
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Abridged methods
contextual analysis process, 157–159
contextual inquiry process, 120
cost-importance analysis, 589
designer-ability-driven models, 247
design-informing models, 246–248
hybrid of WAAD and other models, 247–248
on-the-fly modeling during interviews, 248
Active learning, 887
Affinity diagrams, 159–160
cognitive, 650
characterization, 651–652
role of, 646
use of, 646, 647
concept, 643, 653–654
definition, 644
description, 643
emotional, 660–661
false cognitive
dial marks, power settings, 657, 657f
door sign, 655, 655f
form, insurance company, 656, 656f
misdirection, 657, 657f
radio switch, 656, 656f
Web page links, 656, 656f
functional, 649
physical, 647
sensory, 647–649, 653
role of, 647–648
text legibility, 647–648
summary, 649
types, 644, 649, 652
adhesive label, 660, 660f
cobbled design modifications, 658
copier darkness settings, 659, 659f
cup-holder artifact, 659, 659f
glass door, 658–659, 658f
physical, 658
road sign, 660, 660f
sidewalk patterns, 657–658
After Scenario Questionnaire (ASQ), 450
Agile SE methods
communication, 621
description, 620
goals, 621
practitioners, 621
principle, 621
controlling scope, 623–624
customer stories, 622–623, 622f
story-based, 623, 623f
acceptance test creation, 624
acceptance testing and deployment, 625
code testing, 625
description, 624
implementation coding, 625
unit code test creation, 624
Alpha and beta testing, 490–491
Amazon’s Kindle™, 308, 325–328, 788
Ambient computing, 331
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 598
Apple’s iPad™, 788
Artifact model, 72b
AttrakDiff, questionnaires
administration, 454
alternatives, 457
description, 454
employment, 455
factors, 454
list, 454, 455, 455t
use, 454
variation, 454, 456t
versions, 454
word choices and terminology, 456–457
Automatic UX evaluation method, 492


Benchmark tasks
content, construction
ambiguities, 370
ecological validity, 373b
midtask change, intention, 373
parameters, 372
rubrics for special instructions, 373
start and end points, timing, 371–372
task script, 373–374
words, usage, 371
work context and usage-centered wording, 371
degraded modes, 369
description, 366
designer questions, 366–367
design scenarios, 368
engineering judgment, 375
error recovery, 369
initial user performance, 368
navigation, 368
power users, 369
selection, 367
establishing targets, 370
Ticket Kiosk System example
first impression, 374, 375t
initial performance, 374
measuring instrument, 374, 374t
objective, measure, 365t, 374
typing skills, 368
using combinations, 368–369
user tasks, spectrum, 367
Borland’s 3-D Home Architect™, 705
breakout groups, 280
contextual analysis process, 282
“deep dive” approach, 281–282
description, 280
Kiva, 281, 281f
physical mock-ups, 281, 281b
rules of engagement, 282
sub-teams, 280–281


Calendar Management System, 739–740
Choosing process instance
instantiation, 60
mapping project parameters to process parameter, 63–64
process parameters, 63
project parameters, 61–62
description, 697
grouping and recoding, 698
phone number and Miller estimate, 698
trick case, 698
Cognitive affordance
clarity, 719
complete information, 744–745
long labels, 744
continue/retry, 725
Find dialogue box, Microsoft Word, 729, 729f
Nero Express, 727
presentation, 716–717, 717f
problems, 730
Select Pay Stub year, 726, 727
View Pay Stub Summary, 726, 726f
controlling complexity
airline departure board, 733, 734f
decomposing, 731
instructions, bewilderment, 731, 731f
layout and spatial grouping, 731
light and call switch, flight, 735
push-button controls, washing machine, 734, 735f
Search button, 733
distinguishability, choices
elimination process, 723
tragic airplane crash, 723
error recovery
feedback, 749
undo actions, 749
error avoidance, 746–748
feed-forward, 710
Microsoft PowerPoint, 710, 710f, 711f
requirements, 708–709
legibility, 714
log-in boxes, 714
status lines, 714
users’ attention, 713–714
precise wording, 719–723
presentation complexity, 714–715
sensory needs, 712
timing, presentation
paper towel dispenser, 715, 715f
pasting, 715
user choices and useful defaults
current date, 736
planning events, calendar system, 737
tragic choice, defaults, 736
invisible, 712
store user, deodorant, 712
Cognitive directness
heater control, car, 743
knob arrangement, cook top, 741
Macromedia Dreamweaver™, 741
natural mapping, 740–741
rotation, graphical object, 741
Cognitive load theory, 699
Common Industry Format (CIF)
reporting formal summative UX evaluation results
ANSI, 598
NIST, 597
requirements, 598
reporting qualitative formative results, 595
Comparative Usability Evaluation (CUE) series, 497
Complex interaction
complex work domain, 66–69
simple work domain, 70–71
Computer-printed paper prototypes, 408
Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ), 450
Conceptual design
description, 305
domain-complex systems, 305–306
ecological perspective
Amazon Kindle, 308
description, 308
iPods and iTunes, 308–311
emotional perspective
description, 312
designer work flow and connections, 312, 312f
ideation and sketching, 305
interaction perspective
description, 311
Microsoft Outlook, 311–312
use, animation, 311
screen designs and widgets, 305
Ticket Kiosk System example
communicating and social networking, 314, 316f
communication connection, 314, 315f
early, 314, 314f
feature, 314, 315f
immersion, emotional perspective, 313, 313f
interaction perspective, 316, 317f
Wheel lifecycle template, 299, 300f
Constructing design-informing models
abridged methods
creation, on-the-fly modeling, 248
designer-ability-driven models, 247
hybrid of WAAD and other models, 247–248
selective, 246
barriers, work practice, 185–186, 242–244
contextual inquiry and analysis, 184–185
data, 184
exercises, 6–7, 8–9
extract inputs, 184
model consolidation, 244–245
second span bridge, See Second span bridge
slideshow presentations, 186
software use cases, 248–249
sources, 246
Ticket Kiosk System, See Ticket Kiosk System
usage models
flow model, 209–215
hierarchical task inventory, 216–219
information object model, 232–235
task interaction models, 219–232
task models, 216
user models
personas, 209
social models, 196–209
work roles, 187–190
Web accessability, See Web accessability
Wheel lifecycle template, 181, 182f
work environment models
artifact model, 235–238
physical model, 238–242
Contextual analysis
abridged contextual analysis process, 157–159
affinity diagrams, 159–160
data interpretation, 130, 132
exercises, 3–5
flow model and work roles
identification, 133–134
managing complexity, 133
sketching, 134–135
flow model, sketching, 135b
work activity note synthesis, 141b
work role, 134b
raw work activity data, 131
Wheel lifecycle template, 129, 130f
work activity notes, creating and managing
anticipated data bins, 143–144
interview and observation, 136
printing, 144
raw user work activity data, 136–137
synthesization, 137–143
work roles, 132
Contextual inquiry
abridged contextual inquiry process, 120
activity theory, 125
MUTTS, 94–95
organizational context, 95
Ticket Kiosk System, 95–96
contextual user studies
design and iteration, 124–125
measures, 125
problem, 123–124
cross-cultural user-experience design, See Cross-cultural user-experience design
data-driven vs. model-driven inquiry, 121–125
domain complex systems, See Domain complex systems
emotional aspects, work practice, 120
ethnography, 126
exercises, 2–3
existing system/new system, 93–94
goals, 99
MUTTS, user data gathering, 116b
observing and interviewing, 91–93, 92f
participatory design, 127
people’s work practice, 89–90
SnakeLight, 93
system concept statement, 96–98
task analysis/marketing survey, 90–91
Ticket Kiosk System, system concept statement, 97b
voting process, 88–89
Wheel lifecycle template, 87–88, 88f
work, 91
work activities, 91
work practice, 91
Cooperative user-system task performance
path variations
description, 671
interaction cycle task context instances, 673, 673f
multiuser task, 671–672
secondary tasks and intention shifts, 672
stacking and restoring task context, 672
primary tasks
description, 670
environment, system/users, 671
user-initiated, 671
Cost benefit and business case analysis, UX
casting, net, 841–842
correcting, usability problem, 845
politics and business
champion, 852
credibility, 853–854
engineering, 850
inertial resistance, 853
investment, 850–852
marketing, 852
reward policies, 852
selling, process, 849–850
poor usability, 844–845
savings, 847–848
strategic planning, 848
system development process, 843
techniques, 842
Cost-importance analysis
abridged, 589
cost to fix, See Cost to fix
cumulative cost, 584
importance to fix, 577–578
line of affordability, 584–586
multiple problem solutions, 588
priorities, emotional impact problems, 589
priority rankings, 582–584
priority ratio, 581–582
problem groups straddling, 576, 589
photo album problem, 579
Ticket Kiosk System, 579
Cost to fix
actual vs. predicted costs, 581
cost values, 580
Critical incident
data collection mechanisms
comments, 546–547
manual note taking, 547
markers, 546
raw data filtration, 546, 547f
video recording, 546
information collection, 545–546
Critiquing vs. ideation
designers, cross-disciplinary team, 275
implementation constraints, 274–275
low-fidelity prototypes, 275
Cross-cultural user-experience design
cautions, considerations and developments, 105–106
culture models and dimensions, 105
cultures, 104, 106
localization, 104, 105
Cultural conventions, 650–651


