Time for action - the PathNode class

  1. Add a new class called PathNode to the Robot Rampage project.
  2. Add the following using directive to the top of the class file:
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
  3. Add declarations to the PathNode class:
    #region Declarations
    public PathNode ParentNode;
    public PathNode EndNode;
    private Vector2 gridLocation;
    public float TotalCost;
    public float DirectCost;
  4. Add properties to the PathNode class:
    #region Properties
    public Vector2 GridLocation
    get { return gridLocation; }
    set {
    gridLocation = new Vector2(
    (float)MathHelper.Clamp(value.X,0f,(float)TileMap. MapWidth),
    (float)MathHelper.Clamp(value.Y,0f,(float)TileMap. MapHeight));
    public int GridX
    get { return (int)gridLocation.X; }
    public int GridY
    get { return (int)gridLocation.Y; }
  5. Add a constructor to the PathNode class:
    #region Constructor
    public PathNode(
    PathNode parentNode,
    PathNode endNode,
    Vector2 gridLocation,
    float cost)
    ParentNode = parentNode;
    GridLocation = gridLocation;
    EndNode = endNode;
    DirectCost = cost;
    if (!(endNode==null))
    TotalCost = DirectCost + LinearCost();
  6. Add a helper method to determine the indirect cost for a node:
    #region Helper Methods
    public float LinearCost()
    return (
  7. Add public methods to allow the node to be compared with other nodes:
    #region Public Methods
    public bool IsEqualToNode(PathNode node)
    return (GridLocation == node.GridLocation);

What just happened?

When building a chain of nodes that represent a path, each node needs to know what node it was arrived at from. The ParentNode member variable stores the reference to that node, while the EndNode member stores the node that the search system is seeking as the destination. This information will be needed in calculating the indirect cost of the node.

The gridLocation member and its associated GridLocation property represent the X and Y coordinates of the node on the tile map, identifying the node's position in the game world. The GridX and GridY properties provide a shortcut for accessing the individual components of the gridLocation vector.

When a new PathNode is created, its direct cost (the cost associated with either a horizontal or vertical move) is stored in the DirectCost variable. If the endNode passed to the constructor is not null (which will be the case when the end node itself is created), the TotalCost member is calculated by adding the DirectCost and the result of the LinearCost() method, which measures the distance between the node and the end node. We could make the TotalCost a property that adds the two values and returns the result, but the Vector2.Distance() method is relatively costly when it is run hundreds of times comparing costs, so caching the value will give us a slight edge in performance.

The IsEqualToNode() method is needed because all classes are reference types in C#, meaning that the variables in our program are really pointers to objects in memory. Assigning a reference type to a new variable does not make a copy of the whole object, but rather it simply copies the pointer and creates a new reference to the same object.

In order to determine if two different instances of the PathNode object represent the same square on the map, IsEqualToNode() checks to see if the GridLocation properties of the two nodes match. Since a Vector2 is a value type, the comparison happens between the actual data values in the Vector2 instead of reference pointers.

Now it is time to build the actual path-finding code, which we are going to do in a few stages for clarity. To begin, let's create a new static class, which will handle pathing for our game.

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