Chapter 9. Combining data and code

This chapter covers

  • Namespaces
  • Exploring Clojure multimethods with the Universal Design Pattern
  • Types, protocols, and records
  • A fluent builder for chess moves

Clojure provides powerful features for grouping and partitioning logical units of code and data. Most logical groupings occur in namespaces, Clojure’s analogue to Java packages. We explore how to build, manipulate, and reason about them. Also, in this chapter we’ll play with Clojure’s powerful multimethods that provide polymorphism based on arbitrary dispatch functions. We’ll then uncover recent additions to Clojure supporting abstraction-oriented programming—types, protocols, and records. Finally, the chapter concludes with the creation of a fluent chess-move facility, comparing a Java approach to solving the problem with a Clojure approach.

9.1. Namespaces

Newcomers to Clojure have a propensity to hack away at namespace declarations until they appear to work. This may work sometimes, but it delays the process of learning how to use namespaces more effectively.

From a high-level perspective, namespaces can be likened to a two-level mapping, where the first level is a symbol to a namespace containing mappings of symbols to vars, as shown in figure 9.1. This conceptual model[1] is slightly complicated by the fact that namespaces can be aliased, but even in these circumstances the model holds true.

1 As always, we’re trying to keep the level of discussion limited to abstractions rather than implementation details.

Figure 9.1. The logical layout of namespaces. The process to resolve a var joy.ns/authors includes a symbolic resolution of the namespace and the var name. The result is the var itself. Aliases created with :use work as expected.

In the simplest possible terms, qualified symbols of the form joy.ns/authors cause a two-level lookup—a symbol joy.ns used to look up a namespace map and a symbol authors used to retrieve a var, as shown here:

Because a symbolic name refers to a var in the current namespace or another, it follows that any referred var always evaluates to the current value and not the value present at referral time.

9.1.1. Creating namespaces

There are a number of ways to create a new namespace; each has its advantages and use cases. The choice of one namespace-creation mechanism over another amounts to choosing a level of control over the default symbolic mappings.

The ns macro

Using the ns macro automatically conveys two sets of symbolic mappings—all classes in the java.lang package and all the functions, macros, and special forms in the clojure.core namespace:

(ns chimp)
(reduce + [1 2 (Integer. 3)])
;=> 6

Using the ns macro creates a namespace if it doesn’t already exist, and switches to that namespace. The ns macro is intended for use in source code files and not in the REPL, although nothing prevents you from doing so.

The in-ns function

Using the in-ns function imports the java.lang package like ns, but it doesn’t create any mappings for functions or macros in clojure.core. The in-ns function also takes an explicit symbol used as the namespace qualifier, as shown here:

(in-ns 'gibbon)

(reduce + [1 2 (Integer. 3)])
; java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: reduce in this context

(clojure.core/refer 'clojure.core)
(reduce + [1 2 (Integer. 3)])
;=> 6

in-ns is more amenable to REPL experimentation when dealing with namespaces than ns.

The create-ns function

The finest level of control for creating namespaces is provided through the create-ns function, which when called takes a symbol and returns a namespace object:

(def b (create-ns 'bonobo))
;=> #<Namespace bonobo>

((ns-map b) 'String)
;=> java.lang.String

The call to create-ns doesn’t switch to the named namespace, but it does create Java class mappings automatically. The preceding code shows this by using the ns-map function to get a map of the bindings in the bonobo namespace and checking that the symbol String is bound to the class java.lang.String. When given a namespace object (also retrieved using the find-ns function), you can manipulate its bindings programmatically using the functions intern and ns-unmap:

(intern b 'x 9)
;=> #'bonobo/x
;=> 9

The preceding code binds the symbol x to the value 9 in the namespace bonobo and then references it directly using its qualified name bonobo/x. You can do the same thing for any type of var binding:

(intern b 'reduce clojure.core/reduce)
;=> #'bonobo/reduce

(intern b '+ clojure.core/+)
;=> #'bonobo/+

(in-ns 'bonobo)
(reduce + [1 2 3 4 5])
;=> 15

Because only Java class mappings are created by create-ns, you have to intern any Clojure core functions, as with + and reduce. You can even inspect the mappings in a namespace programmatically and likewise remove specific mappings:

(in-ns 'user)
(get (ns-map 'bonobo) 'reduce)
;=> #'bonobo/reduce

(ns-unmap 'bonobo 'reduce)  ;=> nil
(get (ns-map 'bonobo) 'reduce)
;=> nil

Finally, you can wipe a namespace using remove-ns:

(remove-ns 'bonobo)
;=> #<Namespace bonobo>

;=> (#<Namespace clojure.set> #<Namespace clojure.main>
     #<Namespace clojure.core> #<Namespace>
     #<Namespace chimp> #<Namespace gibbon>
     #<Namespace clojure.xml>)

Be careful when populating namespaces using create-ns and intern, because these functions can cause potentially confusing side effects to occur. Their use is intended only for advanced techniques, and even then they should be used cautiously.

9.1.2. Expose only what’s needed

Knowing that namespaces operate as two-level mappings will only get you so far in creating and using them effectively. You must understand other practical matters to use namespaces to their fullest. For example, for a given namespace joy.contracts, the directory structure could look like that in figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2. The directories layout for an illustrative joy.contracts namespace

This directory structure is fairly straightforward, but there are a couple items to note. First, although the namespace is named joy.contracts, the corresponding Clojure source file is located in the contracts-lib/src/joy directory. This is a common technique in organizing Java and Clojure projects, where the actual source directories and files are located in a common src subdirectory in the main project directory. The additional files build.xml, pom.xml, and project.clj correspond to the build scripts for Apache Ant, Maven, and Leiningen, respectively. These build scripts will know, through either configuration or convention, that the src directory contains the directories and source files for Clojure namespaces and not part of the namespace logical layout. If you were to open the contracts.clj file located in contracts-lib/src/joy in your favorite editor, you might see something like figure 9.3.