Data collection techniques
critical incident identification
capture and document, 439
description, 436–437
evaluator’s recognition, 439–440, 439f
formative evaluation, objective, 436
form of, 437
notable indication, 437
observance, 437
optimum time, 440
origins, technique, 438
relevance, 437
self-reporting mechanism, 438–439
software tools, 438
variation, 438
emotional impact
AttrakDiff, questionnaires, 454–458
bio-metrics, 459–460
description, 452–453
indicators, 453
physiological responses, observation, 458–459
self-reported indicators, 453
phenomenological aspects, 460–464
questionnaires, See Questionnaires, UX evaluation
think-aloud, See Think-aloud technique
Data-driven inquiry, 107b
Data value formats, 721–723
creative activity, 252
design-thinking, 256–258
engineering, 253–254
human information processing (HIP), 254–256
paradigms, 253–259
ideation, See Ideation
ecological, 261
emotional, 261–264
interaction, 261
HCI, 294, 295
hermeneutics, 295
humanistic studies, 294
method, 294
personal engagement and attachment, 291
presence, 295–296
usage and interaction, 296–297
sketching, 284–291
thinking, 256–258
visual appeal, emotion and usability
alarm management system, 262, 263f
calm computing, 263
mission-critical system, 264f
snap decisions, 262
Design of Everyday Things, See The Design of Everyday Things
Designer’s mental models
description, 300
ecological perspective
description, 301
thermostat example, 302
emotional perspective, 303
interaction perspective
thermostat example, 302, 303
description, 302
mapping, 300, 301f
Design guidelines, UX
accommodating, user differences, 800–801
avoidance, 794–795
direction-finding tasks, 796
feedback, 795
user-computer dialogue, 796
information displays, 786–789
system response, 773–774
absolute, 792–793
innovation, 793
structural, 791–792
gratuitous graphics, 799
GUIs, 693–694
help, 801
human-computer interaction (HCI), 693
human memory
chunking, 697–698
cognitive load, 699
long-term memory, 700
muscle memory, 701–702
recognition vs. recall, 700–701
sensory memory, 697
shortcuts, 701
short-term/working memory, 697
stacking, 699
humor, 793
interaction cycle, parts, 702, 702f
internal and external review, 694
automation issues, 770–773
system functionality, 769
system response time, 770
physical actions
help user, 762–768
sensing objects, 761–762
clear system task model, 703–705
efficient task paths, 705–706
progress indicators, 706
transaction completion slips, avoidance, 706–708
psychology principles, 694
scope and universality, 689–693
consumer appliances, 789
digital phone system, 790
functionality, 790
machines, more controls, 789
sound and color
blinking red, 797–798
blue, 798
bright colors, 797
chromostereopsis, 798, 799f
text legibility, 799–800
tone and psychological impact, 796
cognitive affordance, See Cognitive affordance
sensory and cognitive actions, 708
task structure, 751–761
usability principles, VE, 691b
user interfaces, handheld devices
conventional user interfaces, 690
description, 690
user preferences, 800
using and interpreting
bewilderment, 695
consistency, 695–696
errors, 695
simplicity, 696
UAF, 696
Design production
exercises, 12
interaction specifications
defined, 350
multiple, overlapping representation techniques, 352
prototype usage, 351–352
resources, design and iterative refinement, 351
intermediate, 337–339
macro view, lifecycle iterations
conceptual, 336
detailed, 336–337
ideation, 335
intermediate, 336
refinement, 337
maintaining, custom style guide
defined, 348
rules, organizational signature elements, 349–350
Social Security Administration (SSA), 349–350
user interface objects, 349
uses, 348–349
participatory design, 352–356
UX lifecycle process, 333
Wheel lifecycle template, 333, 334f
Design walkthroughs and reviews
description, 469
group, 469
materials, 469–470
practitioner, 470
Detailed design
annotated wireframes, 339
visual comps, 339
Dilbertian HFTAWR (high-frivolity-to-actual-work ratio) approach, 562–563
Discount UX engineering methods
goals, 498–499
Nielsen and Molich’s original heuristics, 492, 493t
risk management
evaluation errors, mitigation, 499
false negatives, 499–500
false positives, 500
studies, 501
Domain complex systems
complex and esoteric domains, 99–100
customer organization, visit, 99
data collection, 114
emotional impact, 116
goals, 108
observation and interview, task data, 109
phenomenological aspects, 116
process, 111–112
product perspective, 103–106
work roles, 115–116


