Time for action - creating projects

  1. Download 0669_08_GRAPHICPACK.zip from the book's website and extract the contents to a temporary folder. Leave this folder open in Windows Explorer.
  2. Inside Visual Studio, select New Project... from the File menu.
  3. Create a new Windows Game (4.0) project called Gemstone Hunter.
  4. Right-click on the Gemstone Hunter Content project and add a new folder called Textures.
  5. Switch back to the Windows Explorer window and highlight the Sprites folder, as well as the three .PNG files (Gem.png, PlatformTiles.png, and TitleScreen.png). Right-click on one of the highlighted files and select Copy.
  6. Switch back to the Visual Studio window and right-click on the Textures folder in the content project and select Paste. This should result in a Sprites folder under Textures folder and all three images being added to your project.
  7. Right-click on the Gemstone Hunter Content project and add a new folder called Fonts.
  8. Create a new SpriteFont object called Pericles8 in the Fonts folder. Set the font name to Pericles and the size to 8.
  9. At the top of the Solution Explorer window, right-click on the solution (Solution 'Gemstone Hunter') and select Add | New Project....
  10. From the new project window, select the Windows Game Library (4.0) template. Name the project Tile Engine and add it to the solution:
Time for action - creating projects

What just happened?

We now have three projects in our solution The Gemstone Hunter game project, the associated Content project, and the Tile Engine "Game Library" project. The game project itself will be detailed in Chapter 9. The "Tile Engine" project will contain the code for, not surprisingly, the game's tile engine, which will be shared with the third project, the "Level Editor" that we will create shortly.

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