
Book Description

JMP 13 Reliability and Survival Methods provides details about evaluating and improving reliability in a product or system and analyzing survival data for people and products. The book explains how to fit the best distribution to your time-to-event data or analyze destruction data. A few other topics include analyzing competing causes of failure, modeling reliability as improvements are made over time, and analyzing recurring events.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Learn about JMP
    1. Documentation and Additional Resources
    2. Formatting Conventions
    3. JMP Documentation
      1. JMP Documentation Library
      2. JMP Help
    4. Additional Resources for Learning JMP
      1. Tutorials
      2. Sample Data Tables
      3. Learn about Statistical and JSL Terms
      4. Learn JMP Tips and Tricks
      5. Tooltips
      6. JMP User Community
      7. JMPer Cable
      8. JMP Books by Users
      9. The JMP Starter Window
    5. Technical Support
  3. Introduction to Reliability and Survival
    1. Lifetime and Failure Analysis
  4. Life Distribution
    1. Fit Distributions to Lifetime Data
    2. Overview of the Life Distribution Platform
    3. Example of the Life Distribution Platform
    4. Launch the Life Distribution Platform
    5. Life Distribution Report
      1. Event Plot
        1. Single Time to Event Column
        2. Two Time to Event Columns
      2. Compare Distributions
        1. Available Parametric Distributions
      3. Life Distribution: Statistics
        1. Model Comparisons
        2. Summary of Data
        3. Nonparametric Estimate
        4. Parametric Estimate - <Distribution Name>
        5. Parametric Estimate Options
        6. Bayesian Estimation - <Distribution Name>
        7. Custom Estimation
    6. Life Distribution Report Options
      1. Mixture
        1. Model Fit and Mixture Starting Value Methods
        2. Mixture Control Panel
        3. Fit Mixture Reports
        4. Example of Fit Mixture
      2. Fit Competing Risk Mixture
    7. Weibayes Report
    8. Competing Cause Report
      1. Competing Cause Workflow
      2. Competing Cause Model
      3. Cause Combination
      4. Competing Cause: Statistics
        1. Cause Summary Report
        2. Profilers
      5. Individual Causes
        1. Available Distributions for Competing Cause Compare Distributions Reports
      6. Competing Cause Report Options
        1. Individual Subdistribution Profiler for Cause
    9. Life Distribution - Compare Groups Report
      1. Compare Groups: Statistics
        1. Summary
        2. Wilcoxon Group Homogeneity Test
        3. Parameter Estimates
      2. Individual Group
      3. Life Distribution - Compare Groups Report Options
    10. Additional Examples of the Life Distribution Platform
      1. Omit Competing Causes
      2. Change the Scale
      3. Examine the Same Distribution across Groups
      4. Weibayes Estimates
        1. Weibayes Example for Data with No Failures
        2. Weibayes Example for Data with One Failure
    11. Technical Details
      1. Distributions
        1. Estimation and Confidence Intervals
        2. Nonparametric Fit
        3. Parametric Distributions
        4. Prior Distributions for Bayesian Estimation
      2. Competing Cause Details
        1. Specify a Fixed Parameter Model as a Distribution for a Cause
        2. Specify a Bayesian Model for a Cause
        3. Specify a Weibayes Model for a Cause
        4. Mean Remaining Life Calculator
        5. Fit Mixture Save Predictions Formulas
  5. Fit Life by X
    1. Fit Single-Factor Models to Time-to Event Data
    2. Fit Life by X Platform Overview
    3. Example of the Fit Life by X Platform
    4. Launch the Fit Life by X Platform
    5. The Fit Life by X Report
      1. Summary of Data
      2. Scatterplot
        1. Scatterplot Options
      3. Nonparametric Overlay
        1. Wilcoxon Group Homogeneity Test
      4. Comparisons
        1. Profilers
      5. Results
        1. Statistics
        2. Nested Model Tests
        3. Diagnostics
        4. Profilers and Surface Plots
      6. Custom Relationship
    6. Fit Life by X Platform Options
    7. Additional Examples of the Fit Life by X Platform
      1. Capacitor Example
      2. Custom Relationship Example
  6. Cumulative Damage
    1. Model Product Deterioration with Variable Stress over Time
    2. Cumulative Damage Platform Overview
    3. Example of the Cumulative Damage Platform
    4. Launch the Cumulative Damage Platform
      1. Time to Event
      2. Stress Pattern
        1. Step Stress Pattern
        2. Ramp Stress Pattern
        3. Sinusoid Stress Pattern
        4. Piecewise Ramp Stress Pattern
    5. The Cumulative Damage Report
      1. Event Plot
