


Section I          Internal Marketing Theory

Chapter 1         What is internal marketing?

Chapter 2         Models of internal marketing: how internal marketing works

Chapter 3         The tools of internal marketing

Chapter 4         Internal marketing and human resource management

Chapter 5         A framework for empowering employees

Section II        Internal Marketing Applications

Chapter 6         Total quality management (TQM) and internal marketing

Chapter 7         Innovation and internal marketing

Chapter 8         Knowledge management, learning and internal marketing

Section III       Internal Marketing Case Studies

Case Study 1    Atlantic Richfield Company: using internal marketing to implement change

Case Study 2    Aydlotte & Cartwright Inc.: reward and recognize your employees

Case Study 3    Barclays Card Services (BCS): getting employees to live the brand

Case Study 4    Barnardo's: enhancing corporate identity through internal marketing

Case Study 5    Boatmen Trust Company: creating success through internal network relationships

Case Study 6    CSX: appreciating the cost–benefit trade-off for employee change

Case Study 7    Eastman Chemical Company: implementing TQM through internal market focus

Case Study 8    First Union: designing and using employee segmentation

Case Study 9    GTE Supply: developing and running an internal survey instrument

Case Study 10  Lutherhan Brotherhood: building skills and competencies through internal marketing

Case Study 11  Midland Bank: improving customer service through internal marketing

Case Study 12  Nations Bank: using external marketing as part of the internal marketing programme

Case Study 13  Norwich Union: improving efficiency through internal customer management

Case Study 14  Provena: improving service quality in the healthcare environment

Case Study 15  St Luke's Hospital: the role of internal marketing in implementing a knowledge-based system

Case Study 16  Terminix International: using internal marketing to energize the company

Case Study 17  Thomas Cook: developing internal customer orientation in the purchasing function

Case Study 18  TMC: structuring the internal marketing process


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