
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


AAC file format, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
AAC files, Make Music with GarageBand
AC adapter, charging battery with, Charge the iPad Battery
accented characters, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
accessibility, General
activating and setting up iPad
via USB, Activate and Set Up Your iPad via USBActivate and Set Up Your iPad via USB, Activate and Set Up Your iPad via USB, Activate and Set Up Your iPad via USB
via WiFi, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFiActivate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi
Add All Songs button, Make Playlists
Add to Home Screen, Make Home Screen Bookmarks, Use the Safari Action Menu
Add to Reading List, Use the Safari Action Menu
address book, Maintain ContactsMaintain Contacts, Maintain Contacts, Maintain Contacts
Adobe Photoshop Express, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
Adobe Photoshop Touch, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
Adobe Reader, Find Alternatives to iWork
AIFF file format, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
AIFF files, Change a Song’s File Format
AIM, Social Networking on Your iPad
Airplane Mode, Airplane Mode
AirPlay, Beam Games to an Apple TV, Play iPad Videos on Your TV, Edit Photos on the iPad, Play Slideshows on Your TV, Photo Stream on the Apple TV
podcasts and, Play Audiobooks
AirPrint, Print with Your iPad, See Maps in Different Views
Alarm, Track Time With the iPad’s Clock
Album view (iTunes), More Ways to Browse Your Collection
covers, Fetch Missing Album Art
editing information, Edit Album Information and Song Gaps
rating, You’re the Critic: Rate Your Music
alcohol-based cleansers, Keep the iPad Screen Clean
alerts, Set Up an iPad Alert
Allow Calls From (FaceTime), Hang Out the “Do Not Disturb” Sign
Amazon, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad, Get Music from Other Online Stores
Aneesoft, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
AOL, Set Up Mail Accounts on the iPad
AP Mobile, Find Newspaper and Magazine Apps
apostrophes, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
App Store, Your Home Screen Apps, Shop the App Store, Go to the App Store, Tour the App Store, Set Up an Apple ID, Sign Up Without a Credit Card, Buy, Download, and Install Apps, Uninstall Apps, Search for Apps, Scale Up iPhone Apps, Sync and Organize Apps in iTunes, Sync and Organize Apps in iTunes, Adjust App Preferences, Update Apps, Troubleshoot Apps, iTunes & App Stores (iOS 6) / Store (iOS 5)
Apple ID, Set Up an Apple IDSign Up Without a Credit Card, Set Up an Apple ID, Sign Up Without a Credit Card
Create New Account, Set Up an Apple IDSign Up Without a Credit Card, Sign Up Without a Credit Card, Sign Up Without a Credit Card
syncing purchases, Adjust App Preferences
Apple Composite AV Cable, Play iPad Videos on Your TV
Apple Digital AV Adapter, Play iPad Videos on Your TV
Apple ID, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi
App Store and, Buy, Download, and Install Apps, Uninstall Apps, Use Newsstand for Your ePeriodicals
authorizing computers and, Authorize Computers for iTunes and Home Sharing
FaceTime and, Make Video Calls with FaceTime
finding lost iPad, Find a Lost iPad
Game Center and, Sign Up for Game Center
Home Sharing and, Use iTunes Home Sharing on Your iPad
iCloud on your computer, Set Up iCloud on Your Computer
iMessage and, Send Messages
iTunes in the Cloud, Use iTunes in the Cloud
iTunes Store and, The Wireless iTunes Store
Safari’s Reading List and, Use Safari’s Reading List
setting up, Set Up an Apple IDSign Up Without a Credit Card, Sign Up Without a Credit Card, Sign Up Without a Credit Card
Apple Lossless file format, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS), Download iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunes
Apple Store, Protecting the iPad’s Screen, Play iPad Videos on Your TV, Protect Your iPad, Find an iPad Repair Shop
Apple TV
box, Play Slideshows on Your TV
converting DVD movies to play on, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
Photo Stream, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Photo Stream for Windows Users
playing iPad videos, Play iPad Videos on Your TVPlay iPad Videos on Your TV, Play iPad Videos on Your TV, Play iPad Videos on Your TV
playing slideshows, Play Slideshows on Your TVPlay Slideshows on Your TV, Play Slideshows on Your TV
second-generation, Edit Photos on the iPad
video-mirroring, Beam Games to an Apple TV
AppleCare Protection Plan, AppleCare—What It Is and Whether You Need It
Apple’s iPad Camera Connection Kit, Transfer Photos with iPad Camera Adapters
Apple’s Smart Covers, Turn the iPad On and Off
adjusting preferences, Adjust App Preferences
built-in, Organize Your Life With the iPad’s AppsUse Facebook on the iPad, Set App Privacy Settings, Find Your Way with Maps, Use Facebook on the iPad
frozen, Troubleshooting Basics
getting to inside folders, Make Home Screen App Folders
Home screen app directory, Your Home Screen AppsYour Home Screen Apps, Your Home Screen Apps
installing, Buy, Download, and Install Apps
iPhone, scaling up, Scale Up iPhone Apps
online, Work with Online AppsWork with Online Apps, Work with Online Apps, Work with Online Apps
organizing, Sync and Organize Apps in iTunes
settings, Troubleshooting Basics
switching apps with Home button, Use the Home Button to Switch Apps
video-editing, Edit Videos with iMovie
video-streaming, Get Video Onto Your iPad, How iTunes Organizes Your Content
Artist view (iTunes), More Ways to Browse Your Collection
artists, sorting by, Make Playlists
AT&T, Cellular: 4G LTE, 4G, and 3G Networks
DataConnect plans, Pick an AT&T Service Plan
hotspots, Use Public WiFi Hotspots
mobile hotspots, Use a Mobile Broadband Hotspot
transferring plan to iPad, Transfer an Old Data Plan to a New iPad
streaming audio and video, Stream Web Audio and VideoStream Web Audio and Video, Stream Web Audio and Video, Stream Web Audio and Video
Audio format (iTunes), Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
audiobooks, Sync Music, Audiobooks, and Podcasts, Play Audiobooks
Auto-Capitalization, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
Auto-Correction, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
Auto-Lock, General
Auto-Renewal setting (ePublications), Subscribe to ePublications
Autofill, Use Autofill to Save Time
