

.bashrc file 83

/etc/exports file 190

/etc/fstab 41, 45

/etc/fstab file 283

/home directory 85

/proc/swaps file 294

.requires folder 96

.ssh 160

.vnc directory 180

.wants folder 95


Advanced Package Tool 99


AMD-V 208

checking availability 211

Andrew S. Tanenbaum 7

Apache web server 261

configure firewall 262

domain configuration 263

HTTPS 265, 266

installation 261

Secure web site 265

SSL certificate 266

starting 262

testing 263

apt 99

edit-sources 100

install 102

package management 102

purge 102

remove 102

search 102

show 103

sources list 100

update 102

upgrade 104

apt-file 103

apt list 102


Bash shell 77

Aliases 81

.bashrc file 83

command-line editing 78

Environment Variables 82

filename shorthand 80

history 79

I/O redirection 80

path completion 80

pattern matching 80

pipes 81

shell scripts 83 92

Boot Menu

editing 49

Bourne shell 77

buildah 253


CA 266

canonical-livepatch 106

Canonical Ltd 7, 8

cat 80

Certificate Authority (CA) 266

change root 251

chmod 84

chroot 251

CNI 254


accessing 68

account management 71

add disk 283

applications 72

create VM 215

dashboard 74

enabling 68

extensions 67, 72

installing 68

logs 70

Multiple Servers 74

networking 71

NFS management 192

overview 67

port 68

services 71

storage 70

system 69

systemd units 96

terminal access 73

user management 87

virtual machines 72

virtual machines module 215

Connection profiles 122

containerd 251

Container Networking Interface 254

container runtime 251

Containers 251

buildah 253

change root 251

chroot 251

CNI 254

cni0 254

containerd 251

container runtime 251

CRI-O 251

Docker 251

kernel sharing 251

lxd 251

networking 254

overview 251

podman 253

pull image 255

runc 253

running image 257

save to image 259

skopeo 253

CRI-O 251

C shell 77


daemon 91

Dark Mode 62

dd 12, 294

Debian 8 file 94

df command 304

disk drive

adding 279

detecting 279

disk I/O

monitoring 305

Disk partition

formatting 48

disk usage

df command 304

diskutil 12

dmesg 11

DNS MX Records 276

Docker 251

dual boot 45


Email server 271

configuration 272

MX Records 276

Email system

overview 271

env 82

Environment variables 82

Errata 5

export 82


fdisk 45, 280, 290

Fedora Media Writer 13

file system

create 281

mounting 282

findmnt 12


gufw 137

ufw 137


email settings 273

overview 147

web server settings 262

firewall-cmd 150

NFS settings 190

Samba settings 196

firewall-config 154


default zone 150

display zone information 150

firewall-cmd 150

firewall-config 154

ICMP rules 153

interfaces 147, 149

list services 151

overview 147

permanent settings 150

port forwarding 153

port rules 151, 152

ports 147, 149

reload 150

runtime settings 150

services 147

status 149

zone creation 152

zone/interface assignments 152

zones 147

zone services 151

free 294

free command 304

Free Software Foundation 8

fsck 282

Full Virtualization 208


GDM 20


Dark Mode 62

GNOME 3 55

GNOME desktop

installing 55

GNOME Desktop 55

installation 55

installing the 179

starting 55

GNOME Display Manager 20

gnome-system-monitor 301

GNU/Linux 8

GNU project 8

Google Cloud 165 92

groupdel 86

groups 86

listing members 86

removing 86

Guest OS virtualization 205

gufw 137

adding simple rules 141

advanced rules 142

allow 140

deny 140

enabling 137

installing 137

limit 141

preconfigured rules 140

profiles 138

reject 140

running 137


Hardware Virtualization 208

Hewlett-Packard 7

hibernation 294

history 78, 79


hosted hypervisors 206


htop 303

installing 303

user processes 304

httpd-le-ssl.conf file 267

