Chapter 3. Press Conference

Press Conference

The media on this night, however, didn't want to talk about anything negative. They were far more interested in the positive performance of Martin Jones.

"Where did he come from?" they asked.

"A small Division 1 program," coach answered.

"How come no one ever heard of him?"

"Because he wasn't drafted. Every year there are guys who get invitations to training camp who aren't drafted. I used to coach with Martin's college coach and heard good things about him, so we decided to give him a shot."

"So he's a diamond in the rough?" one of the reporters asked.

"That remains to be seen," coach answered. "He made some great plays, but it was just one game. There's a lot of training camp left."

"How come he didn't play anymore after his second touchdown?" another reporter asked.

"I am told by the training staff that he sprained his ankle while running for his second touchdown."

"Is it serious?"

"We don't know yet."

"Will he make the team?"

"The jury is still out on that. A lot of guys have talent in this league, but you have to be able to withstand the wear and tear on your body that this game demands. Getting hurt during training camp is honestly not a good sign. It's a rough game and a long season. So we'll see. I have to run, guys. Thanks so much," coach said as he walked briskly out the media room door, thankful the media wanted to talk about Martin Jones and not the team's poor defensive performance.

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