
[ ] (Bracket keys), 94, 253, 278

/ (Forward Slash key), 101

3D Pixelate transition, 41–42


acne removal, 254–256

Add Media button, 398

Add Media dialog, 391, 425

Add Noise filter, 316, 355

Adjust Color Curves dialog, 176–179

Adjust Color for Skin Tone dialog, 251

Adjust Highlights slider, 177, 178

Adjust Intensity sliders, 319

Adjust Shadows slider, 177, 179

Adjust Sharpness control, 374–376

adjustment layers, 138–141

advantages of using, 138–139

color corrections with, 160–162, 235, 239

creating new, 140

how they work, 141

portrait retouching with, 262, 267

selections and, 229, 235, 236

Adjustments palette, 138–141

color channel controls, 173–174

Gradient Map options, 172

Hue/Saturation controls, 164, 168–169

Levels controls, 140, 187, 200

Photo Filter controls, 167

Threshold Level slider, 152, 157

Adobe Bridge, xiv, xv, 2, 432

Adobe Gamma utility, 441–443

Adobe Reader program, 400

Adobe RGB color space, 440

Advanced Dialog button, 5

Album Details pane, 28, 52

albums, 28–30

creating, 28, 460

deleting, 32

sharing, 433–434

Smart, 29–30

Albums palette, 28

Alignment tool, 224

all-purpose sharpening, 362

Always Optimize for Printing option, 136

Ames, Kevin, 259

Amount slider

Adjust Sharpness control, 375, 376

Camera Raw Sharpening section, 83

Correct Camera Distortion filter, 213

Quick Fix window, 143

Unsharp Mask dialog, 359, 363

Angle controls, 338, 372

Arrange button, 45

artifact removal, 299–300

Aspect Ratio pop-up menu, 106, 110

audio files, 431

Auto Color Correction command, 147

Auto corrections, Camera Raw, 73, 95

Auto Smart Fix command, 143

Auto-Analyzer, 20–21

Auto-Enhance checkbox, 243

automated processing, 125–126

Automatic Download feature, 4

automatic red-eye removal, 206–207



cropping to remove, 118

removing subjects from, 245–247

backing up photos, 6–7

Backup Catalog option, 6

barrel distortion, 212

basic sharpening, 358–364

Becker, Larry, 285

black-and-white conversions

in Camera Raw, 95–97

in Photoshop Elements, 171–175, 318–319

Blacks slider, 67–68, 71, 96, 353

blank slide option, 430

blemish removal, 252–253

blend modes, 139

blending multiple exposures, 218–224

Blue Skies effect, 168, 187–188

blur effects. See Gaussian Blur filter

blur removal options, 375

Blush slider, 251

Bracket keys ([ ]), 94, 253, 278

Bridge, Adobe, xiv, xv, 2, 432

bright areas, 198–199

Bright Eyes effect, 262

Brightness slider, 69, 96

Brush Name dialog, 386

Brush Picker

Brush tool and, 93, 240, 255, 387

Clone Stamp tool and, 257, 292

Brush tool

color correction and, 167, 169–170

dodging/burning and, 192–194

double processing and, 93–94

emphasizing color using, 328–329

fill flash technique and, 201–202

portrait retouching and, 255–256, 265, 278–280

selections and, 240

sharpening process and, 367

signature brush and, 386–387

sizing/resizing, 94, 278

See also Smart Brush tool

burned-in edge effect, 325–327

burning and dodging method, 191–195


calibrating monitors, 441–449

Adobe Gamma utility for, 441–443

built-in Mac software for, 444–446

hardware method of, 447–449

Camera Calibration icon, 58

Camera Profiles, 58–59

Camera Raw, 55–97

Auto corrections, 73, 95

black-and-white conversions, 95–97

Blacks slider, 67–68, 71, 96

Brightness slider, 69, 96

Camera Profiles, 58–59

Clarity slider, 74, 95

Contrast slider, 96

Crop tool, 75–77

double processing in, 91–94

Exposure slider, 64, 65, 96

Fill Light slider, 70–71

Full Screen view, 83

multiple photo editing in, 79–80

Noise Reduction section, 87

opening photos in, 56–57

Recovery slider, 66–67

Red Eye Removal tool, 88–90

Saturation slider, 72, 95

saving RAW files in, 81

Sharpening section, 82–86

Straighten tool, 78

surreal edgy grungy effect, 352–353

Temperature slider, 61, 62

Tint slider, 62

Vibrance slider, 72

White Balance settings, 60–63, 96

See also RAW images

cameras. See digital cameras