      2. Stress Patterns Report
      3. Model List
      4. Model Results
    6. Cumulative Damage Platform Options
      1. Stress Patterns Options
        1. The Simulation Control Panel
    7. Additional Example of the Cumulative Damage Platform
      1. Example of Simulating New Data
  7. Recurrence Analysis
    1. Model the Frequency of Cost of Recurrent Events over Time
    2. Recurrence Analysis Overview
    3. Example of the Recurrence Analysis Platform
    4. Launch the Recurrence Analysis Platform
    5. Recurrence Analysis Platform Options
      1. Fit Model
    6. Additional Examples of the Recurrence Analysis Platform
      1. Bladder Cancer Recurrences Example
      2. Diesel Ship Engines Example
  8. Degradation
    1. Model Product Deterioration over Time
    2. Degradation Platform Overview
    3. Example of the Degradation Platform
    4. Launch the Degradation Platform
    5. The Degradation Reports
    6. Model Specification
      1. Simple Linear Path
        1. Custom Transformations
      2. Nonlinear Path
        1. Reaction Rate Models
        2. Constant Rate Models
        3. Prediction Columns
        4. Model Specification Details
        5. Entering a Model with the Formula Editor
        6. Fit a Custom Model
        7. Model Library
    7. Inverse Prediction
    8. Prediction Graph
    9. Degradation Platform Options
    10. Model Reports
      1. Model Lists
      2. Reports
    11. Destructive Degradation
    12. Stability Analysis
      1. Example
  9. Destructive Degradation
    1. Model Product Deterioration over Time
    2. Example of the Destructive Degradation Platform
    3. Launch the Destructive Degradation Platform
      1. Specify Two Y Columns
    4. The Destructive Degradation Plot Options and Models
      1. Plot Options
      2. Models
        1. Models That Are Linear in Transformed Time
        2. First-Order Kinetics Models
        3. Rate Models
    5. The Destructive Degradation Report
      1. Model List
      2. Model Outlines
        1. Profilers
        2. Residual Plots
    6. Destructive Degradation Platform Options
    7. Statistical Details for Destructive Degradation Models
  10. Reliability Forecast
    1. Forecast Product Failure Using Production and Failure Data
    2. Reliability Forecast Platform Overview
    3. Example Using the Reliability Forecast Platform
    4. Launch the Reliability Forecast Platform
      1. Nevada Format
      2. Dates Format
      3. Time to Event Format
    5. The Reliability Forecast Report
      1. Observed Data Report
      2. Life Distribution Report
      3. Forecast Report
        1. Adjusting Risk Sets
        2. Forecasting Failures
        3. Defining Risk Sets with Time to Event Data
        4. Forecast Graph Options
        5. Forecast Report Options
    6. Reliability Forecast Platform Options
  11. Reliability Growth
    1. Model System Reliability as Changes Are Implemented
    2. Reliability Growth Platform Overview
    3. Example Using the Reliability Growth Platform
    4. Launch the Reliability Growth Platform
      1. Launch Window Roles
        1. Time to Event
        2. Timestamp
        3. Event Count
        4. System ID
        5. Phase
        6. By
      2. Data Table Structure
        1. Exact Failure Times versus Interval Censoring
        2. Failure and Time Termination
        3. Test Phases
    5. The Reliability Growth Report
      1. Model Descriptions and Feasibilities
      2. Observed Data Report
        1. Cumulative Events Plot
        2. Mean Time Between Failures Plot
        3. Duane Plot
    6. Reliability Growth Platform Options
    7. Model Reports
      1. Crow AMSAA
        1. Crow AMSAA Report
        2. Crow AMSAA Options
      2. Crow AMSAA with Modified MLE
      3. Fixed Parameter Crow AMSAA
      4. Piecewise Weibull NHPP
        1. Piecewise Weibull NHPP Report
        2. Piecewise Weibull NHPP Options
      5. Reinitialized Weibull NHPP
        1. Reinitialized Weibull NHPP Report
        2. Reinitialized Weibull NHPP Options
      6. Piecewise Weibull NHPP Change Point Detection
    8. Additional Examples of the Reliability Growth Platform
      1. Piecewise NHPP Weibull Model Fitting with Interval-Censored Data
      2. Piecewise Weibull NHP Change Point Detection with Time in Dates Format
    9. Statistical Details for the Reliability Growth Platform
      1. Statistical Details for the Crow-AMSAA Report
        1. Parameter Estimates for Crow-AMSAA Models
        2. Parameter Estimates for Crow-AMSAA with Modified MLE
        3. Profilers
      2. Statistical Details for the Piecewise Weibull NHPP Change Point Detection Report
  12. Reliability Block Diagram
    1. Engineer System Reliabilities
    2. Reliability Block Diagram Platform Overview
