
3M, 157

4Ps, 278, 54

7Ps, 2836, 54

Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, 32

Accountability, 203

Action, 378, 404

Advertising, 314, 261

Ahmed, P. K., 9, 10

Analytical knowledge management, 178, 179

Anthony, M. T., 142

Appelbaum, S. H., 195

Appraisals, 66, 2401, 242

Arbeit, S. F., 45

ARCO see Atlantic Richfield Company

Asda, 33

Asset management KM, 178, 17980

Assurance, 7980

AT&T, 92

Atkinson, P. E., 1212

Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), 21521

Attitudes, 36, 38, 667, 121, 175, 176

empowerment, 723

Thomas Cook, 2767

Australia Mutual Provident (AMP), 47, 48

Authorizing, 183, 185, 186

Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc., 2223

Aydlotte, Bill, 2223

B & Q, 1678

Bailey, C., 1867, 189, 190

Balanced scorecard, 197

Ballantyne, D., 181, 182, 1834, 1856

Banner McBride, 226

Barclays Card Services (BCS), 2245

Barnardo's, 2267

Bash, Ruth, 256

BCS see Barclays Card Services

Beliefs, 175, 176

Bell Helicopter Textron, 107

Benchmarking, 93, 101, 105, 180

customer satisfaction, 268

GTE Supply, 250

Berry, L. L., 3, 4, 5, 6, 1314

empowerment, 72

personnel, 59

service quality, 79

Best in Class, 137, 139

Big Idea Award, 223

Binney, D., 177

Boatmen Trust Company, 22833

Booz, Allen & Hamilton, 129

Bowen, D. E., 72, 73, 746, 82


Lloyds TSB, 29

values, 2245

Branson, Richard, 206

British Telecom, 108

Brown, S. P., 18

Burger King, 76

Business environment see Environment

Business Process Re-engineering, 96, 163

Business theory, 234

C&S/Sovran, 261, 262

Canfield, J., 162

Carlzon, Jan, 202

Carter, Will, 1601

Cartwright, Jeane, 2223

Case studies:

Atlantic Richfield Company, 21521

Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc., 2223

Barclays Card Services, 2245

Barnardo's, 2267

Boatmen Trust Company, 22833

CSX, 2346

Eastman Chemical Company, 23745

First Direct, 25960

First Union, 2468

GTE Supply, 24954

Lutheran Brotherhood, 2557

Midland Bank, 25860

Nations Bank, 2612

Norwich Union, 2635

Pearl Assurance, 4755

Provena, 2668

St Luke's Hospital, 26972

Sears, 647

Terminix International, 2734

Thomas Cook, 27580

TMC, 2815

Case-based reasoning, 1779

Chafin, D. C., 147, 154

Champion International Corporation, 923

Change, 42, 44

Atlantic Richfield Company, 21521

costs of, 43, 52

CSX, 2346

learning, 175, 176

Pearl Assurance, 49, 52, 54

resistance to, 9, 39, 456, 49, 52

Christenson, Pat, 2815

Churchill, G. A., 19

Clarke, M., 1867, 189, 190

Cleese, John, 32


project management, 1556

relationship marketing, 45

see also Collaboration

Code breaking, 183, 1845, 186

Codification, 179, 180, 181

Colgate-Palmolive, 127


competitive, 119

horizontal technological, 134, 135

knowledge creation, 186

reciprocal interdependence, 27

see also Co-operation

Commitment, 45, 282

exchange relationships, 11920

knowledge management, 185, 186, 199, 200, 201, 207

management, 133, 155, 207

organizational atmosphere, 114

total quality management, 95, 104, 108


Boatmen Trust Company, 230

composite model, 15, 18

coupling model of innovation, 132

Eastman Chemical Company, 239, 2434

First Union, 247, 248

GTE Supply, 252, 253

inefficient, 137

innovation, 132, 152, 15962, 167

knowledge management, 1958, 201

leadership, 155, 199207

Lloyds TSB, 2930

manager roles, 190, 191, 193, 194, 201

marketing mix, 304

new product development, 126

Pearl Assurance, 53

process, 35

promotion, 43

Provena, 2667

St Luke's Hospital, 270

socio-political context, 195

strategy implementation, 7

technical specialists, 194

TMC, 283

total quality management, 104

video-conferencing, 21521


internal, 265

quality management, 91

Competitive advantage, 13, 126, 1645, 208

customization, 73

empowerment, 87

new product development, 12930

total quality management, 91, 95, 117, 118

Competitive intelligence, 179

Computer-aided design (CAD), 135

Computers, 92, 173

Lutheran Brotherhood, 2557

St Luke's Hospital information system, 26972

Concept screening, 146

Confidence, 86

Conflict, 7, 61, 62, 68

Contact time, 812

Continuous improvement, 94, 95, 968, 99, 103, 120

Eastman Chemical Company, 240, 2435

innovation management, 153

internal marketing, 112, 115, 116, 118

learning, 175

Cooper, R. G., 125, 126, 147

Coopers & Lybrand, 275

Copus, Alison, 206

Core competencies, 1646

Corey, -, 140

Corporate culture see Organizational culture

Corporate identity, 168, 2267

Corporate level factors, 131, 133

Cost-benefit knowledge, 185, 189


employee empowerment, 86

internal positioning, 41

marketing mix, 28

mistakes, 85

new product development, 1278, 145

Pearl Assurance, 52

price, 43

service quality implementation, 19, 223

team approaches, 141

training, 174

Coupling model of innovation, 1313

Coutts, Lorian, 1678

Creation knowledge management, 178, 180

Creative discretion, 72, 74, 767, 80, 835, 86

Creativity: innovation, 130, 155, 163, 168, 169

task complexity, 80

Cross-functional integration, 7, 9, 10

human resource management, 62

total quality management, 11718

see also Inter-functional co-ordination

Cross-functional teams, 55, 62, 68

Realization Teams, 137, 13941, 142, 143