Ecological validity
definition, 375–376
using telephones for, 376
Ticket Kiosk System example, 376b
Embedded computing, 331
Embodied interaction
advantage, 330
cognitive actions, 329–330
description, 328
embodiment, 329
physical mock-ups, 329
Scrabble, 330–331
shape and augment, 330
Emotional impact, data collection techniques
aesthetics and affect
cognitive paradigm, 29
interaction design, 29
processing model, 30
subjective view, 29
symmetrical designs, 29
AttrakDiff, questionnaires, See AttrakDiff, questionnaires
definition, 459
monitoring equipment, 459
polygraph/lie detector, 460
pupillary dilation, 459
centrality, context, 31
description, 452–453
fun, work, 32
indicators, 453
physiological responses, observation
behavioral observations, 458
faceAPI, 459
facial and bodily expressions, 458
limitations, 459
monitoring, 458
reviewing process, 458
software-assisted recognition, 458–459
potential breadth
blood and adrenaline pumping, 28
cross-disciplinary approach, 25–28
social and cultural interactions, 25
software system, 24
standard, expectation/desire, 24–25
self-reported indicators
advantages, 453
dependance, 453
questionnaires, 453
reactions, 453
think-aloud technique, 453
written diaries/logs describing, 453
Entities, modeling
groups and subgroups, roles, 197
system-related roles, 197
work domain, 197
workplace ambiance, 197
nodes, 210
slideshow presentation social model, 198f
characteristics, 126
contextual inquiry, 126
ethnographic-based approach, 126
Evaluation lab, Bloomberg LP
observation room
description, 517
mobile prototype, 517–518
stakeholders, 518
participant room
formative evaluation session, 517
mobile prototype, evaluation, 518
multi-monitor workstation, 517
Evaluation reporting
exercises, 18
content, 599–600
customer/client, 604
description, 601
format and vocabulary, 605–606
inform and/or influence, management, 603–604
problem report effectiveness, 608–609
project team, 602–603
qualitative data, 609–610
time, 607–608
tone, 606–607
UPA workshop report, 601
UX engineering, 601–602
informal summative results
formative evaluation, 595
product design, 595
participant anonymity, 594–595
qualitative formative results
rapid methods, 597
UX practitioners, 597
quality communication, 593–594
Extracting interaction design requirements
abridged methods
anticipating needs, 179
using the WAAD directly, 178
work activity notes, 179
contextual analysis, 161–162
exercises, 891–892
formal requirements extraction
constraints, 175–176
customers and users, validation, 177
deductive reasons, 165–166
document structure, 169
emotional impact and user experience, 170–171
extrapolation, 171–172
generic structure, 168–169
“hinges”, 166
marketing inputs, 173–175
missing data, 172
preparation, 166
prioritizing, 176–177
resolve organizational, social and personal issues, customer, 177–178
statements, 167–168
system support needs, 173
terminology consistency, 167
WAAD, 165, 170
needs and requirements, 163–165
Ticket Kiosk System
extraction, 173b
statement, 169b
Wheel lifecycle template, 161, 162f


Feedback, interaction cycle
clarity, 779–780
completeness, 780–781
consistency, 784–786
database system, 775
Unix operating system, 774–775
precise wording, 780
complexity, 777
consistency, 778
legibility, 777
medium, 778
noticeability, 776–777
timing, 777–778
visibility, 776
tone, expression, 782
usage centeredness
error-handling routine, 783
Gobbledygook email message, 782f
system-centered “error” message, 783f
user control, 786
Fidelity, prototypes
description, 397
use, 397
level of, 395
aesthetic quality, 396
description, 396
experience, differences, 396
“kindergarten” activity, 396
paper, 396
medium, 397
Fitts’ law, 764–765, 764b
Formal requirements extraction
legacy system, 175
MUTTS, 176b
products, 175–176
customers and users, validation, 177
deductive reasoning
design, 165–166
work activity note, WAAD, 165
document structure, Ticket Kiosk System, 169b
emotional impact and user experience, 170–171
extrapolation, 171–172
generic structure, 168–169
“hinges”, 166
marketing inputs, 173–175
missing data, 172
MUTTS, constraints, 176b
preparation, 166
prioritizing, 176–177
social and personal issues, customer, 177–178
statements, 167–168
system support needs, 173
terminology consistency, 167
Ticket Kiosk System, 169b, 173b
work activity data, 165
Formative and informal summative methods
advantages and disadvantages, 494–495
analytic vs. empirical
axe design, 434–435
critical incident, 434b
description, 433–434
emotional impact factors, 435
expert usage, 434
intrinsic methods, 434
payoff and intrinsic approaches, 434
payoff methods, 434
think aloud technique, 434b
UX inspection, 434
classification, dimensions, 432
CUE series, 497
“damaged merchandise”, 496
description, 492–497
dimensions intersection, 435, 435f
effectiveness, 493
evaluators and problems, 494
interactive software systems, 495
lab-based approach, 494
practical problems, 496
rigorous vs. rapid
description, 433
ecological validity, 433b
expense, 433
quality vs. cost trade-offs, 433
usability inspection methods vs. lab-based testing, 495
usability metrics, 495–496
Formative (qualitative) data analysis
abridged approach, 575
clarification and amplification, emotional impact data, 563–564
clean up, raw data, 563
consolidating, merging and grouping, UX problem data, 562f
consolidation, raw critical incident notes
critical incidents vs. UX problem instances, 565
single UX problem instance, 566b
UX problem instance concept, 565
critical incident, 561b
description, 561
Dilbertian HFTAWR (high-frivolity-to-actual-work ratio) approach, 562–563
early UX problem data records, 563
exercises, 17–18
individual critical incident descriptions, 564
photo album example, 567
problem instance, 561b
sources, 564
UX problem instances
content, 567–568
data management, 574–575
group records, 571–573
merging into UX problem records, 569–571
project context, 569
Formative reporting
cost-importance data, 600
emotional impact problems, 600
individual problem, 599–600
video clips, 600
customer/client, 604
format and vocabulary
evaluation, 605
jargon, 605
precision and specificity, 606
inform and/or influence, management, 603–604
problem report effectiveness
redesign proposals, 609
usability problem, 609
project team, 602–603
qualitative data, 609–610
time, 607–608
positive approaches, 607
respect feelings, 606–607
UX engineering
concepts, 601–602
persuasion and selling, concept, 602
rapport and empathy, 602
teaching, 602
Formative vs. summative evaluation
description, 429, 430
design, 429
education and curriculum, 429
engineering, informal summative, 432
engineering vs. science
fundamental differences, 431–432
quantitative metrics, 431
validity, 432
informal summative, engineering
design phase, 430
lab-based UX testing sessions, 430
qualitative data, 429b
quantitative data, 429b


Gods Must Be Crazy, See The Gods Must Be Crazy
Green Machine User-Experience Design
behavior-changing process, 327
business data bases, 328
energy use, comparisons, 327
funding, Smart Grid, 326
home-consumer context, 326
mental model and navigation, 328
product purchase, 327
prototypes, 326
Smart Grid data, 326
testing, 328


Handheld devices, 690b
BMW iDrive, 767
car radio, 768
defined, 763b
microwave, 767
Heuristic evaluation (HE)
advantages, 473
default practitioner, 472
heuristics, 473
limitations, 478–479
procedure, 474–475
reporting, 475–477
rule-based method, 472
participatory, 477–478
perspective-based usability inspection, 478
problem reporting, 478
UX inspections, 477
walkthroughs, 478
Hierarchical task inventory (HTI)
description, 214b
envisioned task structure model, 219
MUTTS, 217b, 218f
task inventories, 216–217
temporal implications, 217–219
Ticket Kiosk System example, 219b
Horizontal vs. vertical prototypes
depth, 394
description, 393–394, 394f
functionality, 394
product overview, 394
workflow, 394
Human–computer interaction (HCI)
activity theory, 253
automated cockpit warning systems, 255–256
community, 356
contextual design, 126–127
creativity and innovation, 259
description, 253
designers, 402
architects, 258
car design, 257–258
description, 256–257
iPad, 258
participatory design techniques, 257, 257b
engineering, 253–254
ethnography, 92
frameworks, 258
human information processing (HIP), 254–256
identification, 262
iterative lifecycle, 350
methods, 254
participatory design, 353–354
PICTIVE approach, 356
prototyping tools, 410–411, 425–426
research community, 422–423
utilitarian engineering approach, 258–259
work activity theory, 125b
world-view, 255
Human information processing (HIP) paradigm, 254–256
Human–Machine Interaction Network on Emotions (HUMAINE) project, 553–554
Human memory limitations
Calendar Management System example, 739–740
description, 697
designed, phone number, 698
grouping and recoding, 698
trick case, 698
cognitive load
defined, 699
task closure, 699
command vs. GUI selection interaction styles
recognition vs. recall, 700–701
shortcuts, 701
long-term memory
capacity, 700
hypnosis, 700
learning, 700
muscle memory
“on” and “off”, electrical switch, 701–702
rhythm, 701
sensory memory
persistence, sensory, 697
visual persistence, 697
short-term/working memory
proactive interference, 697
throw-away data, 697
execution context, 699
large and complex tasks, 699
task performance, 699
Human spirit, UX
connectedness, music, 26–27
disconnection, absorption, 27
serendipity, projects, 27–28
work, spirit, 28