Automatic Downloads (iTunes Store), Adjust App Preferences, The Wireless iTunes Store, Use iTunes in the Cloud
Automatically Add to iTunes, Getting Videos Into iTunes
AV cables, Connect Through iPad Jacks and Ports, Play iPad Videos on Your TV, Play Slideshows on Your TV
AVI files and iTunes, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
Avid Studio, Edit Videos with iMovie


cables, Play iPad Videos on Your TVPlay iPad Videos on Your TV, Play iPad Videos on Your TV, Play iPad Videos on Your TV
CalDAV Account, Subscribe to an Online Calendar
alerts, Set Up an iPad Alert
Entourage, Set Up Your Calendars
events, Use the iPad Calendar
iCal, Set Up Your Calendars
iCloud, Set Up Your Calendars
Outlook Express, Maintain Contacts
setting up, Set Up Your CalendarsSet Up Your Calendars, Set Up Your Calendars
settings, iCloud
subscribing to online, Subscribe to an Online Calendar
syncing, Syncing With iTunes, Set Up Your Calendars
using iPad calendar, Use the iPad CalendarSubscribe to an Online Calendar, Subscribe to an Online Calendar, Subscribe to an Online Calendar
Camera Roll, Add Picture and Video Attachments to Mail Messages, Send Messages, Share Your Video Clips, Take Photos With the iPad’s Camera, Take Portraits with Photo Booth
backups, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
deleting photos, Share and Print Photos
cameras, Find the Home Button and Cameras, Your Home Screen Apps
adapters, Transfer Photos with iPad Camera Adapters
exposure adjustment, Take Photos With the iPad’s Camera
grid, Take Photos With the iPad’s Camera
shooting videos, Shoot Your Own Videos
taking photos, Take Photos With the iPad’s Camera
Twitter and, Use Twitter
caps lock, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
changing import settings for better audio quality, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
importing tracks, Import CD Tracks to iTunes
in computer drive, The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction
cellular data service, Sign Up for Cellular Data Service
4G/3G iPads, Cellular Data (Wi-Fi + 4G/3G iPads Only)
account settings, Check, Change, or Cancel Data Plans
cellular network, Airplane Mode, Cellular Data (Wi-Fi + 4G/3G iPads Only)
Change Tracking (Pages), Troubleshooting iWork Files
characters, accented, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
Check for Updates, Update Apps
Check Spelling, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
Chrome, Use Other Web Browsers
cleaning screen, Keep the iPad Screen CleanProtecting the iPad’s Screen, Protecting the iPad’s Screen
Clear mobile broadband hotspot, Use a Mobile Broadband Hotspot
cloud computing, Work with Online AppsWork with Online Apps, Work with Online Apps, Work with Online Apps
iTunes in the Cloud service, Use iTunes in the Cloud
ComiXology’s Comics app, Subscribe to ePublications
Composers, Explore the Music Menu
authorizing iTunes and Home Sharing, Authorize Computers for iTunes and Home Sharing
deauthorizing iTunes, Deauthorize Your Computer
Media (or Music) folder moving to external drive, Move Your iTunes Media Folder to an External Drive
contacts, Your Home Screen Apps
adding photo, Maintain Contacts
changing information, Maintain Contacts
Copy, Use Information in Mail Messages
Create New Contact, Use Information in Mail Messages
FaceTime video call, Maintain Contacts
mapping address, Maintain Contacts
passing along information, Maintain Contacts
sending messages, Maintain Contacts
settings, iCloud
syncing, Syncing With iTunes
Contents (iBooks), Read an iBook
Contrast (Photos), Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
Convert to AAC (iTunes), Change a Song’s File Format
Convert to MP3 (iTunes), Change a Song’s File Format
large song files to smaller ones, Tour iTunes
song’s file format, Change a Song’s File Format
Copy, Use the Safari Action Menu
Copy Link (iTunes), iTunes and Social Media
Cover Lock/Unlock, General
Create MP3 Version (iTunes), Change a Song’s File Format
Crop (Photos), Edit Photos on the iPad
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Replace, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Replace TextCut, Copy, Paste, and Replace Text, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Replace Text, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Replace Text


EDGE network, Use a Cellular Data Network
Eject icon (iTunes window), The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction
email, Your Home Screen Apps, Save and Mail Images from the Web, Use the Safari Action Menu, iWork by iTunes Sync
adjusting mail settings, Adjust Mail Settings
attachments, File Attachments
changing minimum font size, Adjust Mail Settings
Check Mail, Tour the Mail Program
Compose New Message, Tour the Mail Program
contacts, Use Information in Mail Messages
Copy, Use Information in Mail Messages
custom signature, Adjust Mail Settings
default mail account, Adjust Mail Settings
deleting unwanted accounts, Adjust Mail Settings
file attachments, File AttachmentsUse Information in Mail Messages, Use Information in Mail Messages, Use Information in Mail Messages
picture and video, Add Picture and Video Attachments to Mail Messages
Forward, Reply, Print, Tour the Mail Program
Gmail account, Webmail On the iPad
images from Web, Save and Mail Images from the Web
IMAP accounts, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPadPOP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad
iMessage, Send MessagesSend Messages, Send Messages, Send Messages
loading remote images, Adjust Mail Settings
Mail settings, Mail, Contacts, Calendars
managing messages, Manage Your EmailManage Your Email, Manage Your Email, Manage Your Email
deleting all the junk at once, Manage Your Email, Manage Your Email
filing in different folders, Manage Your Email
formatting, Format Your Messages
making new mailbox folders on the iPad, Manage Your Email
moving messages to folder, Tour the Mail Program
organizing by thread, Adjust Mail Settings
searching mailboxes, Manage Your Email
Move to Folder, Tour the Mail Program
photos, Share and Print Photos
preview in message list, Adjust Mail Settings
Previous/Next Message, Tour the Mail Program
reading, Use Information in Mail Messages
Reply, Reply All, or Forward, Write and Send Email
scanning for spam, Manage Your Email
setting up, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi, Set Up an Email Account (or Two), Set Up Mail Accounts on the iPad
