Using bean validation

Java Bean Validation—JSR-303 is a framework that has been approved by the JCP (Java Community Process) and is accepted as a part of the Java EE 6 specification. Through this framework, we can easily add validation on the attributes in the bean. In this recipe, we will create a form for the Product bean and we will validate the attributes.

Using bean validation

Getting ready

Before we start with bean validation, we need to download a Bean Validation implementation and add it to our project. For example, one of them is available at the following URL:

Alternatively, we can download the Hibernate Validator from the following URL:

Or add the Maven dependency:


Hibernate Validator requires slf4j-api and slf4j-simple JAR files available at the following URL:

Or add the Maven dependency:


After downloading, we add these JAR files into the lib folder in our project at WebContent/WEB-INF/lib.

How to do it...

Carry out the following steps to create a form with bean validation:

  1. Create a Vaadin project with a main UI class named Demo.
    public class Demo extends UI {…}
  2. We create a bean named Product. This bean has attributes code, name, and price. Using bean validation is very easy. For instance, if we want to add a not-null constraint to ensure a null value cannot be used on the code attribute, we place a @NotNull annotation on it. Using the @Size annotation with optional elements min and max, we can limit the length of the string name. To determine the minimum value of price we use an annotation, @Min.
    public class Product  {
      private int code;
      @Size(min=2, max=10)
      private String name;
      private double price;
      public Product(int code, String name, double price) {
        this.code = code; = name;
        this.price = price;
      <insert getters and setter>
  3. Next, we create our main class named ProductForm. This class is based on the FormLayout class. In this layout, captions are rendered to the left of their respective components.
    public class ProductForm extends FormLayout {…}
  4. We want to bind fields with bean attributes, so the names of the fields are the same as the attributes of the Product bean.
      private TextField code = new TextField("Product code:");
      private TextField name = new TextField("Product name:");
      private TextField price = new TextField("Price (USD):");
      private FieldGroup fieldGroup;
  5. In the constructor, we set size of the form and, using the setMargin(true) method, we set a margin on all four sides.
      public ProductForm() {
  6. Next, we create an instance of the FieldGroup class. FieldGroup provides an easy way of binding fields to data and handling commits of these fields. In this object, we also set the bean item.
        fieldGroup = new BeanFieldGroup<Product>(Product.class);
        fieldGroup.setItemDataSource(new BeanItem<Product>(product));
  7. At the end, we add all components to the layout.
  8. The okButton object is created in a separate method. We add a click listener on this button. In this listener, we commit all changes made to the bound fields. If some of the fields are not valid, the FieldGroup.commit() method throws CommitException.
      private Button createOkButton() {
        Button okButton = new Button("OK");
        okButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
          public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
            try {
    "Product committed: " + product);
            } catch (CommitException e) {
    , Type.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        return okButton;
  9. That is all. Now we can use our created form in the Demo class.
      protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
        setContent(new ProductForm());

    We run the server and open our application in the web browser.

How it works...

A table showing some bean validation constraints:





The value of the field or property must be false.


boolean isUnsupported;


The value of the field or property must be a date in the future.


Date eventDate;


The value of the field or property must be an integer value greater than or equal to the number in the value element.


int quantity;


The value of the field or property must not be null.


String username;


The value can not exceed the value of one of the optional elements max or min.

@Size(min=2, max=240)

String briefMessage;

The full list of the built-in Bean validation constraints is described on the Oracle's web page:

See also

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