
Book Description

A clear-sighted introduction to a complex subject, 'Internal Marketing' provides the reader with a succinct overview of the most recent thinking and practice.

The text begins by defining what internal marketing is and how it can work, and from this foundation:

* Outlines state-of-the-art thinking and practice
* Demonstrates how internal marketing can be used to facilitate such diverse strategies as TQM, New Product Development and Change Management
* Highlights the techniques managers need to understand to use IM effectively within their organizations
* Contains a range of international and up to the minute examples and cases of best practice from companies around the world

Throughout the book the emphasis is on understanding the principles that have made internal marketing such a potent force within leading corporations. This is combined with a pragmatic assessment of the many challenges involved in making it a reality within an organization.

Table of Contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Books in the series
  4. Title Page
  5. Copyright
  6. Contents
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Introduction
  9. Section I Internal Marketing Theory
    1. Chapter 1 What is internal marketing?
    2. Chapter 2 Models of internal marketing: how internal marketing works
    3. Chapter 3 The tools of internal marketing
    4. Chapter 4 Internal marketing and human resource management
    5. Chapter 5 A framework for empowering employees
  10. Section II Internal Marketing Applications
    1. Chapter 6 Total quality management (TQM) and internal marketing
    2. Chapter 7 Innovation and internal marketing
    3. Chapter 8 Knowledge management, learning and internal marketing
  11. Section III Internal Marketing Case Studies
    1. Case Study 1 Atlantic Richfield Company: using internal marketing to implement change
    2. Case Study 2 Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc.: reward and recognize your employees
    3. Case Study 3 Barclays Card Services (BCS): getting employees to live the brand
    4. Case Study 4 Barnardo's: enhancing corporate identity through internal marketing
    5. Case Study 5 Boatmen Trust Company: creating success through internal network relationships
    6. Case Study 6 CSX: appreciating the cost–benefit trade-off for employee change
    7. Case Study 7 Eastman Chemical Company: implementing TQM through internal market focus
    8. Case Study 8 First Union: designing and using employee segmentation
    9. Case Study 9 GTE Supply: developing and running an internal survey instrument
    10. Case Study 10 Lutherhan Brotherhood: building skills and competencies through internal marketing
    11. Case Study 11 Midland Bank: improving customer service through internal marketing
    12. Case Study 12 Nations Bank: using external marketing as part of the internal marketing programme
    13. Case Study 13 Norwich Union: improving efficiency through internal customer management
    14. Case Study 14 Provena: improving service quality in the healthcare environment
    15. Case Study 15 St Luke's Hospital: the role of internal marketing in implementing a knowledge-based system
    16. Case Study 16 Terminix International: using internal marketing to energize the company
    17. Case Study 17 Thomas Cook: developing internal customer orientation in the purchasing function
    18. Case Study 18 TMC: structuring the internal marketing process
  12. Index