total quality management, 92, 96, 115

Cross-selling, 72

CSX, 2346

Culture see Organizational culture

Customer orientation, ixx, 67, 9, 10, 22, 60

composite model, 201

human resource management, 63, 68

innovation, 154

interdependence, 267

Thomas Cook, 27580

total quality management, 114, 121

see also People-orientation

Customer service, 181, 225

First Direct, 25960

Midland Bank, 2589

Provena, 2668

relationship marketing, 45

Thomas Cook, 276, 277

Customers: contact time, 812

employee empowerment, 75, 767, 7880

expectations, 5

feedback, 237

GTE Supply, 254

innovation problems, 1545

internal, 257

needs, 7680, 82, 835, 94, 113, 125

primacy of, 56, 26

promotion, 301

relationship marketing, 445

relationships with, 82


composite model, 15, 19

employee attitudes, 667

internal marketing definition, ix, 9

Provena, 2668

service recovery, 73

total quality management, 934, 978, 11011, 112, 115, 11617


CSX, 2356

employee empowerment, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 82

Dahlgaard Su Mi Park, 101

Darrington, Craig, 2567

Data analysis, 252, 271

Data warehousing, 179

Databases, 135, 180

Decision making: decentralized, 71

flat organizational structure, 135

learning organization, 176

phase review process, 1423, 146

poor, 155

Realization Teams, 139

Review Boards, 141

Defensive routines, 203

Definitions of internal marketing, 3, 4, 6, 910, 11

Delight, 97, 98

Deming, W. E., 93, 94, 109, 203, 241

Demographic segmentation, 247

Desarbo, W. S., 19

Developmental knowledge management, 178, 180

Deviant discretion, 72, 78


Boatmen Trust Company, 233

employee empowerment, 73, 75

Diffusing, 183, 185, 186

Direction, 37, 38

Discretion, 1415, 22

employee empowerment, 70, 712, 73, 74, 86, 87

hospitals, 845

task complexity, 768, 80, 82, 83, 84

Distribution, 34, 43

Documentation, 35

Douglas Aircraft, 107

Drucker, Peter, 173, 234

DuPont, 93

Eastman Chemical Company, 23745

Eastman Way, 2389, 245

EasyJet, 84


Boatmen Trust Company, 22930, 231

coupling model of innovation, 132

GTE Supply, 250


knowledge management, 189, 194

managerial, 190, 191

value proposition process, 147

Efficiency: new product development, 128

Norwich Union, 2635

project execution, 132

value proposition process, 147

Electronic information processing, 135, 26972

Emotional factors, 160, 163

Emotional intelligence, 163

Empathy, 7980


Atlantic Richfield Company, 217, 21819

attitudes, 36, 38, 667, 723, 121

Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc., 2223

balanced scorecard, 197

barriers to implementation, 456

Berry model, 1314, 15

Boatmen Trust Company, 2323

commitment, 120

communication, 15962, 198

competences, 1589

CSX, 2346

as customers, 4, 5, 1314, 257, 63

Eastman Chemical Company, 238, 239, 2403

effects of change, 43

empowerment, 21, 22, 44, 7088

Eastman Chemical Company, 238, 240, 2423

human resource management, 57

management style, 60

Realization Teams, 140, 142, 143

total quality management, 94, 102, 104

First Direct, 260

Gro¨ nroos model, 1415

GTE Supply survey, 24954

human resource management, 5769

innovation, 1624, 168, 169

internal communications, 304

involvement, 282

knowledge management and learning, 173211

knowledge workers, 173, 180

Lloyds TSB, 2930

marketing mix, 356

marketing-like activities, 6

motivation, 45, 9, 10, 15, 201, 22

customer orientation, 6

Eastman Chemical Company, 2412

human resource management, 57, 58, 59

incentives, 31

innovation, 163, 164