settings, iCloud
syncing with iTunes, Copy your Desktop Mail Settings Using iTunes, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad
videos, Share Your Video Clips
VIP Mailbox, Set Up a VIP Mailbox
Web-based email accounts, Webmail On the iPad
emoticons, Send Messages
eMusic, Get Music from Other Online Stores
Enable Caps Lock, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
Enhance (Photos), Edit Photos on the iPad
Entourage, Set Up Your Calendars, Subscribe to an Online Calendar
equalization, Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic EqualizerImprove Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer, Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer
equalizer presets, Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer
Erase Data, General
Events, viewing photos by, Find Pictures on Your iPad
Exchange, Subscribe to an Online Calendar
Exposure (Photos), Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps


Facebook, Surf the Web, Take a Safari Tour, Zoom and Scroll Through Web Pages, Use Safari Reader, Use the Safari Action Menu, Social Networking on Your iPad, Social Networking on Your iPad, Use Facebook on the iPad, Facebook (iOS 6 only)
Game Center and, More Ways to Get Your Game On
iTunes, iTunes and Social MediaGet iTunes News on Twitter, Get iTunes News on Twitter
posting photo to, View Pictures on Your iPad, Share and Print Photos
Faces, Find Pictures on Your iPad
FaceTime, The iPad With Retina Display vs. the iPad 2, Meet the iPad Mini, Find the Home Button and Cameras, Your Home Screen Apps, Make Video Calls with FaceTime, Adjust Your FaceTime Settings, Use Skype to Make Internet Calls, Tour the Mail Program, Maintain Contacts
settings, Reminders (iOS 6 only)
file formats
audio, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
Find My iPad, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Find a Lost iPad
Find My iPhone, Find a Lost iPad
finger moves, Finger Moves for the iPad, View Pictures on Your iPad
multitasking gestures, Use Multitasking Gestures on the iPad, Use Multitasking Gestures on the iPad, General
fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating, Protecting the iPad’s Screen
flick (finger move), Finger Moves for the iPad
Flickr, Social Networking on Your iPad
folders (Home screen apps), Make Home Screen App Folders
frames, Zoom and Scroll Through Web Pages
Fraud Warning, Surf Securely, Safari
free courses, Go to School at iTunes U
frozen apps, Troubleshooting Basics
Full Screen videos, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad


Game Center, Your Home Screen Apps, Play Games
achievement points, Get Social with Game Center
Facebook and, Add Facebook Friends
Friends list, Sign Up for Game Center
getting social with, Get Social with Game CenterGet Social with Game Center, Get Social with Game Center
leaderboard scores, Sign Up for Game Center
OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), Use Game Center with OS X 10.8
recommendations, Get Social with Game Center
signing up, Sign Up for Game CenterSign Up for Game Center, Sign Up for Game Center, Sign Up for Game Center
turn-based games, Get Social with Game Center
games, Play GamesAn iPad Games Gallery, Find iPad Games, Play Games, Sign Up for Game Center, Sign Up for Game Center, Get Social with Game Center, Get Social with Game Center, More Ways to Get Your Game On, Beam Games to an Apple TV, Play Multiplayer Games in Person, Troubleshoot Games, An iPad Games Gallery, An iPad Games Gallery
Angry Birds, An iPad Games Gallery
Apple TV, Beam Games to an Apple TV
Bluetooth symbol, Play Multiplayer Games in Person
Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies for iPad, Play Multiplayer Games in Person
cheat codes, Play Games
Cut the Rope HD, Play Games
Flight Control HD, Play Games
gyroscope, Find the Home Button and Cameras
Infinity Blade, An iPad Games Gallery
iStunt 2 HD, Find iPad Games
Monster Ball HD, Play Multiplayer Games in Person
multiplayer, Play Multiplayer Games in Person
New & Noteworthy titles, Find iPad Games
Pac-Man, Play Games
Pac-Man for iPad, Find iPad Games
Real Racing 2 HD, Play Games, Beam Games to an Apple TV
Retina display, Play Games
Scrabble, Play Multiplayer Games in Person
Search box, Find iPad Games
Top Charts button, Find iPad Games
troubleshooting, Troubleshoot Games
video mirroring for, Stream and Mirror Files with AirPlay
W.E.L.D.E.R., Use Game Center with OS X 10.8
Wi-Fi logo, Play Multiplayer Games in Person
GarageBand, Manage and Play Music and Other Audio, Make Music with GarageBandMake Music with GarageBand, Make Music with GarageBand
Jam Session, Make Music with GarageBand
Genius Mixes, Make Genius Mixes in iTunes 11, Make Genius Playlists on the iPad
Genius playlists, Control the Now Playing Screen, Make Genius Playlists on the iPad
Get Album Artwork (iTunes), Fetch Missing Album Art
Get Info (iTunes), Edit Song Information
getting online, Get OnlineTravel Internationally with the iPad, Get Your WiFi Connection, Pick a Sprint Service Plan, Sign Up for Cellular Data Service, Turn Cellular Data Service Off or On, Use a Mobile Broadband Hotspot, Make Video Calls with FaceTime, Use Skype to Make Internet Calls, Travel Internationally with the iPad
hotspots, Use a Mobile Broadband Hotspot, Use the iPad as a Personal Hotspot
network options, Use a Cellular Data Network
Ghostbird Software’s PhotoForge 2, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
global dictionary, Use the iPad’s Global Dictionary
Gmail, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi, Work with Online Apps, Set Up Mail Accounts on the iPad, Read Mail, Webmail On the iPad, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad, Notes
Gogo, Use Public WiFi Hotspots
Google Chrome, Use Other Web Browsers
Google Drive (formerly Google Docs), Work with Online AppsWork with Online Apps, Work with Online Apps, Work with Online Apps
Google+, Social Networking on Your iPad
GPRS (°) network, Use a Cellular Data Network
GPS, Locate Your Position Using GPS, Troubleshoot Apps
Gracenote database, Edit Song Information
graphic equalizer (EQ), Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic EqualizerImprove Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer, Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer, Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer
equalizer presets, Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer
