I would like to thank everyone who has been involved with the development of the BCS Foundation Certificate in User Experience. In particular I am grateful to Dr David Travis for his significant assistance and guidance with this book. I also want to acknowledge the kind advice on international standards given to me by the late Nigel Bevan.

Becky Youe and Ian Borthwick at BCS have been models of forbearance and encouragement throughout the book’s long gestation. Thank you, Becky and Ian! In addition, I am indebted to BCS for allowing the use of the sample exam material.

Thanks to all those who have encouraged me by word and example to set out on this journey and persevere with it, in particular Drs Penny Pullan and Mike Goodland and Adrian Reed. Heartfelt thanks also to the lecturers at UCLIC who taught me so much about human–computer interaction and ergonomics, and to my colleagues and students, too numerous to name individually, who have taught me even more.

Above all, thank you to my wife Nina for her patience and support.

Nick de Voil

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