Figure 9.3. The top of the source file for the joy.contracts namespace

The file contracts.clj defines the namespace joy.contracts and defines the function build-contract using the defn- macro. The use of defn- in this way indicates to Clojure that the build-contract function is private to the joy.contracts namespace. The defn- macro is provided for convenience and attaches privileged metadata to the var containing the function. You can attach the same namespace privacy metadata yourself, as shown:

(ns hider.ns)

(defn ^{:private true} answer [] 42)

(ns seeker.ns
  (:refer hider.ns))

; java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: answer in this context

Using ^{:private true} this way also works in a def and a defmacro, and for these cases it’s required, because there are no corresponding def- and defmacro- in Clojure’s core.


If you decide to name your namespaces with hyphens, à la my-cool-lib, then the corresponding source file must be named with underscores in place of the hyphens (my_cool_lib.clj).

In practice, Clojure namespace names are often tied to the directory in which they reside. Following this trend, you can create a certain directory structure conducive to hiding implementation details, as shown in figure 9.4.

Figure 9.4. Private API directories: using the folder layout to hide namespace implementation details

By creating another subdirectory to contracts-lib/src/joy named impl, you can effectively hide implementation details for your code. The public-facing API would be located in contracts.clj, and the “hidden” implementation details in impl.clj. Your clients would be expected to refer only to the elements in contracts.clj, whereas your library could refer to elements in impl.clj, as shown in figure 9.5.

Figure 9.5. Private API source: the client-facing API is located in contracts.clj, and the private API in impl.clj.

Of course, nothing’s stopping code in other namespaces from also referencing the joy.contracts.impl namespace, but you do so at your own peril. There are never any guarantees that implementation details will remain the same from one release to the next.

9.1.3. Declarative inclusions and exclusions

When you’re defining namespaces, it’s important to include only the references that are likely to be used. Clojure prefers a fine-grained var mapping via a set of directives on the ns macro: :exclude, :only, :as, :refer-clojure, :import, :use, :load, and :require.

We’ll describe a namespace named joy.ns-ex first in prose and then using ns and its directives. In this namespace, you want to exclude the defstruct macro from clojure.core. Next, you want to use everything in clojure.set and clojure.xml without namespace qualification. Likewise, you wish to use only the functions are and is from the clojure.test namespace without qualification. You then want to load the namespace and alias it as z. Finally, you want to import the Java classes java.util.Date and By providing directives, the problem of namespace inclusions and exclusions become a declarative matter, as shown:

(ns joy.ns-ex
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [defstruct])
  (:use (clojure set xml))
  (:use [clojure.test :only (are is)])
  (:require (clojure [zip :as z]))
  (:import (java.util Date)
           ( File)))

We’ll touch on further uses of namespaces throughout the rest of the book, with an extensive example explaining their use as JVM class specifications in section 10.3.


The (:use (clojure set xml)) statement is considered a promiscuous operation, and therefore its use is discouraged. The :use directive without the :only option pulls in all the public vars in clojure.set and clojure.xml indiscriminately. Although this practice is useful when incrementally building your code, it shouldn’t endure into the production environment. When organizing your code along namespaces, it’s good practice to export and import only those elements needed.

We now turn our focus to Clojure’s multimethods, a way of defining polymorphic functions based on the results of arbitrary functions, which will get you halfway toward a system of polymorphic types.

9.2. Exploring Clojure multimethods with the Universal Design Pattern

The most specific event can serve as a general example of a class of events.

Douglas R. Hofstadter

In Douglas Hofstadter’s Pulitzer prize–winning work Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, he describes a notion of the Prototype Principle—the tendency of the human mind to use specific events as models for similar but different events or things. He presents the idea “that there is generality in the specific” (Hofstadter 1979). Building on this idea, programmer Steve Yegge coined the term The Universal Design Pattern (UDP), extrapolating on Hofstadter’s idea (Yegge 2008) and presenting it in terms of prototypal inheritance (Ungar 1987). The UDP is a reusable blueprint for designing software to fit any situation by building on a simple data (maps) and lookup model.

The UDP is built on the notion of a map or map-like object. Although not ground-breaking, the flexibility in the UDP derives from the fact that each map contains a reference to a prototype map used as a parent link to inherited fields. You might wonder how anyone could model a software problem in this way, but we assure you that countless programmers do so every day when they choose JavaScript (Flanagan 2006). In this section, we’ll implement a subset of Yegge’s UDP and discuss how it might be used as the basis for abstraction-oriented programming and polymorphism using Clojure’s multimethods and ad hoc hierarchies.

9.2.1. The parts

In addition to the aforementioned prototype reference, the UDP requires a set of supporting functions to operate: beget, get, put, has?, and forget. The entire UDP is built on these five functions, but you’ll need the first three for this section. To start, let’s define the namespace in a somewhat interesting way:

Because you plan to define a function named get in this UDP namespace, you want to explicitly exclude it from being automatically referred from Clojure’s core library. This action is tantamount to overriding the core definition in your new namespace.

The beget function

The beget function performs a simple task. It takes a map and associates its prototype reference to another map, returning a new map:

To participate in the UDP, maps must have a :joy.udp/prototype entry. Using beget ensures that the prototype object is attached using the correct key and layout, as shown next:

(beget {:sub 0} {:super 1})

;=> {:joy.udp/prototype {:super 1}, :sub 0}

Now that prototype map is in place, you can implement a function get to perform the (potentially) nested lookup.

The get function

Because of the presence of the prototype link, get requires more than a simple one-level lookup. Instead, whenever a value isn’t found in a given map, the prototype chain is followed until the end:

(defn get [m k]
  (when m
    (if-let [[_ v] (find m k)]
      (recur (::prototype m) k))))

(get (beget {:sub 0} {:super 1})
;=> 1

You don’t explicitly handle the case of “removed” properties but instead treat them like any other associated value. This is fine because the “not found” value of nil is falsey. Most of the time, it’s sufficient to rely on the fact that looking up a nonexistent key returns nil. But in cases where you want to allow users of your functions to store any value, including nil, you have to be careful to distinguish nil from “not found,” and the find function is the best way to do this.

The put function

The function put takes a key and an associated value and puts them into the supplied map, overwriting any existing key of the same name:

(def put assoc)

The put function is asymmetric to the functionality of get. That is, get retrieves values anywhere along the prototype chain, whereas put only ever inserts at the level of the supplied map—which is why using assoc directly will work for you.

