How to do it...

To check which Animator state is currently active, follow these steps:

  1. Import the character to Unity.
  2. Create an Animator Controller for it or use an existing one.
  3. If you want your character to react to hits, follow the Using transitions from Any State to play hit reactions recipe.
  4. In this recipe, we are going to use the healing action as an example. Create a new script and call it Healing.cs. In this script's Update() function, first we check if player pressed the H key. Then we check if our character is playing in the proper Animator state and saved in the public stringhealingAllowedState variable. We also check if a healing action is not active because we don't want to stack healing actions. If all these conditions are met, we start a healing coroutine:
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.H)) 
            if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName(         
                if (!isHealing) 
  1. The IEnumarator Heal() coroutine is responsible for increasing our Spider's hitPoints in time:
        isHealing = true; 
        Enemy enemyScript = GetComponent<Enemy>(); 
        while (enemyScript.hitPoints < 
            enemyScript.hitPoints += healingSpeed * Time.deltaTime; 
            yield return null; 
        enemyScript.hitPoints = enemyScript.initialHitPoints; 
        isHealing = false; 
  1. Assign the script to the Spider character.
  2. Play the game and press the H key to start the healing action. Our character needs to be in the SpiderIdle state (the public string healinAllowedState is set to Base Layer.SpiderIdle in the Inspector).
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