Chapter 38. The Coin

The Coin

Martin opened it and inside was a coin that said Be Your Best on the outside with Seize the Moment in the middle. On the other side of the coin it said Greatness Is a Life Mission along the outside. In the middle it said Leave a Legacy.

"He wanted you to have this, Martin," Gus said.

"Why didn't he give it to me?" he asked as he saw tears come down Gus's face.

"He must have known," Gus answered. "He must have known. He just knew things. The guy just knew things."

At that moment all the players were called into the team meeting room, where the head coach addressed the team. "I have some bad news, guys, and I don't know how to say this. With sadness I must tell you that Coach Ken died last night." A collective cry filled the room. Some guys were too shocked to say anything; others, including Martin, burst into tears. For many of the guys on the team, Coach Ken had been more than a coach. He had been a friend, a counselor, and a father.

The head coach looked at his team and then as his hands trembled and he choked back tears he told them how Coach Ken had died peacefully in his sleep. The coach added, "Now, this is going to be tough, but we'll get through it like we get through everything. As a team. Coach Ken wouldn't want it any other way. We're dedicating the season to him. As you know, he wasn't just a fellow coach, he was like a friend and a brother to me, and I know he was very special to all of you. We will miss him dearly, but remember what he would want most. He would want you to be your best no matter what the circumstance. His funeral is in two days. Of course, take today off, and anyone who needs to talk, we're here, and the Chaplain is available."

As the players walked out of the team room, Martin didn't move. He was paralyzed by sadness. "How could this be?" he thought. "I just said goodbye to him yesterday. Peacefully in his sleep," he said to himself as he shook his head. The guy never slept. But just like that he was gone, and Martin lost another father figure in his life. He held the coin that Coach Ken had given him and looked at it as tears streamed down his face. He had cried more in the last week than he had in his entire life. He remembered all the wisdom Coach shared with him and he knew right then what he needed to do.

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