9.2.2. Basic use of the Universal Design Pattern

Using only beget, put, and get, you can use the UDP in some simple yet powerful ways. Assume that at birth, cats like dogs and only learn to despise them when goaded. Morris the cat has spent most of his life liking 9-Lives cat food and dogs, until the day comes when a surly Shih Tzu leaves him battered and bruised. We can model this unfortunate story as shown:

(def cat {:likes-dogs true, :ocd-bathing true})
(def morris (beget {:likes-9lives true} cat))
(def post-traumatic-morris (beget {:likes-dogs nil} morris))

(get cat :likes-dogs)
;=> true

(get morris :likes-dogs)
;=> true

(get post-traumatic-morris :likes-dogs)
;=> nil

The map post-traumatic-morris is like the old morris in every way except for the fact that he has learned to hate dogs. Thankfully, the Morris tormented by dogs can take solace in his favorite brand of cat food:

(get post-traumatic-morris :likes-9lives)
;;=> true

Modeling cat and dog societal woes is interesting but far from the only use case for the UDP, as you’ll see next.

No notion of self

Our implementation of the UDP contains no notion of self-awareness via an implicit this or self reference. Although adding such a feature would probably be possible, we’ve intentionally excluded it in order to draw a clear separation between the prototypes and the functions that work on them (Keene 1989). A better solution, and one that follows in line with a deeper Clojure philosophy, would be to access, use, and manipulate these prototypes using Clojure’s multimethods.

9.2.3. Multimethods to the rescue

You can easily add behaviors to the UDP using Clojure’s multimethod facilities. Multimethods provide a way to perform function polymorphism based on the result of an arbitrary dispatch function. Coupled with your earlier UDP implementation, you can implement a prototypal object system with differential inheritance similar to (although not as elegant as) that in the Io language (Dekorte Io). First, you need to define a multimethod compiler that dispatches on a key :os:

(defmulti compiler :os)
(defmethod compiler ::unix [m] (get m :c-compiler))
(defmethod compiler ::osx  [m] (get m :llvm-compiler))

The multimethod compiler describes a simple scenario: if the function compiler is called with a prototype map, then the map is queried for an element :os, which has methods defined on the results for either ::unix or ::osx. Let’s create some prototype maps to exercise compiler:

(def clone (partial beget {}))
(def unix   {:os ::unix, :c-compiler "cc", :home "/home", :dev "/dev"})
(def osx  (-> (clone unix)
              (put :os ::osx)
              (put :llvm-compiler "clang")
              (put :home "/Users")))

(compiler unix)
;=> "cc"

(compiler osx)
;=> "clang"

That’s all there is (Foote 2003) to creating behaviors that work against the specific “type” of a prototype map. But a problem of inherited behaviors still persists. Because this implementation of the UDP separates state from behavior, there’s seemingly no way to associate inherited behaviors. But as we’ll show next, Clojure does provide a way to define ad hoc hierarchies that you can use to simulate inheritance in your model.

9.2.4. Ad hoc hierarchies for inherited behaviors

Based on the layout of the unix and osx prototype maps, the property :home is overridden in osx. You could again duplicate the use of get in each method defined (as in compiler), but instead let’s say that the lookup of :home should be a derived function:

(defmulti home :os)
(defmethod home ::unix [m] (get m :home))

(home unix)
;=> "/home"

(home osx)
; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
;   No method in multimethod 'home' for dispatch value: :user/osx

Clojure allows you to define a relationship stating “::osx is a ::unix” and have the derived function take over the lookup behavior using Clojure’s derive function:

(derive ::osx ::unix)

Now the home function works:

(home osx)
;=> "/Users"

You can query the derivation hierarchy using the functions parents, ancestors, descendants, and isa?, as shown:

(parents ::osx)
;=> #{:user/unix}

(ancestors ::osx)
;=> #{:user/unix}

(descendants ::unix)
;=> #{:user/osx}

(isa? ::osx ::unix)
;=> true

(isa? ::unix ::osx)
;=> false

The result of the isa? function defines how multimethods dispatch. In the absence of a derivation hierarchy, isa? can be likened to pure equality; but when derivations are defined, then a richer check is performed according to the hierarchical relationships constructed.

9.2.5. Resolving conflict in hierarchies

What if you interject another ancestor into the hierarchy for ::osx and want to again call the home method? Observe the following:

(derive ::osx ::bsd)
(defmethod home ::bsd [m] "/home")

(home osx)
; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Multiple methods in multimethod
;  'home' match dispatch value: :user/osx -> :user/unix and
;  :user/bsd, and neither is preferred

As shown in figure 9.6, ::osx derives from both ::bsd and ::unix, so there’s no way to decide which method to dispatch, because they’re both at the same level in the derivation hierarchy. It’s worth noting that this situation can’t happen in Java due to single implementation inheritance, but it’s a common and sometimes painful problem in C++. Fortunately, Clojure provides a way to assign favor to one method over another using the function prefer-method:

Figure 9.6. Most languages allowing type derivations use a built-in conflictresolution strategy. In the case of CLOS, it’s fully customizable. Clojure requires conflicts to be resolved with prefermethod.

You can see an illustration of the problem that prefer-method solves in figure 9.6.

In this case, you use prefer-method to explicitly state that for the multimethod home, you prefer the method associated with the dispatch value ::unix over the one for ::bsd. As you’ll recall, the home method for ::unix explicitly used get to traverse the prototype chain, which is the preferred behavior.

As you might expect, removing the home method for the ::bsd dispatch value using remove-method removes the preferential lookup for ::osx:

(remove-method home ::bsd)
(home osx)
;=> "/Users"

Clojure maintains a global structure that holds the hierarchy information used for multimethod dispatch. By default, all the multimethod functions manipulate and operate off of the global hierarchy map directly. If you prefer to reduce these potentially confusing side effects to the global structure, then you can define a derivation hierarchy using make-hierarchy and derive:

(derive (make-hierarchy) ::osx ::unix)
;=> {:parents {:user/osx #{:user/unix}},
      :ancestors {:user/osx #{:user/unix}},
      :descendants {:user/unix #{:user/osx}}}

Once you have a separate hierarchy in hand, you can provide it to defmulti to specify the derivation context, thus preserving the global hierarchy map.

