
Buying books would be great if we could also buy the time to read them.


Why We Wrote this Book

The purpose of this book is to give you an understanding of how large, distributed, heterogeneous computer systems can be made to work reliably. In contrast to the often complex methods of distributed computing, it presents a distributed system application development approach that can be used by mere mortals. Why then doesn’t the title use a term like distributed systems, high reliability, interoperability, or client-server? Why use something as prosaic as transaction processing, a term that for many people denotes old-fashioned, batch-oriented, mainframe-minded data processing?

The point is—and that’s what makes the book so long—that the design, implementation, and operation of large application systems, with thousands of terminals, employing hundreds of computers, providing service with absolutely no downtime, cannot be done from a single perspective. An integrated (and integrating) perspective and methodology is needed to approach the distributed systems problem. Our goal is to demonstrate that transactions provide this integrative conceptual framework, and that distributed transaction-oriented operating systems are the enabling technology. The client-server paradigm provides a good way of structuring the system and of developing applications, but it still needs transactions to control the client-server interactions. In a nutshell: without transactions, distributed systems cannot be made to work for typical real-life applications.

This is not an outrageous claim; rather it is a lesson many people—system implementors, system owners, and application developers—have learned the hard way. Of course, the concepts for building large systems have been evolving for a long time. In fact, some of the key ideas were developed way back when batch processing was in full swing, but they are far from being obsolete. Transaction processing concepts were conceived to master the complexity in single-processor online applications. If anything, these concepts are even more critical now for the successful implementation of massively distributed systems that work and fail in much more complex ways. This book shows how transaction concepts apply to distributed systems and how they allow us to build high-performance, high-availability applications with finite budgets and risks. We’ve tried to provide a sense of this development by discussing some of the “lessons from history” with which we’re familiar. Many of these demonstrate the problems that transactions help to avoid, as well as where they hide the complexity of distributed systems.

There are many books on database systems, both conventional and distributed; on operating systems; on computer communications; on application development—you name it. The partitioning of interests manifest in these terms has become deeply rooted in the syllabi of computer science education all over the world. Education and expertise are organized and compartmentalized. The available books typically take their readers through the ideas in the technical literature over the past decades in an enumerative style. Such presentations offer many options and alternatives, but rarely give a sense of which are the good ideas and which are the not-so-good ones, and why. More specifically, were you ever to design or build a real system, these algorithm overviews would rarely tell you how or where to start.

Our intent is to help you solve real problems. The book is focused in that we present only one or two viable approaches to problems, together with explanations; but there are many other proposals which we do not mention, and the presentation is not encyclopedic. However, the presentation is broad in the sense that it presents transaction processing from a systems perspective. To make large systems work, one must adopt a genuine end-to-end attitude, starting at the point where a request comes in, going through all the system layers and components, and not letting go until the final result is safely delivered. This necessarily involves presentation management in the terminals, the communication subsystem, the operating system, the database, the programming language run-time systems, and the application development environment. Designing a system with that sort of integration in mind requires an altogether different set of criteria than designing an algorithm within the narrow confines of its functional specification. This holistic approach is not one that we’ve found in other presentations of distributed systems and databases. However, since the beginning of this project in 1986, we’ve been convinced that such an approach is necessary.

Topic Selection and Organization

Since the end-to-end perspective forced us to cover lots of ground, we focused on the basic ideas of transaction processing: simple TP-systems structuring issues, simple transaction models, simple locking, simple logging, simple recovery, and so on. When we looked at the texts and reference books available, we noticed that they are vague on the basics. For example, we haven’t found an actual implementation of B-trees in any textbook. Given that B-trees are the access path structure in databases, file systems, information retrieval systems, and who knows where, that is really basic. This presentation is like a compiler course textbook or like Tanenbaum’s operating system book. It is full of code fragments showing the basic algorithms and data structures.

The book is pragmatic, covering basic transaction issues in considerable detail. Writing the book has convinced us that this is a good approach, but the presentation and style may seem foreign. Our motive is to document this more pragmatic perspective. There is no theory of structuring complex systems; rather, the key decisions depend on educated judgment and adherence to good engineering principles—pragmatic criteria. We believe that these principles, derived from the basic concept of transaction-oriented processing, will be important for many years to come.

