200 Index
American Management Association
cross- project improvement (continued)
project management o ce (PMO) and,
117–119, 139149
prospective in, 140144
recommendations for PMO leaders,
retrospective in, 145–148
see also multi- level learning
Cunningham, W., 32
customer objectives, in strategic port folio
alignment, 154
in continuous project improvement, 130
importance of satisfying, 3536
internal clients versus, 4, 130
Dahlgaard, J. J., 22, 116, 173, 175–177
Dai, C. X., 15, 74, 76
Darling, Marilyn, 2, 30
dashboards, project, 157, 159, 162
data collection
in continuous project improvement,
in cross- project improvement, 145–146
in strategic portfolio alignment,
debrie ngs, see postproject reviews; struc-
tured retrospectives
decision making
core values in, 61
e ective, 62
RACI model for, 61–62, 152, 157, 158
in strategic portfolio alignment, 152, 157
defensive routines, 19–21, 39
brokering role and, 111–113, 114115
de ned, 19
e ective facilitation and, 52
examples of, 58–60
impact of, 56–57, 111113
mitigating e ects of, 57
nature of, 112–113
in red- light learning, 19–21, 39, 5660,
112–113, 114115, 118
symptoms of, 19–20
in undermining cross- project improve-
ment, 118
DeFillippi, R. J., 114, 186, 188
DeJong, J., 31
in continuous project improvement,
127, 133
dilemma of process knowledge and,
delivery cycles, 37
Derby, Esther, 135, 147
diagnosis- intervention cycle
illustrated, 69
steps in, 68
as threat to multi- level learning coach,
discontinuities, 15
Disterer, George, 19, 21, 22, 75, 111112
Docherty, Peter, 28–29
DTE Energy, 30, 31
dual concerns model, 63–64
Edelman, L., 21, 22, 114–116, 171177, 182
Educating the Re ective Practitioner (Schön),
Ekstedt, E., 75
enablers of cross- project improvement,
learning- oriented culture, 100, 120–121
network of strong relationships, 97–99,
neutral facilitator, 4648, 100–101, 121
professional development, 101–102
re ection throughout the project,
102–103, 120
senior management support, 99100
Engle, P., 74
Eppler, Martin J., 19, 22, 74–75, 111112
evading behaviors, in con ict resolution,
executive development, action learning
in, 29
expectations, in continuous project
improvement, 133
face- saving, 112
core values for e ective, 51–53
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