canvas area, 114–115

Canvas Options pop-up menu, 118


entering for thumbnails, 10

finding photos using, 36

CDs, backing up photos to, 6–7

circular selections, 231–232

Clarity slider, 74, 95, 353


highlights, 64–67, 68

shadows, 68

clipping mask, 414

Clone Stamp tool

portrait retouching and, 257–258

recomposed images and, 133

unwanted object removal and, 292–296, 297–298, 303

Cloud Contrast effect, 184–185

clutter, reducing, 47–48

collages, 341–344

collections. See albums


changing in objects, 235, 239

converting to black-and-white, 95–97, 171–175, 318–319

emphasizing objects with, 328–329

noise reduction methods, 87, 189–190

removing from layers, 314

selecting areas by, 238–239

Color blend mode, 351

color channels, 173–174

color correction, 135–180

Color Curves for, 176–180

converting images to B&W, 171–175

cooling down photos, 166–167

digital camera images and, 148

drag-and-drop technique for, 160–162

finding neutral midtones for, 156–157

flesh tone adjustments, 163–165

Histogram palette and, 147

Levels dialog and, 148–151, 153–154, 157, 159

multiple photos and, 160–162

problem areas and, 168–170

Quick Fix mode for, 142–146

selection adjustments and, 235, 239

settings for, 136–137

steps in process of, 148–155

studio photos and, 158–159

warming up photos, 166–167

Color Curves, 176–180

Adjust Sliders, 177–179

Reset button, 178

color management, 439, 440–453

monitor calibration, 441–449

paper profiles and, 450–453

Photoshop Elements configuration, 440

Picture Package options, 392

printer configuration, 456–457

color noise, 87, 189–190

Color palette, 144

Color Picker, 149–150, 416, 430

Color Settings dialog, 136, 440

color space configuration, 440

color swatch card, 63, 158–159

ColorChecker color-swatch chart, 159

Colorize checkbox, 410

comparing photos, 43–46

steps in process of, 43–44

zooming and panning for, 45–46

Contact Book, 403

Content bin, 433


Color Curves corrections, 176–180

RAW image adjustments, 74, 96

Contrast slider, 96, 319, 353

Convert to Black and White dialog, 318–319

Cookie Cutter tool, 111–113

cooling down photos, 166–167

Cooling Filter, 167

copyright information, 380–385

embedding into files, 384–385

watermarks and, 380–384

Copyright Status pop-up menu, 385

Correct Camera Distortion filter, 210–213

Amount slider, 213

Midpoint slider, 213

Remove Distortion slider, 212

Scale slider, 211

Vertical Perspective Slider, 210

Create Category dialog, 17

Create feature, 422–423

Create Keyword Tag dialog, 17, 49

Create Subfolder(s) pop-up menu, 2

Create tab, 422, 424

creating projects, 422–437

Create feature for, 422–423

online video about, 422

slide shows, 424–431

Web galleries, 432–437

Crop icon, 77

Crop tool, 100

Camera Raw, 75–77

canvas area added with, 114–115

custom size options, 108–110

recomposed images and, 132

rule-of-thirds cropping and, 105

standard size options, 106–107

cropping photos, 100–116

canceling crops, 102

canvas area and, 114–115

custom photo sizes and, 108–110

gang-scanned images and, 116

panorama stitching and, 321

portrait retouching and, 274

RAW images, 75–77

rule of thirds and, 103–105

shapes used for, 111–113

standard photo sizes and, 106–107

steps in process of, 100–102

straightening and, 118

Cross, Dave, 156

Curves, Color, 176–180

custom crop sizes, 108–110

Custom Name option, 3

Custom Shape Picker, 111


Daily Note option, 39

dark circle removal, 257–258

dark subject fixes, 200–202

Darken blend mode, 324

Darken Highlights slider, 199

date information

adding to scanned photos, 14

finding photos by, 15, 36, 38–39

sorting photos by, 13

Date View feature, 38–39

Delete Options, 3


keyword tags or albums, 32

photos from memory cards, 3

See also removing

Density slider, 167

depth-of-field effect, 247

desaturation effect, 353

Deselect command, 235

Destination Settings screen, 7