Grid view (iTunes), More Ways to Browse Your CollectionSearch iTunes, Search iTunes, Search iTunes
Griffin Technology, Protect Your iPad
GSM network, Cellular: 4G LTE, 4G, and 3G Networks, Use a Cellular Data Network
gyroscope, Find the Home Button and Cameras


iBooks, Download the iBooks AppFind Newspaper and Magazine Apps, Go to the iBookstore, Browse and Search for Books, Browse and Search for Books, Buy and Download a Book, Find Free iBooks, Sync Books Using iTunes, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad, Read an iBook, Read an iBook, Change the Type in an iBook, Create Bookmarks and Margin Notes, Use iBooks Textbooks, Delete or Rearrange iBooks, Find Newspaper and Magazine Apps
adding other eBooks to iPad, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad
Amazon, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad
Author app, Use iBooks Textbooks
Barnes & Noble, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad
bookmarks and margin notes, Create Bookmarks and Margin Notes
Bookshelf screen, Delete or Rearrange iBooks
categories, Browse and Search for Books
changing typeface, Change the Type in an iBook
comics, Subscribe to ePublications
Dictionary, Use the Dictionary
app, Download the iBooks App
free sample, Browse and Search for Books, Buy and Download a Book, Find Free iBooks
from iCloud, Sync Books Using iTunes
Full Screen mode, Read an iBook
getting information about title, Browse and Search for Books
iCloud downloads, Sync Books Using iTunes
Library, Read an iBook
Newsstand app, Use Newsstand for Your ePeriodicals
Project Gutenberg, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad
Purchased, Browse and Search for Books
reading, Read an iBookRead an iBook, Read an iBook, Read an iBook
Scroll mode, Read an iBook
for, Browse and Search for Books, Browse and Search for Books
Share button, Create Bookmarks and Margin Notes
Subscriptions, Subscribe to ePublications
syncing with iTunes, Sync Books Using iTunes
textbooks, Use iBooks Textbooks
Top Charts, Browse and Search for Books
Write a Review link, Browse and Search for Books
iBookstore, Go to the iBookstoreRead Other Ebooks on the iPad, Browse and Search for Books, Browse and Search for Books, Buy and Download a Book, Find Free iBooks, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad
iCal, Set Up Your Calendars, Subscribe to an Online Calendar
iCloud, Back Up and Sync Your Gadgets with iCloud, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Set Up iCloud on Your Computer, Using iWork with iCloud on the Web, Stream Photos with iCloud, Photo Stream for Mac OS X Users, Share Your Photo Stream, iCloud
backups, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, USB Backup and Restore with iTunes
calendars, Set Up Your Calendars
contacts, Maintain Contacts
Documents & Data, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
downloading photos, Automatically Download Photos with Photo Stream
email accounts, Set Up Mail Accounts on the iPad
Find My iPad feature, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
iBook downloads, Sync Books Using iTunes
iOS 5 and later, Back Up and Sync Your Gadgets with iCloud, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
iTunes and, Use iTunes in the CloudiCloud in the iTunes 11 Library, iCloud in the iTunes 11 Library, iCloud in the iTunes 11 Library
iWork suite, using with, Using iWork with iCloud on the Web
MobileMe and, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
Photo Stream, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Stream Photos with iCloud, Photo Stream for Windows Users
Reading List, Use Safari’s Reading List
setting up
on computer, Set Up iCloud on Your Computer
on iPad, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
storage space, Back Up and Sync Your Gadgets with iCloud, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
syncing bookmarks, Sync Bookmarks
syncing with
iTunes, Syncing With iCloud
iCloud Tabs, Take a Safari Tour, Use iCloud Tabs
iFixit, Find an iPad Repair Shop
IMAP accounts, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad
iMessage, Send Messages, Send Messages, Messages
videos, Share Your Video Clips
iMovie, Edit Videos with iMovieEdit Videos with iMovie, Edit Videos with iMovie, Edit Videos with iMovie
files in iWork, iWork by iTunes SyncTroubleshooting iWork Files, Troubleshooting iWork Files, Troubleshooting iWork Files
Info, syncing with iTunes, Sync Your Personal Info to the iPad
apps, Buy, Download, and Install Apps
iTunes, Activate and Set Up Your iPad via USB
international, Use an International or Emoji Keyboard, Delete a Keyboard, Travel Internationally with the iPad, General
iOS 5 and later
backing up iPad, Use iPad Backup Files
dictation, Enter Text By VoiceUsing Dictation on the iPad, Using Dictation on the iPad
high-definition videos, Watch, Create, and Edit Videos
iCloud and, Back Up and Sync Your Gadgets with iCloudSet Up iCloud on Your iPad, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
Location Services, Privacy (iOS 6) / Location Services (iOS 5)
multitasking gestures, Use Multitasking Gestures on the iPad
iOS 6
Bluetooth, Bluetooth
Clock app, Track Time With the iPad’s ClockTimer, Stopwatch, Timer
creating photo albums, Working with Albums
Do Not Disturb, Hang Out the “Do Not Disturb” Sign, Hang Out the “Do Not Disturb” Sign, Do Not Disturb (iOS 6 only)
Facebook, Use Facebook on the iPad
iCloud Tabs, Use iCloud Tabs
iTunes & App Stores, iTunes & App Stores (iOS 6) / Store (iOS 5)
Maps, Maps (iOS 6 only)
Photos & Camera, Photos & Camera (iOS 6) / Photos (iOS 5)
podcasts, Use the Podcasts App
posting photo to Facebook, View Pictures on Your iPad, Share and Print Photos
Privacy, Privacy (iOS 6) / Location Services (iOS 5)
Privacy settings page, Set App Privacy SettingsPrivacy and Location Services, Privacy and Location Services, Privacy and Location Services
Reading List, Use Safari’s Reading List
Reminders, Reminders (iOS 6 only)
Safari Reader, Use Safari Reader
Siri, Command Your iPad with SiriCustomizing Siri, Customizing Siri, Enter Text By Voice, General
Twitter, Social Networking on Your iPad
uploading photos, Work with Online Apps
using iCloud, Use Safari’s Reading List
cache, clearing, Surf Securely
disconnecting from USB, Activate and Set Up Your iPad via USB
erasing all content and settings, AppleCare—What It Is and Whether You Need It
Mini, Meet the iPad, What’s in the Box, Meet the iPad Mini, Meet the iPad Mini