knowledge management, 188

leadership inspiration, 2045

marketing mix, 28

marketing-like techniques, 25

money, 232

needs, 110

positioning, 401

Review Boards, 142

TMC, 281, 283

total quality management, 102, 112, 11819, 120

Nations Bank, 2612

needs, 2345, 260

organizational culture, 157

Provena, 2667

relationship marketing, 45

retention, 5, 60, 121

role conflict/ambiguity, 1819

satisfaction, 45, 9, 10, 21, 22, 160

Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc., 222

composite model, 15, 1819

Sears, 66, 67

total quality management, 923, 11011

segmentation, 36, 3940, 412, 2468, 278

Terminix promotion, 2734

TMC, 2815

turnover, 45, 67, 92, 164

see also Participants; People; Recruitment; Training

Empowerment, 21, 22, 44, 7088

Eastman Chemical Company, 238, 240, 2423

flat organizational structure, 135

human resource management, 57

management style, 60

Realization Teams, 140, 142, 143

total quality management, 94, 102, 104

zones of, 85, 86, 87

Energizing, 1823, 184, 186

Environment, 345, 44

employee empowerment, 75

innovation, 152, 153, 162

total quality management, 114, 117

Ericsson Inc., 92

Explicit knowledge, 179, 1845

External marketing, 7, 8, 256

Boatmen Trust Company, 233

human resource management, 63

Nations Bank, 2612

total quality management, 115

Face-to-face communication, 31, 53

Federal Express, 34, 85


customers, 237

Eastman Chemical Company, 2445

knowledge management, 183, 207

TMC, 283, 284

total quality management, 102, 105, 106

Value Management Cycle, 151

Fenwick, Alan, 275, 276, 277, 278, 27980

Ferrell, O. C., 86

Fifth generation (5G) innovation, 1346, 154

Fire fighting, 139

First Direct, 25960

First Republic Bank Corp., 2612

First Union, 2468


innovation models, 133, 134, 135

task complexity, 80

Florida Power and Light, 107

Flynn, John, 263

Focus groups, 246, 250, 259

Ford, 93

Fors, M. F., 9

Front-line managers, 190, 1912

Functional managers, 190, 1923

Funnel approach, 1445, 146

Gallagher, J., 195

Gambetta, D., 204

Garvin, D., 99

General Motors (GM), 93, 235

George, W. R., 4, 6, 7, 59, 62

Gilbert, Anne, 206

Glassman, M., 7

Go, 84

Goals, 7, 120, 156, 1967

focus, 243

Realization Teams, 1401

Gordon, G., 108

Griffin, A., 1267

Gro¨ nroos, Christian, 67, 10, 13, 1415, 16, 201, 70

Grounds, John, 227


discretion, 74

interdependence, 267

problem solving, 73

see also Teams

GTE Supply, 24954

Gurnani, H., 1034

Hacquebord, H., 96

Hallowell, R., 19

Hansen, M. T., 180

Harrell, G. D., 9

Hartline, M. D., 86

Herrington, G., 21

Heskett, J. L., 19, 73

Hewlett-Packard, 157, 158

High involvement, 74

Hoffman, D. K., 21

Houston, M. J., 71

HRM see Human resource management

HSBC, 258

Hughes, G. D., 147, 154

Human capital, 133, 180

Human resource (HR) departments, 2267

Human resource management (HRM), ix, 25, 5769

Berry model, 14

segmentation, 36

training, 28

IBM, 36, 202, 235

Image studies, 263

Implementation, x, 79, 10, 118, 120

barriers to, 457

GTE Supply, 252

internal positioning, 41

knowledge management, 177, 199201

multi-level model, 389, 401, 55

new product development, 147

Pearl Assurance, 48, 49, 51, 54

total quality management, 1035, 106, 108

Improvisation, 1612

Incentives, 31


electronic information processing, 135

exchange, 114, 121

innovation, 152, 153

internal segmentation, 39, 40

quantitative/qualitative, 252, 253

St Luke's Hospital system, 26972

sharing, 62, 72, 128, 176, 188

see also Knowledge management

Information technology (IT): innovation, 125