Detail palette, 145

Detail slider, 84

Difference blend mode, 156, 288

digital cameras

camera profiles, 58–59

image color correction, 148–155

lens distortion problems, 210–213

Digital Negative (DNG) format, 77, 81

digital noise

adding, 316, 317, 355

reducing, 87, 189–190

digital photos

albums of, 28–30

backing up, 6–7

color correcting, 135–180

comparing, 43–46

cropping, 100–116

emailing, 402–403

finding, 15, 35–39

fixing image problems in, 183–224

importing, 2–5, 459

info added to, 34

mapping, 49–53

metadata info for, 5, 33

opening multiple, 160

previewing, 11–12

recomposing, 127–133

renaming, 3

saving, 5

sharpening, 357–376

showing, 379–437

sizing/resizing, 119–126

sorting, 13

stacking, 47–48

straightening, 117–118

tagging, 16–27

watermarking, 380–384

digital workflow, 459–463

Display button, 11, 38

Display Calibrator Assistant, 444–446

displaying photos. See showing photos

Dissolve transition effect, 398

Distort filter, 269, 271

distortion problems, 210–213

barrel distortion, 212

lens vignetting, 213

perspective distortion, 210–211

distracting object removal, 301–305

Divide Scanned Photos option, 116

DNG file format, 77, 81

DNG Profile Editor, 59

Dodge and Burn tools, 191

dodging and burning method, 191–195

double processing, 91–94

downsizing photos, 123–124

drag-and-drop color correction, 160–162

duotone effect, 350–351

duplicating layers, 368

DVDs, backing up photos to, 6–7


Edge Blending checkbox, 223

edge sharpening, 371–373

edge vignette effect, 347–348

edgy grungy effect, 352–353

Edit Keyword Tag dialog, 31

Edit Text dialog, 429–430


adjustment layers, 141

multiple photos, 79–80

RAW images, 60–80

workflow for, 461–462

effects. See special effects

Effects palette, 382

Elements Editor

comparing photos in, 45–46

cropping photos in, 100, 106, 108, 111

email feature in, 402–403

watermark creation in, 380–384

Elliptical Marquee tool, 231, 236


digital photos, 402–403

online photo albums, 434

PDF slide shows, 401

embedded copyright information, 384–385

Emboss filter, 372, 382

Eraser tool

double processing and, 93

eyeglass reflections and, 288

Group Shot merge and, 217

scene cleanup and, 310

sharpening process and, 367

special effects and, 329, 348

Esc key, 102

EXIF data, 33

exporting keyword tags, 27

exposure adjustments, 64–69

Exposure slider, 64, 65, 96, 353

extraordinary sharpening, 365–367

Extras palette, 399

Eye icon, 141, 279, 281

eye retouching

dark circle removal, 257–258

sparkle added to eyes, 263–265

whitening eyes, 261–262

Eyedropper tool

color correction and, 149–151, 153–154, 159

fake duotone effect and, 350

neutral midtones and, 157

sample size settings, 137

eyeglass reflections, 285–289

Eye-One Display calibration, 447–449


face-recognition feature, 24–25

facial retouching. See portrait retouching

Fade transition effect, 398

fake duotone effect, 350–351

Feather Selection dialog

color correction and, 163

portrait retouching and, 261, 267

selection techniques and, 237

vignetting and, 326


automatically renaming, 126

embedding copyright info into, 384–385

processing multiple, 125–126

fill flash technique, 201–202

Fill Layer dialog, 156

Fill Light slider, 70–71, 352

Film Grain filter, 354

film grain simulation effect, 354–355

filters. See specific filters by name

finding photos, 15, 35–39

fine art poster layout, 404–407

fixing image problems, 183–224

bright areas, 198–199

camera lens distortion, 210–213

dark subjects, 200–202

digital noise, 189–190

focusing light, 191–195

group shots, 214–217

overexposed photos, 204–205

Photomerge Exposure feature, 218–224

red-eye removal, 206–209

shadow areas, 196–197

Smart Brush adjustments, 184–188, 202

underexposed photos, 203–204

Flashlight effect, 323

Flatten Image command, 175, 187, 316, 369, 421

Flatten Stack command, 48

flesh tone adjustments, 163–165

Flickr accounts, 53