Looking at the table of contents, you will find a forbidding number of chapters (16), but they are organized into seven subject areas, which can be read more or less independently, and in different order.

The first topic is an overview of transaction processing in general (Chapter 1). It presents a global system view. It introduces the basic transaction properties: atomicity (all-or-nothing), consistency (a correct transformation of state), isolation (without concurrency anomalies), and durability (committed changes survive any system failures)—ACID, for short. The nontechnical reader can end there and still gain a broad understanding of the field.

Chapter 2 is meant for readers vaguely familiar with the basic terminology of computer science. The chapter introduces the most important terms and concepts of hardware, software, protocol standards, and so on—all the terminology needed for the technical discussions later in the book.

Chapter 3 explains why systems fail and gives design advice on how to avoid such failures. It reviews hardware and software fault-tolerance concepts and techniques (fail-fast, redundancy, modularization, and repair). If you want to learn how to build a module with a mean-time-to-failure of 10,000 years, using normal, faulty, off-the-shelf components, this is where to look. Chapter 3 explains the significance of transactions in building highly available software.

Chapters 4 through 6 present the theory and use of transactions. Chapter 4 gives a detailed discussion of what it means to structure applications as transactions. Particular attention is paid to types of computations not well-supported by current flat transactions. These applications require extension and generalization of the transaction concept. Chapter 5 explains what transaction-oriented computation means for the operating system and other low-level components by describing the role of the TP monitor. It also explains how a transaction program interacts with the system services. Chapter 6 is for programmers. It contains lots of control blocks and code fragments to explain how transactional remote procedure calls work, how request scheduling is done, and other such subtleties. Readers not interested in bit-level events should skim the first half of that chapter and start reading at Section 6.4 about transactional queues.

Chapters 7 and 8 present the theory and practice of concurrency. Transaction processing systems hide all aspects of parallel execution from the application, thereby giving the isolation of the ACID properties. Chapter 7 presents the theory behind these techniques, and Chapter 8 demonstrates how to implement this theory with locking.

Chapters 9 through 12 present transaction management and recovery, that is, everything related to making transactions atomic and durable. Chapter 9 explains how logging and archiving are done. Chapter 10 explains how to write a transactional resource manger like a database system or a queue manager. It explains how the resource manger joins the transaction, how it writes log records, gets locks, and participates in transaction commit or rollback. A simple resource manger (the one-bit resource manger) is used to demonstrate the techniques. Chapter 11 takes the transaction manager perspective; it must always reliably know the state of a transaction and which resource managers are working on the transaction. The implementation of a simple transaction manager is laid out in Chapter 11—again, something to be skipped by those who do not need to know all the secrets. Chapter 12 is a catalog of advanced concepts and techniques used by transaction managers.

Chapters 13 through 15 deal with yet another self-contained topic: the implementation of a very important resource manager, a transactional file system. Starting from the bare metal (disks), space management is sketched, and the role of the buffer manager in the system is explained in some detail. Next comes the abstraction of varying-length tuples from fixed-length pages, and all the file organizations that support tuple-oriented access. Finally, Chapter 15 talks about associative access, focusing primarily on B-trees and how to implement them in a highly parallel environment. All this is done in a way that provides the ACID properties: the resulting files, tuples, and access paths are transactional objects.

Chapter 16 gives an overview of many commercially available systems in the transaction processing arena. We have tried to highlight the features of each system. This is not a competitive comparison; rather it is a positive description of the strengths of each system.

At the end, there is an extended glossary of transaction processing terminology. Having such a large glossary is a bit unusual in a textbook like this. However, as the motto of Chapter 5 indicates, terminology in the field of transaction processing is all but well-established. So the glossary has to serve two purposes: First, if you are uncertain about a term, you can look it up and find our interpretation. Second, by being used this way, the glossary might actually help to promote a more homogeneous terminology in the field.


Chapters 1 through 15 contain historical notes that explain how things were developed, where certain ideas appeared first, and so on. In contrast to many other areas in computer science, transaction processing developed primarily in industrial research and development labs. Some ideas conceived and implemented in commercial products were rediscovered years later and published as scientific results. In the historical notes we try give credit to both contributions, to the best of our knowledge.

