
Book Description

A hands-on guide to leveraging NoSQL databases

NoSQL databases are an efficient and powerful tool for storing and manipulating vast quantities of data. Most NoSQL databases scale well as data grows. In addition, they are often malleable and flexible enough to accommodate semi-structured and sparse data sets. This comprehensive hands-on guide presents fundamental concepts and practical solutions for getting you ready to use NoSQL databases. Expert author Shashank Tiwari begins with a helpful introduction on the subject of NoSQL, explains its characteristics and typical uses, and looks at where it fits in the application stack. Unique insights help you choose which NoSQL solutions are best for solving your specific data storage needs.

Professional NoSQL:

  • Demystifies the concepts that relate to NoSQL databases, including column-family oriented stores, key/value databases, and document databases.

  • Delves into installing and configuring a number of NoSQL products and the Hadoop family of products.

  • Explains ways of storing, accessing, and querying data in NoSQL databases through examples that use MongoDB, HBase, Cassandra, Redis, CouchDB, Google App Engine Datastore and more.

  • Looks at architecture and internals.

  • Provides guidelines for optimal usage, performance tuning, and scalable configurations.

  • Presents a number of tools and utilities relating to NoSQL, distributed platforms, and scalable processing, including Hive, Pig, RRDtool, Nagios, and more.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Introduction
  4. Part I: Getting Started
    1. Chapter 1: NoSQL: What It Is and Why You Need it
      1. Definition and Introduction
      2. Sorted Ordered Column-Oriented Stores
      3. Key/Value Stores
      4. Document Databases
      5. Graph Databases
      6. Summary
    2. Chapter 2: Hello NoSQL: Getting Initial Hands-on Experience
      1. First Impressions — Examining Two Simple Examples
      2. Working with Language Bindings
      3. Summary
    3. Chapter 3: Interfacing and Interacting with NoSQL
      1. If No SQL, Then What?
      2. Language Bindings for NoSQL Data Stores
      3. Summary
  5. Part II: Learning the NoSQL Basics
    1. Chapter 4: Understanding the Storage Architecture
      1. Working with Column-Oriented Databases
      2. HBase Distributed Storage Architecture
      3. Document Store Internals
      4. Understanding Key/Value Stores in Memcached and Redis
      5. Eventually Consistent Non-relational Databases
      6. Summary
    2. Chapter 5: Performing CRUD Operations
      1. Creating Records
      2. Accessing Data
      3. Updating and Deleting Data
      4. Summary
    3. Chapter 6: Querying NoSQL Stores
      1. Similarities Between SQL and MongoDB Query Features
      2. Accessing Data from Column-Oriented Databases Like HBase
      3. Querying Redis Data Stores
      4. Summary
    4. Chapter 7: Modifying Data Stores and Managing Evolution
      1. Changing Document Databases
      2. Schema Evolution in Column-Oriented Databases
      3. HBase Data Import and Export
      4. Data Evolution in Key/Value Stores
      5. Summary
    5. Chapter 8: Indexing and Ordering Data Sets
      1. Essential Concepts Behind a Database Index
      2. Indexing and Ordering in MongoDB
      3. Creating and Using Indexes in MongoDB
      4. Indexing and Ordering in CouchDB
      5. Indexing in Apache Cassandra
      6. Summary
    6. Chapter 9: Managing Transactions and Data Integrity
      2. Distributed ACID Systems
      3. Upholding CAP
      4. Consistency Implementations in a Few NoSQL Products
      5. Summary
  6. Part III: Gaining Proficiency with NoSQL
    1. Chapter 10: Using NoSQL in the Cloud
      1. Google App Engine Data Store
      2. Amazon SimpleDB
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 11: Scalable Parallel Processing with MapReduce
      1. Understanding MapReduce
      2. MapReduce with HBase
      3. MapReduce Possibilities and Apache Mahout
      4. Summary
    3. Chapter 12: Analyzing Big Data with Hive
      1. Hive Basics
      2. Back to Movie Ratings
      3. Good Old SQL
      4. JOIN(s) in Hive QL
      5. Summary
    4. Chapter 13: Surveying Database Internals
      1. MongoDB Internals
      2. Membase Architecture
      3. Hypertable Under the Hood
      4. Apache Cassandra
      5. Berkeley DB
      6. Summary
  7. Part IV: Mastering NoSQL
    1. Chapter 14: Choosing Among NoSQL Flavors
      1. Comparing NoSQL Products
      2. Benchmarking Performance
      3. Contextual Comparison
      4. Summary
    2. Chapter 15: Coexistence
      1. Using MySQL as a NoSQL Solution
      2. Mostly Immutable Data Stores
      3. Web Frameworks and NoSQL
      4. Migrating from RDBMS to NoSQL
      5. Summary
    3. Chapter 16: Performance Tuning
      1. Goals of Parallel Algorithms
      2. Influencing Equations
      3. Partitioning
      4. Scheduling in Heterogeneous Environments
      5. Additional MapReduce Tuning
      6. HBase Coprocessors
      7. Leveraging Bloom Filters
      8. Summary
    4. Chapter 17: Tools and Utilities
      1. RRDTool
      2. Nagios
      3. Scribe
      4. Flume
      5. Chukwa
      6. Pig
      7. Nodetool
      8. OpenTSDB
      9. Solandra
      10. Hummingbird and C5t
      11. GeoCouch
      12. Alchemy Database
      13. Webdis
      14. Summary
  8. Appendix: Installation and Setup Instructions