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How to Use this Book


Part One: Investments and Securities Explained

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Financial Instruments

1.1 Introduction

Chapter 2: Equities

2.1 Listed and Unlisted Equities

2.2 Multi-Listed Securities

2.3 The Issuance of Listed Equities – The Primary Market

2.4 The Secondary Market in Equities

Chapter 3: Debt Instruments

3.1 Types of Debt Instruments

3.2 Accrued Interest on Bonds in the Secondary Market

3.3 More Trade Terminology

3.4 How Prices are Formed in the Secondary Market

Chapter 4: Cash

4.1 Cash as A Means of Exchange

4.2 Cash as An Investment Class

4.3 More Trade Terminology

Chapter 5: Derivatives

5.1 Exchange Traded Derivative Contracts

5.2 More Trade Terminology

5.3 OTC Derivatives

Chapter 6: Common Attributes of Financial Instruments

6.1 Summary of All Trade Terminology Used in Chapters 1 to 5

6.2 Summary of Basic Trade Arithmetic for Transactions in Securities, Futures and Options

Chapter 7: Market Participants

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Investors

7.3 Institutional Fund Managers

7.4 Private Client Stockbrokers and Investment Managers

7.5 Investment Banks that Accept and Execute Orders from Investors

7.6 Investment Exchanges

7.7 Settlement Agents

7.8 Other Market Participants

Chapter 8: How Investment Firms are Regulated

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Objectives of Regulation

8.3 The Global Perspective

8.4 The European Perspective

8.5 The UK Perspective – The Role of the Financial Services Authority

8.6 Specific Offences in the United Kingdom

8.7 Regulation and Its Impact on the IT Function

Chapter 9: Straight-Through-Processing

9.1 Introduction

9.2 To What Extent is STP Actually Achieved in Practice?

Chapter 10: The Role of Accurate Static Data in the STP Process

10.1 Static Data Overview

10.2 Duplication of Static Data Across Systems

10.3 Instrument Group Static Data

10.4 Instrument Static Data

10.5 Trading Party and Settlement Agent Static Data

10.6 Standard Settlement Instructions (SSIs)

10.7 Static Data that is Internal to the Firm Concerned

10.8 Normal Working Days and Public Holidays

10.9 Country Information

Chapter 11: Communications Between Industry Participants

11.1 SWIFT

11.2 The Financial Information Exchange (Fix Protocol)

11.3 Other Message Standards

Chapter 12: The Trade Agreement and Settlement Processes

12.1 The Trade Agreement Process

12.2 Communications Between the Trade Party and Its Settlement Agent

Chapter 13: Failed Trades – Causes, Consequences and Resolution

13.1 Failed Trades – Causes

13.2 Consequences of Failed Trades

13.3 The Prevention and Resolution of Failed Trades and the Impact on it Applications

Chapter 14: An Overview of Investment Accounting

14.1 Role of the Financial Control Department

14.2 Departmental Systems

14.3 The General Ledger

Chapter 15: The Stock Record – Using the Double-entry Convention to Control Positions and Security Quantities

Chapter 16: Example STP Flows of Equity Agency Trades – When Execution Venue is the London Stock Exchange

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Equity Agency Trades with Institutional Investor Customers

16.3 Equity Agency Trades with Private Investor Customers

16.4 Direct Market Access

Chapter 17: The STP Flow of Debt Instrument Trades

17.1 Introduction

17.2 Order Placement

17.3 Order Execution

17.4 Trade Amounts

17.5 Trade Agreement

17.6 Regulatory Trade Reporting

17.7 Settlement

17.8 General Ledger Postings for the Trade and the Settlement

17.9 Stock Record Postings for the Trade and the Settlement

17.10 Position-Related Events

Chapter 18: The STP Flow of Foreign Exchange and Money Market Trades

18.1 Foreign Exchange

18.2 Money Market

Chapter 19: The STP Flow of Futures and Options Transactions

19.1 Introduction

19.2 Futures and Options – Common Process Steps

19.3 Futures-Specific Process Steps

19.4 Options-Specific Process Steps

Chapter 20: The STP Flow of Swap and other OTC Drivative Trades

20.1 Introduction

20.2 Order Placement

20.3 Order Execution

20.4 Trade Components and Amounts

20.5 Trade Agreement

20.6 Regulatory Trade Reporting

20.7 Settlement

20.8 General Ledger Postings

20.9 Stock Record Postings

20.10 Marking to Market

20.11 Daily Accrual of Interest

Chapter 21: Stock Lending, Repos and Funding

21.1 Introduction

21.2 Stock Lending and Borrowing Transactions

21.3 Repo Transactions

21.4 Summary of the Differences Between the Various Transaction Types

21.5 The Role of Specialist Lending Intermediaries (SLIs)

21.6 Business Applications to Support Stock Lending and Repos

Chapter 22: The Impact of Islamic Finance

22.1 Introduction

22.2 Delivering Islamic Financial Services

22.3 Sharia Compliant Instruments

22.4 The Valuation and Risk Management of Islamic Financing Instruments

22.5 The IT Implications of Providing Islamic Instruments

Chapter 23: The Management of Positions

23.1 Introduction

23.2 Trade Dated, Value Dated, Settled and Depot Positions

23.3 Interest Payments and Interest Rate Fixings

23.4 Collection of Maturity Proceeds

23.5 Dividend Payments

23.6 Corporate Actions

23.7 Listed Derivatives – Contract Expiry and Delivery Dates

23.8 Marking Positions to Market

23.9 Accrual of Interest

23.10 Other Accruals

23.11 Reconciliation

Chapter 24: The Management of Risk

24.1 Forms of Market Risk

24.2 Forms of Credit Risk

24.3 Other Forms of Risk

24.4 The Role of the Board of Directors in Managing Risk

24.5 The Role of the Risk Management Department

24.6 An Introduction to Value-At-Risk (VaR)

Part Two: Good IT Practice in the Investment Industry

Chapter 25: The Role of the IT Department in Daily Operations

25.1 Introduction

25.2 User Support and Helpdesk Management

25.3 Data Security, Data Retention, Data Protection and Intellectual Property

25.4 Change Management

25.5 Business Continuity Planning

25.6 Use of the IT Infrastructure Library in Managing it Operations

Chapter 26: The Role of the IT Department in Managing Business Change

26.1 Introduction

26.2 The Software Development Lifecycle

26.3 Project Management Standards

26.4 Software Development Models

26.5 Requirements Gathering

26.6 Quality Assurance Testing

Chapter 27: Package and Vendor Selection, Outsourcing and Offshoring

27.1 Making the Buy or Build Decision

27.2 Vendor and Package Selection

27.3 Outsourcing and Offshoring

Appendix 1: Bond Market Price Calculations

Straight Bond Calculations

FRN Calculations

Valuation Methodologies for Other Types of Debt Instrument

Appendix 2: Summary of Contractual Documents

Further Reading

Glossary of Terms


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