Chapter 29. Tests


To make matters worse, Shawna called and told him that Momma was feeling more tired than usual and the doctor said this was not a good sign. Though Momma was her usual confident self, Martin couldn't help but worry. The only good news was that he spoke with several sports agents and they all agreed to give him a signing advance upon making the team, and this advance would easily cover Momma's surgery. Once he signed the contract with the team, he would be able to pay the agents back. Two important things had to happen, however, for Martin to receive his advance: one, he had to choose a sports agent, and two—and more important—he had to make the team, which was looking more and more unlikely due to the way he was playing.

Instead of looking like someone who was trying to make the team, Martin looked like he belonged back in the training room. Instead of playing to win, he was playing to lose. Instead of going for his dream, Martin was playing it safe, trying not to get injured. Instead of going for broke, Martin was trying not to make mistakes. It wasn't a recipe for success. It was a recipe for disaster.

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