9.2.6. Arbitrary dispatch for true maximum power

Until now, you’ve only exercised multimethods using a single privileged :os property, but this doesn’t accentuate their true power. Instead, multimethods are fully open and can dispatch on the result of an arbitrary function, even one that can pull apart and/or combine its inputs into any form:

The dispatch values for the new compile-cmd methods are vectors composed of the results of looking up the :os key and calling the compiler function defined earlier. You can now see what happens when compile-cmd is called:

(compile-cmd osx)
;=> "/usr/bin/gcc"

(compile-cmd unix)
;=> "Unsure where to locate cc"

Using multimethods and the UDP is an interesting way to build abstractions. Multi-methods and ad hoc hierarchies are open systems, allowing for polymorphic dispatch based on arbitrary functions. Clojure also provides a simpler model for creating abstractions and gaining the benefits of polymorphism—types, protocols, and records—which we’ll cover next.

The handy-dandy juxt function

The juxt function is useful in defining multimethod dispatch functions. In a nutshell, juxt takes a bunch of functions and composes them into a function returning a vector of its argument(s) applied to each given function, as shown:

(def each-math (juxt + * - /))
(each-math 2 3)
;=> [5 6 -1 2/3]

((juxt take drop) 3 (range 9))
[(0 1 2) (3 4 5 6 7 8)]

Having a convenient and succinct way to build vectors of applied functions is powerful for defining understandable multimethods—although that’s not the limit of juxt's usefulness.

9.3. Types, protocols, and records

We showed in the previous section that Clojure multimethods provide a way to achieve runtime polymorphism based on arbitrary dispatch functions. Although extremely powerful, multimethods are sometimes less than ideal. Interposing a dispatch function into the polymorphism machinery isn’t always conducive to raw speed. Likewise, dispatching on an arbitrary function is often overkill. Therefore, Clojure provides facilities for creating logically grouped polymorphic functions that are both simple and performant—types, records, and protocols. We’ll delve into these topics in this section and introduce the concept of abstraction-oriented programming, predicated on the creation of logical groupings. But first, we’ll discuss the simplest of the three topics, records, which you might recognize.

9.3.1. Records

Using maps as data objects is perfectly acceptable and has several lovely features. Chief among these is that maps require no declaration of any sort: you use literal syntax to build them right on the spot. You saw this in section 7.2 when you built an object like this:

{:val 5, :l nil, :r nil}

This is handy but is missing things that are often desirable, the most significant of which is a type of its own. The object constructed here is some kind of map, but it isn’t, as far as Clojure is concerned, a TreeNode. That means when it’s used in its simple form, as it is here, there’s no clean way[2] to determine whether any particular map is a TreeNode.

2 You could test a map for the existence of the keys :val, :l, and :r, a sort of duck-typing but on fields instead of methods. But because there exists a real possibility that some other kind of object may happen to have these keys but use them in a different way, undesirable complexity and/or unexpected behavior is likely. Fortunately, you can mitigate this risk by using namespace-qualified keywords. Despite the general agreement of experts that ducks are Kosher, we’d definitely classify this particular duck as unclean.

In such circumstances, records become a compelling[3] solution. You define a record type with a defrecord form. For example, a defrecord for TreeNode looks like this:

3 There was a pre-Clojure 1.2 convention of attaching :type metadata to an object, which can be looked up with the type function, but this approach is rarely if ever needed moving forward.

(defrecord TreeNode [val l r])

This creates a new Java class with a constructor that takes a value for each of the fields listed. It also imports that class into your current namespace so you can easily use it to create new instances.

Here’s how to create an instance of the TreeNode record:

(TreeNode. 5 nil nil)
;=> #:user.TreeNode{:val 5, :l nil, :r nil}
Explicitly importing defrecord and deftype classes

It’s important to note that when you define a defrecord and a deftype, corresponding classes are generated. These classes are automatically imported into the same namespace where the defrecord and deftype declarations occur, but not in any other namespace. Instead, you must explicitly import defrecord and deftype classes using the import function or :import namespace declaration:

(ns my-cool-ns
  (:import joy.udp.TreeNode))

Loading a namespace via :require or :use isn’t enough to import defrecord and deftype classes.

The use of defrecord buys you several important benefits. For instance, it provides a simple and specific idiom for documenting the expected fields of the object. But it also delivers several important performance improvements. A record is created more quickly, consumes less memory, and looks up keys in itself more quickly than the equivalent array map or hash map. Record types can also store primitive values (byte, int, long, and so on), which take up considerably less memory than the equivalent class-based object versions (also referred to as boxed primitives) like Byte, Integer, Long, and so on.

The downfall of defstructs

Clojure provides a defstruct mechanism, which can be viewed as a way to define a map that acts as an ad hoc class mechanism. These structs define a set of keys that are required to exist in the map and therefore can’t be removed via dissoc. With the advent of defrecord, the need for structs has been nearly eliminated, and therefore structs aren’t covered in this book. But if you have a code base reliant on structs, a record can replace them with minimal code changes, as highlighted here:

(defn change-age [p] (assoc p :age 286))

(defstruct person :fname :lname)
(change-age (struct person "Immanuel" "Kant"))
;=> {:fname "Immanuel", :lname "Kant", :age 286}

(defrecord Person [fname lname])
(change-age (Person. "Immanuel" "Kant"))
;=> #:user.Person{:fname "Immanuel", :lname "Kant", :age 286}

Note that the change-age function works with either structs or records—no change is required. Only the definition and the mechanism of instantiation need to be updated.

Other noteworthy differences between maps and records include the following:

  • Records, unlike maps, can’t serve as functions.
  • Records are never equal to maps with the same key/value mappings.

You still look up values in records by doing (:keyword obj); it’s just that if obj is a record, this code will run dramatically faster. By the way, that means destructuring still works, as well. Records support metadata using with-meta and meta, just like other Clojure collections, and you can even redefine a record if desired to have different fields giving you the compiled performance of Java dynamically. All of these together mean you can build a lot of code on top of simple hash-map objects and then make minimal changes to switch to using records instead, gaining the performance benefits we already covered.

