
Part 1: Craving Creativity

1 Everyone Is Creative

Defining Creativity

How You Encounter Creativity Every Day

Creative Play: Seeking Another Purpose

The “Affiliations” of Creativity

Creativity as an Expression of Your Desires

Creative Play: What Creativity Means to You

Is Creativity Learnable?

Remembering What You’ve Forgotten

Deciding to Be Creative

Creative Play: Creativity Commitment

2 The Benefits of Creativity

The Value of Creativity in Business and Beyond

Gaining Satisfaction and Recognition

Feeling Motivated and Productive

Having a Greater Appreciation for the Process

How Creativity Benefits Your Relationships

Creative Play: Valuing Your Creative Gifts

What’s in It for You?

Feeling More Energetic

Embracing Your Freedom and Independence

Lowering Your Stress Levels

Making Your Life More Meaningful

Creative Play: Exploring Your Personal Benefits

Part 2: What It Takes to Create

3 Motivation and Creativity

The Urge to Create

Creative Play: Understanding Your Urges

How Are You Motivated?

Intrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic Motivation

Understanding Your Own Motivations

Creative Play: Becoming Motivated to Create

4 The Process of Creativity

From Idea to Execution

Clarify Your Intention

Round Up Ideas

Explore and Experiment

Analyze and Act

Take a Breather

Execute, Evaluate, Evolve, and Enjoy!

Creative Play: Tapping Into the Process

Embracing Your Roles in the Creative Process

Engaging in Whole-Brain Thinking

Convergent Thinking

Divergent Thinking

Creating by Accident

5 Characteristics of Creatives

Common Stereotypes About Creatives

Common Traits of Creatives













Creative Play: Realizing Your Own Attributes

A Look into the Lives of Famous Creatives

Oprah Winfrey

Leonardo da Vinci

J. K. Rowling

Albert Einstein

6 Locked in the “Creativity Closet”

What’s Keeping You Stuck?

When What You Have Is Not Enough

The Time Trap

Fighting with Finances

Perfectionism = Procrastination

Colliding with Confidence

“I’m Too (Fill in the Blank)”

Facing Your Fears

Fear of Failure

Fear of Success

Risk or Routine?

Rejection … Again

All About Anxiety

The Comparison Game

The Past Hasn’t Passed

Critic’s Corner

Creative Play: Breathing into Your Awareness

Getting Beyond the Negative Voices in Your Head

Deep Rooted or Temporary?

I Admit It When I’m Right!

Creative Play: Breaking Through Your Barriers

Part 3: Finding Your Keys to Creativity

7 Reframing Your Viewpoint

Overcoming Your Obstacles

Setting Your Priorities

Creative Play: Examining Your Priorities

Being Willing to Be a Beginner

Dealing with Mistakes

Allowing Yourself to Be Vulnerable

Reclaiming Your Power

Creative Play: What Color’s Your Traffic Signal?

Setting Reasonable Expectations

Not Being Afraid of Risks

Being Open to Getting Help

Ways to Foster Creative Freedom

There’s No Such Thing as Trying

Giving Yourself Permission to Create

It Begins with a Belief

Creative Play: Examining Your Beliefs

Changing Your Attitude with Gratitude

Affirming Your Creativity

Creative Play: I Am Creative!

Redefining Your Life

8 Laying the Groundwork for Creativity

Opening Your Mind

Clutter, Comfort, and Creativity

Clearing the Clutter—or Not!

Creating Your Ideal Space

Sensing Your Creativity






The Sixth Sense

Creative Play: Uncommon Sense

9 Jump-Starting Your Creativity

Channeling Your Creative Side

The Power of Play

Creative Play: Being Childlike, Not Childish

Lightening Up with Laughter

Dating Yourself

Getting Loose and Dancing

Becoming a Conscious Observer

Seeing What’s Not There

Making Creativity a Habit

Tabling Your Technology

Giving Yourself an A

The Time Is “Write” to Capture Your Ideas

Creating One Simile a Day

Making Creativity a Game

Letting Gratitude Fuel Your Inspiration

10 Priming Your Mind

Confronting Your Assumptions Head On

Creative Thinking Practices

Combine Unlike Ideas

Think in Metaphors

Look to Others


Use Free Word Associations

Start with the End in Mind

Good Ol’ Brainstorming

Create a Mind Map

How Daydreaming Can Be Fruitful

Why Doodling Isn’t Dawdling

Creative Play: Doodle Instead of Dawdle

11 Pursuing Your Passions

What It Means to Be Passionate

Passions vs. Goals

Overcoming Common Blocks to Passion

Creative Play: Seeing Your Passions Through Patterns

Getting Lost in Time

Creative Play: Identifying Your Passions

Connecting Creativity with Collections

Committing to Personal Pleasure

Benefits of Having a Hobby

How to Get Started

Creative Play: Rewarding Yourself with a Hobby

Enhancing Your Creativity Through Bliss and Balance

12 Enhancing Your Creativity with Partnerships

Making Connections

Engaging a Partner

Learning and Mentoring in a Partnership

When Problems Arise

Forming Support and Interest Groups

Reaching Out to Your Community

Creative Play: The Gift of Giving

Is Creativity Coaching for You?