focusing light, 191–195, 339–340

folders, watched, 9

Forward Slash key (/), 101

frames, Picture Package, 390

freckle or acne removal, 254–256

Free Transform

accessing hidden handles on, 122

instant pano layouts and, 417

multi-photo mask layouts and, 414

portrait retouching and, 273–274

poster layouts and, 404

selection scaling and, 231, 241, 246

three-photo layouts and, 409

watermarking process and, 383

frowns, changing into smiles, 271–272

Full Backup, 6

Full Screen view, 11, 40, 43, 83

full-screen previews, 11–12


gamma setting, 445

gang-printed photos, 388

gang-scanned photos, 116

Gaussian Blur filter

depth-of-field effect and, 247

portrait finishing technique and, 346

portrait retouching and, 254, 277

poster layout and, 405

soft focus effect and, 330–331

watermark creation and, 382

Gaussian Blur removal, 375

Get Photos from Scanner dialog, 8

Getting Media dialog, 206

glasses, reflections in, 285–289

Gradient Editor, 337

Gradient Fill dialog, 335–336, 337–338

Gradient Map adjustment layer, 172

Gradient Picker, 335, 343

Gradient tool, 343

Grayscale mode, 171, 175

Grid, 103–105

Group Shot feature, 214–217, 285–286

grouping layers, 366

Guided Edit panel, 215, 285


halos, 84

Hand tool, 46

Hard Light blend mode, 372, 382

hardware calibration, 447–449

HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography, 218

Healing Brush tool

distracting object removal and, 301–302, 304–305

portrait retouching and, 252–253, 258, 259

High Pass filter, 282

high-contrast portrait effect, 314–317

Highlight Details slider, 220

Highlight Skintones option, 132


adjusting in Camera Raw, 64–67

clipping of, 64–67, 68

color correcting, 150, 153

darkening, 198–199

Histogram palette, 147

history, finding photos by, 37

Horizontal Type tool, 381, 406–407, 415, 418

Hue slider, 235, 239

Hue/Saturation adjustments

color correction and, 164, 168–169

portrait retouching and, 262, 267–268

selections and, 235, 239


ICC profiles, 451, 452

Image Size dialog, 119–121


digital photos, 2–5, 459

scanned photos, 8, 14

Incremental Backup, 6


adding to photos, 34

copyright, 380–385

metadata, 5, 33

inkjet printer profiles, 450–453

Input Levels slider, 201

instant pano layout, 416–421

interactive maps, 49–53

Inverse command, 236, 244, 419, xv, 350


JPEG photos

cropping in Camera Raw, 75, 77

opening in Camera Raw, 57


Keyword Tag Cloud, 19, 36

keyword tags, 16–27

adding to photos, 18–19, 22, 460

assigning multiple, 23

choosing icons for, 31

combining (merging), 26

creating, 16–17

deleting, 32

finding photos using, 35

mapping photos with, 49–51

people recognition and, 24–25

removing from photos, 22

selecting photos for, 22

sharing, 27

Smart Tags, 20–21

Keyword Tags palette, 16, 20, 23, 27, 35


Lasso tool

image fixes and, 198

portrait retouching and, 261, 266

selection techniques and, 234, 242

sky replacement technique and, 332

layer blend modes, 139

layer masks, 138


desaturating, 314

duplicating, 368

grouping, 366

selecting, 241

See also adjustment layers

Layers palette, 93, 94, 160, 202, 287


fine art poster, 404–407

instant pano, 416–421

multi-photo mask, 412–415

three-photo, 408–411

Lens Blur removal, 375

lens distortion problems, 210–213

barrel distortion, 212

lens vignetting, 213

perspective distortion, 210–211

lens vignetting, 213

Levels controls, Adjustments palette, 140

black-and-white conversions and, 172, 173

color correction and, 140, 161

dark subject fixes and, 200

selection techniques and, 229, 236

taming light using, 339

Levels dialog

adjustment layers and, 139, 140

color correction and, 148–151, 153–154, 157, 159


focusing, 191–195, 339–340

taming, 339–340

Lighten Shadows slider, 143, 197, 199

Lighting Effects filter, 322–324

Lighting palette, 143

Lightness slider, 262, 268

Liquify dialog, 269, 271

Load Selection dialog, 233