breakout groups, 280
contextual analysis process, 282
“deep dive” approach, 281–282
description, 280
Kiva, 281, 281f
physical mock-ups, 281, 281b
rules of engagement, 282
sub-teams, 280–281
vs. critiquing
designers, cross-disciplinary team, 275
implementation constraints, 274–275
low-fidelity prototypes, 275
user interface, 276
description, 274
emotional factors, 278
exercises, 9–10
exploration, 274
input bin, 278
Magitti activity-aware leisure guide, 278b
team assembling, 277–278
Ticket Kiosk System
community outreach, 284
emotional impact, 283
features and coverage, 283
ontological artifacts, 282
themes and motifs, 283
ubiquitous locations, 284
work space, set up
individual and group designer, 277, 277f
Informal summative (quantitative) data analysis
UX targets
convergence toward quality user experience, 560
descriptive statistics, 557
inferential statistical analyses, 556
iteration, 556
Observed Results column, 557
partial informal quantitative testing results, 557t
Information displays
organization, presentation
complexity control, 787
train passengers example, 787
visual bandwidth
limited horizontal, 788–789, 788f
limited vertical, 788–789, 789f
reading devices, 788
Inspection, UX
description, 470–471
design, 470
inspectors, 471–472
practical approach
co-discovery/team approach, 480
design guidelines/heuristics, 480
emotional impact, 482
evolution, 479–480
feedback and credibility, 479
inspector, role, 481
note-taking and analysis, 483–484
problems, 481, 482
reporting, 484
time and effort, 481
usage-based approach, 480
user-surrogate role, 483
user tasks, 481
tool, 471
complex and domain-complex systems, 66–69
phenomenological aspects, 70b
simple and domain-complex systems, 69–70
Interaction cycle
assessment, 684–685, 773–789
concepts, HCI, 664
cooperative user-system task performance, 670–673
defined, core functionality, 683
effectiveness, 683–684
functionality/feature, 684
unwanted automation, 684
gulfs, user and system
description, 665
evaluation, 667
execution, 666–667
hierarchical structure, 676
human user vs. machine, 663
knowledge base, design concept, 663
non-user-interface system functionality, 683
Norman’s stages-of-action model, 664–665, 668–670
outcomes, 768–773
parts, 702
physical actions, 680–683, 761–768
planning, 676–677, 703–708
principles and guidelines, 663
quality, functionality, 684
translation, 678–679, 708–761
UAF, affordances, 685–686
usability problem, 664
user action, 683
UX design, concepts and issues, 664, 675
Interaction Design Association (IxDA), 834
Interactive prototypes
amount, 398
click-through, 398
fully programmed
project team, requirement, 398
proposals, 398–399
real programming language, 399
physical mock-ups
description, 400
fidelity, 400
handheld, 400
hardware, 400
paper-in-device, 401
physicality, 400
power, 401
use, 401
wood block, 400–401
scripted, 398
video animations
animated sketches, 402
description, 402
Wizard of Oz
description, 399
human evaluator, 399
use, 399, 400
users, unawareness, 399
Intermediate design
application ontology, information objects
graphics-drawing example, 337
Ticket KioskSystem example, 338
communication, 338–339
goal, 337
screen layout and navigational structure, 339
strategies, realization, 337


K-YAN project
emotional impact, form, 288, 293f
flip-open mechanism, 288, 292f
ideation sketches, 288, 290f
mid-fidelity exploration sketches, 288, 291f


Legacy system, 175b
Lifecycle process
calibration, 48–49
interaction design process, 50
repeatable formula, 49
rigid structure, 50
described, 47b
influences on, 50–53
iterative process, 47b
misbegotten approach, 47–48
UX process template, See Lifecycle template, UX process
Web user experience design, 51b
Lifecycle template, UX process
activities, See Process activities
choosing process instance
instantiation, 60
mapping project parameters to process parameter, 63–64
process parameters, 63
project parameters, 61–62
commercial product perspective, 72
complex interaction
complex work domain, 66–69
simple work domain, 70–71
evaluation activity, 54
fundamental activities involved, 78–79
gradations, 72–73
implementation, 53–54
interface engineering, 75–76
iteration for interaction design refinement, 81–83
lifecycle diagram, ISO 13407 standard, 77f
parallel streams, software and interaction process activities, 79–81
phases, 76
horizontal, 56b
local, 56b
T, 56b
vertical, 56b
scope, 75
simple interaction
complex work domain, 69–70
simple work domain, 70–71
sub-activities, 55
system complexity space
low interaction complexity, 65
MUTTS example, 65b
PhotoShop, Lightroom, and Aperture, 65b
work domain complexity, 65, 66
think-aloud technique, 55
universal abstract activity cycle, 53f
usability engineering, 76
Usability Engineering for Bioinformatics, 67b
usability testing, 77–78
user interface team, 73–75
Local prototypes
description, 395
design discussions, 395
dialogue box, 395
use, 395
Local UX evaluation method, 491


Mac Mail™ program, 707, 707f
Macromedia Dreamweaver™, 741
Master Document feature, Microsoft Word™, 704
Measuring instruments
benchmark tasks, See Benchmark tasks
description, 365
initial user performance, 366
time-on-task, 365
user satisfaction questionnaires
description, 376–377
first-impression UX measure, 377, 377t
goals, measures, and measuring instruments, 377, 378t
performance, 377–378
Measuring the usability of multi-media systems (MUMMS), 450
Mental models
description, 299
designer’s, See Designer’s mental models
exercises, 10–11
mapping, 301f, 304
role, conceptual design, 304
cars, 304
comedy curve balls, 304
description, 303
knowledge, 303, 304
mapping, 301f, 303
Norman’s binary switch explanation, 304
thermostat, 303–304
Metaphors, conceptual design
description, 300, 306
ecological perspective, 306
emotional perspective, 307
interaction perspective
components, 307
description, 306
‘desktop’, 307
Macintosh platform, 307
time machine feature, 306–307
typewriter, 306
use, 306
Metrics and targets
abridged approach, 389
baseline level
description, 381
Ticket Kiosk System example, 383b, 384t
description, 361–362
engineering process, 388–389
exercises, 12, 13
measures, See UX measures
measuring instruments, See Measuring instruments
metrics, See UX metrics
observed results, 386
practical tips and cautions
class definitions, 386
measures and levels, 387–388
target level values, 387
trade-offs, 387
usefulness and emotional impact, 388
project context
completeness level, 359–360
creation, 360
evaluation, 359
interaction design process, 360
quantifiable end, 360–361
roots, 361
setting levels
description, 382
formative evaluation sessions, 383–386
problem-solving skills, 383
values, 382
tables, 362, 362t
target level
description, 381
experience test, 382
performance, 382
quantification, goal, 381
Ticket Kiosk System example, 383b, 385t
Ticket Kiosk System example, 362b
Wheel lifecycle template, 359, 360f
work roles and user classes
measuring instrument, 363–364
Ticket Kiosk System example, 363b, 363t
Middleburg University Ticket Transaction Service (MUTTS)
bins as inputs, 185b
business process, 95
customers, 117–119
description, 94
essential use case, 231b
flow model, 211b
consolidation, 244b
sketching, 135b
hierarchical task inventory (HTI), 217b
information objects and attributes, 233b
physical model, 241b
social model, 205b
step-by-step task interaction model, 192b
task interaction branching and looping, 228b
usage scenario, 221b
user class, 195b
user data gathering, 116b
work activity note synthesis, 141b
work role, 134b
work roles and sub-roles, 188b
Model-driven inquiry, 107b
bad mode, 750
email system, 749
good mode, 750
meaning change, user action, 749