protecting, Protect Your iPad
Retina display, Meet the iPad, What’s in the Box, Meet the iPad Mini
Siri, Command Your iPad with Siri, Using Siri
storage capacity and serial number, Tour iTunes
turning on/off, Turn the iPad On and Off
iPhone apps, scaling up, Scale Up iPhone Apps
iPhoto for iPad, View, Shoot, Edit, and Manage Photos, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps, Use iPhoto for iPad, Use iPhoto for iPad
iResQ, Find an iPad Repair Shop
iTunes, Your Home Screen Apps, Sync and Share Media Files Using iTunes and iCloud, Master iTunes On the Desktop, Use the iTunes 11 MiniPlayer, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality, More Ways to Browse Your Collection, Search iTunes, Change a Song’s File Format, Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer, Improve Your Tunes with the Graphic Equalizer, Edit Song Information, Edit Album Information and Song Gaps, Make a New Playlist in iTunes 11, Playlist-Making Method #2, Edit or Delete a Playlist, Make a Genius Playlist in iTunes, Make Genius Mixes in iTunes 11, You’re the Critic: Rate Your Music, Smart Playlists: Another Way for iTunes to Assemble Song Sets, Smart Playlists: Another Way for iTunes to Assemble Song Sets, Fetch Missing Album Art, See Your iTunes Purchase History and Get iTunes Store Help, Set Up Multiple iTunes Libraries, Move Your iTunes Media Folder to an External Drive, iTunes and Social Media, iPad Troubleshooting and Care
AAC files, Change a Song’s File Format
Account and Billing Support, See Your iTunes Purchase History and Get iTunes Store Help
albums, Find Pictures on Your iPad
working with, Working with Albums
App Store, Go to the App Store
audio formats, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
backups, USB Backup and Restore with iTunes
Check for Available Downloads, Check for Downloads
content organization, How iTunes Organizes Your Content
converting file format, Change a Song’s File Format
copying contents, Activate and Set Up Your iPad via USB
Create New Account, Set Up an Apple IDSign Up Without a Credit Card, Sign Up Without a Credit Card
customizing look, Use the iTunes 11 MiniPlayer
downloading and reinstalling, Download iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunesDownload iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunes, Download iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunes, Download iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunes
Downloads, Check for Downloads
editing album information, Edit Album Information and Song Gaps
Facebook, iTunes and Social MediaGet iTunes News on Twitter, Get iTunes News on Twitter
file storage, Where iTunes Stores Your Files
Genius Mixes, Make Genius Mixes in iTunes 11, Make Genius Playlists on the iPad
Get Info, Edit Song Information
getting videos into, Getting Videos Into iTunes
Home Sharing, Use iTunes Home Sharing on Your iPadPhoto Sharing with iTunes, Photo Sharing with iTunes, Photo Sharing with iTunes
photos, Photo Sharing with iTunes
in the Cloud, Use iTunes in the Cloud, Buy Music in the iTunes Store
libraries, Tour iTunes, Set Up Multiple iTunes Libraries
List view, More Ways to Browse Your Collection
lists, The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction
Media folder, Where iTunes Stores Your Files
MiniPlayer, Use the iTunes 11 MiniPlayer
photo sharing, Photo Sharing with iTunes
Plus songs, Authorize Computers for iTunes and Home Sharing
Preferences, Use the iTunes 11 MiniPlayer
Purchase History, See Your iTunes Purchase History and Get iTunes Store Help
removing apps, Uninstall Apps
search function, Search iTunes
syncing iPad, Automatically Sync the iPad, Manual Method #1
troubleshooting syncing to iPad, Troubleshoot Syncing Problems
Twitter, iTunes and Social MediaGet iTunes News on Twitter, Get iTunes News on Twitter
Up Next, Manage Your Expectations With Up Next
where files are stored, Where iTunes Stores Your Files
Wi-Fi Sync, Transfer Photos with iTunes
iTunes Match, Sync and Share Media Files Using iTunes and iCloud, The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction, Use iTunes Match, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Music
iTunes Store, The iTunes Store, iTunes & App Stores (iOS 6) / Store (iOS 5)
buying music, Buy Music in the iTunes Store
getting apps, Buy, Download, and Install Apps
videos, Get Video Onto Your iPad
wireless, The Wireless iTunes Store
iTunes U, Go to School at iTunes U, iTunes U
iTunes window
buttons and controls, The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction
Devices area, The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction
introduction, The iTunes 11 Window: An IntroductionThe iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction, The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction
iTunes Store button, Go to the App Store
music CDs, The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction
Shared area, The iTunes 11 Window: An Introduction
iWork, Get Productive with iWorkFind Alternatives to iWork, Meet iWork, Meet iWork, Get Started with iWork, Get Started with iWork, Tips for Working with Text and Photos, Create Presentations in Keynote, Import, Export, and Share iWork Files, iWork by Email, Troubleshooting iWork Files, Troubleshooting iWork Files, Find Alternatives to iWork, Find Alternatives to iWork
alternatives, Find Alternatives to iWorkFind Alternatives to iWork, Find Alternatives to iWork
fonts, Troubleshooting iWork Files
getting help, Getting Help with iWork
getting started, Get Started with iWorkGet Started with iWork, Get Started with iWork
iTunes Sync, iWork by iTunes Sync
linked files, Troubleshooting iWork Files
online servers and, iWork by Online Server
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting iWork FilesGetting Help with iWork, Getting Help with iWork
using with iCloud, Using iWork with iCloud on the Web
iWork files, File Attachments


M4V files, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
magazine apps, Find Newspaper and Magazine AppsFind Newspaper and Magazine Apps, Find Newspaper and Magazine Apps
Maps, Your Home Screen Apps, Use Twitter, Find Your Way with Maps, Find Your Way with Maps, See Maps in Different Views, Locate Your Position Using GPS, Maps (iOS 6 only)
different views, See Maps in Different Views
finding an address, Find Your Way with Maps
getting directions, Get Directions on the MapTurn-by-Turn Directions, Get Directions on the Map, Turn-by-Turn Directions