Most chapters also have exercises ranging from short refreshers to term projects. The answers to most of them are provided at the end of each chapter. Following Donald Knuth, each exercise has a qualifier of the form [section, level]. The exercise applies to the material in the section indicated. The level is an indicator of how difficult the exercise is:

[10] One minute (just to check whether you have followed the text)

[20] 15–20 minutes for full answer

[25] One hour for full written answer

[30] Short (programming) project: less than one full day of work

[40] Significant (programming) project: two weeks of elapsed time

In addition, we have used the ratings [project] for anything that is likely to be higher than [40], and [discussion] for exercises that ask readers to go out and explore a certain subject on their own.

The original plan for the book was to include SQL implementation and application design along with transactions. As the work progressed, we realized that there was not space or time for these topics. So, as it stands, this book is about how to implement transactions. Ceri and Pelagatti’s excellent book [1984] covers the high-level database issues (SQL, normalization, optimization, and also some transaction management issues).

Learning with this Book

The book is intended for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and for professional programmers who either want to understand what their transaction processing system is doing to them (e.g., a CICS/DB2 user) or who need a basic reference text. It assumes that you have a reading knowledge of SQL and C.

The content of this book has no exact counterpart among computer science classes at a university. The compartmentalization of subjects is inherent in the structure of the curriculum, and as yet there is no standard class on transaction processing. However, the book has already been used in a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses during our various stages of draft manuscript. We feel the approach we have taken is appropriate within the existing structure of computer science, but we hope that exposure to our approach will help to eliminate compartmentalized thinking. Here are some suggestions for emphasizing different aspects of the coverage:

Just getting the idea: Chapter 1, Sections 2.7, 4.14.2, 5.15.3, 5.55.7, and Chapter 16.

An introduction to transaction processing: Chapters 1 and 2, Sections 3.13.6, Chapters 4 and 5, Sections 6.46.5, 7.17.6, Chapters 9, 10, 16.

Database systems: Chapters 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15.

Distributed systems: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16.

Operating systems: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16.

Advanced coverage: Read everything. In advanced courses, Chapters 1 and 3 can be skipped or done away with quickly. In addition, one could use the books by Tanenbaum on operating systems and computer networks, by Ceri and Pelagatti on distributed databases, by Oszu and Valduriez on principles of distributed databases, and one of Date’s books on databases in general.

Many other combinations are conceivable. Those who are already familiar with the subject can skip Chapters 1 and 2; we recommend browsing them, just to grasp the terminology used throughout the book.

Chapter 3 can be skipped, but we recommend you read it. Transactions may seem all too obvious at the first glance. However, Chapter 3 carefully explains why transactions are the right exception-handling model and are a key to building highly available systems. The techniques described therein help provide a better understanding of what fault tolerance at the system level means, and they can be put to use almost immediately for anyone building applications.

We sketched the few dependencies that exist among the chapters while introducing the subject areas. If you read the entire book, you will notice some redundancy among the chapters. This feature allows chapters to be used independently.

To enhance course use of this book, instructors might consider using software available from Transarc Corporation through the Encina University Program. The Encina products are designed to enable distributed, standards-based online transaction processing in open computing environments. Many of the topics in this book could be explored through course projects using the Encina family of modular products: for example, distributed transaction management, transactional remote procedure calls, advanced lock and recovery models, shared logging systems, a record-oriented resource manager, and a transaction monitor. Contact information about the Encina family of products and academic site licences can be found on the copyright page of this book.

If you have time enough, and if you are thoroughly interested in transaction processing, get copies of papers by Bjork and Davies [1972; 1973; 1978]. These early articles started the whole field, and it is instructive to read them from our current perspective. One appreciates that transactions evolved not so much as a natural abstraction, but as a radical attempt to cut out complexity that otherwise proved to be unmanageable. When reading these seminal papers, you will also find that the vision outlined there has not yet become reality—not by a wide margin.

Concluding Remarks

As the acknowledgments indicate, drafts of this book were reviewed and class-tested for two years (1990–1991). Not only has this improved the presentation and accuracy of the text, it also changed the overall design of the book. New chapters were added, others were dropped, and the book doubled in size. The review process and heated debates also changed the way the material is organized. One of us started top-down, whereas the other one wrote bottom-up. In the end, we both reversed our approaches.

