How to balance feedback with encouragement

Throughout these chapters, I've stressed the importance of speaking in specific, behavioral terms that help people raise their performance. And while it's a crucial skill to learn as a new manager, I want to add that people still expect and value the human touch in the workplace. So it isn't my intention to turn you into an observational android who's devoid of warmth and character; rather to equip you with the flexibility and choice of response that best suits the situation. It was Albert Einstein who said:

"It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure."

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So remember, people will still benefit from you casually saying "well done", "good work", and "great job" around the office!

Praise is a terrific motivator, and you should use it when it's appropriate to let people know that you notice and value their contribution. Most often, people don't leave because of the job, they leave because of the manager! So, let your people know that you appreciate them by telling them, praising them, and even buying them doughnuts if that's the culture in your office (somehow a light salad and a mineral water just doesn't say it like 350 calories of trans fat in partially hydrogenated vegetable oil).

And while we're on the subject, I'll say well done to you for reading and completing the exercises in this book. Given that management is a profession, you'd be surprised how few people actually invest in their own development once they have the title. We used to joke in Karate class that the Brown Belts were sharper and meaner than some of the Black Belts—they were hungrier for promotion at that stage, and the complacency of having "arrived" hadn't set in. So even before you master these feedback skills, you'll be ahead of most of the management population by simply becoming aware of these principles and techniques.

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