locating position with GPS, Locate Your Position Using GPS
marking the spot, Find Your Way with Maps
Media (or Music) folder, Move Your iTunes Media Folder to an External Drive
meeting invitations, Subscribe to an Online Calendar
Messages, Your Home Screen Apps, Messages
Messaging, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi
microfiber cleaning cloth, Keep the iPad Screen Clean
microphone, Connect Through iPad Jacks and Ports
Microsoft Exchange, Set Up Mail Accounts on the iPad, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad
Microsoft Office files, File Attachments
Milliamp, Find an iPad Repair Shop
Mini, Set Up Your iPadFind the Home Button and Cameras, Meet the iPad, What’s in the Box, Meet the iPad Mini, Meet the iPad Mini, Turn the iPad On and Off, Find the Home Button and Cameras, Find the Home Button and Cameras
syncing iTunes, Sync Your iPad with iTunes
MiniPlayer (iTunes), Use the iTunes 11 MiniPlayer
mirroring files, Stream and Mirror Files with AirPlayVideo Mirroring, Video Mirroring, Video Mirroring
mobile broadband hotspot, Use a Mobile Broadband Hotspot
MobileMe, Copy your Desktop Mail Settings Using iTunes
MOV files, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
MP3 files, Stream Web Audio and Video, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
MP4 files, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
music, Your Home Screen Apps, Music
audiobooks in Music app, Play Audiobooks
converting large song files to smaller ones, Tour iTunes
GarageBand, Make Music with GarageBand
importing CD, Import CD Tracks to iTunes
menu, Explore the Music Menu
Now Playing, Control the Now Playing ScreenControl the Now Playing Screen, Control the Now Playing Screen
rating, You’re the Critic: Rate Your Music
syncing iTunes, Sync Music, Audiobooks, and Podcasts
Music (Photos app), Play Slideshows on Your iPad
Music folder (iTunes), Where iTunes Stores Your Files
Music in the Cloud, iCloud in the iTunes 11 Library
Mute, Use the Mute/Lock and Volume Buttons
MySpace, Social Networking on Your iPad


Page Navigator (iBooks), Read an iBook
Pages (iWork), Get Productive with iWorkTips for Working with Text and Photos, Meet iWork, Meet iWork, Get Started with iWork, Get Started with iWork, Create Documents in Pages, Create Documents in Pages, Tips for Working with Text and Photos
Change Tracking, Troubleshooting iWork Files
documents, Get Started with iWorkTips for Working with Text and Photos, Get Started with iWork, Create Documents in Pages, Create Documents in Pages, Tips for Working with Text and Photos
text and photos, Create Documents in Pages, Create Documents in Pages
Paint, Find Alternatives to iWork
Passcode Lock, General
Paste, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Replace TextCut, Copy, Paste, and Replace Text, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Replace Text, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Replace Text
PDF files, File Attachments, Sync Books Using iTunes
phishing, Surf Securely
Photo Booth, Find the Home Button and Cameras, Your Home Screen Apps, Transfer Photos with iPad Camera Adapters, Take Portraits with Photo Booth
Photo Stream, Set Up iCloud on Your iPad, Stream Photos with iCloud, Photo Stream for Windows Users, iCloud
automatically downloading, Automatically Download Photos with Photo Stream
finding photos, Find Pictures on Your iPad
sharing, Share Your Photo Stream, Music
photos, Your Home Screen Apps, Find Pictures on Your iPad
albums, Find Pictures on Your iPad, Find Pictures on Your iPad
Contrast, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
Crop, Edit Photos on the iPad
downloading with Photo Stream, Automatically Download Photos with Photo Stream
editing, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
exposure, Take Photos With the iPad’s Camera, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
Faces, Find Pictures on Your iPad
file attachments, Add Picture and Video Attachments to Mail Messages
finding on iPad, Find Pictures on Your iPadWorking with Albums, Find Pictures on Your iPad, Working with Albums
Home Sharing, Photo Sharing with iTunes
Places, Find Pictures on Your iPad
Red Eye, Edit Photos on the iPad
Rotate, Edit Photos on the iPad
Saturation, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
settings, Videos
syncing, Transfer Photos with iTunes
third-party apps, Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
by Events, Find Pictures on Your iPad
Picture Frame, Turn the iPad into a Picture Frame, General, Picture Frame
pinch (finger move), Finger Moves for the iPad
Pinterest, Social Networking on Your iPad
Places, Find Pictures on Your iPad
Play Each Slide For… (Photos), Play Slideshows on Your iPad
playlists, Tour iTunes, Control the Now Playing Screen, Make Genius Playlists on the iPad
changing or deleting, Edit or Delete a Playlist
creating, Playlist-Making Method #3
out of highlighted songs, Playlist-Making Method #3
Genius, Make a Genius Playlist in iTunes
Genius Mixes, Make Genius Mixes in iTunes 11
Smart Playlists, Smart Playlists: Another Way for iTunes to Assemble Song Sets
view options, More Ways to Browse Your Collection
podcasts, Play Audiobooks
iOS 6, Use the Podcasts App
POP accounts, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad
Print, Use the Safari Action Menu
printing, Print with Your iPad, Share and Print Photos
Privacy, Privacy (iOS 6) / Location Services (iOS 5)
settings page, Set App Privacy SettingsPrivacy and Location Services, Privacy and Location Services
Private Browsing, Erase the History List, Surf Securely, Safari
Project Gutenberg, Read Other Ebooks on the iPad
protecting iPad, Protect Your iPad
punctuation (keyboard shortcut), iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
Purchase History (iTunes), See Your iTunes Purchase History and Get iTunes Store Help
Purchased (iBooks), Browse and Search for Books


Safari, Your Home Screen Apps, General
Accept Cookies, Surf Securely
Action menu, Take a Safari Tour, Use the Safari Action Menu
address bar, Take a Safari Tour
Advanced, Surf Securely
Always Show Bookmarks Bar, Safari
Autofill, Use Autofill to Save Time
Back, Forward, Take a Safari Tour
Bookmarks, Take a Safari Tour, Create and Use Bookmarks, Add New Bookmarks on the iPad, Make Home Screen Bookmarks, Call Up Your History List, Edit and Organize Bookmarks and Folders, Edit and Organize Bookmarks and Folders, Sync Bookmarks
