
Book Description

Don't risk project failure: multi-level learning gives any organization a firm foundation for project success?today and in the future.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Foreword
  3. Introduction
    1. Multi-Level Learning: An Approach to Improving Project and Program Performance
    2. How This Approach Differs from Conventional Approaches
    3. Project and Program Management Offices
    4. How This Book Can Help You and Your Organization
    5. Who Should Read This Book
    6. How This Book Is Organized
    1. CHAPTER 1: The Need for Multi-Level Learning
      1. Red-Light Learning
      2. Defensive Routines
      3. Problems with Traditional Approaches to Learning from Project Experience
      4. From Red-Light Learning to Continuous Systems- Level Learning
      5. Conclusion
    2. CHAPTER 2: Foundations and Principles of Multi-Level Learning
      1. Reflection on Action
      2. The U.S. Army’s After-Action Review Process
      3. The Emergence of Agile Software Development Practices
      4. Action-Reflection Cycles: The Foundation for Multi-Level Learning
      5. Principles of Multi- Level Learning
      6. Conclusion
  5. PART 2: ROLES
    1. CHAPTER 3: The Multi-Level Learning Coach
      1. Overview of the Multi-Level Learning Coach Role
      2. The Importance of Neutrality and Objectivity
      3. Skills Required of the Multi-Level Learning Coach
      4. Three Core Values for Effective Facilitation
      5. Models for Effective Group Process
      6. Goals, Roles, and Procedures (1/3)
      7. Goals, Roles, and Procedures (2/3)
      8. Goals, Roles, and Procedures (3/3)
      9. Diagnosing and Intervening
      10. Ground Rules for Groups
      11. Conclusion
    2. CHAPTER 4: The Project and Program Management Function (PMO)
      1. The PMO
      2. Brokering and Communities of Practice
      3. Research Methodology
      4. How PMO Leaders Facilitate Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (1/4)
      5. How PMO Leaders Facilitate Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (2/4)
      6. How PMO Leaders Facilitate Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (3/4)
      7. How PMO Leaders Facilitate Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (4/4)
      8. Enablers and Barriers That PMO Leaders Face in Facilitating Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (1/5)
      9. Enablers and Barriers That PMO Leaders Face in Facilitating Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (2/5)
      10. Enablers and Barriers That PMO Leaders Face in Facilitating Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (3/5)
      11. Enablers and Barriers That PMO Leaders Face in Facilitating Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (4/5)
      12. Enablers and Barriers That PMO Leaders Face in Facilitating Cross-Project Learning and Continuous Improvement (5/5)
      13. The PMO and Multi-Level Learning
      14. Recommendations for PMO Leaders
      15. Conclusion
    1. CHAPTER 5: Facilitating Level 1: Continuous Project Improvement
      1. Overview of Level 1: Continuous Project Improvement
      2. Step 1: Plan and Conduct the Prospective
      3. Step 2: Execute the Plan
      4. Step 3: Plan and Conduct the Retrospective
      5. Step 4: Update Project Plans, Issues, Risks, and Lessons Learned
      6. Conclusion
    2. CHAPTER 6: Facilitating Level 2: Cross-Project Improvement
      1. Overview of Level 2: Cross-Project Improvement
      2. Step 1: Plan and Conduct the Prospective
      3. Step 2: Pilot Improvements
      4. Step 3: Plan and Conduct the Retrospective
      5. Step 4: Transfer Improvements to New and Existing Projects
      6. Conclusion
    3. CHAPTER 7: Facilitating Level 3: Strategic Portfolio Alignment
      1. Overview of Level 3: Strategic Portfolio Alignment
      2. Step 1: Plan and Conduct the Prospective (1/2)
      3. Step 1: Plan and Conduct the Prospective (2/2)
      4. Step 2: Execute the Strategy
      5. Step 3: Plan and Conduct the Portfolio Retrospective
      6. Step 4: Update the Project Portfolio and Capture Action Items
      7. Conclusion
    4. CHAPTER 8: Conclusion
      1. APPENDIX A: Problems with Traditional “Lessons-Learned” Practices (1/2)
      2. APPENDIX A: Problems with Traditional “Lessons-Learned” Practices (2/2)
        1. The Role of Social Practices
        2. Process vs. Product Knowledge
        3. Summary
      3. APPENDIX B: Situated Learning and Communities of Practice (1/3)
      4. APPENDIX B: Situated Learning and Communities of Practice (2/3)
      5. APPENDIX B: Situated Learning and Communities of Practice (3/3)
        1. Situated Learning and Legitimate Peripheral Participation
        2. Communities of Practice
  7. References (1/2)
  8. References (2/2)
  9. Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. U
    22. V
    23. W
    24. Z