httpd.service 95


hypercalls 207

Hypervisor Virtualization 206

Type-1 206

Type-2 206


Ian Murdoch 8


id_rsa 158, 160, 161 162


clean disk 9, 25

Intel VT 208

checking availability 211

iotop command 305

installing 305

iptables 147

ISO image

write to USB drive 11


journaled file system 281


kernel 7

kernel sharing 251

kill command 300

KILL signal 300


session guests 216

system guests 216

KVM 211

create VM in Cockpit 215

hardware requirements 211

installing 212

kvm_amd 213

kvm_intel 213

libvirtd 213

network bridge interface 233

overview 211

verification 212

virsh 247

virt-manager 212, 213

virt-viewer 218

kvm_amd 213

kvm_intel 213


Landscape 30

libvirtd 213

Linus Torvalds 7

Linux Containers. See Containers

Livepatch 105

enabling 105

obtain token 106

status 106

Logical Extents 288

Logical Volumes 287, 288

extending 292

getting information 288

management 287

ls 78

lvdisplay 289, 295

lvextend 292

LVM 287

lxd 251



writing ISO to USB drive 12

Mail Delivery Agent 272

Mail Transfer Agent 271

Mail User Agent 271 file 274

man 78

Mark Shuttleworth 7, 8

Martin Hellman 157

MDA 272


free 304

metal hypervisors 207


mkfs.xfs 48

mkswap 294, 295

mount 288

MTA 271

MUA 271 92

MX Records 276


NAT 209

native hypervisors 207

NetBIOS Name Services 200

Network Address Translation 209

network bridge interface 233

Network File System 189

Network Installer 25

download image 25

perform installation 26

software collection 30

NetworkManager 117

check status 118

Connection profiles 122

connections 119

devices 119

device status 118

enabling 118

installing 118

manage connections 121

modify connections 121

nmcli 117

nm-connection-editor 117

nmtui 117

permissions 126

NFS 189

Cockpit management 192

exporting filesystems 190

firewall settings 189

mounting filesystems 191

starting services 189

unmounting filesystems 191

NMB 200

nmcli 117, 237

basic commands 118

connection permissions 126

Connection profiles 122

interactive editing 125

manage connections 121

network bridge creation 239

permissions 126

show connections 121

Wi-Fi scan 121

nm-connection-editor 117, 242

networked bridge interface 242

nmtui 117



Paravirtualization 207


mounting 48

partners repository 100


Physical Extents 288

Physical Volumes 287

creating 291

podman 253

attach 258

exec 258

list images 256

pause 259

ps -a 258

rm 259

start 259

unpause 259

Port Forwarding 153


configuration 272, 274

installation 273

log file 276 file 274

SMTP Relay Server 277

staring 276

testing 277

Postfix 271 91

Preboot Execution Environment 10


in system monitor 301

list all 300

listing active 299

spawning 301

system 299

user 299

ps 81

ps command 299

public key encryption 157

PuTTY 163

secure tunnel 176

PuTTYgen 163, 164

pvcreate 291

pvdisplay 290

pwd 78

PXE 10




RealVNC 173, 179 92

Red Hat, Inc. 7

Remmina Desktop Client 171

Remote Desktop Access 169, 170, 179

enabling 170

secure vs. insecure 169

Repositories 99

disabling 100

main 99

managing 100

multiverse 100

restricted 99

sources list 100

universe 99 91

resize2fs 292

RFC 3339 114

Richard Stallman 8

root user 1

runc 253

runlevel 91


safe graphics 15

Samba 195

client 196

configure shared resource 198

create user 198

firewall settings 196

installing 196

NetBIOS Name Services 200

NMB 200

samba-client 202

smb:// 203

smbclient 200

smb.conf file 197

testing smb.conf file 199

workgroup 197

samba-client 202

Samba Client 196

SATA controller 279

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 265

Secure web site

configuring 265


smbpasswd 198