Look Up Address dialog, 50

Luminosity blend mode, 340, 346, 369

luminosity sharpening, 368–370


Macintosh computers

Adobe Bridge used on, xiv, xv, 2, 432

calibration software on, 444–446

Picture Package feature and, 393

slide show feature and, 424

Magic Wand tool, 238–239, 332

Magnetic Lasso tool, 242

Magnifying Glass. See Zoom tool

Map feature, 49–53

Mark for Protection tool, 129

Mark for Removal tool, 129, 131

marquees. See selections

Mask for Protection tool, 131

Masking slider, 85

Maximize Mode, 114

maximum sharpening, 361

Media Browser button, 38

memory cards

deleting photos on, 3

importing photos from, 2–5

Merge Keyword Tags dialog, 26

Merge Layers command, 413

merging multiple exposures, 218–224

metadata information, 5, 33, 459

Midpoint slider, 213

Midtone Brightness slider, 177, 179

Midtone Contrast slider, 177, 179, 199


adjusting in Camera Raw, 69

color correcting, 150, 154

finding neutral, 156–157

moderate sharpening, 361

monitor calibration, 441–449

Adobe Gamma utility for, 441–443

built-in Mac software for, 444–446

hardware method of, 447–449

Monochromatic check box, 355

montages, 341–344

More Refined option, 376

Motion Blur removal, 375

Move tool

collaging techniques and, 342

instant pano layout and, 417, 421

multi-photo mask layout and, 412, 413, 414

poster layouts and, 404, 406, 407

rule-of-thirds cropping and, 104

three-photo layouts and, 408, 409

watermarking process and, 383

multi-photo mask layout, 412–415

Multiply blend mode, 205, 347

music for slide shows, 431



imported files, 3, 459

multiple files automatically, 126

Web galleries, 433

National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), 156, 285

neutral density gradient effect, 335–338

neutral midtones, 156–157

New Layer dialog, 192

New Smart Album dialog, 29


adding, 316, 317, 355

reducing, 87, 189–190

Normal blend mode, 289

nose retouching, 269–270


adding to photos, 34

finding photos using, 36

numbering photos, 126


object removal

Clone Stamp tool for, 292–296, 297–298, 303

Healing Brush tool for, 301–302, 304–305

making selections for, 245–247

See also unwanted object removal

odd-shaped selections, 234–235

Online Album wizard, 432–437

Opacity settings

edge sharpening and, 373

fill flash technique and, 202

lighting effects and, 324

portrait retouching and, 256, 257, 260, 279, 284

special effects and, 315, 331, 334, 347, 355

vignetting and, 326

watermarking process and, 384

Open dialog, 160, 423

Open Settings dialog button, 41


multiple photos, 160

photos in Camera Raw, 56–57

Organizer, 1–53

albums in, 28–30

backup options in, 6–7

comparing photos in, 43–44

Date View feature, 38–39

finding photos in, 15, 35–39

full-screen previews in, 11–12

importing photos into, 2–5

info added to photos in, 34

Map mode in, 49–53

scanning images into, 8, 14

sizing thumbnails in, 10

slide show option, 40–42, 424

sorting photos by date in, 13

stacking photos in, 47–48

tagging photos in, 16–27

viewing metadata info in, 33

Watch Folders feature, 9

Web gallery creation, 432

Output Levels slider, 236, 237

oval selections, 231–232

overexposed images

bright areas and, 198–199

steps for fixing, 204–205

Overlay blend mode, 192, 315, 336, 355


Page Setup dialog, 454

Palette Bin, 215, 285, 422


Adjustments, 138–141

Albums, 28

Color, 144

Detail, 145

Effects, 382

Extras, 399

Histogram, 147

Keyword Tags, 16, 20, 23, 27, 35

Layers, 93, 94, 160, 202, 287

Lighting, 143

Properties, 33, 34, 399, 428

Quick Edit, 40, 43

Quick Organize, 40, 43

Smart Fix, 142

Undo History, 138

Pan & Zoom effect, 424, 428–429

panning photos, 46


instant layout for, 416–421

stitching photos into, 320–321

paper profiles, 450–453, 457

paper size options, 454

Paste Into Selection command, 230, 241, 333

PDF presentations, 397–401

creating, 397–401

emailing, 401

quick version of, 400–401