Apart from that, errors remain errors, and they must be blamed on us with no excuse. We will be very grateful, though, if you let us know the ones you find. Please send such comments to the authors in care of the publisher, or to the electronic mailbox [email protected].


This book benefited from the detailed criticism and advice of many people. We gratefully acknowledge their guidance. We are especially grateful to Frank Bamberger, Phil Bernstein, Noel Herbst, Bruce Lindsay, Dave Lomet, Dan Siewiorek, Nandit Soparkar, Kent Treiber, and Laurel Wentworth for detailed advice on improving the emphasis or focus of the book. More than anything else, the criticism of Betty Salzberg and her classes shaped the presentation of this book. Thank you all.

Phil Bernstein at Digital Johannes Klein at Digital
Frank Bamberger at Citibank Angelica Kokkinaki at Northeastern
Edward Brajinski at Digital Jacek Kruszelnicki at Northeastern
Mike Carey at Wisconsin Olaf Kruger at Northeastern
Stefano Ceri at Milano Lori Ann Lashway at Polaroid
Edward Cheng at Digital Don Langenhorst at Northeastern
Joe Coffee at Northeastern Bruce Lindsay at IBM
Mike Cox at Princeton Dave Lomet at Digital
Flaviu Cristian at IBM Randell MacBlane at USL
Gary Cuhna at Northeastern Dorthy Minior at GSSI
Walker Cunningham at Morgan Kaufmann Elliot Moss at U. Massachusetts
Allyn Dimock at Northeastern Ron Obermarck at Digital
Robert Drum at Northeastern Jeffry Picciotto at Mitre
Dan Duchamp at Columbia Franco Putzolu at Tandem
Amanda Carlson at HP Xinyang Qian at Northeastern
Jeff Eppinger at Transare Ron Regan at Northeastern
Georgios Evangelidis at Northeastern Dennis Roberson at Digital
Scott Fitzgerald at Northeastern Eleana Rosenzweig at Northeastern
Hector Garcia-Molina at Princeton Daphne Ryan at Northeastern
Amal Gebrael at Northeastern Betty Salzberg at Northeastern
Yujia Haung at Northeastern Tom Sawyer at Tom Sawyer
Ricky Ho at G.O. Graphics Fabio Schreiber at Milan
Walter Hursch at Northeastern Linda Seiter at Northeastern
Meichun Hsu at Digital Mark Sherman at Transarc
Pat Helland at HAL Dan Siewiorek at CMU
Noel Herbst at Tandem Eric Skov at Northeastern
Pete Homan at Tandem Donald Slutz at Tandem
Olaf Kruger at Northeastern Mark Smith at U. Massachusetts
T.J. Jafar at Northeastern Narjit Sindupal at ATT
Jim Johnson at Digital Nandit Soparkar at U. Texas
  Christos Stamelos at Northeastern
Kent Treiber at IBM Bill Wisnaskas at Northeastern
Mike Ubell at Digital David Wong at Northeastern
Tom Vancor at BGS Robert Wu at Digital
Vic Vyssotsky at Digital Hans-Jörg Zeller at Tandem
Laurel Wentworth at Digital Ying Zhou at Northeastern
Gary Warner at Northeastern  

Walker Cunningham, our developmental writer, carefully criticized all the chapters. His efforts made an enormous difference in the clarity of the book.

Our colleagues heavily influenced certain chapters. Betty Salzberg suggested the need for Chapter 2 (terminology). Dan Siewiorek and Vic Vyssotsky contributed heavily to the chapter on fault tolerance. Bruce Lindsay and Harald Sammer influenced our presentation of transaction concepts. Phil Bernstein, Noel Herbst, Bruce Lindsay, and Ron Obermarck caused us to rethink our presentation of transaction management. Dave Lomet and Franco Putzolu contributed heavily to the chapters on record and file management. Frank Bamberger, Elliot Moss, Don Slutz, and Nandit Sopakar gave us valuable overall criticism of the book.