knowledge management, 173, 181

St Luke's Hospital information system, 26972

see also Computers

Ingram, T. N., 21

Innovation, 12572

Boatmen Trust Company, 233

internal marketing role, 15668

knowledge management, 178, 180

macro-models, 1514

problems, 1467, 1546

process management systems, 1306

Value Proposition Process, 14751

see also New product development

Inspection, 99, 100, 101

Intangibles, 54, 101, 102, 198


cross-functional, 7, 9, 10, 62, 11718

fifth generation (5G) innovation, 134, 135

innovation, 133, 152, 153, 165, 1668

total quality management, 94, 111, 11314, 115

see also Inter-functional co-ordination

Intellectual capital, 173, 174, 207

Intellectual property, 179

Intellectual stimulation, 205

Inter-functional co-ordination, 9, 10, 201, 22

coupling model of innovation, 132

human resource management, 57, 589, 68

see also Cross-functional integration

Inter-functional conflict, 7, 61, 62, 68

Interactive marketing, 6, 7, 8, 1415, 21, 22

employee empowerment, 82

relationship marketing, 45

Interdependence, 267, 137

Internal marketing definitions, 3, 4, 6, 910, 11

Internal selling, 229

Internalization, 199, 201

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 35, 93

Internet, 34

Involvement, 734, 83, 113

Ishikawa, K., 934

ISO see International Organization for Standardization

Issue orientation, 203

IT see Information technology

Iverson, Kenneth, 200

Jackson, S. E., 18

Jain, R. K., 164, 169

Japanese companies, 91, 103, 133

JIT see Just-in-time systems

Job involvement, 74, 83

Job satisfaction, 15, 1819, 21, 22, 234

empowerment, 73

human resource management, 57

Johnson & Johnson, 204

Johnson, Robert Wood, 204

Joines, Robert C., 237, 242

Juran, Joseph, 101

Just-in-time (JIT) systems, 240, 241

Justice, Russell, 242, 243

Kanji, G. K., 97

Kaplan, R. S., 197

Kearney, A. T., 105

Kelley, S. W., 21

Key account management, 45, 82

Kleinschmidt, E. J., 147

KM see Knowledge management

Knowledge, 135, 152, 153

Knowledge management (KM), 173211

communications, 1958

internal marketing, 1819, 1978

leadership, 199207

management roles, 18995

types of, 17781

Knowledge workers, 173, 180

Kotler, P., 60

Kwik Fit, 33

Language, 201, 207

Larsen, Ralph, 204

Lawler, E. E., 72, 73, 746, 82

Leadership, 96, 97, 98

innovation, 151, 155, 167

internal communication, 199207

organizational culture, 157

product champions, 140

Review Boards, 142

see also Management; Senior executives

Learning, 103, 128, 173211

barriers to, 1767, 181

inter-project, 133

internal marketing, 1819

management, 18995, 199207, 208

Levitt, T., 71

Lipshitz, R., 202

Little, Arthur D., 105

Lloyds TSB, 2930

Lomax, W., 21

Longitudinal research, 40, 41

Loyalty, 15, 18, 19, 111, 114, 118

relationship marketing, 44

young employees, 247, 248

Lutheran Brotherhood, 2557

McAffee, B., 7

McColl, Hugh, 261, 262

McKay, J., 142

Macro-models, 1514

McVitie's, 1601


Atlantic Richfield Company, 219

by fact, 97, 989

commitment, 104, 108

customer orientation, 60

Eastman Chemical Company, 242, 244

education, 656

GTE Supply, 252

guidance/support, 152, 153

innovation process systems, 1306

internal communication, 356

learning, 18995, 199207, 208

participative, ix, 14, 15, 22, 60, 63, 68

people-based, 97, 99

poor planning, 156

Review Board, 142

role differences, 18995

style, 60, 63

theory X/theory Y managers, 75

total quality management, 95, 104, 106, 108, 11718

unsupportive, 155

see also Knowledge management;

