
I would not be the lighting designer and photographer I am today without the inspiration, teaching, support, and guidance of quite a number of people. First, thanks to my parents, Dr. Bill and Judy Kenyon, who supported my efforts in the theatre without reservation, and gave me the integrity and work ethic I needed to be successful. Thanks also to my dad for letting me abscond with his collection of Nikon cameras, and to my sister Liz for sharing her camera lenses and unbounded artistic spirit.

Thank you to Rick Neidig, Dr. Bruce Chipman, Rosemary Crawford, Dan Welch, Helen Mason, and Barbara Springer, all of The Tatnall School, who gave me my start in theatre lighting and set me on the path to being an artist. Thanks to Brian Shannon, who introduced me to the darkroom, which helped me transition from picture taker to photographer.

In college and graduate school, I studied with many talented people, but none more so than Jim Franklin and Bob Moody. Thanks also to Brandeis professors Dennis Parichy, Elena Ivanova, and Karl Eigsti, who each influenced my work in special ways.

Thank you to Stacey Walker, senior editor at Focal Press for taking a chance on this book, which had no precedent, and her editorial assistant, Meredith Darnell, who walked me through the process of writing my first book. Thank you also to Justin Halverson, for being a great sounding board, and being willing to analyze and guide my early writings.

Thank you to my students (former, current, and future), for it is only because you work hard and ask good questions that I am inspired to continue teaching and to write things like this.

I count so many of my former students as valued friends and colleagues, but I want to give a specific shout out to Nick Gonsman, John Jacobsen, Adam Mendelson, and Travis Walker. The four of you challenged me to be better at what I do then, and continue to do so now.

Finally, thanks to my family – my wife, Jenny, and daughter, Delaney – who have supported my career and been called upon to make many sacrifices in the name of theatre art.

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