Server Message Block 195

services 91

disable 96

enable 95

mask 96

start 95

stop 95

sh 84


history 79

overview 77

shell scripts 83

skopeo 253, 255

get image info 255

smb:// 203

SMB 195

smbclient 200

smb.conf 199

smb.conf file 197

[global] section 197

testing 199

smbpasswd 198

SMTP 272

SMTP Relay 272

SMTP Relay Server 277

configuration 277


channels 112

commands 110

disable 115

enable 115

find 110

info 110, 112

install 111

list 111

logs 115

overview 109

packages 109

refresh 113

refresh.hold 113

refresh.metered 113

refresh.retain 113

refresh.timer 113

remove 111

services 115

set system 113

start 115

stop 115

switch 112 92

Software Collections

installing 31

Solaris 7

sources.list file 100

spawning 301

SSH 157

SSH authentication 158

from Linux 158

from macOS 158

from Windows 161

Google Cloud 165

multiple keys 160

PuTTY 163

PuTTYgen 163, 164

ssh_config file 160

ssh-copy-id 159

ssh-keygen 158

ssh_config file 160

ssh-copy-id 159

sshd.service 160

ssh-keygen 158

SSL 265

SSL Certificate 266

startx 179, 181

stderr 81

stdin 80

stdout 80

storage devices

identify 11

su - command 1

sudo 2

SunOS 7

Superuser 1

swapoff 295, 297

swapon 294, 298

swap space

add partition 295

add swap file 294

add to volume group 297

current usage 294

extend logical swap volume 295

free 304

recommended 293

systemctl 92, 93


default target 91

targets 91

units 91

systemd targets 92

changing dynamically 94

get default 93 92

list dependencies 92 92 91 92 91

set default 93 92

systemd unit

configuration files 94

disable 95

enable 95

mask 95

status 93

types 94

systemd units 91

System Monitor 301

system monitoring 299

disk I/O 305

free memory 304

free swap space 304

gnome-system-monitor 301

htop 303

iotop 305

system processes 299


targets 91

tasksel , 31

TERM signal 300

TigerVNC 179

TightVNC 176, 179

TLS 266

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 266

Type-1 virtualization 206

Type-2 virtualization 206



history of 8

meaning 8

ufw 137, 143

command-line options 143

disabling 143

enabling 143

logging 145

reload 145

resetting 145

status 143

umount 12

Uncomplicated Firewall 137


origins of 7

update-manager 100

Updates 103

automatic 104

USB drive

device name 11

useradd 85

userdel 86

user processes 299


adding and deleting 86

Users and Groups 85


VcXsrv 185

vgdisplay 288

vgextend 291

Vino 170

disabling encryption 174

installing 170


interactive mode 247

reboot guest 250

restore guest 249

resume guest 249

save guest 249

setmem 250

shell 247

suspend guest 249

virt-install 215

virt-manager 212, 213, 222

create VM 222

session connection 222

start VM 226

Virtualization 205

AMD-V 208

Full Virtualization 208

Guest OS virtualization 205

Hardware Virtualization 208

hosted hypervisors 206

hypercalls 207

Hypervisor Virtualization 206

Intel VT 208

KVM 211

metal hypervisors 207

native hypervisors 207

Paravirtualization 207

virt-viewer 218

installing 218

remote SSH connection 219

session guests 219


connecting to server 181

ports 180

secure access 175

server installation 179

vncpasswd 180

vncserver 180

kill session 181

list sessions 180

Volume Groups 287


wc 81

web server 261

which 78

Whitfield Diffie 157


writing ISO to USB drive 13

Windows partition

filesystem access 40

reclaiming 45

unmounting 45

Windows PowerShell 161

Windows SMB 189

Windows system partition 46

wipefs 291


X11 Forwarding 183

compressed 184

trusted 184

XFS file system 281

xfs_growfs 292


ZFS filesystem 18

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