Leadership; Senior executives

Management information systems, 179

Market pull model, 131, 132

Market research, 36, 54

Atlantic Richfield Company, 216, 21719

First Union, 246

multi-level model, 37, 38, 39

Pearl Assurance, 49

TMC, 284

Marketing, ix, 54

coupling model of innovation, 132

departments, 53, 55, 612, 68, 186, 2267

human resource management, 57, 5860

total quality management, 109, 111, 11213

see also External marketing

Marketing and Communications Agency (MCA), 206

Marketing mix, 2736, 545

barriers to implementation, 46

internal positioning, 41

multi-level model, 37, 38, 41, 424

relationship marketing, 45

Marketing-like activities, 6, 9, 10, 25, 54

human resource management, 61, 68

internal marketing models, 15, 20, 22

Maslow, Abraham, 162

Materialization, 199, 201

MCA see Marketing and Communications Agency


communication, 1968

performance, 667, 101, 2445, 2501

total quality management, 96, 99, 1023, 105, 106

Media, 220

Mergers, 29

Metaphors, 201

Metrics, 41, 197, 244

Midland Bank, 25860

Miller, J., 162

Mills, P. K., 71

Mission, 65, 112, 120, 153, 243

multi-level model, 37

Provena, 266, 267

TMC, 282

Mission statements, 167, 206, 266, 276, 281

Mitchell, V. W., 110

Modicon, 1078

Moments of truth, 22, 202

Monitoring, 41, 151

Morale, 33, 223, 235

Morgan, N., 7

Motivation, 45, 9, 10, 15, 201, 22

Atlantic Richfield Company, 219

customer orientation, 6

Eastman Chemical Company, 2412

employee needs, 110

human resource management, 57, 58, 59, 68

innovation, 163, 164

knowledge management, 188, 192, 193

leadership, 98, 2045

marketing mix, 28, 31

marketing-like techniques, 25

money, 232

positioning, 401

Review Boards, 142

TMC, 281, 283

total quality management, 102, 112, 11819, 120

Motorola, 93

Multi-level model of internal marketing, 3744, 4755

Murray, J. G., 4

National Health Service (NHS), 26

Nations Bank, 2612

Neave, H. R., 110

Need (market) pull model, 131, 132

Networking, 134, 2301, 264

New product development (NPD), 12530, 135, 13646, 162, 165, 169

Value Proposition Process, 14751

weaknesses, 1467

New Product Executive Groups see Review Boards

Newsletters, 223

Nielsen, A. C., 32

Nissan, 133

Nonaka, I., 183

Nordstrom, 159

Norton, D. P., 197

Norwich Union, 2635

NPD see New product development

Nucor, 200

Oakland, J. S., 94, 121

Objectives, 22, 196, 283

Oliver, R. L., 19

Operational managers, 1923

Organizational culture, 44, 47, 63, 68, 133

continuous improvement, 95

Eastman Chemical Company, 238

innovation, 1568, 167

knowledge management, 176, 177, 203

leadership, 98

Lloyds TSB, 29

Pearl Assurance, 54

Sears, 65

Structured Development Process, 139

Thomas Cook, 276

total quality management, 114

Value Proposition Process, 147

Organizational learning, 1757, 183, 2001, 2034, 207, 2089

Organizational memory, 175, 177

Organizational structure, 62, 106, 135, 13940, 158, 167

Ottinger, William F., 2289, 230

PACE (Product and Cycle-Time Excellence), 137, 138

Parallel development, 133, 135

Parasuraman, A., 5, 59

Participants, 28, 356

multi-level model, 39, 42

Pearl Assurance, 4951, 52

see also Employees; People

Participative management, ix, 14, 15, 22, 60, 63, 68

Partnerships, 165, 254

Path, 37, 389

Pathfinders, 30

Pawar, K. S., 127

Pearl Assurance (PA), 4754

Peer-reference techniques, 71


innovation, 1624, 169

total quality management, 99, 11415

see also Employees; Participants

People-orientation, 58, 59, 80

see also Customer orientation

Performance appraisal, 66

Performance management, 187, 191

Performance measurement, 667, 101, 2445, 2501

Personal relevance, 1879, 194, 195

Personal selling, 31

Personalization, 75, 180, 181, 205

Personnel, 58, 59, 61, 62

Peterson, R. A., 18

Phase Reviews, 137, 1426

Physical evidence, 28, 345

Piercy, N., 7


marketing, 28, 34

marketing mix, 27

multi-level model, 42, 434

Pearl Assurance, 534

Pollitt, Sue, 25960

Pooled interdependence, 27

Popper, M., 202

Portfolio life cycle, 150

Positioning, 23, 54, 55, 160

multi-level model, 37, 38, 402

new product development, 129

Pearl Assurance, 51

