Books in the series

Creating Powerful Brands (second edition), Leslie de Chernatony and Malcolm McDonald

Cybermarketing (second edition), Pauline Bickerton, Matthew Bickerton and Upkar Pardesi

Cyberstrategy, Pauline Bickerton, Matthew Bickerton and Kate Simpson-Holley

Direct Marketing, Brian Thomas and Matthew Housden

Effective Promotional Practice for eBusiness, Cathy Ace

eMarketing eXcellence: The Heart of eBusiness, PR Smith and Dave Chaffey

Excellence in Advertising (second edition), Leslie Butterfield

Fashion Marketing, Margaret Bruce and Tony Hines

From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation, Leslie de Chernatony

Innovation in Marketing, Peter Doyle and Susan Bridgewater

International Marketing (third edition), Stanley J. Paliwoda and Michael J. Thomas

Integrated Marketing Communications, Tony Yeshin

Key Customers, Malcolm McDonald, Beth Rogers, Diana Woodburn

Marketing Briefs, Sally Dibb and Lyndon Simkin

Market-Led Strategic Change (third edition), Nigel F. Piercy

Marketing Logistics, Martin Christopher

Marketing Plans (fourth edition), Malcolm McDonald

Marketing Planning for Services, Malcolm McDonald and Adrian Payne

Marketing Professional Services, Michael Roe

Marketing Research for Managers (second edition), Sunny Crouch and Matthew Housden

Marketing Strategy (second edition), Paul Fifield

Relationship Marketing for Competitive Advantage, Adrian Payne, Martin Christopher, Moira Clark and Helen Peck

Relationship Marketing: Strategy and Implementation, Helen Peck, Adrian Payne, Martin Christopher and Moira Clark

Strategic Marketing Management (second edition), Richard M. S. Wilson and Colin Gilligan

Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control (second edition), Graeme Drummond and John Ensor

Successful Marketing Communications, Cathy Ace

Tales from the Marketplace, Nigel Piercy

The CIM Handbook of Export Marketing, Chris Noonan

The CIM Handbook of Strategic Marketing, Colin Egan and Michael J. Thomas

The Customer Service Planner, Martin Christopher

The Fundamentals of Corporate Communications, Richard Dolphin

The Marketing Book (fourth edition), Michael J. Baker

The Marketing Manual, Michael J. Baker

Total Relationship Marketing, Evert Gummesson


Political Marketing, Phil Harris and Dominic Wring

Relationship Marketing (second edition), Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne and David Ballantyne

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