Stand out from the crowd

The comedian Eddie Izzard used to do a great stand-up routine which included a section about shower mixer taps, and how you can turn them through 180 degrees or more, but there’s only one tiny fraction of a degree where they’re actually giving you water of the right temperature: ‘Turn, turn, turn, turn for hot. Turn, turn, turn, turn for cold. But the only position we’re interested in is the position between there… and there. One nanomillimetre between fantastically hot, and f****** freezing.’15

Well, exactly the same thing applies to everyone who chooses to strike a really strong image. If you want to go through life blending in with the crowd, that’s fine. Lots of people are happiest that way, and it’s certainly the easy option.

If you want to stand out, however, you need to recognise that you walk a very fine line. Whether it’s the way you act, the way you dress, the car you drive or the company you keep, please remember that – just like Izzard’s shower controls – it goes ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ubercool… total prat.

What’s more, you can get so used to your own image in the mirror that you lose the ability to distinguish between the two. I’m sure you can think of examples in public life, but I’d better not mention any names. People who used to be cool and then pushed it just that bit too far, and suddenly became very embarrassing.

It’s easy to get carried along with your own momentum. One minute you’re looking a bit quirky, the next you’re pretty eccentric, and before you know it you’re right on the edge. You don’t even notice how far you’ve come or how close you are to the edge. You feel a little heady and enjoy all the attention and adulation. And then, without realising it… you tip over the other side.

I’m telling you this because somebody has to. If you choose to walk this path, you would do best to collect some very honest friends around you, and then listen to what they’re telling you. I don’t say you should or you shouldn’t. You’re welcome to look like a prat if you want to. I just think you should be warned.


There’s a fine line
between being
ubercool and
being a total prat

15 It’s funnier when he tells it.

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