Part IV

Building Your Custom Web Site


In this part . . .

CSS styling and HTML markup provide the foundation for the style and layout of your WordPress Web design. This part takes you through the basics of CSS, including information about classes, IDs, properties, and values. You will find a wealth of information on how to style background and header images, colors, and menus. Using HTML markup with the CSS styles is an important combination, and this part of the book takes you through basic HTML techniques including basic markup, inserting images and hyperlinks, and tying CSS and HTML together to create a dynamic style for your Web site project.

Finally, this part ends with an in-depth look at using WordPress as a full-blown content management solution (CMS) through the use of static pages, page and category templates, built-in CSS classes in WordPress, and custom styles for specific content delivery. I also take you through adding complex features to your WordPress Web site such as an e-commerce shop, photo galleries, social communities, and popular social media integration.

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