Pencil tool, 216, 286, 309, 310

people-recognition feature, 24–25

perspective distortion, 210–211

Photo Bin, 425, 426–427

Photo Downloader, 2, 5, 206, 459

Photo Filter adjustments, 166–167, 247

photo montages, 341–344


scanning into Organizer, 8, 14

See also digital photos

Photomerge Exposure feature, 218–224

Automatic modes, 219–221, 224

Manual mode, 221–224

Simple Blending option, 219, 224

Smart Blending option, 220–221, 224

Photomerge Group Shot feature, 215–216, 285–286

Photomerge Panorama feature, 320–321

Photomerge Scene Cleaner, 307–310, 432, 434, 435, 437

Picture Package feature, 388–396

individual-photo layouts, 388–392

Macintosh systems and, 393

multiple-photo layouts, 394–396

pin-registered photos, 92

plus-sign cursor, 293, 295

portrait correction, 158–159

portrait finishing technique, 345–349

portrait retouching, 249–289

blemish removal, 252–253

dark circle removal, 257–258

eyeglass reflection removal, 285–289

freckle or acne removal, 254–256

frown into smile transformation, 271–272

nose size reduction, 269–270

skin softening, 276–284

skin tone fix, 250–251

slimming/trimming technique, 273–275

sparkle added to eyes, 263–265

whitening eyes, 261–262

whitening teeth, 266–268

wrinkle removal, 259–260

portrait sharpening, 345, 360

poster layout, 404–407

Preferences dialog, 4

presentations. See projects

Preserve Details slider, 190

preset crop sizes, 106

Preset Picker, 184


slide shows, 426, 431

thumbnails, 11–12

Web galleries, 433, 436

Print dialog, 454–455, 458

printer profiles, 450–453, 457

printing process, 454–458

Prints dialog, 391, 394

Process Multiple Files dialog, 125–126


camera, 58–59

printer, 450–453, 457

Project Bin, 45, 216, 286, 423

projects, 422–437

Create feature for, 422–423

online video about, 422

slide shows, 424–431

Web galleries, 432–437

Properties palette, 33, 34, 399, 428

Pucker tool, 269–270


Quick Edit palette, 40, 43

Quick Fix mode, 142–146

Quick Organize palette, 40, 43

Quick Selection tool, 243–244

Auto-Enhance checkbox, 243

color correction and, 163

portrait retouching and, 261, 266

selecting objects with, 233, 244, 245

sky selected with, 332


Radius slider

Adjust Sharpness control, 375

Camera Raw sharpening section, 84

High Pass filter dialog, 282

Unsharp Mask dialog, 359, 363

RAW images, 55–97

auto correcting, 73, 95

camera profiles, 58–59

color vibrance in, 72

converting to black-and-white, 95–97

cropping, 75–77

double processing, 91–94

editing multiple, 79–80

exposure settings, 64–69

fill light used in, 70–71

highlight settings, 64–67

noise reduction, 87

opening in Camera Raw, 56–57

red-eye removal, 88–90

saving in DNG format, 81

shadow settings, 67–68

sharpening, 82–86

“snap” added to, 74

white balance settings, 60–63

See also Camera Raw

Recompose tool, 127, 128–132

Recovery slider, 66–67, 352

Rectangular Marquee tool

instant pano layout and, 417

multi-photo mask layout and, 412

poster layout and, 405

selection techniques and, 228, 230

three-photo layout and, 408, 409

vignetting and, 326, 347

rectangular selections, 228–229

Red Eye Removal tool

Camera Raw, 88–90

Photoshop Elements, 208–209

red-eye removal, 206–209

automatic process of, 206–207

Camera Raw feature for, 88–90

instant method for, 208–209

Reduce Color Noise slider, 189–190

Reduce Noise filter, 189–190

Refine Edge dialog, 234–235, 348

reflections in eyeglasses, 285–289

Remove Color command, 171, 281, 351

Remove Distortion slider, 212

Remove Keyword Tag option, 22

Remove pop-up menu, 375


color from layers, 314

distracting objects, 301–305

eyeglass reflections, 285–289

keyword tags from photos, 22

red-eye, 88–90, 206–209

spots and artifacts, 299–300

subjects from backgrounds, 245–247

unwanted objects, 291–311

See also deleting

renaming. naming/renaming

Rendering Intent options, 458

Resample Image option, 120, 121, 123

resizing. See sizing/resizing


