Chapter 35. Final Cuts

Final Cuts

As he waited outside the head coach's office, one of the other players walked out as the head coach patted him on the back and told him that he wished him luck and would be happy to make a few calls for him. Clearly, the player had not received good news. Martin only hoped his news would be better. He walked in, sat down, and prepared himself, knowing that whatever decision coach would share, he knew he had given his best. No matter what news he heard, he wasn't going to give up. He was committed to being the best here or with another team that could benefit from his talent.

But Martin wasn't going to another team. The head coach told him that it was a difficult choice but after last night's game the coaching staff decided to keep both Martin and the other rookie running back. They both made the final cut. They both made the team.

He could hardly contain himself as all the pressure and all the excitement exploded into one big giant yes! that he yelled at the top of his lungs. "That's one of the things we love about you, Martin. Your passion. Don't ever lose it. Keep the fire burning and you'll be in this league a long time," Coach said as he shook Martin's hand and congratulated him on making the team.

Martin walked out of the office a foot taller than when he had walked in. He couldn't believe it. He was living his dream. He was officially a professional football player. He called his mother and it was impossible to have a conversation with her—not because she wasn't feeling well but because she was cheering at the top of her lungs with excitement.

"Take it easy, Momma," he said. "Take it easy. I don't want anything to happen to you before your operation. So you call that doctor and you tell them you're ready for the operation. Schedule it soon. Money's not a problem anymore."

Coach Ken was next on his list, and he ran to his office to talk about the news. Of course, Coach Ken already knew, but talking to him about it made it more real for some reason. When he arrived Coach Ken was eating another fish taco.

"I know," Martin said. "Ever since The Day.

"I made it," Martin cheered. "I made it. This is one of the best days of my life. I can't thank you enough, Coach."

"Don't thank me," Coach Ken said as he clapped his hands slowly, showing his support. "You did it. You are the one who seized the moment. You practiced, you prepared. You gave your best, and that's all that anyone could ask for. I'm thrilled for you and I'm proud of you. But now you have to ask yourself, Now what?"

"Now we become the best of the best," Martin said, as if there was no other option.

"And then what?" coach asked as he cocked his head and squinted his eyes.

"Then I become a pro bowler like you. Isn't this what you taught me? To strive to become the best of the best."

"And then what?" coach asked again.

Martin didn't know what to say.

"You see where I'm going with this, Martin. In our pursuit of greatness, it's easy to become self-consumed and self-focused. Because you have to give all of who you are to become everything you're meant to be. Yet if you look back you'll realize that you didn't do it alone. There were people and coaches and teachers that guided you along the way. They left a legacy, and that legacy is you. And so when you think about now what, I want you to think about what it means in terms of not just your greatness but the greatness you leave in others."

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