Use of the Mentee Profile Form

The Mentee Profile Form can be utilized to reveal a portrait of a mentee’s past background, present objectives and concerns, and future plans.

The mentee can be asked to complete the form before the first meeting (if possible) to accelerate the introductory stage of the mentoring process, as well as to provide a concrete reference point around which to center the dialogue of the early sessions.

Mentors will often find that locating the focus of the initial discussions in tangible issues can prevent the impression some mentees report of abstract, unproductive, and time-consuming meandering rather than focused meetings that identify pathways appropriate to their own individual and unique perspective.

By using the form, mentors can identify the mentee’s various goals early in the relationship, and then later in the facilitative phase, for example, initiate a productive examination of the correlation between mentees’ plans and their actual resources (financial, family, organizational) for achieving particular objectives.

The following model of the Mentee Profile Form can be used as part of sponsored programs. To accelerate the early phase of the mentoring process, program administrators can also distribute the form and explain its purpose at the orientation session for mentees.


Mentee Profile Form




Career Goals:

Educational Objectives:

Training Plans:


Present Actions:

Available Resources:



*Please provide a summary of your past: (1) academic, (2) training, and (3) work background.


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