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 597
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), 523
Norman’s stages-of-action model
adoption, 664, 665f
business report creation example
print dialogue box, 670
print report, 670
steps, financial status, 669
sub-steps, task decomposition, 669–670
defined, cognitive walkthrough, 665
goals, 664–665
outcomes and system response, 668
partitioning, 668
significance and importance, translation, 668–670
transition, 669f


Onion-layers effect, 590
Organizational structure
development organization, 857
human factors engineer, 856
implementation, 858
practitioners, 856
strategic approaches, 857
team interaction, 857


Paper prototypes
coding blocker, role, 407–408
description, 408
graphical images, 408
hand–eye feedback loop, 409
OmniGraffle/Microsoft Visio, 408
software tool, 408, 409
stopgap measure, 409
time spend, 409
construction, approaches
adhesive-backed colored circles, 417, 417f
corners cutting, 415
creative techniques, use, 413
data entry, 416, 416f
decoy user interface objects, 416
drawing, 411
executor, task threads, 417
foam-core board easels, 411, 411f, 412f
formative evaluation exercise, 415
foundation screen, underlying, 411–412, 412f
highlighting object, 413, 415f
machine/scanner, use, 415
materials, set, 410–411
“not yet implemented” message, 415–416, 416f
paper cutouts, 412, 412f, 414, 415f
pilot test, 417
plastic interaction sheets, 413
preferences dialogue box, 412, 413f
pull-down menu, 412, 414f
screen/display, buildup, 414
scrolling, cutting slits, 412–413, 414f
sketching and storyboarding, 415
time management, 410
work faster, 411
description, 407
design reviews and demos, 408
hand-drawn, 408
low fidelity, 407
program, low-fidelity
dead time, 410
execution, 409
run-time, 409
Web page production tool, 410
writing code, 408
demographic survey, 512
expert, 512–513
lab-based and non-lab-based methods, 511
need and budget establishment, 511–512
number, determination, 513
representative users, 512
sampling, 511
user class attributes, 512
“three to five users” rule, See “Three to five users” rule
Participatory design
HCI history and literature, 352
interaction situations, 353
Joint Application Design, 355
objective, 354
paper prototyping, 354
UTOPIA, 353–354
project UTOPIA, 355
reciprocal learning, 353
rules, engagement, 355
Scandinavian approach, 356
user participation, 355
Personal information ecosystem (PIE)
computational power, 308–309
definition, 309–310
designing and assessing usability, 310
email management, 310
email programs, 309
equilibrium, 309
information flow, 311
information practices, 310
multiple devices, 309
system architecture, 310
wicked problem, 309–310
workflow, 310
Phenomenological aspects, data collection techniques
description, 462
digital voice recorder, 463
mobile phone, 462
verbal reports, 463
voice-mail method, 462–463
direct observation and interviews, 464
goals, 461–462
long-term studies
audio, 461
constant attention, 461
description, 460
inquiry and ethnography, 461
iPod, 461
participants report, 461
studying and evaluating, 460–461
systems and product, 460
timeline, 460
periodical, 463–464
reporting, 463
Photo album problem, cost-importance analysis, 579
Physical actions, interaction cycle
affordance, 680
components, 680
defined, snap-dragging, 681
description, 680
Fitts’ law, 680
haptics and physicality, 682
help user
awkwardness and physical disabilities, 763–764
haptics and physicality, 767–768
manual dexterity and Fitts’ law, 764–765
overshoot errors, avoidance, 765–766
menu choices, 681–682
sensing objects, 761–762
software modification, 681
in UAF
existence, physical affordances, 682
manipulation, UI objects, 682–683
Physical model
creation, 239
description, 238
envision, 242
MUTTS example, 241b, 241f
slideshow presentations, 239b, 240f
Pilot test, 417
Planning, interaction cycle
clear system task model
library information system, 705
Master Document feature, Microsoft WordT, 704
support users, 703
tab reorganization, 704, 704f
concepts, 676
efficient task paths, 705–706
hierarchy, plan entities, 676
progress indicators
task sequencing, 706
Turbo-Tax™, 706
transaction completion slips, avoidance
attachment, forgotten, 707
defined, 706
Gmail reminder, file attachment, 707f
Mac reminder, attach file, 707f
microwave, 707
Ticket Kiosk System example, 706–707
in UAF
goal decomposition, 677
task/step, work flow, 677
use and exploration, 677
user knowledge, 677
user model and high-level system, 677
user work context, environment, 677
Post-study system usability questionnaire (PSSUQ), 450
Preparation, rigorous empirical evaluation
lab-based and field-based evaluation, 503–504
method and data collection techniques
adaptation, 511
critical incident, think-aloud and co-discovery, 510
emotional impact, 510
goal driven, 510
questionnaires, 510, 511
number of participants, 529–536
number, determination, 529–536
preparation, 516–528
recruitment, 513–516
selection, 511–513
pilot testing, 528–529
cost-effective decisions and trade-offs, 504
description, 505
goals, 505–506
benchmark, 508
exploratory free use, 509
unmeasured, 508
user-defined, 509
team roles
evaluation activities, 506
facilitator, 506
practitioners and observers, 506
prototype executor, 506–507
qualitative data collectors, 507
quantitative data collectors, 507
supporting actors, 507
Wheel lifecycle template, 503, 504f
Priority rankings, 582–584, 588
Priority ratio, 581–582
Process activities, UX
analysis, 55
design, 56
evaluation, 56
iteration, 58–59
managing with transition criteria, 57–58
not always orderly, 56–57
lifecycle streams, 60
horizontal, 56b
local, 56b
T, 56b
vertical, 56b
advantages, 418
aspects, design, 403
breadth and depth, effects, 407, 407f
depth and breadth
choices, approach, 393
horizontal vs. vertical, 393–394
local, 395
“T” prototypes, 394–395
description, 402
dilemma and solution
product version, time, 391–392
Scandinavian origins, 393
significance, 392
traditional development approaches, 392
universality, 392–393
ecological perspective
conceptual design, 404
description, 404b
hallway methodology, 405
IBM’s Olympic Message System, 404
system structure, level, 404
validity, 405b
emotional perspective, 405, 405b
exercises, 14
fidelity, See Fidelity prototypes
fidelity level and interactivity amount
breadth and depth, effects, 407
description, 402
design perspective, 403–405
risk and cost management, 406–407
stage of progress, 402–403
horizontal, 56b
interaction perspective
computer-printed paper/mock-up, 405
conceptual design, 405
description, 405b
design iteration, 405
wireframes, use, 405
interactivity, See Interactive prototypes
local, 56b
paper, See Paper prototypes
potential pitfalls
buy-in, 418
cooperation, 418
limitations, 419
overwork, 419
project management, 419
selling, 418
risk and cost management
behavior and sequencing, 406
low- vs. high-fidelity, 406, 407t
user interaction design, parts, 406
software tools
autocompletion, 423–424
functional behaviors, 424
HCI research community, 422–423
programming, 423
UIMSs, 423
stage of progress
audience and explaining, 402–403
increase, progression, 403
iteration kinds, 403
T, 56b
transition, product
formative evaluation, 420
interaction design, reuse, 421
investment, 420
keeping, 421
prototype code, 420
recoding, 420
tail, lifecycle, 420
UX and SE collaboration, 421–422
UX team, 422
vertical, 56b
Wheel lifecycle template, 391, 392f