You should understand records well enough to be able to reimplement the persistent binary tree from chapter 5 using defrecord instead of maps. This is shown in the following listing. Note that you have to add the defrecord and change the expressions in xconj where objects are created, but the xseq function is defined identically to how it was before.

Listing 9.1. Persistent binary tree built from records

You can assoc and dissoc any key you want—adding keys that weren’t defined in the defrecord works, although they have the performance of a regular map. Perhaps more surprisingly, dissocing a key given in the record works but returns a regular map rather than a record. In this example, note that the return value is printed as a plain map, not with the #:user.TreeNode prefix of a record:

(dissoc (TreeNode. 5 nil nil) :l)
;=> {:val 5, :r nil}

A final benefit of records is how well they integrate with Clojure protocols. But to fully understand how they relate, we must first explore what protocols are.

9.3.2. Protocols

The establishment of protocols ... creates an obvious way for two people who are not directly communicating to structure independently developed code so that it works in a manner that remains coherent when such code is later combined.

Kent M. Pitman (Pitman 2001)

A protocol in Clojure is a set of function signatures, each with at least one parameter, that are given a collective name. Protocols fulfill a role somewhat like Java interfaces or C++ pure virtual classes—a class that claims to implement a particular protocol should provide specialized implementations of each of the functions in that protocol. Then, when any of those functions is called, the appropriate implementation is polymorphic on the type of the first parameter, just like Java. In fact, the first parameter to a protocol function corresponds to the target object (the thing to the left of the dot for a method call used in Java source) of a method in object-oriented parlance.

For example, consider what collections such as stacks (first in, last out: FILO) and queues (first in, first out: FIFO) have in common. Each has a simple function for inserting a thing (call it push), a simple function for removing a thing (pop), and usually a function to see what would be removed if you removed a thing (peek). What we just gave you was an informal description of a protocol; all that’s missing is the name. You can replace the changing third item of the acronym with an X and call objects that provide these functions FIXO. Note that besides stacks and queues, FIXO could include priority queues, pipes, and other critters.

Let’s look at that informal description rewritten as a formal Clojure definition:

(defprotocol FIXO
  (fixo-push [fixo value])
  (fixo-pop [fixo])
  (fixo-peek [fixo]))

That’s it. The only reason we prefixed the function names with fixo- is so that they don’t conflict with Clojure’s built-in functions.[4] Besides that, it’s hard to imagine how there could be much less ceremony, isn’t it?

4 It would be better to fix this problem by defining FIXO in a new namespace and excluding from it the similarly named clojure.core functions, except this would be a distraction from the point of this section. We’ll discuss interesting interactions between namespaces and protocols later in this chapter.

But in order for a protocol to do any good, something must implement it. Protocols are implemented using one of the extend forms: extend, extend-type,[5] or extend-protocol. Each of these does essentially the same thing, but extend-type and extend-protocol are convenience macros for when you want to provide multiple functions for a given type. For example, the binary TreeNode from listing 9.1 is a record, so if you want to extend it, extend-type is most convenient. Because TreeNode already has a function xconj that works just like push should, let’s start by implementing that:

5 Records are a specialized kind of data type, so extend-type is used for both. We’ll look at data types later in this section.

(extend-type TreeNode
  (fixo-push [node value]
    (xconj node value)))

(xseq (fixo-push sample-tree 5/2))
;=> (2 5/2 3 4 5 6)

The first argument to extend-type is the class or interface that the entire rest of the form will extend. Following the type name are one or more blocks, each starting with the name of the protocol to be extended and followed by one or more functions from that protocol to implement. So, the preceding example implements a single function fixo-push for TreeNode objects and calls the existing xconj function. Got it? This is better than defining a regular function named fixo-push because protocols allow for polymorphism. That same function can have a different implementation for a different kind of object. Clojure vectors can act like stacks by extending FIXO to vectors:

(extend-type clojure.lang.IPersistentVector
  (fixo-push [vector value]
    (conj vector value)))

(fixo-push [2 3 4 5 6] 5/2)
;=> [2 3 4 5 6 5/2]

Here you’re extending FIXO to an interface instead of a concrete class. This means fixo-push is now defined for all classes that inherit from IPersistentVector. Note that you can now call fixo-push with either a vector or a TreeNode, and the appropriate function implementation is invoked.

Clojure-style mixins

As you proceed through this section, you’ll notice that you extend the FIXO protocol’s fixo-push function in isolation. This works fine for our purposes, but you might want to take note of the implications of this approach. Consider the following:

(use 'clojure.string)

(defprotocol StringOps (rev [s]) (upp [s]))

(extend-type String
  (rev [s] (clojure.string/reverse s)))

(rev "Works")
;=> "skroW"

Defining the StringOps protocol and extending its rev function to String seems to work fine. But observe what happens when the protocol is again extended to cover the remaining upp function:

(extend-type String
  (upp [s] (clojure.string/upper-case s)))

(upp "Works")
;=> "WORKS"

(rev "Works?")
; IllegalArgumentException No implementation of method: :rev
;   of protocol: #'user/StringOps found for
;     class: java.lang.String

The reason for this exception is that for a protocol to be fully populated (all of its functions callable), it must be extended fully, per individual type. Protocol extension is at the granularity of the entire protocol and not at a per-function basis. This behavior seems antithetical to the common notion of a mixin—granules of discrete functionality that can be “mixed into” existing classes, modules, and so on. Clojure too has mixins, but it takes a slightly different approach:

(def rev-mixin {:rev clojure.string/reverse})

(def upp-mixin {:upp (fn [this] (.toUpperCase this))})

(def fully-mixed (merge upp-mixin rev-mixin))

(extend String StringOps fully-mixed)

(-> "Works" upp rev)

Mixins in Clojure refer to the creation of discrete maps containing protocol function implementations that are combined in such a way as to create a complete implementation of a protocol. Once mixed together (as in the var fully-mixed), only then are types extended to protocols. As with many of Clojure’s features, mixins and protocol extension are fully open.