Reasons to Work with a Coach

How Do Sessions Work?

Where You Can Find a Creativity Coach

Part 4: Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace

13 Developing a Creative Culture in Your Organization

Creativity and the Bottom Line

Creativity That Involves Everyone

Building a Creative Environment

Rewarding Employees

Being Tolerant of Mistakes

Promoting a Fun, Casual Environment

Balancing Deadlines with Flexibility

Designing an Office Space That Speaks Creativity

Allowing Play in Your Office

Behind Closed Doors or Open Spaces?

Hot Desking

Creative Play: My Space Is My Kingdom

How You Can Be More Creative at Work

Being Proactive

Keeping an Open Mind

Taking Risks Even When You’re Uncertain

14 Solving Problems and Finding Solutions

Innovative Thinking Techniques

Looking Beyond Logic

Creative Play: What If?

Putting Yourself in Their Shoes

Brainwriting Your Way to an Answer

Changing Your Wording

Maximizing or Miniaturizing

Looking for More Than One Answer

Consciously Changing Your Routine

If It’s Not Broken, Break It

Getting in the Habit of Asking Questions

Accepting Failure as Part of the Process

15 Creative Teamwork

Leading the Team

Setting the Example

Creating Bonding Opportunities

Encouraging Creativity Outside of the Workplace

Leading Meaningful Discussions

Becoming a Team Player

Tuning Into Resistance

Finding and Being a Mentor

Creative Play: The Magic of Mentoring

Creatively Collaborating with Co-Workers

Creative Play: Now Hear This!

16 Developing a Creative Mind-Set at Work

It’s a Matter of Perspective

Viewing Creativity as Essential

Creating Something Out of Nothing

Getting Inspired Through Observation

Causes of Creative Burnout

Helpful Remedies for Burnout

Refocusing Your Attention

Involving Other People

Getting Physical

Centering Yourself Inwardly and with Love

Creative Play: Interview Insights

Part 5: Living Creatively Every Day

17 The Ageless Art of Creativity

Supporting Creativity in Your Kids

How Encouragement Goes a Long Way

Making Art Convenient

Putting a Creative Spin on Everyday Things

Finding Creativity Outdoors

Creative Discipline

Some Final Dos and Don’ts

Creative Play: Don’t Lose Your Marbles

Reconnecting Teens with Their Creative Nature

Encouraging Creativity in Students

The Decline of Creativity in Education

Creative Teaching Methods

Creativity Knows No Age Limits

18 To Share or Not to Share

Being at Peace with Sharing

“I’m Ready to Share—I Think”

Assessing Your Work

Deciding Whether It’s Truly “Share-Worthy”

Creative Play: It Starts with You

Handling Feedback Once You’ve Shared

Creative Play: Feeling Your Feedback

How Sharing Your Creativity Touches Others

19 Applying Creativity in Everyday Life

Keeping Creativity Alive and Well

Fun with Synchronicity

Boosting Your Creativity with Handwriting

Creative Play: The Lost Art of Handwriting

Creating a Balance

Times When You Have to Force Creativity

Fighting Burnout

Creative Play: Achieving Alignment

Developing a Daily Creative Practice

20 Reviewing and Re-Energizing Your Creative Practices

Reviewing Your Creative Progress

Closing the Creativity Gap

Creative Play: Reconnecting with Your Creative Spirit

More Resources to Re-Energize Your Creativity

Eyeing Your Creativity

Zentangle—An Artsy Meditation


Watching Your Language

Creative Play: Fun with Poetry

Meditating to Connect with Your Creativity

21 Creativity Is Not a Destination

The Journey of Creating

Maintaining Creative Awareness

Realizing the Ebb and Flow of Creativity

Creative Play: Celebrating Your Mileposts

Being True to Who You Are

You Now Own the Keys!

Creative Play: Creativity Proclamation


A Glossary

B Resources

C More Creative Play

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