increasing, 119–121

viewing size and, 124

retouching portraits. See portrait retouching

round selections, 231–232

rule of thirds, 103–105

rulers, 119


“S” curve, 179

sample cursor, 297

sampling, 292, 295

Saturation slider

B&W conversion and, 95

color correction and, 164, 169

Photomerge Exposure and, 221

portrait retouching and, 262, 267

RAW images and, 72

special effects and, 353

Save Options dialog, 81

Save Selection dialog, 233


automated processing and, 125–126

digital photos, 5

keyword tags, 27

RAW files, 81

selections, 233

Web galleries, 437

Scale slider, 211

Scale to Fit Media checkbox, 455

scaling selections, 231, 241, 246

scanned photos

date/time settings, 14

dividing gang-scanned images, 116

importing into Organizer, 8

scene cleanup, 306–311

Scenic Landscape style, 318

Screen blend mode, 203

searching for photos, 15, 35–39

Select Transition dialog, 41

Selection Brush tool, 240

selections, 227–247

brushes for making, 240

changing color of, 235, 239

color-based, 238–239

layer, 241

object removal with, 245–247

odd-shaped, 234–235

Quick Selection tool, 243–244, 245

rectangular, 228–229

removing people from backgrounds, 245–247

round or circular, 231–232

saving, 233

scaling, 231, 241, 246

snapping to edges of, 242

softening edges of, 236–237

square, 230–231

tricky, 242

sepia tone effect, 410

Set Date and Time dialog, 14

Set Date Range dialog, 36

Set Slide Duration dialog, 427


adjusting in Camera Raw, 67–68

clipping warning, 68

color correcting, 149, 153

fill light for, 70–71

lightening, 196–197

Shadows slider, 220

Shadows/Highlights dialog, 197, 199, 232


cropping photos into, 111–113

selection techniques and, 228–232


albums, 433–434

keyword tags, 27

map photos, 52–53

sharpening techniques, 357–376

Adjust Sharpness control, 374–376

basic sharpening, 358–364

Camera Raw, 82–86

color correction and, 145

edge sharpening, 371–373

extraordinary sharpening, 365–367

luminosity sharpening, 368–370

portrait sharpening, 345, 360

sample settings, 86, 359–364

soft subjects and, 360

Web graphics and, 362

workflow order and, 462

Show Strokes checkbox, 309

showing photos, 379–437

copyright notice for, 380–384

creating projects for, 422–423

email used for, 402–403

embedding copyright info for, 384–385

fine art poster layout for, 404–407

instant pano layout for, 416–421

multi-photo mask layout for, 412–415

PDF presentations for, 397–401

Picture Package layouts for, 388–396

signature brush for, 386–387

slide shows for, 424–431

three-photo layout for, 408–411

watermarking process for, 380–384

Web gallery for, 432–437

signature brush, 386–387

Simple Blending option, 219, 224

simulated film grain effect, 354–355


automated, 126

brush tools, 94, 253, 278

cropped photos, 106–110

digital camera photos, 119–126

downsizing process and, 123–124

dragging between documents and, 124

Free Transform handles and, 122

parts of images, 127–133

thumbnails, 10


Smart Brush adjustment, 168, 184–188

technique for replacing, 332–334

skin softening technique, 276–284

skin tone fix, 250–251

Slide Show Editor, 425–431

Slide Show Output dialog, 399, 431

Slide Show Preferences dialog, 397, 424, 426

slide shows

creating, 397–401, 424–431

duration settings, 427, 428

emailing, 401

music added to, 431

Organizer, 40–42

Pan & Zoom effect, 424, 428–429

PDF presentations, 397–401

playing/pausing, 41

presentation options, 41

previewing, 426, 431

quick version of, 400–401

titles for, 429–430

transitions for, 41–42, 398, 424, 427–428

Slide Size pop-up menu, 399

Slideshow Settings dialog, 52, 436

slimming/trimming technique, 273–275

Smart Albums, 29–30

Smart Blending option, 220–221, 224

Smart Brush tool, 184–188

Blue Skies preset, 168, 187–188

changing adjustments made with, 187

Portrait presets, 202, 262, 268

steps for using, 184–186

Smart Fix option, 142–143

