
In Chapter 2 we discussed the Assembly Information dialog, describing how it is used for specifying information about applications. All the information is stored in a file named AssemblyInfo.vb. Listing 3.3 shows the content of this file as it is available when you create a new project.

Listing 3.3 AssemblyInfo.vb Content



As you can notice examining the Visual Basic code shown in Listing 3.3, there are several items whose identifier begins with the word Assembly, such as AssemblyTitle, AssemblyCompany, and so on. Each item is in relationship with fields of the Assembly Information dialog. Moreover such items are marked with an attribute named Assembly. Attributes are discussed in Chapter 48. The reason why it is useful knowing about the above file is that there are situations in which you need to edit this file manually. Examples are localization of WPF applications or marking an assembly as compliant to Microsoft Common Language Specifications.

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