    3. Example Using the Reliability Block Diagram Platform
      1. Add Components
      2. Align Shapes
      3. Connect Shapes
      4. Configure Components
    4. The Reliability Block Diagram Window
      1. Preview Window
      2. Reliability Block Diagram Platform Options
        1. Show Design Comparisons
        2. Add a New Design Item
        3. Add a New Library Item
      3. Workspace Options
    5. Configuration Settings
      1. Distribution Configurations
      2. Specify a Nonparametric Distribution
    6. Options for Design and Library Items
      1. Show Configuration
      2. Profilers
        1. Distribution Profiler
        2. Remaining Life Distribution Profiler
        3. Reliability Profiler
        4. Quantile Profiler
        5. Density Profiler
        6. Hazard Profiler
        7. Cumulative Hazard Profiler
      3. Component Importance and Time to Failure
        1. Birnbaum’s Component Importance
        2. Remaining Life BCI
        3. Component Integrated Importance
        4. Mean Time to Failure
      4. Component Plots
        1. Component Distribution Functions
        2. Component Reliability Functions
        3. Component Density Functions
        4. Component Hazard Functions
        5. Component Cumulative Hazard Functions
      5. Print Algebraic Reliability Formula
      6. Clone and Delete
        1. Clone a Design or Library Item
        2. Delete a Design or Library Item
  13. Repairable Systems Simulation
    1. Estimate Outage Time for a Complex System
    2. Repairable Systems Simulation Platform Overview
    3. Example Using the Repairable Systems Simulation Platform
    4. The Repairable Systems Simulation Window
      1. System Diagram
      2. Shapes Toolbar
      3. Configuration Panel
        1. Simulation Settings
        2. Block Settings
      4. Add Event Panel
      5. Add Action Panel
      6. Repairable Systems Simulation Platform Options
    5. Options for Block Items
      1. Distribution Options
      2. Specify a Nonparametric or Estimated Distribution
      3. Event Settings
      4. Action Settings
    6. Repairable Systems Simulation Results
      1. Results Table
      2. Results Explorer
      3. Repairable Systems Simulation Results Options
      4. RSS Results Explorer Point Estimation Profilers
  14. Survival Analysis
    1. Analyze Survival Time Data
    2. Survival Analysis Overview
    3. Example of Survival Analysis
    4. Launch the Survival Platform
    5. The Survival Plot
    6. Survival Platform Options
      1. Exponential, Weibull, and Lognormal Plots and Fits
        1. Additional Options
        2. WeiBayes Analysis
      2. Fitted Distribution Plots
      3. Competing Causes
    7. Additional Examples of Survival Analysis
      1. Example of Competing Causes
      2. Example of Interval Censoring
    8. Statistical Reports for Survival Analysis
  15. Fit Parametric Survival
    1. Fit Survival Data Using Regression Models
    2. Fit Parametric Survival Overview
    3. Example of Parametric Regression Survival Fitting
    4. Launch the Fit Parametric Survival Platform
    5. The Parametric Survival Fit Report
    6. The Parametric Survival - All Distributions Report
    7. Parametric Competing Cause Report
    8. Fit Parametric Survival Options
    9. Nonlinear Parametric Survival Models
    10. Additional Examples of Fitting Parametric Survival
      1. Arrhenius Accelerated Failure LogNormal Model
      2. Interval-Censored Accelerated Failure Time Model
      3. Analyze Censored Data Using the Nonlinear Platform
      4. Left-Censored Data
      5. Weibull Loss Function Using the Nonlinear Platform
      6. Fitting Simple Survival Distributions Using the Nonlinear Platform
        1. Exponential, Weibull, and Extreme-Value Loss Function
        2. Lognormal Loss Function
    11. Statistical Details for Fit Parametric Survival
      1. Loss Formulas for Survival Distributions
        1. Exponential Loss Function
        2. Weibull Loss Function
        3. Lognormal Loss Function
        4. Loglogistic Loss Function
  16. Fit Proportional Hazards
    1. Fit Survival Data Using Semi-Parametric Regression Models
    2. Fit Proportional Hazards Overview
    3. Example of the Fit Proportional Hazards Platform
      1. Risk Ratios for One Nominal Effect with Two Levels
    4. Launch the Fit Proportional Hazards Platform
    5. The Fit Proportional Hazards Report
    6. Fit Proportional Hazards Options
    7. Example Using Multiple Effects and Multiple Levels
      1. Risk Ratios for Multiple Effects and Multiple Levels
  17. References
  18. Index
    1. Reliability and Survival Methods
    2. A
    3. B
    4. C
    5. D
    6. E
    7. F
    8. G
    9. H
    10. I
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. V
    22. W-Z