Pounsford, Michael, 2267

Power, 44, 195

Praise, 243

Prevention, 99


marketing mix, 27, 28

multi-level model, 423

Pearl Assurance, 52

Problem solving, 73, 104, 244

Process, 35, 44

employee empowerment, 80

innovation management systems, 1306

marketing mix, 28

multi-level model, 42

Pearl Assurance, 512

total quality management, 956, 989, 114

Process-based knowledge management, 178, 180

Product Approval Committees see Review Boards

Product champions, 132, 135, 137, 140

Production line approach, 71, 73, 75, 80, 83, 84


empowerment, 72

new product development, 128, 129


innovation, 12572

internal customers, 256

marketing mix, 27, 28

multi-level model, 38

production line orientation, 80

service product complexity, 78

see also New product development

Profitability, 19, 11819

new product development, 129

relationship marketing, 445

Project execution factors, 131, 1323

Project management, 126, 1556

Project raising, 152, 153


Atlantic Richfield Company, 220

marketing mix, 27, 28, 304

multi-level model, 42, 43

Pearl Assurance, 53

Terminix, 2734

Provena, 2668

PRTM, 137, 138

Psychographic segmentation, 247

Psychological factors, 2034

Purchasing, 27580

QFD see Quality Function Deployment

Qualitative information, 252, 253


Eastman Chemical Company, 23941

fifth generation (5G) innovation, 134

GTE Supply, 249, 250, 251, 253

total quality management, 91124

see also Service quality

Quality assurance, 99, 1001

Quality circles, 35, 73, 96, 103

Quality Function Deployment (QFD), 96, 101, 254

Quality Standards, 35

Quantitative information, 252, 253

R&D (research & development), 127, 130, 131

Rafiq, M., 9, 10

Rainey, Rusty, 261

Realization Teams, 137, 13941, 142, 143

Reciprocal interdependence, 27

Reciprocity, 114, 120, 265

Recognition, 105, 2023

Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc., 2223

Eastman Chemical Company, 245

GTE Supply, 250

TMC, 283, 284

Recruitment, 58, 86, 87, 163

Boatmen Trust Company, 2323

First Direct, 260

Review Boards, 142

Thomas Cook, 277

Referrals, 230, 231, 232, 233, 264, 265

Relationship marketing, 7, 8, 445, 182


Boatmen Trust Company, 2302

customers, 82

total quality management, 11112, 113, 115, 11617, 119, 121

Reliability, 79

Remuneration, 72, 87

see also Reward systems

Resource Boards see Review Boards


innovation problems, 154

new product development, 1278

Responsiveness, 7980

Review Boards, 137, 1413, 144, 145

Reward systems, 42, 66, 72, 92, 2023

Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc., 2223

Boatmen Trust Company, 231, 232

Eastman Chemical Company, 245

TMC, 283, 284

total quality management, 105

see also Remuneration

Richardson, B. A., 57

Risk, 52, 534, 130, 133, 145, 149

Roadshows, 53, 54

Roberts, Sonja, 224, 225

Robinson, G. C., 57

Role ambiguity, 18, 21, 73

Role conflict, 18, 21, 86

Role stress, 18, 73

Rothwell, R., 130, 131

Routine discretion, 712, 74, 76, 80, 834, 85, 86

Saatchi & Saatchi, 33

Sainsbury's, 323, 259

St Luke's Hospital, 26972


employee empowerment, 701

new product development, 129

Pearl Assurance, 48, 534

Sales mindedness, 6, 21, 22

Sasser, W. E., 45



composite model, 15, 19

employee attitudes, 667

internal marketing definition, ix, 9

Provena, 2668

service recovery, 73

total quality management, 934, 978, 11011, 112, 115, 11617

employees, ix, 45, 9, 10, 21, 22, 160

Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc., 222

composite model, 15, 1819

Sears, 66, 67

total quality management, 923, 11011

see also Job satisfaction

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), 202

Schlesinger, L. A., 73

Scholtes, P., 96

Schuler, R. S., 18

Scientific management, 102, 1623

Screening concepts, 146

Seaboard, 2345

Sears, 647

Segmentation, 36, 54, 55, 157

differentiated messages, 160

First Union, 2468

multi-level model, 37, 38, 3940, 412

new product development, 129

Pearl Assurance, 49, 51

Thomas Cook, 278

Self-management, 71, 74, 141

Senge, Peter, 103, 175, 176

Senior executives, 190, 1934, 204, 247, 262

Sequential interdependence, 27

Service delivery:

contact time, 812

employee empowerment, 70, 71, 723, 74, 75, 80, 86

perception of quality, 59

process, 42

speed of, 79

Service orientation, 61, 62

Service product complexity, 78

Service quality, ix, 4, 5, 21, 7980

Berry model, 13

costs, 19, 223

customer satisfaction, 19

Provena, 267, 268

TMC, 285

Service recovery, 22, 73, 82, 85

Sheridan, J. R., 200

SIA see Singapore International Airlines

Siguaw, J. A., 21

Silvestro, R., 82

Singapore International Airlines (SIA), 84

Skills, 75, 86, 87, 158, 175

innovation, 152, 153

promotion, 43

see also Core competencies

Smith, M. L., 281, 285

Smith, R. A., 71

Socio-political context, 195

Southwest Airlines, 84

SPC see statistical process control

SPD see Structured Development Process

Speed of service, 79

Spitz, Clayton, 273, 274

Sponsorship, 1589

Stage/Gate Reviews, 137, 144

Starr, -, 140

Statistical process control (SPC), 94, 99, 100, 2378, 239

Steering committees, 104

Stephens, Andy, 258

Steward, T. A., 956

Stories, 157

Strategic fit, 187, 192, 193

Strategic potential, 187, 193

Strategy, ix, x, 200, 209, 282

core competencies, 1656

corporate level factors, 133

employee empowerment, 75, 82

fifth generation (5G) innovation, 134

human resource management, 63

implementation, 79, 46, 55, 118, 120

innovation, 167, 168

managerial role, 192, 208

multi-level model, 37, 38

place, 44

promotion, 43

Sears, 64

total quality management, 115, 116

Structured Development Process (SPD), 1379

Suggestion involvement, 734, 83

Suggestion schemes, 242, 284

Suppliers, 109, 111, 119

competencies, 165

fifth generation (5G) innovation, 134, 135

integration, 133, 134

Thomas Cook, 2756, 278, 279

Suprenant, C. F., 19

Surveys, 36, 40, 66

Atlantic Richfield Company, 21819

First Union, 246

GTE Supply, 24954

image studies, 263

suggestion involvement, 73

Synergy, 126, 133, 156

System tools, 175

Tacit knowledge, 180, 184, 185, 191

Taguchi, G., 96

Taguchi methods, 96

Takeuchi, H., 183

Tang, H. K., 151, 154

Tangibles, 34, 35, 53, 79

see also Physical evidence

Task complexity, 768, 802, 835

Task interdependence, 137

Task-orientation, 58, 164

Tatikonda, L. U., 105

Tatikonda, R. J., 105


cross-functional, 55, 62, 68

Realization Teams, 137, 13941, 142, 143

total quality management, 92, 96, 115

Eastman Chemical Company, 238, 240, 242

GTE Supply, 250

integration, 271

knowledge creation, 1845

lack of co-operation, 1556

Realization Teams, 137, 13941, 142, 143

total quality management, 94, 96, 99

trust, 162

see also Groups

Technical specialists, 190, 1945


employee empowerment, 75, 80

employee fear of, 272

horizontal collaboration, 134, 135

knowledge management, 174, 181

Lutheran Brotherhood, 2557

new product development, 129, 130

video-conferencing, 21521

see also Information technology; Innovation

Technology push, 130

Telecommunications Research Group (TRC), 216

Teleconferencing, 21521

Television, 31, 334, 247

Terminix International, 2734

Terminology, 137

Territoriality, 2301, 2645

Tesco, 33, 259

Thomas Cook, 27580

Thompson, T. W., 4

Thought leadership, 129

Three C's, 65

Three P's, 65

Time management, 202

Time to market, 1289, 134, 146

TMC (Thomas & Mack Centre), 2815

Tobin, L. M., 95

Total performance indicators (TPI), 667

Total quality management (TQM), 26, 27, 91124, 203

Eastman Chemical Company, 23745

failures, 1058

implementation, 1035, 106, 108

principles, 95103

TPI see Total performance indicators

TQM see Total quality management

Trade unions, 35, 36

Training, 28, 58, 87, 164, 196

Atlantic Richfield Company, 221

Boatmen Trust Company, 233

channels, 34

customer orientation, 601

customer service, 267

internal marketing models, 14, 15, 19, 22

knowledge management, 174, 180, 199, 207

Lutheran Brotherhood, 2557

National Health Service, 26

Pearl Assurance, 52, 54

physical evidence, 35

Provena, 267

Sears, 656

TMC, 283

total quality management, 92, 96, 104, 106

Transactional knowledge management, 1779

Transactional marketing, 44, 45, 181, 182

Transparency, 203, 204, 224

TRC see Telecommunications Research Group

Triandis, H. C., 164, 169

Trust, 45, 159, 162

Eastman Chemical Company, 238

exchange relationships, 11920

knowledge management, 183, 185, 186

leadership, 204

organizational atmosphere, 114

partnerships, 165

Trygg, L., 140

Tucker, George, 26970

Turbulence, 161, 162

Turnover of staff, 45, 67, 92, 164

Value adding, 81, 1478, 191, 192, 193, 278

Value Introduction Cycle (VIC), 151

Value Management Cycle (VMC), 151

Value Proposition Cycle (VPC), 1489

Value Proposition Process (VPP), 14751

Value Proposition Readiness Assessment (VPRA), 148, 149

Value Sensing Cycle (VSC), 1501

Values, 601, 68, 175

B & Q, 167

brand, 224

employee retention, 121

leadership role, 202, 203

Lloyds TSB, 29

Sears, 65

Virgin, 206

VIC see Value Introduction Cycle

Video-conferencing, 21521

Virgin, 206, 259

Vision, 141, 1756, 1967, 206, 243, 266

VMC see Value Management Cycle

Vogel, Scott, 273, 274

VPC see Value Proposition Cycle

VPP see Value Proposition Process

VPRA see Value Proposition Readiness Assessment

VSC see Value Sensing Cycle

Wal-Mart, 33, 64

Walkling, Neil, 258

Wallace Co., 107

Watson, Thomas, 202

Webcasting, 34

Willman, P., 59

Winter, J. P., 7

Workgroups, 74

Xerox, 93

Zones of empowerment, 85, 86, 87

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