The Multi-Level Learning Coach 53
American Management Association
can make free and informed choices about any adjustments that need
to be made.
It is important to note that while these values form the basis of the
role of the multi- level learning coach, the values themselves mean that
the members need to choose whether these values work for them in a free
and informed way. The coach needs to be clear that these are the values
she brings to her work and that members have the choice to adopt them
as they see  t. The role of the coach is not to “enforce” these values, but
to provide them as a set of ideals that can be modeled e ectively, provid-
ing clarity not only on what can make for e ective facilitation, but also on
what makes for e ective group interaction.
Group process is how a group works together, including how its mem-
bers communicate, solve problems, make decisions, handle con ict, and
manage the boundaries between themselves and the larger organization
(Schein, 1999; Schwarz, 2002). Group process can be contrasted conceptu-
ally with a group’s content, which is the work that a team has set out to
achieve and is represented in strategic plans, process maps, procedures,
and project plans. The multi- level learning coach is best served by using
an appropriate model of e ective group functioning so that he can inter-
vene to help teams collaborate more e ectively when they get o track,
or when certain behaviors, actions, or routines block the ability of people
The Three Core Values of E ective Intervention
Valid Information
Free and Informed Choice
Internal Commitment
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