Chapter 40. A New Beginning

A New Beginning

He stared at the ocean as he prepared to jump into the cold water—to take a symbolic plunge that this would be the year of no fear. By jumping into the ocean Martin was declaring that this year his faith would be bigger than his fear. It was to be his yearly ritual to remind himself to follow his passion, seize the moment, surrender, and stay one step ahead of the pride and fear that hovered around him. He had learned from Coach Ken that the antidote to fear is trust and it is only a thought away. He knew that no one is going to push you over the chasm of struggle to the life that you want. God will nudge you and others will support you, but you must take the leap yourself. You must make this jump in your mind, with your heart, and then with your actions. You must make this jump with trust, determination, and faith. After all, they don't call it a leap of fear. They call it a leap of faith for a reason. And with faith he knew that you become a conduit for miracles. His momma had always told him so, but now he believed it.

He raced toward the water as his heart started pounding faster and faster. He feared the coldness more than he did any defense in the NFL. But he kept running, knowing that this was a moment he needed to seize. And as a wave came crashing toward him, he leaped over it and plunged into ocean.

He emerged invigorated and ready to take on all that life had to offer. The good, the bad, the joy, the pain, the defeats and the triumphs, and most of all, the miracle of everyday life. He dried himself off and went to his car, opened the trunk, and threw the towel in a plastic bag next to the boxes of Training Camp coins and stacks of playbooks he recently had printed. He had edited Coach Ken's playbook a little by adding a dedication to Coach Ken and then he had hundreds of copies printed.

As soon as the season was over, he and Shawna were taking a trip around the country to colleges, high schools, and various audiences to share Coach Ken's lessons with as many people as possible. They called it their fishing trip, and it would be the first of many.

Martin knew that the lessons of Training Camp weren't just meant for football players and athletes, but for anyone who wanted to strive to be their best. After all, greatness is a life mission.

In the back of the playbook, Martin added the following dedication to Coach Ken:

Coach Ken was a father, a husband, a legendary football player, a coach, a teacher, a mentor, a friend, a brother, and a father figure to many. He pursued excellence throughout his life and empowered others to do the same. This playbook is the result of his quest to be a lifelong learner and leader and his desire to inspire others to strive to be the best they can be. Coach Ken always said that greatness was a life mission, and we are thankful that through this playbook we are able to live and share his principles, teachings, and lessons. He was a blessing to the world and he will be dearly missed. In honor of Coach Ken we hope you will use this playbook to strive to be the best you can be and bring out the best in others.

The End

Eleven Traits of the Best of the Best

  1. The Best know what they truly want.

  2. The Best want it more.

  3. The Best are always striving to get better.

  4. The Best do ordinary things better than everyone else.

  5. The Best zoom-focus.

  6. The Best are mentally stronger.

  7. The Best overcome their fear.

  8. The Best seize the moment.

  9. The Best tap into a greater power than themselves.

  10. The Best leave a legacy.

  11. The Best make everyone around them better.

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