Chapter 28. Story and Belief

Story and Belief

If your life was a movie, what kind of movie it would be? How would you describe it? Drama? Comedy? Love story? Or inspirational tale?

In this movie, what role are you playing? Victim? Bystander? Fighter? Underdog? Hero?

In reading this, Martin realized that though he had always thought of his life as an inspirational tale, lately it had become a drama and instead of the hero he was playing the victim. His mother, on the other hand, was living both an inspirational tale and a love story. She had so much love and hope that she refused to see her life through the eyes of a victim. In her eyes she was a lover, a fighter, and an overcomer. She believed in a happy ending. Martin knew that he needed to be more like her, and he vowed to change his story. He vowed to see his life as an inspirational tale. No longer was he a victim; from now on, he would be a hero.

But as everyone knows, every hero in every story must come face to face with his nemesis and overcome certain tests to define himself and create his success. And unfortunately for Martin, over the next few days he would face some of the biggest tests and the greatest nemesis of his life.

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