Getting Started with Dark Mode

Welcome to Section 4 of this book, where you will learn about the cool new features Apple introduced in iOS 13, and how to implement them in your app.

This chapter will focus on Dark Mode, a color scheme that works system-wide and across all native apps. Apple has made it really easy for third-party developers to integrate it into their apps. You will learn how to integrate Dark Mode into the LetsEat application. You'll update storyboard elements and modify your code to use adaptive colors, and learn about SF Symbols, a set of over 1,500 consistent, highly configurable symbols you can use in your app.

By the end of this chapter, you'll be able to update your existing apps to Dark Mode programmatically, or by choosing adaptive colors in the storyboard and take advantage of Apple's new SF Symbols set.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Turning on Dark Mode in the simulator
  • Updating the Launch screen to work with Dark Mode
  • Updating the Explore screen to work with Dark Mode
  • Updating the Restaurant List screen to work with Dark Mode
  • Updating the Restaurant Detail screen to work with Dark Mode
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