Qualitative UX data, generation and collection
critical incident
data collection mechanisms, 546–547
information collection, 545–546
lab-based testing, 545
think-aloud data collection, 548
Quantitative UX data, generation and collection
benchmark tasks, 543
online help, 544
“oops” errors, 544–545
timing measurements, 543
user errors, counting, 544
subjective, 545
Quasi-empirical UX evaluation method
data analysis and reporting, 489
experienced practitioners, 487–488
formal protocols and procedures, 487
preparation, 488
session and data collection, 488–489
task driven, 488
Questionnaire for user interface satisfaction (QUIS)
calculation, 446
categories, 445
description, 445
time, 446
Questionnaires, UX evaluation
ASQ, 450
CSUQ, 450
description, 444
hedonic quality evaluation, 450
data collection technique, 450–451
formative evaluation, 452
scale values, 451
semantic differential scales, 451, 451b
SUS, 451
term substitution, 451–452
“user-friendliness”, 451
warning, 452
Websites, 452
MUMMS, 450
PSSUQ, 450
semantic differential scales
assessment, agreement, 445
description, 445
discrete points, 445
SUMI, 450
traditional usability, 444–445
applications, questions sets, 449, 449t
bottom line, 449
description, 448–449
WAMMI, 450


Rapid iterative testing and evaluation (RITE) method
collaborative process, 485
data collection, 487
description, 484
problem fixing, 485
evaluation session, 485–486
follow-up evaluation, 486
practitioner selection and team preparation, 485
problem fixing, 486
Rapid UX evaluation methods
alpha and beta testing, 490–491
automatic, 492
characteristics, 467–468
design walkthroughs and reviews
description, 469
group, 469
guidelines and style guides, 470
materials, 469–470
practitioner, 470
discount UX engineering methods, See Discount UX engineering methods
exercises, 14–15
fast-track projects, 467
informal, 468
inspection, 469, 469b
interactive prototype, 468–469
local, 491
quasi-empirical, 487–489
questionnaires, 490
remote, 491
think-aloud technique, 468–469, 468b
UX inspection
description, 470–471
design, 470
inspectors, 471–472
practical approach, 479–484
tool, 471
Wheel lifecycle template, 467, 468f
Remote UX evaluation method, 491
domain-complex systems, 164
generic structure, 168f
legacy system, 175
software engineering traditions, 163–164
usability, 163
WAAD, 178
work role, 177
Return on investment (ROI)
analysis, 845
incremental approach, 847
NYNEX project, 845
usability, 845
Rigorous empirical evaluation
cost and information extraction, 530
ecological validity
A330 Airbus, 525–526
description, 524, 524b
SSA- Model District Office, 526–527
third age suit, 525
usage/design scenarios, 525
exercises, 15–16
informed consent
data collection, 519
permission application, 520
lab and equipment
Bloomberg LP, 516, 517–518
data collection, 516
DRUM, 516–519
novice UX practitioners, 530
data collection forms, 523–524
instructions, 521–523
NDAs, 523
questionnaires and surveys, 523
planning room usage, 524
co-discovery evaluation, 515
database, 514
incentives and remuneration, 514
management, 515–516
methods and screening, 513–514
subsequent iterations, 516
user participants, 515
rules of thumb, 530–531
sampling, 529
session parameters
full lifecycle iterations, 519
task and session lengths, 519
session work package
benchmark tasks, 528
contents, 527–528
training materials, 524
Ripple model, SE
constraint subsystem, 826–827
environment, 824–825, 825f
project definition subsystem, 826
repository subsystem, 827
software implementation, 825
UX role, 826


Second span bridge
barrier, 183
models, 182
Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM), 457–458
Sessions running, rigorous empirical evaluation
emotional impact data
nonverbal techniques, 550
questionnaires, 550
think-aloud technique, 548–549
exercises, 16–17
HUMAINE project, 553–554
participants, preliminaries
benchmark tasks, 539
data collection, 539
design and process, 538
paperwork, 538–539
reception room, 537
setup and lab, 538
phenomenological evaluation data
diary-based technique, 550
direct observation and interviews, 551
questionnaires, 551
self-reporting, 550
usage changes, 551–552
voice-mail and per-call payment, 550–551
post-session probing, 552–553
protocol issues and participants
assistance, 541
comfortableness, 541
interaction, 540–541
low-fidelity prototypes, 541–542
partnership cultivation, 540
UX problems, attitude, 539
qualitative UX data
critical incident information and data collection, 545–547
lab-based testing, 545
think-aloud data collection, 548
quantitative UX data
benchmark tasks, 543
objective, 543–545
subjective, 545
reset, next participant
paper prototype, 553
Web-based evaluation, 553
Wheel lifecycle template, 537, 538f
Shared cultural conventions, 650–651
Simple interaction
complex work domain, 69–70
simple work domain, 70–71
Situated awareness, 332
Sketching, design process
conversation, 285
description, 284
embodied cognition, 286
exercises, 9–10
ideation and design, 285
K-YAN project, See K-YAN project
characteristics, 287–288
designers, 288–290, 289f
Ticket Kiosk System, 287, 288f, 289f
vocabulary, 287
mobile phone example, 285
physical mock-ups
description, 290
rough and finished, 290, 293f, 294f
vs. prototypes, 285–286
supplies, 286–287
Small UpFront Analysis (SUFA)
aim, user stories, 636–637
goals, 636
user interviews and observation, 636
lifecycle process, 634–635
role, planning, 635, 635f
SnakeLight, 93
Social models
commercial product perspective, 208
concerns and perspectives, 199–200
entities, See Entities
envisioned, 208–209
influences, 200–208
MUTTS example, 205b, 205f
slideshow presentation example
arcs representing influences, 203b
concerns, 200b
entities, 198b
Ticket Kiosk System example, 208b
Social Security Administration (SSA)
policy, 349–350
telephone interviews, 349
Software engineering (SE)
agile development, 819
connections, lifecycles, 821, 822f
developing interactive systems, 830
differences, lifecycles
design usage, 806
UX iteration, 805
UX practitioners, 805
UX roles, 805
functional core, 804
HCI, 811
interaction design, 829
lifecycle, 819
mechanism, communication, 823
organization, locus of influence
business role, 806
description, 806
design role, 806–807
factors, 807
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, 808
roles, 808
software/development role, 806
parallel connections, lifecycles, 822–823, 823f
ripple model, See Ripple model, SE
risk management
parallel connections, lifecycles, 823f, 824
UX and SE lifecycles, 820f, 824
role, interaction design, 827
serial connection, iterative version, 821, 822f
similarities, lifecycles, 805
team members, 828–829
UI changes, 821
user-interface, 803–804
communication, 812
coordination, 813
dependency and constraint enforcement, 814–817
dependency type, 818
evaluation, 817–818
people, 821
roles, 811
and SE goals, 804–805
synchronization, 813–814
and UX lifecycles, series, 820, 820f
Software usability measurement inventory (SUMI), 450
Step-by-step task interaction models
barriers, 225, 243t
branching and looping structures, 229f
creation, 225
description, 224
information and needs, 225
MUTTS example, 230f
task and step goals, 224
task interaction model, 224
task triggers, 224
components, 317–318
description, 316
ecological perspective, 318
emotional perspective, 318–321
frame transitions
cognitive affordance, 321b
description, 321
dynamics, interaction, 321
state changes, 322, 324f
value, 321–322
ideation and sketches, 317
interaction perspective, 318
Ticket Kiosk System example
differences, ecological perspective, 319, 319f
purchase, sample sketches, 321, 322f
sequence of sketches, ecological perspective, 318, 318f
three-screen kiosk design, interaction perspective, 320–321
Subjective questionnaire data analysis, 561
System complexity space
low interaction complexity, 65
MUTTS, 65b
PhotoShop, Lightroom and Aperture, 65b
work domain complexity, 65, 66
System usability scale (SUS)
analogy, use, 448
analysis, 448
calculation, 448
description, 447
dimensionality, 447–448
evaluation grade, 448
numerical score, 448
possibilities, 447
questionnaires, See Questionnaires, UX evaluation
significances, 447
statements, 447