adding new, Add New Bookmarks on the iPad
editing and organizing, Edit and Organize Bookmarks and Folders
History button, Call Up Your History List
Clear Cache, Surf Securely
Clear History, Surf Securely
cookies, Surf Securely
History, Call Up Your History List
JavaScript, Surf Securely
Reading List, Use Safari’s Reading List, Jump to Other Web Pages, Call Up Your History List
RSS Feed, Edit and Organize Bookmarks and Folders
screen elements, Take a Safari TourTake a Safari Tour, Take a Safari Tour
Search box, Take a Safari Tour
security, Surf Securely
settings, Safari
Stop, Reload, Take a Safari Tour
tabs, Use Browser Tabs in Safari, Use Browser Tabs in Safari
Safari Reader, Use Safari Reader, Use the Safari Action Menu
Satchel, Work with Online Apps
Satellite (Map view), See Maps in Different Views
Saturation (Photos), Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
Saved Photos album, Delete Photos
schools (online courses), Go to School at iTunes U
screen, Keep the iPad Screen CleanProtecting the iPad’s Screen, Protecting the iPad’s Screen
Screen Brightness (iBooks), Read an iBook
Screen Care Kit for iPad, Protect Your iPad
Screen Orientation Lock, Use the Mute/Lock and Volume Buttons, Read an iBook
for apps, Search for Apps
for photos on iPad, Find Pictures on Your iPadWorking with Albums, Find Pictures on Your iPad, Working with Albums
iTunes 11, Search iTunes
Notes, Take Notes
Spotlight, Search the iPad, General
Select a Wireless Network, Get Your WiFi Connection
Set Up Personal Hotspot, Use the iPad as a Personal Hotspot
settings, iPad SettingsApp Preferences, Tour the iPad’s Settings, WiFi, Do Not Disturb (iOS 6 only), General, General, General, Sounds, iCloud, Reminders (iOS 6 only), Safari, Music, App Preferences
Accessibility, General
Airplane Mode, Airplane Mode
Bluetooth, Bluetooth
calendars, iCloud
Camera, Photos & Camera (iOS 6) / Photos (iOS 5)
Contacts, iCloud
FaceTime, FaceTime
iPad Cover Lock/Unlock, General
Usage, General
iCloud, iCloud
International, General
keyboard, General
Location Services, Privacy (iOS 6) / Location Services (iOS 5)
Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Mail, Contacts, Calendars
Maps, Maps (iOS 6 only)
Messages, Messages
Music, Music
Notes, Notes
Notifications, Notifications
Passcode Lock, General
Photos, Photos & Camera (iOS 6) / Photos (iOS 5)
Picture Frame, Picture Frame
Privacy, Privacy (iOS 6) / Location Services (iOS 5)
Reminders, Reminders (iOS 6 only)
Restrictions, General
Safari, Safari
Side Switch, General
Store, iTunes & App Stores (iOS 6) / Store (iOS 5)
video, Music
VoiceOver, General
Wi-Fi, Airplane Mode, WiFi
Share on Facebook (iTunes), iTunes and Social Media
Share on Twitter (iTunes), iTunes and Social Media
Shared Photo Streams, Photos & Camera (iOS 6) / Photos (iOS 5)
Photo Stream, Share Your Photo StreamDeleting Photos and Shared Streams, Deleting Photos and Shared Streams
Photo Streams, Photos & Camera (iOS 6) / Photos (iOS 5)
photos, Share and Print Photos
taste in music, movies, books, apps, and podcasts, iTunes and Social Media
with iCloud, Stream Photos with iCloudPhoto Stream on the Apple TV, Photo Stream on the Apple TV
Shortcuts feature, Use the iPad’s Global Dictionary
Show Duplicate Items (iTunes), Change a Song’s File Format
Show Exact Duplicate Items (iTunes), Change a Song’s File Format
Shuffle (Photos), Play Slideshows on Your iPad
Side Switch, Use the Mute/Lock and Volume Buttons, General
Sierra Wireless, Use a Mobile Broadband Hotspot
SIM cards, What’s in the Box
Siri, Meet the iPad Mini, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi, Command Your iPad with Siri, Using Siri, General
dictation, Enter Text By Voice, Dictation Options for Older iPads
searching, Search the iPad
Skype, Use Skype to Make Internet Calls
Sleep, Turn the iPad On and Off
Sleep/Wake switch, Find the Home Button and Cameras
slide (finger move), Finger Moves for the iPad
slideshows, Play Slideshows on Your iPadPlay Slideshows on Your TV, Play Slideshows on Your TV, Play Slideshows on Your TV
Smart Covers, Protect Your iPad
Smart Playlists, Control the Now Playing Screen
Smart Playlists (iTunes), Smart Playlists: Another Way for iTunes to Assemble Song SetsSmart Playlists: Another Way for iTunes to Assemble Song Sets, Smart Playlists: Another Way for iTunes to Assemble Song Sets, Smart Playlists: Another Way for iTunes to Assemble Song Sets
social networking, Social Networking on Your iPadSocial Networking on Your iPad, Social Networking on Your iPad, Social Networking on Your iPad
restoring iPad, Start Over: Restore Your iPad’s SoftwareStart Over: Restore Your iPad’s Software, Start Over: Restore Your iPad’s Software, Start Over: Restore Your iPad’s Software
changing file format, Change a Song’s File Format
rating, You’re the Critic: Rate Your Music
sorting by
albums, Explore the Music Menu, Make Playlists
playlists, Explore the Music Menu
song title, Explore the Music Menu
Sound Check, Music
SoundCloud, Make Music with GarageBand
Sounds, Sounds
Speak Auto-Text, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts, General
speed control in audiobooks, Play Audiobooks
spelling, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
Spotlight Search, Search the iPad, General
spread (finger move), Finger Moves for the iPad
Sprint, Cellular: 4G LTE, 4G, and 3G Networks
mobile hotspots, Use a Mobile Broadband Hotspot
Standard (Map view), See Maps in Different Views
Stopwatch, Stopwatch
Storage & Backup button (iCloud), Set Up iCloud on Your iPad
Straighten (Photos), Find Third-Party Photo-Editing Apps
streaming, Use the Home Button to Switch Apps, Stream and Mirror Files with AirPlayVideo Mirroring, Video Mirroring, Video Mirroring
apps and websites, Get Video Onto Your iPad
audio and video, Stream Web Audio and VideoStream Web Audio and Video, Stream Web Audio and Video, Stream Web Audio and Video
mirroring files and, Stream and Mirror Files with AirPlay
subscriptions, Subscribe to ePublications
switching between open apps, Use Multitasking Gestures on the iPad
Bookmarks, Sync Bookmarks
Sync Calendars with Outlook, Set Up Your Calendars
Sync iCal Calendars, Set Up Your Calendars
contacts, Sync Your Personal Info to the iPad, Maintain Contacts
email, Set Up an Email Account (or Two)
iCloud, Syncing With iCloud
iTunes, Sync Your iPad with iTunesUSB or Wi-Fi Sync?, Sync Your iPad with iTunes, USB or Wi-Fi Sync?
