4.3. Step 2: Build Partnerships

The goal of this step was to engage KNMs in a way that would encourage them to become advocates for TechFirm's products and services. We developed the strategies for this step during two half-day sessions with members of the cross-functional teams; senior sales, marketing, and communications executives; the regional sales managers for each of the three sales regions that were the focus of this intervention; and senior technical experts from TechFirm.

4.3.1. Develop an Advisory Board

The first task for the strategy session was to select the KNMs best suited to serve on an Advisory Board for TechFirm. This Advisory Board would serve the following functions:

  • Provide input for future product development

  • Provide feedback on messaging and marketplace dynamics

  • Participate in TechFirm events as speakers, small-group facilitators, and panelists

Prior to the first session, the cross-functional teams had developed the following recommendations:

  • Ten individuals who should serve on the Advisory Board and why

  • A recruitment strategy for those individuals

  • Three ways in which TechFirm could compensate Advisory Board members for their participation

  • A meeting schedule for the coming year

  • Four activities or events that could leverage the input of this group

During the first two hours of the strategy session, each cross-functional team reported its recommendations and the research it had conducted. The group then finalized a 20-member Advisory Board, recruitment strategy, and planned involvement for the coming year, assigning responsibilities to appropriate team members.

4.3.2. Reformulate Promotional Activities

During the second half of the first session, the group dug deeper into the events and outreach activities planned for the coming year. Each cross-functional team spent one hour brainstorming additional opportunities to involve identified KNMs and the networks that surround them. The following suggestions were provided to spark their thinking:

  • In-person events:

    Recruit speakers, panelists, and breakout session leaders for upcoming events.

    Use information collected from clients and prospects to design programs on topics of greatest importance to them featuring trusted speakers.

    Communicate to clients and prospects that TechFirm has incorporated their recommendations in the design of events.

  • Online forums:

    Recruit facilitators, guest bloggers, and so on.

    Develop a recruitment strategy in which KNMs invite their networks to participate.

  • Other forms of marketing and communications:

    Identify local sources for media opportunities.

    Develop educational programs.

In the last hour of the first session, each cross-functional team shared its ideas, and the group ranked the five most promising for implementation.

4.3.3. Adjust Sales Targeting

The second strategy session was dedicated to sales targeting. The goal was to explore how the network data could be used by sales management and by the sales force in their daily activities. Each cross-functional team was assigned one of the three sales regions. Network maps were provided for the KNMs who were trusted by clients and prospects in each region. Each cross-functional team was tasked as shown in Table 4.1.

On the basis of the plans created by each cross-functional team, the larger group developed a comprehensive implementation strategy. The sales manager for each region had autonomy to determine which tactics to employ in his or her region, and a monthly call was established for the three sales managers to share their experiences and refine the approach.

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