Smart Tags, 20–21

smiles, changing frowns into, 271–272

snap-to-edges feature, 242

soft focus effect, 330–331

Soft Light blend mode, 194, 283, 315, 354

soft spotlight effect, 322–324

soft subject sharpening, 360

softening techniques

edges of selections, 236–237

skin softening, 276–284

vignettes, 326, 348

sorting photos, 13

sparkling eyes, 263–265

special effects, 313–355

black-and-white conversions, 318–319

burned-in edge effect, 325–327

emphasizing objects with color, 328–329

fake duotone effect, 350–351

high-contrast portrait effect, 314–317

neutral density gradient effect, 335–338

panoramas, 320–321

photo montages, 341–344

portrait finishing technique, 345–349

simulated film grain effect, 354–355

sky replacement technique, 332–334

soft focus effect, 330–331

soft spotlight effect, 322–324

surreal edgy grungy effect, 352–353

taming light, 339–340

vignetting, 325–327, 347–348

workflow order and, 461

Spot Healing Brush tool, 299–300

spot removal, 299–300

square selections, 230–231

sRGB color space, 440

Stack icon, 47, 48

stacking photos, 47–48

standard photo sizes, 106–107

stock-photo websites, 350

Straighten tool

Camera Raw, 78

Photoshop Elements, 117–118

straightening photos, 117–118

cropping and, 118

RAW images, 78

Stroke dialog, 405, 419

studio photo correction, 158–159

surreal edgy grungy effect, 352–353

swatch card, 63, 158–159


tags. See keyword tags

taming light, 339–340

Tan slider, 251

teeth whitening technique, 266–268

Temperature slider, 61, 62


instant pano, 420

Web gallery, 435–436, 437

text search field, 37

themes, 423

three-photo layout, 408–411

Threshold Level slider, Adjustments palette, 152, 157

Threshold slider, Unsharp Mask dialog, 359, 364


previewing, 11–12

Quick Fix mode, 144

sizing, 10

TIFF photos

cropping in Camera Raw, 75, 77

opening in Camera Raw, 57

tiling photos, 45

Timeline, 15, 35

Tint slider, 62


for slide shows, 429–430

for Web photo galleries, 436

Toggle Film Strip button, 12

Tolerance setting, 239

tonal adjustments, 147, 160

tools. See specific tools by name

tourists, removing from photos, 306–311

transitions for slide shows, 41–42, 398, 424, 427–428

Transparency slider, 222

transparent watermarks, 382–384

tripods, 224, 306

Type tool, 381, 406–407, 415, 418


UnCheck All button, 5

underexposed photos

fill flash technique for, 201–202

steps for fixing, 203–204

Undo command, 235, 270, 343

Undo History palette, 138

Unsharp Mask filter

Adjust Sharpness control vs., 374

basic sharpening and, 358–364

extraordinary sharpening and, 365–366

luminosity sharpening and, 369

portrait finishing technique and, 345

portrait retouching and, 263–264

resized photos and, 123, 124

sample settings, 359–364

See also sharpening techniques

Unstack Photos command, 48

unwanted object removal, 291–311

Clone Stamp tool for, 292–296, 297–298, 303

distracting objects and, 301–305

Healing Brush tool for, 301–302, 304–305

scene cleanup and, 306–311

spots/artifacts and, 299–300

straight lines and, 297–298

tourists and, 306–311

uploading Web galleries, 437


Versace, Vincent, 322

Version Sets, 207

Vertical Perspective Slider, 210

Very Pearly Whites effect, 268

Vibrance slider, 72, 353

vignette effects

burned-in edge effect, 325–327

edge vignette effect, 347–348

vignetting problems, 213

Vivid Landscapes style, 318


Warming Filter, 167, 247

warming up photos, 166–167

Warp tool, 271–272

Watch Folders dialog, 9

watermarking photos, 380–384

Web photo gallery, 432–437


creating for photos, 432–437

sharpening photos for, 362

White Balance settings, 60–63, 96

White Balance tool, 62, 63

white point setting, 446

whitening techniques

for eyes, 261–262

for teeth, 266–268

workflow order, 459–463

wrinkle removal, 259–260


Yahoo! Maps, 49


Zoom tool, 46, 83, 208, 288, 358

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