Task interaction model, 71b
Task models
task interaction models
design scenarios, 222–223
envisioned, 232
essential use case, 228–232
scenarios use, 219–222
task structure models
envisioned, 219
inventory, 216–217
Task structure, interaction cycle
designing, flexibility and efficiency, 751–752
direct manipulation and natural interaction control
adding appointment example, 760
commands, 759
GUIs, 759
physicality, 760, 760b
hardware store organization, 753
Ticket Kiosk System example, 753
human working memory loads, 751
task thread continuity
description, 753–754
online shopping, 755
Outline view, 755
query screen, 754
“Save As” task, Microsoft Office, 755, 756f
select, item, 757
undoing user work, 757–758
users, control
EndNote™, 759
interaction dialogue and bossy attitude, 758
The Design of Everyday Things, 650
The Gods Must Be Crazy, 651
Think-aloud technique
interactive conversation, 443
natural conversation, 443
origin, 443
participant personalities, 443–444
planning, 444
quantitative task performance metrics, 444
significances, 443
time verbalizing statements, 443
description, 440
management, 442
natural, participants, 441–442
retrospective, 442
types, participants, 441
analyst and participant, 440
evaluation session, 440
rigorous and rapid empirical methods, 441
“Three to five users” rule
approach and practical outcome, 535–536
assumptions, 534–535
cumulative percentage, problems, 533
detection rates, 532–533
interaction design, 532
marginal added detection and cost–benefit, 533–534
probability function, 531
UX problem detection, 532
Throw-away data, 697
Ticket Kiosk System
constructing design-informing models
conceptual design, See Conceptual design
design scenario, 222b
envisioned flow model, 215b, 215f
envisioned hierarchical task inventory, 219b
envisioned social model, 208b
envisioned work roles, 190b
ontological elements, 233b
storyboards, See Storyboards
system concept statement, 97b
cost-importance analysis, 579, 585t
grouping related problems, 572b
priority ratios, 582b
problem resolutions, 587t
UX benchmark tasks
baseline level values, 383b
benchmark tasks, 374b
ecological validity, 376b
questionnaire, 377b
target level values, 383b
UX goals, 362b
UX measures, 365b
UX metrics, 380b
work role and user class, 363b
Total cost of ownership (TCO), 841
“T” prototypes
description, 394–395
role, 395
Translation, interaction cycle
concepts, 678
description, 678
in UAF
content, meaning, 679
existence, cognitive affordance, 679
presentation, 679
task structure, interaction control, preferences and efficiency, 679
use, UI objects, 679