What we’ve just done is impossible with Java interfaces or C++ classes, at least in the order we did it. With either of those languages, the concrete type (such as TreeNode or vector) must name at the time it’s defined all the interfaces or classes it’s going to implement. Here we went the other way around—both TreeNode and vectors were defined before the FIXO protocol even existed, and we easily extended FIXO to each of them. This matters in the real world because the concrete types and even the protocol could be provided by third-party libraries—possibly even different third-party libraries—and you could still match them up, provide implementations for the appropriate functions, and get back to work. All this without any adapters, wrappers, monkey-patching, or other incidental complexity getting in the way. In fact, Clojure polymorphism lives in the protocol functions, not in the classes, as shown in figure 9.7.

Figure 9.7. As opposed to the notion of monkey-patching and wrapping, the polymorphism in Clojure resides in the functions themselves and not in the classes worked with.

You can even extend a protocol to nil. You’d be forgiven for not immediately seeing why you’d want to do this, but consider how TreeNode implements fixo-push; and yet the sample-tree you’re using was built using xconj instead. Trying to build up a tree the same way with fixo-push runs into a problem:

(reduce fixo-push nil [3 5 2 4 6 0])
; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
; No implementation of method: :fixo-push
;  of protocol: #'user/FIXO found for class: nil

The xconj implementation specifically handled the initial nil case, but because protocol methods dispatch on the first argument, you need special support from extend to get fixo-push to behave similarly. This is done by extending a protocol to the value nil, like this:

(extend-type nil
  (fixo-push [t v]
    (TreeNode. v nil nil)))

(xseq (reduce fixo-push nil [3 5 2 4 6 0]))
;=> (0 2 3 4 5 6)

All the options and arrangements of code allowed by extend can be disorienting, but one thing you can keep firmly in mind is that extend is always about a protocol. Each method listed in an extend form is implementing an intersection between a protocol and something else. That something else can be a concrete class, an interface, a record type, or even nil, but it’s always being connected to a protocol.

See the following listing for complete implementations of FIXO for TreeNode and vectors. As mentioned in the sidebar, in order for the FIXO protocol to be fully realizable, each of its functions should be mixed in. But you might not always require that a protocol be fully realizable.

Listing 9.2. Complete implementations of FIXO for TreeNode and vector

If you’ve done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?

Douglas Adams[6]

6 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Harmony Books, 1981).

Each of the function bodies in the previous example have either had no code in common with each other, or called out to another function such as xconj for implementation details that they have in common. These techniques work well when there’s a low level of commonality between the methods being implemented, but sometimes you have many methods of a protocol or even whole protocol implementations that you want to extend to multiple classes. In these cases, some languages would encourage you to create a base class that implements some or all the methods and then inherit from that. Clojure has a different approach.

Sharing method implementations

Clojure doesn’t encourage implementation inheritance, so although it’s possible to inherit from concrete classes as needed for Java interoperability,[7] there’s no way to use extend to provide a concrete implementation and then build another class on top of that. There are important reasons why Clojure intentionally avoids this, but regardless of the reasons, we’re left with the question of how best to avoid repeating code when similar objects implement the same protocol method.

7 Mechanisms that support something like Java-style implementation inheritance include gen-class, proxy, and extending protocol methods to Java abstract classes and interfaces.

The simplest solution is to write a regular function that builds on the protocol’s methods. For example, Clojure’s own into takes a collection and uses the conj implementation provided by the collection. You can write a similar function for FIXO objects like this:

(defn fixo-into [c1 c2]
  (reduce fixo-push c1 c2))

(xseq (fixo-into (TreeNode. 5 nil nil) [2 4 6 7]))
;=> (2 4 5 6 7)

(seq (fixo-into [5] [2 4 6 7]))
;=> (5 2 4 6 7)

But this is only an option when a function can be defined entirely in terms of the protocol’s methods. If this isn’t the case, you may need the more nuanced solution provided by the extend function. We mentioned it earlier but so far have only given examples of a macro built on top of it, extend-type. Although this and extend-protocol are frequently the most convenient way to implement protocol methods, they don’t provide a natural way to mix in method implementations. The extend function takes a map for each protocol you want to implement, and you can build that map however you’d like, including by merging in implementations that are already defined. In the following listing, note how a FIXO implementation can be defined early using a map and extended to a protocol/record type later (while still maintaining every benefit of using the original map).

Listing 9.3. Using a map to extend FIXO to TreeNode

These record objects and the way protocols can be extended to them result in rather differently shaped code than the objects built out of closures that we showed in section 7.2. Often this ability to define the data and implementation separately is desirable; but you’re likely to find yourself occasionally in a circumstance where closures may feel like a better fit than records, and yet you want to extend a protocol or interface, not just provide ad hoc method names as in section 7.2.

The reify macro

The reify macro brings together all the power of function closures and all the performance and protocol participation of extend into a single form. For example, say you want a stack-like FIXO that’s constrained to a certain fixed size. Any attempt to push items onto one of these fixed-FIXOs when it’s already full will fail, and an unchanged object will be returned. The wrinkle in the requirements that makes reify a reasonable option is that you want this size limit to be configurable. Thus you need a constructor or factory function, shown next, that takes the size limit and returns an object that will obey that limit.

Listing 9.4. Size-limited stack FIXO using reify

Just like the extend forms, reify has method arglists that include the object itself. It’s common to name the argument this in methods where you need to use it and _ in methods where you ignore its value. But both these conventions should only be followed where doing so is natural.

Namespaced methods

A rough analogy can be drawn between protocols and Java interfaces.[8] We’ve noted some of the differences already, but it can be a useful analogy nonetheless. In such a comparison, where record types are concrete classes, you might see that Java packages and C++ namespaces are like Clojure namespaces. It’s normal in all three of these environments for the interface and the class to each be in a namespace, and not necessarily the same one. For example, probably few readers were surprised to see that when the class IPersistentVector extended the protocol user/FIXO, they were each from a different namespace or package.

