AEIOU activities, environments, interactions, objects, users

CX customer experience

DSDM Dynamic Systems Development Method

EA enterprise architecture

GUI graphical user interface

HCD human-centred design

HCI human–computer interaction

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

HTML5 HTML version 5

IA information architecture

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ISO International Organization for Standardization

IxD interaction design

LATCH location, alphabet, time, category, hierarchy

MECE mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive

PACT people, activities, contexts, technologies

PARC proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast

SFIA Skills Framework for the Information Age

SUS System Usability Scale

UCD user-centred design

UI user interface

UML Unified Modeling Language

UX user experience

W3C World Wide Web Consortium

WAI Web Accessibility Initiative

WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

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