

Rogue 3-in-1 Honeycomb Grid, 76, 95

royalty-free images, 196

rubber lens hood, 159


Sainte-Chapelle church, 138139

sandbags, 10

Santorini, Greece, 126127

Saturation slider, 31, 196

Scott 5 preset, 192

Screen blend mode, 207

scrims, 11

seamless paper, 32, 180

second shooters, 106107

self-timer, 160

sepia tone effect, 209


dappled light vs., 15

shooting portraits in, 67


adjusting in post, 123

filling in, 4243

playing up, 4647

Shadows slider

car detail photography and, 171

high-contrast skin look and, 190

landscape photography and, 155

travel photography and, 123, 131

sharpening images

action photography, 173, 175

animal photography, 151, 157

black-and-white conversions, 57, 199

portrait photography, 17, 57, 89

product photography, 169

travel photography, 127, 133, 135

See also Unsharp Mask filter

Shoot Like a Pro seminar tour, 131

shower curtain liner, 18

shutter speeds

dramatic lighting and, 108, 109

flash used with lower, 76, 85

freezing motion using, 106, 175

hand-held photography and, 124, 154

instant black background and, 89

moon photography and, 164

ND filters and, 148, 149

polarizing filters and, 152153

showing motion using, 172, 173

starry sky shots and, 184

studio settings for, 42

side lighting, 4041

silky water effect, 147, 148149

Silver Efex Pro, 17, 57, 99, 199, 209


cityscape image, 183

shooting starry, 184185


desaturating the color of, 31

high-contrast look for, 190191

Soft Light blend mode, 192


advantages of larger, 8081

fashion lighting with, 3233, 6465

gear recommendations for, 32, 36, 74

hot-shoe flash used with, 7475

product photos with, 168169

strip bank, 54, 56, 168, 170, 179

wraparound light from, 3637, 5859


hot-shoe flash, 7475, 8485

window light, 1819, 2425

Spiderlite TD6s lights, 168, 180

Split Toning panel, 113, 208

spot grids, 9495

spotlight effect, 194195

Springs of Hope Orphanage, 4

starbright sun effect, 154155

starry sky photos, 184185

straight-on lighting, 45

streams, shooting, 146147

strip banks, 54, 56, 168, 170, 179

strobes. See flash

studio lighting

lighting backgrounds with, 50, 52

natural lighting mixed with, 3435

Sultan Ahmed Cami Mosque, 130131

sunlight, 625

dappled light from, 1415

diffusing harsh, 811

flash mixed with, 8687

Hoodman Loupe for shooting in, 172

polarizing filters for, 152, 153

positioning reflectors in, 1213

shade vs. direct, 67

shooting in direct, 2021

wedding photography and, 9899

window light as, 1619, 2225

See also natural light

sunset shots

cityscapes as, 183

portraits as, 9293

travel photos as, 130131

white balance and, 203

super-wide-angle photos, 114115, 142143

swivel grip heads, 10


Tamron 28-300mm zoom lens, 122

tele-extenders, 150

Temperature slider, 202

texture images, 196, 197

three-light setups. See two- and three-light setups

Tiananmen Square, Beijing, 134135

timing considerations, 137

Tint slider, 202

Tonal Contrast filter

high-contrast skin look and, 191

landscape photography and, 147

portrait photography and, 69, 79, 95

Tone Enhancer filter, 191

Tone in ACR button, 200

tone-mapped HDR look, 192193

tourists, hiding, 136139

travel photography, 121143

choosing the shot in, 124125

finding simplicity in, 128129

food photography as, 140141

hiding distractions in, 122123, 126127, 134135

lenses recommended for, 122, 124

perspective changes for, 123, 127, 136137

shooting the details in, 130131

staking out locations in, 142143

time considerations for, 137

waiting game gamble in, 132133

zooming to hide distractions in, 134135

Triflector MK II reflector, 51


cityscapes at dusk and, 182

close-up photography and, 100, 160, 162

indoor natural light and, 110

landscape photography and, 154

moon photography and, 164

product photography and, 168

starry sky shots and, 184

travel photography and, 130, 131, 142, 143

Turning Torso building, 128

tutorials. See video tutorials

two- and three-light setups, 4971

beauty look with, 5051, 5859, 6263

catalog look for women with, 7071

catalog looks for men with, 5255

edgy lighting for athletes with, 5657

fashion lighting variation with, 6465

Hurley-look headshot lighting with, 6667

one main with two kickers as, 6061

pet photography with, 180181

product photography with, 168169, 178179

two-light location setup, 7677

working with V-flats for, 6869

wraparound lighting with, 5859

See also one-light setups


Unsharp Mask filter

action photography and, 173, 175

animal photography and, 151, 157

black-and-white images and, 57, 199

portrait photography and, 17, 57, 89

product photography and, 169

travel photography and, 127, 133, 135

up-lighting, 13


Vatican Museums, 136137

veils, wedding, 118, 119

V-flats, 38, 6869

Vibrance slider

creative white balance and, 202

desaturating images using, 188

landscape photography and, 155

portrait photography and, 69

travel photography and, 129, 137

video tutorials, 3

on Color Efex Pro, 47, 53

on combining images, 139, 165, 183

on Content-Aware Fill, 19

on distracting element removal, 123

on duotone creation, 107

on portrait retouching, 23

on waterfall photo adjustments, 149

Vignette: Blur filter, 205


blur, 204205

See also Post Crop Vignetting


waiting game, 132133

Wallace, Tim, 171


silky effect for, 147, 148149

spraying on flowers, 162163

waterfall photos, 148149

wedding photography, 97119

being the second shooter of, 106107

black-and-white images from, 107, 113

blur vignettes used in, 205

close-up detail shots in, 100101

controlling the frame in, 118119

dramatic lighting for, 108109, 112113

duotone look for, 113, 208209

edge lighting with one light for, 112113

lens flare look for, 116117

mixing natural light and strobes for, 102103

natural light indoors for, 110111

outdoor lighting for, 9899

reception lighting for, 104105

super-wide-angle shots for, 114115

veils used in, 118, 119

Westcott gear

5-in-1 Reflector, 8, 12, 74

continuous lights, 168, 169, 180

diffusers, 8, 9, 74, 84, 98

softboxes, 36, 64, 76, 80

white balance adjustments

aquarium photography, 159

creative white balance, 202203

White Balance Selector tool, 159

white point, 198

white poster board, 161

white seamless paper, 180

white space, 129

Whites slider, 198

wide-angle lenses

environmental portraits and, 78, 79

polarizing filters and, 153

starry sky shots and, 184

sunset portraits and, 92

travel photography and, 142143

wedding photography and, 114115

wildlife photography. See animal photography

window light, 1619, 2225

direct contrasty, 1617

flash mixed with, 102103

food photography and, 141

positioning subjects in, 2225

softening, 1819, 2425

wireless transmitters

Cactus Triggers, 83

PocketWizard PlusX, 76, 83

wraparound light

beauty look with, 5859

one-light setup for, 3637


zoo photography, 150151, 156157


f-stop settings related to, 124

hiding distractions by, 134135

softening backgrounds by, 6, 14, 77

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