How it works...

Wind Zones are a builtin Unity feature, useful for animating foliage and particle systems. There are two types of Wind Zone:

  • Directional: This is a global wind for the whole scene (still you can have several of them). It blows in one direction.
  • Spherical: This type has a Radius in which it influences particles and trees. It's useful for helicopters and explosions.

Wind Zones are described by a series of parameters defining the strength of the wind:

  • Main: This is the main wind force. It changes softly over time.
  • Turbulence: This produces a rapidly changing force and is useful for creating storms.
  • Pulse Magnitude: This describes how much the wind changes over time.
  • Pulse Frequency: This describes the frequency of the wind changes.
Remember that you can animate the Wind Zone's parameters with the Animation View. This gives you a great amount of control over how the wind should change in time. For instance, you can create a strong, spherical wind for explosions with an animation of the Main and Turbulence parameters quickly fading out. You can also animate the Wind Zone rotation and/or position (applicable only to the Spherical type) to change the effect.

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