Charlie Davies, the visionary who launched our field 20 years ago, deserves mention here. Charlie’s work on spheres of control is little known. His papers are obscure, but all who came in contact with him were inspired by his vision. Workers in the field are still trying to work out the details of that vision. Chapter 4 presents his ideas in more modern terms.

Transaction processing is a field in which practice has led theory. Commercial systems often implement ideas long before the ideas appear in an academic setting. One is reminded of Galileo claiming the invention of the telescope to the doges of Venice while merchants were selling mass-produced Dutch telescopes in the streets below.

Throughout the book, we are faced with a dilemma. Does one give credit to the first to publish an idea? Or, does one give priority to the earlier development and implementation of the idea in a product? Academic tradition and U.S. patent law give priority to the first to publish. We have tried to credit both. The historical notes in each chapter recount, as best we can, the parallel commercial and academic development of the ideas. Perhaps the point is moot; implementors don’t want credit for ideas, they want the cash.

One implementor, Franco Putzolu, has deeply influenced our field in general, and the authors in particular. Franco has never written a paper or a patent, but his ideas and code are at the core of System R, SQL/DS, DB2, Allbase, and NonStop SQL. These designs have been widely copied by others and are repeated here. Franco Putzolu deserves much of the credit for this book.

Bruce Spatz, our publisher, gave us excellent guidance on the focus of the book. He arranged for many reviews, arranged the classroom tests, and encouraged us when we needed it most. We also are very grateful to our project manager, Jennifer Ballentine of Professional Book Center, and Jeanne Thieme, our copyeditor, for their contributions to this book.

Andreas’s students contributed to the book in many ways: They read draft versions, used it for teaching, tried the exercises, worked on the references, and so on—typical student slave labor. Moreover, the absence of their supervisor when he periodically got serious about “finishing that book now” meant they had to work on their own much more than one would wish.

Gabriele Ziegler, Andreas’s secretary, deserves special thanks for keeping him organized during the whole endeavor—not an easy assignment. She had to pacify many people who had good reason to be angry for his not responding for days or weeks when he was again “finishing that book now.

Christiane Reuter almost wrote a chapter on application design, but decided against it. However, she took care of the authors during the first long writing assignment in Ripa—not a simple task given the quality of the local power and the dreadful weather. She also accepted the multiyear ordeal of late nights and lost weekends.

Tandem Computers and Digital Equipment Corporation were very generous in their support of Jim Gray’s efforts on this book.

Thanks to all of you who kept us going, even kept us amused, and tolerated our obsessions and varying tempers.

Jim Gray and Andreas Reuter,     University of Stuttgart


Ada is a trademark of the U.S. Government, Ada Joint Program Office.

ACP (Airlines Control Program), AIX, AS/400 (Application System/400), CPI-C (Common Programming Interface-Communications), DL1, DB2, Expedited Message Handling (IMS Fast Path), IBM, IMS/DB(DataBase), IMS Fast Path, IMS/XRF, IMS/TM, IMS/DC, IMS, IBM-SAA (System Application Architecture), IBM PS2, IMS Extended Reliability Feature, MVS OS/2, O S/360, Presentation Manager, RS/6000, SNA, System/370, System/38, XRF (Extended Recovery Feature) are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.

Apollo’s Domain is a trademark or registered trademark of Hewlett Packard Computer Company.

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CDD/Plus (Common Data Dictionary/Plus), CDD/Repository (Common Data Dictionary/Repository), DECforms, DECdta, DECtp, DECintact, DECq, DECnet, Rdb, Rdb/VMS, RTR (Reliable Transaction Router), VAX/VMS, VAX cluster, VMS, VMS Lock Manager are trademarks or registered trademarks and VAX is a registered trademark of Digitial Equipment Corporation.

CODASYL is a trademark or registered trademark of Conference In Data Systems Language.

Com-Plete is a trademark or registered trademark of Software A.G.

Encina is a trademark or registered trademark of Transarc Corporation.

Ethernet is a trademark or registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.

FastPath is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation.

FORTRAN is a trademark or registered trademark of SofTech Microsystems, Inc.

Guardian, NonStop SQL, Pathway are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tandem Computers.

HPALLbase, HP9000, Precision Architecture are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hewlett Packard Computer Company.

Ingres, Postgres System are trademarks or registered trademarks of INGRES Corporation.

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