American Management Association 197
accommodating style, in con ict resolu-
tion, 63–64
accountability, 40
action items, in strategic portfolio align-
ment, 165, 166–167
action learning research, 22, 29
action- re ection cycles, 34, 45–47, 169170
Adaptive Software Development, 35
AEIOU mnemonic, in con ict resolu-
tion, 65
After Action Review (AAR; U.S. Army),
27, 40
action- re ection cycles in, 34
before- action planning in, 30, 31
facilitation of, 30
importance of re ection and, 30–31
questions addressed in, 30–31
Agile Manifesto (Beck et al.), 32
agile software development, 31–33
action- re ection cycles and, 34
advantages of, 33
extent of use, 31
impact of, 33
methodology of, 32–33
nature of, 2, 32
principles of multi- level learning and,
Scrum and, 3233
“waterfall” approach versus, 32, 36–37,
139, 162
in brokering role, 66, 77–78, 8283, 152
see also strategic portfolio alignment
annual performance objectives, in strategic
portfolio alignment, 154
Antoni, Marc, 22, 116, 173, 175–177
in continuous project improvement, 134
in strategic portfolio alignment, 165
apprenticeship, 179–180
Argyris, Chris, 19, 2526, 51, 54, 56–57, 59,
74, 112
Arthur, M. B., 114, 188
in continuous project improvement, 133
in strategic portfolio alignment, 165
attacking behaviors, in con ict resolution,
avoidance mechanisms, 19–21, 39
avoiding style, in con ict resolution, 6364
Ayas, Karen, 174, 178, 188
barriers to cross- project improvement, 98,
changes in project personnel, 4950,
70–71, 105106
fear of publicly airing mistakes, 106–107
lack of access to past lessons learned,
lack of direct authority, 103104, 110
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