The Videotape Facility


The use and location of videotape recorders (VTRs) in a studio environment will vary according to the size and type of production facility. In a small setup it may be preferable to have the videotape machines actually in the production control area or at least in an adjacent room, remotely operated by the vision control staff. However, this means that any post-production using these machines has to be carried out when the studio area is not in use.

In a larger installation or if greater flexibility is required, a separate VT area should be installed, with a central routing position. Machines can then be set up in pairs and editing and recording with two machines is easily achieved.

As videotape is relatively cheap, a good discipline is always to record studio productions on two machines; then if any tape fault manifests itself, a second master is available. The chance of both recordings being faulty at the same place is remote. This procedure can save considerable time, money and heartache, as well as providing a second master for three-machine editing (page 160).

On location

On location there are several ways of recording video

With combined camera/recorders a set-up almost identical to that of a traditional film unit is possible. It is always worthwhile having access to a portable field player in order to check recordings before leaving the location, thereby saving time and money should a re-shoot be necessary.

When using a mobile control room it is often convenient and operationally desirable to include a pair of videotape recorders alongside the vision control position. These can be operated by the vision engineer/lighting director in addition to their normal function. Complete programmes, if shot in sequence, can be simply edited on site using these two machines.

Tape storage

Videotape should be stored upright, in a dry, dust-free environment where the temperature and humidity remain low and constant. It is important that a suitable area is set aside as a videotape library.




Videotape facility: studio

Videocassette recorder/player (1) may be in a self-contained VT area (which can also be used as an edit suite), or may be controlled remotely (2) from the production gallery.


Videotape facility: location

1. Camcorder (combined CCD camera and VTR).

2. Video camera (tube type) linked with portable video recorder or (either directly or via microwave link) with recording vehicle.

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