8 Those of you familiar with Haskell might recognize analogies to its typeclasses in our discussion.

One way this analogy breaks down is that methods of the protocol are namespaced in a way that Java and C++ interfaces aren’t. In those languages, all methods of a class share the same effective namespace, regardless of interfaces they’re implementing. In Clojure, the methods always use the same namespace as the protocol, which means a record or type can extend (via extend, extend-type, and so on) identically named methods of two different protocols without any ambiguity. This is a subtle feature, but it allows you to avoid a whole category of issues that can come up when trying to combine third-party libraries into a single codebase.

Note that because the methods share the namespace of their protocol, you can’t have identically named methods in two different protocols if those protocols are in the same namespace. Because both are under the control of the same person, it’s easy to resolve this by moving one of the protocols to a different namespace or using more specific method names.

Method implementations in defrecord

We’ve already shown how both protocols and interfaces can be extended to record types using the various extend forms, but there’s another way to achieve similar results. Protocol and interface method implementations can be written directly inside a defrecord form, which ends up looking like the following.

Listing 9.5. Method implementations in defrecord

This is more convenient in many cases, and it can also produce dramatically faster code. Calling a protocol method like fixo-peek on a record type that implements it inline can be several times faster than calling the same method on an object that implements it via an extend form. Also note that the fields of the object are now available as locals—you use val instead of (:val t).

Polymorphism and recur

Throughout this section, we’ve implemented the fixo-peek function using different methodologies, but a more subtle difference is worth noting. The first implementation uses recur for its recursive call:

(fixo-peek [node]
  (if (:l node)
    (recur (:l node))
    (:val node)))

Because of the nature of recur, the first implementation of fixo-peek isn’t polymorphic on the recursive call. But the second version of fixo-peek uses a different approach:

(fixo-peek [t]
  (if l
    (fixo-peek l)

Notice that the recursive call in the second implementation is direct (mundane) and as a result is polymorphic. In the course of writing your own programs, this difference probably won’t cause issues, but it’s worth storing in the back of your mind.

Putting method definitions inside the defrecord form also allows you to implement Java interfaces and extend java.lang.Object, which isn’t possible using any extend form. Because interface methods can accept and return primitive values as well as boxed objects, implementations of these in defrecord can also support primitives. This is important for interoperability and can provide ultimate performance parity with Java code.

We do need to note one detail of these inline method definitions in relation to recur. Specifically, uses of recur in these definitions can’t provide a new target object: the initial argument gets the same value as the initial (non-recur) call to the method. For example, fixo-push takes args t and v, so if it used recur, only a single parameter would be given: the new value for the v arg.

9.3.3. Building from a more primitive base with deftype

You may have noticed that we’ve been using our own function xseq throughout the examples in this section, instead of Clojure’s seq. This shouldn’t be necessary, because Clojure provides an ISeqable interface that its seq function can use—all you need to do is to have your own type implement ISeqable. But an attempt to do this with defrecord is doomed:

(defrecord InfiniteConstant [i]
  (seq [this]
    (lazy-seq (cons i (seq this)))))
; java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method
;   name&signature in class file user/InfiniteConstant

This is because record types are maps and implement everything maps should—seq along with assoc, dissoc, get, and so forth. Because these are provided for you, you can’t implement them again yourself, and thus the preceding exception. For the rare case where you’re building your own data structure instead of creating application-level record types, Clojure provides a lower-level deftype construct that’s similar to defrecord but doesn’t implement anything at all, so implementing seq won’t conflict with anything:

(deftype InfiniteConstant [i]
  (seq [this]
    (lazy-seq (cons i (seq this)))))

(take 3 (InfiniteConstant. 5))
;=> (5 5 5)

But that also means keyword lookups, assoc, dissoc, and so on will remain unimplemented unless you implement them:

(:i (InfiniteConstant. 5))
;=> nil

The fields you declare are still public and accessible (although you should try to avoid naming them the same as the methods in java.lang.Object); they just require normal Java interop forms to get at them:

(.i (InfiniteConstant. 5))
;=> 5

With all that in mind, the following listing is a final implementation of TreeNode using deftype, which lets you implement not only ISeq so that you can use seq instead of xseq, but also IPersistentStack so you can use peek, pop, and conj as well as the fixo- versions.

Listing 9.6. Implementing map interfaces with deftype

A final note about deftype: it’s the one mechanism by which Clojure lets you create classes with volatile and mutable fields. We won’t go into it here because using such classes is almost never the right solution. Only when you’ve learned how Clojure approaches identity and state, how to use reference types, what it means for a field to be volatile, and all the pitfalls related to that, should you even consider creating classes with mutable fields. By then, you’ll have no problem understanding the official docs for deftype, and you won’t need any help from us.

None of the examples we’ve shown in this section come close to the flexibility of multimethods. All protocol methods dispatch on just the type of the first argument. This is because that’s what Java is good at doing quickly, and in many cases it’s all the polymorphism that’s needed. Clojure once again takes the practical route and makes the highest-performance mechanisms available via protocols, while providing more dynamic behavior than Java does and leaving multimethods on the table for when ultimate flexibility is required.

9.4. Putting it all together: a fluent builder for chess moves

People have been known to say that Java is a verbose programming language. This may be true when compared to the Lisp family of languages, but considerable mind share has been devoted to devising ways to mitigate its verbosity. One popular technique is known as the fluent builder (Fowler 2005) and can be summed up as the chaining of Java methods to form a more readable and agile instance-construction technique. In this section, we’ll show a simple example of a fluent builder supporting the construction of chess move descriptions. We’ll then explain how such a technique is unnecessary in Clojure and present an alternative approach that’s simpler, concise, and more extensible. We’ll use Clojure’s records in the final solution, illustrating that Java’s class-based paradigm is counter to Clojure’s basic principles and often overkill for Java programs.

9.4.1. Java implementation

Let’s assume that you started by identifying all the component parts of a Move class including from and to squares, a flag indicating whether the move is a castling move, and also the desired promotion piece if applicable. (In order to constrain the discussion, we’ll limit our idea of a Move to those elements listed.) The next step would be to create a simple class with its properties and a set of constructors, each taking some combination of the expected properties. You’d then generate a set of accessors for the properties, but not their corresponding mutators, because it’s probably best for the move instances to be immutable.