Ubiquitous computing, 331
Ubiquitous interaction
ambient intelligence, 5–6
commercial application, 2–3
healthcare rehabilitation, 3
multimodal receptors and sensors, 3
Smart-ITs, 2
wearable computers, 2
desktops, graphical user interfaces and Web, 1
highway signage, 7
human–computer interaction (HCI), 6
implementation technology, 5
quality user experience, 3–5
radio-frequency identification technology, 6
computer science
growth, graphics, 46
hardware and software developments, 45
interaction technique, 45
linguistic structure, 45
programming language translation, 44
standardization, 46
User Interface Management Systems (UIMS), 45
computer usage, 7
disastrous system development, 9
civil engineering, 37
ergonomics, hardware devices, 37
effects, 20
extensive training, 9
formal methods, 44
human factors and systems engineering
cockpit control layouts, 39
products maintenance, 38
scientific management, 38
testing systems, 40
human work activity and ethnography, 44
intellectual gratification, 8
interaction design, 7
psychology and cognitive science
developmental approach, 41–42
empiricism, 40–41
information processors, 41
interaction design, 41
software engineering
architectural implications, 46
development lifecycles, 46
functional modules, 46
task analysis, 42
theory, 42–44
user experience
expanding concept, quality, 10–11
misconceptions, 10
traditional concept, 9–10
user satisfaction, 11
Usability Engineering for Bioinformatics, 67b
Usability principles, VEs, 691b
Usability Professionals Association (UPA), 833
Usage models
flow model
architecture, 209
creation, 210–213
envisioned, 214–215
MUTTS example, 213f
product perspective, 213–214
slideshow presentations, contextual inquiry, 211b, 212f
work roles, 190b, 190f
information object model, 232–235
task models, See Task models
Usefulness, satisfaction, and ease of use (USE) questionnaire, 448–449
User Action Framework (UAF). See also Interaction cycle
organized and structured usability data, 687
richness, usability problem analysis schemes, 687
usability data reuse, 688
vocabulary and communicate design issue, 686
interaction cycle, user actions, 686, 686f
sensory and cognitive, 686
users connection, design, 685, 685f
structured knowledge base
completeness, 675
design concept, 674–675
device independent, 674
interaction cycle, 674, 674f
User experience (UX)
broad definition
initial awareness, product, 23
shared design vision, 23
business strategy
goals, increased productivity, 36
instructional bulletin example, 35–36
policy, law, 35–36
coders, 625–626
aesthetics, food presentation, 19
minimum errors and frustration, 15–16
nutritional value, 19
controlling scope, 632–633
customer and user representatives, 631
description, 620–625
design beyond technology, 15
domain-complex systems, 619
environment, 619
hedonic quality, 12
stellar interaction design, 12
usability testing, 12
fuss over usability
field support, 33
software design, 33
sub-standard product, 34
high quality designing, 26b
intrinsic benefactors, 13
loss, enthusiasm, 14
low-end model, 14–15
Microsoft software packaging design, 13, 13f
Vista’s gratuitous redesign, 13–14
hotcakes, 34–35
ideation, design, 626
interaction and usage context, 21, 21f
lifecycle aspects, 620–622, 622f
marketing department, 34
paradigm shift
customer, 632
traditional UX process, 631
problems, anticipate, 633
productivity-enhancing tools, 11
prototype, 810
qualitative data, 20
role, branding and corporate culture
emotional responses, 22
interaction design, 23
spectacular design, 22
approaches, 620
characteristics, 620–622
description, 620–625
lifecycle aspects, 620–622
planning, 622–624
prototypes, 810
requirement, 811
roles, 809, 810
sprints, 624–625
synthesized approach, integrating UX
communication, 642
counterpart activities, 637, 637f
customers and users, 641
design partners, 638
feedback, value, 640–641
goal, 641
impact, 642
planning, iterations, 641–642
practitioners, 638
prototype integration, 640
prototyping and UX evaluation, 640
role, 637
and SE activities, 638
style guides, 642
SUFA, 634–637
user-centered design techniques, 634
UX and SE work flow, 638, 639f
usage context, 19
UX component, 630–631
UX lifecycle, 626
User experience (UX) work
administrative preparation
commitment, 834–835
UX lab, 835
UX leadership establishment, 835
video clips, managers, 835–836
agile methods, 860
analytics rise, 861
articles and books, 840
benefit and business case analysis, 841–848
cutting costs, 841
human factors, 854–855
legacy systems, 858–859
organizational structure, 855–858
transition, 859–861
description, 831
design project, 837
evaluation session, 838
formative evaluation
description, 837b
prototype, 837
practitioner, 838–839
professionalism, 839–840
professional preparation
apprentice, 831
consulting help, 832
IxDA, 834
portfolio, 834
training, project team members, 831–832
UIST, 833–834
UPA, 833
UX activities, 833
UX design, 832
proliferation, platforms, 860
technical preparation
personalize and actualize, process, 836
practice, contextual inquiry and analysis, 836
UX activities, 836
UX lab, 836–837
techniques, 837
users observations, 838
User interaction
software, 818
software design and implementation, 818, 818f
software requirements, 819
UX lifecycle, 819
User interface (UI)
graphical, 1
objects, 349
team, 73–75
User Interface Management Systems (UIMSs), 423
User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST), 833–834
User models
social model, See Social models
user classes
experience-based characteristics, 194–195
knowledge and skills-based characteristics, 191
physiological characteristics, 192–194
user personas, 209
work roles
envisioned, 189–190
mediates, 187–189
relationship, 190
sub-roles, 187
User personas
candidate, identification, 268
commercial products/systems, designing, 270
memorability, 270
relevance and believability, 270
richness, 270
work role, 271
Cooper’s in-flight entertainment system, 272–274
creation mechanics, 269–270
description, 264–274
ecstatic customers, 266–267
edge cases and breadth, 267
entertainment events, 272b
functionality and flexibility, design, 266
goal-based consolidation, 268
goals for design, 271
selection, primary, 269
stories, 271
usage, design, 271–272
work role, 268
User’s behavior
Amazon Kindle™ device, 325–328
bringing carts, 325
domain, airport baggage, 325
idea, design, 325
slanty design, 324–325
sloped reading desks, 325
User’s mental models, See Mental models
UX evaluation
architect designer, 618
data collection techniques
critical incident identification, 436–440
emotional impact, 452–460
phenomenological aspects, 460–464
questionnaires, 444–452
think-aloud, 440–444
data, types
description, 435–436
objective vs. subjective, 436
quantitative vs. qualitative, 436
description, 611
design concepts, 615
emotional impact and phenomenological aspects, 616
goals, 616
quantitative and qualitative data, 617
formative and informal summative methods
analytic vs. empirical, 433–435
classification, dimensions, 432
dimensions intersection, 435
rigorous vs. rapid, 433
formative results, variations
detection rates, problems, 465
evaluator effect, 464
inspection methods, 465
lab-based testing, 465
limitations, 465
metal detector, 465
screen/Web page, 465
formative vs. summative
description, 429, 430
design, 429
education and curriculum, 429
engineering, informal summative, 432
engineering vs. science, 431–432
informal, 430
and informal summative, engineering, 430–431
qualitative data, 429b
quantitative data, 429b
goals, 611
in situ vs. user reflections, 615–616
lifecycle, 618
productivity/ease, 428
questionnaires, 428
teaching and learning, 427–428
design representations stages, 613, 613t
hybrid approaches, 614
inspection, 613–614
lab-based test, 612
prototypes, 613, 614
resources, 612
process, 612, 617
prototype, 427
testing, 428–429
Wheel lifecycle template, 427
UX measures
characteristics, 364
description, 364
long-term performance, 364
performance, initial, 364
quantitative metrics, 364
targets, 364
Ticket Kiosk System example, 365b, 365t
user performance requirements, 365
UX metrics
characteristics, 379
description, 378–379
frustration/satisfaction, 379
numeric average, 379
performance trade-offs, 379–380
project context, 359–361
roots, 361
Ticket Kiosk System example, 380b, 380t
UX problem instances
analysis, 573
content, 567–568
as feedback to process improvement, 590–591
group records, 571–573
merging into UX problem records
find and merge, 569–570
records creation, 570–571
project context, 569


Verbal instruments, 457
Verbal protocol, 440–444


Web accessability
government Web sites, 194
impairments, 193
people, disabilities, 192–193
policy changing, 193
WCAG 1.0 guidelines influence, 193
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 193
Website analysis and measurement inventory (WAMMI), 450
Web User Experience Design
conceptual model design, 52
detailed UX design, 53
information architecture design, 52
page design standards design, 52
Wheel lifecycle template, 503, 504f. See also Lifecycle template, UX process
drawing/word processing software, 345
information architecture, 345
windows/container elements, 346
workflow, 345–346
defined, 340
drawing aspects, 340–341
elaboration, conceptual design and layout, 342, 342f
high-level conceptual design, 341–342, 341f
layers, 346–347
path, 340
prototypes, 346
conventional drawing tools, 347
description, 347
strong community, 347
feedback, potential users and stakeholders, 344
hyperlinking capabilities, deck, 344
interaction design specifications, 344
Wizard of Oz
description, 399
human evaluator, 399
prototypes, See Interactive prototypes
use, 399, 400
users, unawareness, 399
Work Activity Affinity Diagram (WAAD)
builds, 144
clusters, 148–149
colors of label, 152
consolidation and communication, 155–157
data ownership, 151
elimination, 179
grouping groups, 153
growing clusters, 147
hands of analysts, 151
hierarchical and nonhierarchical relationships, 154–155
hierarchical structure, 185
hybrid, 247–248
labeling groups, 152–153
mind-sets, 146–147
monitoring note groups, 151–152
MUTTS example, 171
number of levels, 153
process, 170
and requirements, 183
set rules, 145–146
source node ID, 168–169
speed, 150
team members, 145
use, 178
user statements, 171
work activity note groups, 150
work roles, 147–148
Work activity data, domain-complex system
analyst and designer ideas, 113
complex and esoteric domains, 99–100
contextual data “bins”, creation, 106–107
customer and user people, 100–101
customer organization, visit, 99
data collection, 114
description, 99b
designers create, 112
design ideas, 113
emotional impact, 116
goals, 108
group interview, 103
“key” people, 101–102
note taking, 110
numbering system, use, 110–111
observation and interview, task data, 109
partnerships, users, 108
phenomenological aspects, 116
process, 111–112
product perspective, 103–106
real users, 102
right conditions, 102–103
team, 100
trust and rapport, 108
video recording, 109–110
visits, 107
work artifacts, collection, 114
work roles, 115–116
Work activity notes
creating and managing
anticipated data bins, 143–144
interview and observation, 136
prints, 144
raw user work activity data, 136–137
synthesization, 137–143
groups, 150
mind-sets, work activity notes, 146–147
Work activity theory, 125b, 355
Work environment models
construction, 237–238
restaurant, 236b, 236f
slideshow presentations, 238b
work products, 235–237
creation, 239
description, 238
envision, 242
MUTTS, 241b
slideshow presentations, 239b
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