Often-Confused Words

Here is a list of words confused in meaning and where one letter can make all the difference between praise and damnation. All are certain to baffle your spell-checker:

accept - to receive favorably

except - to leave out

ad - an advertisement

add - to increase

adapt - to adjust

adept - skilled

adopt - to take for one’s own

addition - something added

edition - the number or manner of a published work

adverse - opposing, unfavorable

averse to - disinclined towards, reluctant

advice - a recommendation

advise - to counsel

agenda - a list of tasks or goals

addenda - additional

affect - to influence

effect (noun) - a result

effect (verb) - to bring about, to accomplish

aid - to help

aide - an assistant

allusion - a reference

illusion - a visual deception

delusion - a false notion or idea

aloud - audible

allowed - permitted

already - previously

all ready - in readiness

alternate - a substitute

alternative - a choice between two

altogether - entirely

all together - as one group, united

all right - standard English spelling

ante - before

anti - against

anyway - in any event

any way - in any way or manner

appraise - to estimate the value of

apprize - to inform

assent - to consent

ascent - a rise

assistance - help

assistants - helpers

beside - next to

besides - moreover, in addition

better - of higher quality

bettor - one who gambles

blue - a color

blew - past tense of the verb “blow”

bolder - fearless, daring

boulder - a large rock

brake - to stop from moving

break - to fracture, interrupt

born - brought into life

borne - carried, endured

capital - chief, important

capitol - a building or site of official city or seat of government

casual - informal

causal - the source or cause

cite - to summon or quote

site - a location

sight - vision

coarse - unrefined

course - a passage, route, subject of study

confidant - one to whom secrets are entrusted

confident - possessed of self-assurance

contemptible - deserving contempt

contemptuous - expressing contempt

continuation - pertains to length or sequence

continual - pertains to time, interrupted occurrences

continuous - occurs without interruption

council - an assembly of individuals whose purpose is to advise, govern, or legislate

counsel - an advisor, an attorney

credible - believable

credulous - prone to belief

creditable - deserving esteem, praise-worthy

dear - valued, loved

deer - an animal

decent - respectable, proper

descent - a downward movement

dissent - disagreement

decree - a decision or ruling

degree - a step or point in a series, acknowledgment of academic accomplishment

definite - clear

definitive - final, official

deprecate - to express disapproval of

depreciate - to decrease in value

desecrate - to treat irreverently

device - a contrivance, object

devise - to contrive, create, invent

disburse - to pay out

disperse - to scatter

disinterested - impartial

uninterested - not interested

disprove - to prove false

disapprove - to not approve

exalt - to praise

exult - to rejoice

eligible - qualified

legible - plain, easy to read

envelop - to surround

envelope - stationery

exceed - to surpass, go beyond

accede - to yield, surrender

except - to leave out, exclude

accept - to receive with approval

expand - to increase

expend - to spend

extant - existing

extinct - non-existing

extent - the measure, length, degree

facetious - causing laughter

fictitious - unreal

fare - a price

fair - impartial

farther - pertains to distance

further - additional

feat - an accomplishment

feet - plural form of “foot”

fewer - refers to countable things

less - refers to uncountable

flair - natural style, ability, talent

flare - a glowing light used to indicate location or warning

formerly - previously

formally - dignified, seriously

fortunate - lucky

fortuitous - happening by chance

genius - inspired ability, talent, skill

genus - classification of a species

homogenous - of common origin

homogeneous - composed of similar elements or parts

human - pertaining to mankind

humane - compassionate, merciful

hypercritical - overly critical

hypocritical - deceitful

illegible - unable to be read

illegal - unlawful

illicit - unlawful

elicit - to draw out

imply - to suggest indirectly

infer - to deduce or conclude

immoral - not moral

immortal - cannot die

incredible - unbelievable

incredulous - unbelieving

inept - awkward, foolish

inapt - unqualified, unsuited

inequity - not equal, unfair

iniquity - evil

insight - understanding of, knowledge of

incite - to arouse to action

insure - to guarantee against financial loss

ensure - to make sure or certain

intelligent - possessed of intelligence

intelligible - understandable, comprehensible

its - possessive form of the pronoun “it”

it’s - contraction form of “it is” or “it has”

lay - to place, set down

lie - to recline

lend - verb for temporary use

loan - noun for temporary use

lesson - instruction

lessen - to reduce

liable - responsible, likely to

libel - written, published, spoken defamation of character

moral - pertaining to right conduct

morale - state of mind, feeling, or spirit

pare - to trim, scale down

pair - two of a kind

pear - a fruit

perpetrate - to carry out, to be guilty of

perpetuate - to make lasting

personal - individual, private

personnel - employees, workers, members of an organization

precede - to go before or ahead

proceed - to advance

precedence - priority

precedents - established rules or procedures

preview - to view in advance

purview - range, scope, limits of

principal - chief, main

principle - rule

prophesy - to predict

prophecy - prediction

quiet - absent of noise

quite - to an extent

sea - body of water

see - present tense of “to see”

soar - to fly or rise above

sore - painful

sometime - at an indefinite time

some time - a period of time

sometimes - now and then, on occasion

stationary - permanent, unmovable

stationery - writing paper and associated supplies

tantamount - equivalent

paramount - the highest

taught - instructed

taut - tense, tightly wound

temerity - boldness

timidity - shyness, fearful

than - comparison

then - time, following

their - possessive pronoun

there - indicates location or reference

they’re - contraction form of “they are”

through - from beginning to end

thorough - completely, fully

threw - past tense of verb “to throw”

thru - nonstandard spelling of “through”

to - a preposition

too - also, much

two - a number

typical - conforming to type or expectation

atypical - nonconforming to type, irregular

unabridged - entire, complete

abridged - shortened version

expurgated - objectionable content removed

unreal - not real

unreel - to unwind

use - present tense verb

used - past tense verb

vary - to change

very - much

veracious - truthful

voracious - greedy, hungry

vice - moral fault

vise - tool

waver - to fluctuate

waiver - to suspend or relinquish

weak - not strong

week - seven days

whose - possessive pronoun

who’s - contraction form of “who is” or “who has”

your - possessive pronoun

you’re - contraction form of “you are”

yore - of times past

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