Having created this simple class and rolled it out to the customers of the chess move API, you begin to notice that users are sending the to string into the constructor before the from string, which is sometimes placed after the promotion, and so on. After some months of intense design and weeks of development and testing, you release the following elided chess move class:

public class FluentMove {
    private String from, to, promotion = "";
    private boolean castlep;

    public static MoveBuilder desc() { return new MoveBuilder(); }

    public String toString() {
        return "Move " + from +
           " to " + to +
           (castlep ? " castle" : "") +
           (promotion.length() != 0 ? " promote to " + promotion : "");

    public static final class MoveBuilder {
        FluentMove move = new FluentMove();

        public MoveBuilder from(String from) {
            move.from = from; return this;

        public MoveBuilder to(String to) {
  = to; return this;

        public MoveBuilder castle() {
           move.castlep = true; return this;

        public MoveBuilder promoteTo(String promotion) {
           move.promotion = promotion; return this;

        public FluentMove build() { return move; }

For brevity’s sake, this code has a lot of holes, such as missing checks for fence post errors, null, empty strings, assertions, and invariants. It does allow us to illustrate that the code provides a fluent builder given the following main method:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    FluentMove move = FluentMove.desc()


     move = FluentMove.desc()


     move = FluentMove.desc()

//  Move e2 to e4
//  Move a1 to c1 castle
//  Move a7 to a8 promote to Q

The original constructor ambiguities have disappeared, with the only trade-off being a slight increase in complexity of the implementation and the breaking of the common Java getter/setter idioms—both of which we’re willing to live with. But if you’d started the chess move API as a Clojure project, the code would likely be a very different experience for the end user.

9.4.2. Clojure implementation

In lieu of Java’s class-based approach, Clojure provides a core set of collection types, and, as you might guess, its map type is a nice candidate for move representation:

{:from "e7", :to "e8", :castle? false, :promotion Q}

Simple, no?

In a language like Java, it’s common to represent everything as a class—to do otherwise is inefficient, non-idiomatic, or outright taboo. Clojure prefers simplification, providing a set of composite types perfect for representing most categories of problems typically handled by class hierarchies. Using Clojure’s composite types makes sense for one simple reason—existing functions, built on a sequence abstraction, just work:

(defn build-move [& pieces]
  (apply hash-map pieces))

(build-move :from "e7" :to "e8" :promotion Q)
;=> {:from "e7", :to "e8", :promotion Q}

These two lines effectively replace the Java implementation with an analogous yet more flexible representation. The term domain-specific language (DSL) is often thrown around to describe code such as build-move, but to Clojure (and Lisps in general) the line between DSL and API is blurred. The original FluentMove class required a cornucopia of code in order to ensure that the API was agnostic of the ordering of move elements; using a map, you get that for free. Additionally, FluentMove, although relatively concise, was still bound by fundamental Java syntactical and semantic constraints.

There’s one major problem with this implementation: it doesn’t totally replace the Java solution. If you recall, the Java solution used the toString method to print its representative form. The existence of a polymorphic print facility in Java is nice, and it allows a class creator to define a default print representation for an object when sent to any Java print stream. This means the same representation is used on the console, in log files, and so on. Using raw maps can’t give you this same behavior, so how can you solve this problem?

Using records

If you instead use a record, then the solution is as simple as this:

(defrecord Move [from to castle? promotion]
  (toString [this]
    (str "Move " (:from this)
         " to " (:to this)
         (if (:castle? this) " castle"
           (if-let [p (:promotion this)]
             (str " promote to " p)

As we mentioned in the previous section, in the body of a record you can take up to two actions: participate in a protocol, or override any of the methods in the java.lang.Object class. For the Move record, you override toString in order to allow it to participate in Java’s overarching polymorphic print facility:

(str (Move. "e2" "e4" nil nil))
;=> "Move e2 to e4"

(.println System/out (Move. "e7" "e8" nil Q))
; Move e7 to e8 promote to Q

You’ve once again gone back to positional construction using records, but as we’ll show, Clojure even has an answer for this.

Separation of concerns

Both FluentMove and build-move make enormous assumptions about the form of the data supplied to them and do no validation of the input. For FluentMove, object-oriented principles dictate that the validation of a well-formed move (not a legal move, mind you) should be determined by the class itself. There are a number of problems with this approach, the most obvious being that to determine whether a move is well-formed, the class needs information about the rules of chess. You could rewrite FluentMove to throw an exception to prevent illegal moves from being constructed, but the root problem still remains—FluentMove instances are too smart. Perhaps you don’t see this as a problem, but if you were to extend the API to include other aspects of the game of chess, you’d find that bits of overlapping chess knowledge would be scattered throughout the class hierarchy. By viewing the move structure as a value, Clojure code provides some freedom in the implementation of a total solution:

(defn build-move [& {:keys [from to castle? promotion]}]
  {:pre [from to]}
  (Move. from to castle? promotion))

(str (build-move :from "e2" :to "e4"))
;=> "Move e2 to e4"

By wrapping the Move constructor in a build-move function, you put the smarts of constructing moves there instead of in the type itself. In addition, using a precondition, you specify the required fields; and by using Clojure’s named parameters and argument destructuring, you again ensure argument order independence. As a final added advantage, Clojure’s records are maps and as a result can operate in almost every circumstance where a map would. As author Rich Hickey once proclaimed, any new class in general is itself an island, unusable by any existing code written by anyone, anywhere. So our point is this: consider throwing the baby out with the bath water.

9.5. Summary

Clojure disavows the typical object-oriented model of development. But that’s not to say it completely dismisses all that OOP stands for. Instead, Clojure wholeheartedly touts the virtues of interface-oriented programming (or abstraction-oriented programming, as we’ve called it), in addition to runtime polymorphism. But in both cases, the way that Clojure presents these familiar topics is different from what you may be accustomed to. In almost every circumstance, Clojure’s abstraction-oriented facilities will sufficiently represent your problem domain, but there may be times when they can’t. We’ll preach the virtues of abstractions more throughout the rest of the book, but for now we’re compelled to take a side path into an exploration of Clojure’s models for managing state.

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