apps, Sync and Organize Apps in iTunes
email, POP3 and IMAP Accounts on the iPad
manually, Manually Sync Your iPad
Music, Sync Music, Audiobooks, and Podcasts
Notes, Syncing With iTunes
organizing apps in, Sync and Organize Apps in iTunes, Sync and Organize Apps in iTunes, Adjust App Preferences
transferring videos from, Getting Videos Into iTunes
with email, Set Up an Email Account (or Two)
with iBooks, Sync Books Using iTunes
with iPad, Sync Your iPad with iTunes, Sync Your iPad with iTunes, Automatically Sync the iPad
Notes, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Replace Text
photos, Transfer Photos with iTunes
Reminders, Use Reminders


T-Mobile hotspots, Use Public WiFi Hotspots
tabbed browsing, Use Browser Tabs in SafariUse Browser Tabs in Safari, Use Browser Tabs in Safari
Tell a Friend (iTunes), iTunes and Social Media
tethering, Use the iPad as a Personal Hotspot
text messages, Send MessagesSend Messages, Send Messages, Send Messages
The Internet Archive, Get Music from Other Online Stores
The New York Times app, Find Newspaper and Magazine Apps
thumbnails and finger gestures, View Pictures on Your iPad
Timer, Timer
Top Charts (iBooks), Browse and Search for Books
transferring photos, Transfer Photos with iTunesTransfer Photos with iPad Camera Adapters, Automatically Download Photos with Photo Stream, Transfer Photos with iPad Camera Adapters
transitions between photos, Play Slideshows on Your iPad, Turn the iPad into a Picture Frame
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Basics, Reset Your iPad, Start Over: Restore Your iPad’s Software
apps, Troubleshoot AppsTroubleshoot Apps, Troubleshoot Apps
backup files, Use iPad Backup Files
battery level, Troubleshooting Basics
games, Troubleshoot Games
iTunes, downloading and reinstalling, Download iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunesDownload iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunes, Download iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunes, Download iTunes and iTunes Updates, and Reinstall iTunes
iWork, Troubleshooting iWork FilesGetting Help with iWork, Getting Help with iWork, Getting Help with iWork
restoring iPad software, Start Over: Restore Your iPad’s SoftwareStart Over: Restore Your iPad’s Software, Start Over: Restore Your iPad’s Software, Start Over: Restore Your iPad’s Software
syncing problems, Troubleshoot Syncing Problems
cables, Play iPad Videos on Your TV
connecting iPad to, Play Slideshows on Your TV
finding and playing videos, Play iPad Videos on Your TVPlay iPad Videos on Your TV, Play iPad Videos on Your TV, Play iPad Videos on Your TV
Photo Stream, Photo Stream for Windows Users
playing slideshows on, Play Slideshows on Your TVPlay Slideshows on Your TV, Play Slideshows on Your TV
Twitter, Take a Safari Tour, Use the Safari Action Menu, Social Networking on Your iPad, Social Networking on Your iPad, Use Twitter, iTunes and Social Media, Twitter


VCF files (Contacts file standard), File Attachments
Verizon, Cellular: 4G LTE, 4G, and 3G Networks
hotspots, Use Public WiFi Hotspots
mobile hotspots, Use a Mobile Broadband Hotspot
using iPad as personal hotspot, Use the iPad as a Personal Hotspot
video calls, Make Video Calls with FaceTimeUse Skype to Make Internet Calls, Adjust Your FaceTime Settings, Use Skype to Make Internet Calls, Use Skype to Make Internet Calls
video mirroring, Beam Games to an Apple TV, Video Mirroring
videos, Your Home Screen Apps, Watch, Create, and Edit VideosDelete Videos, Get Video Onto Your iPad, Transfer Video from iTunes to iPad, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad, Play iPad Videos on Your TV, Play iPad Videos on Your TV, Shoot Your Own Videos, Share Your Video Clips, Edit Videos on the iPad, Edit Videos on the iPad, Edit Videos with iMovie, Edit Videos with iMovie, Video Formats That Work on the iPad, Delete Videos
Aneesoft iPad Video Converter, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
from Camera Roll, Edit Videos on the iPad
Done button, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad
on iPad, Edit Videos on the iPad, Edit Videos on the iPad
with iMovie, Edit Videos with iMovie, Edit Videos with iMovie
FaceTime, Make Video Calls with FaceTime
formats, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
getting into iTunes, Getting Videos Into iTunes
HandBrake, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
iMessage, Share Your Video Clips
iTunes Store, Get Video Onto Your iPad
movie trailers, Stream Web Audio and VideoStream Web Audio and Video, Stream Web Audio and Video, Stream Web Audio and Video
HD, Watch, Create, and Edit Videos
Play/Pause, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad
Previous, Next, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad
scroll slider, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad
settings, Videos
sharing, Share Your Video Clips
streaming apps and websites, Get Video Onto Your iPad
syncing, Transfer Video from iTunes to iPad
transferring to computer, Transfer Video from iTunes to iPad
volume, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad
Widescreen/Full Screen, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad
Wondershare iPad Video Converter, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
Zoom/Unzoom, Find and Play Videos on Your iPad
VIP Mailbox, Set Up a VIP Mailbox
virtual private network (VPN), General
Vlingo, Dictation Options for Older iPads
voice commands, Enter Text By VoiceUsing Dictation on the iPad, Using Dictation on the iPad, Using Dictation on the iPad
Voice Memos, Connect Through iPad Jacks and Ports
VoiceOver feature, General
VoIP, Use Skype to Make Internet Calls
volume, Use the Mute/Lock and Volume Buttons
Now Playing screen, Control the Now Playing Screen
Volume Limit, Music


Wake, Turn the iPad On and Off
Wall Street Journal app, Find Newspaper and Magazine Apps
wallpaper, View Pictures on Your iPad, Change the iPad’s Wallpaper, Brightness & Wallpaper
Washington Post app, Find Newspaper and Magazine Apps
WAV file format, Change Import Settings for Better Audio Quality
WAV files, Stream Web Audio and Video
Web, Surf the WebUse Other Web Browsers, Take a Safari Tour, Take a Safari Tour, Use Browser Tabs in Safari, Use Browser Tabs in Safari, Zoom and Scroll Through Web Pages, Zoom and Scroll Through Web Pages, Use Safari Reader, Use Safari’s Reading List, Jump to Other Web Pages, Use Autofill to Save Time, Add New Bookmarks on the iPad, Call Up Your History List, Edit and Organize Bookmarks and Folders, Edit and Organize Bookmarks and Folders, Save and Mail Images from the Web, Stream Web Audio and Video, Work with Online Apps, Use iCloud Tabs, Use the Safari Action Menu, Social Networking on Your iPad, Social Networking on Your iPad, Surf Securely, Surf Securely, Use Other Web Browsers, Use Other Web Browsers
addresses, iPad Keyboard Shortcuts
Autofill, Use Autofill to Save Time
saving and emailing images, Save and Mail Images from the Web
security, Surf Securely
streaming, Stream Web Audio and Video
WebDAV server, iWork by Online Server
Website Data, Safari
Wi-Fi Plus Cellular switch, Cellular Data (Wi-Fi + 4G/3G iPads Only)
Wi-Fi Sync (iTunes), Sync Your iPad with iTunes, Connect Through iPad Jacks and Ports, Sync Your Personal Info to the iPad, Troubleshoot Syncing Problems, General
maintaining contacts, Maintain Contacts
organizing apps, Sync and Organize Apps in iTunes
syncing books, Sync Books Using iTunes
syncing calendars, Set Up Your Calendars
syncing email, Set Up an Email Account (or Two)
syncing notes, Take Notes
Widescreen (videos), Find and Play Videos on Your iPad
WiFi, Use a Cellular Data Network
activating and setting up, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi
choosing network, Activate and Set Up Your iPad Over WiFi
connection, Get Your WiFi Connection
hotspots, Use Public WiFi Hotspots
settings, WiFi
Windows Address Book, Maintain Contacts
Windows Backup, See Your iTunes Purchase History and Get iTunes Store Help
Windows Contacts, Maintain Contacts
WMV files and iTunes, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
Wondershare, Video Formats That Work on the iPad
World Clock, Track Time With the iPad’s Clock


Xbox 360 gaming console, Control Your Xbox Game Console
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