Configuring the Launch screen's background color

You can configure a custom Launch screen when your app is started. This screen is automatically created when you create a project and is contained in LaunchScreen.storyboard. It will appear briefly onscreen before the UI is displayed. First, let's set a custom color for this screen, as follows:

  1. Click Launchscreen.storyboard in your Project navigator:

  1. Select View in the document outline. Select the Attributes Inspector, and click the Background menu in the Attributes Inspector:

  1. Choose Custom... from the pop-up menu:

  1. In the color picker, choose the second tab (the one with the three sliders):

  1. Select RGB Sliders from the pop-up menu and enter 4A4A4A in the Hex Color # box:

Build and run your app. You should briefly see a dark gray screen before the Tab Bar appears. Cool!

The next thing you will do is add a logo to this screen and position the logo so that it is in the exact center of the screen regardless of the device and orientation. You will do that in the next section.

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