Chapter 36. Leave a Legacy

Leave a Legacy

"In your striving to be the best, then, you must ask not what your greatness means to you, but what impact does it make on others? The success you create now is temporary, but the legacy you leave is eternal. Thinking about this legacy fuels you with a bigger purpose.

"That's why you told me making the team was good, but being the best is a life mission," Martin said. It was all becoming clear.

"Exactly," Coach responded. "You know, every year I tell my guys. Don't focus on the contract and the money. The best are driven by something bigger. It can't be about the contract. That's not what drives the best to be the best. The best are driven by a bigger purpose, and this purpose fuels them. Now, I can't tell someone what their purpose is, but I can tell them that the best are most energized when they are using their gifts and talents for a purpose beyond themselves. You can see it in their eyes and in their passion and enthusiasm for the game and the way they play on the field and carry themselves off it. Money doesn't create that kind of energy, but purpose does. Sure, money might make you perform well in the short term, but it won't inspire you to be the best and strive for greatness over the long term. The best are driven by much, much more. Average players are motivated by the paycheck. The great ones are inspired to leave a legacy. And this doesn't apply to just football. It applies to every job in the world.

"That's why the tenth trait of the Best of the Best is that they leave a legacy."

The Best Leave a Legacy

The Best Leave a Legacy

He concluded, "You leave a legacy by living and working with a bigger purpose. You leave a legacy by making your life about more than just you. You leave a legacy by moving from success to significance. For me, I came to a point where I realized that my success was for a bigger reason. I was given this platform not for me but to better others. Ever since The Day. I knew I was meant for more."

"What's The Day?" Martin asked, hoping Coach Ken would finally tell him. "I'm not leaving here until you tell me."

"Well, I'm happy to tell you. Not because you won't leave, but because it's time." It was definitely time, and Martin was about to learn why Coach Ken had spent so much time teaching the playbook to him.

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