Formatting Conventions
The following conventions help you relate written material to information that you see on your screen:
Sample data table names, column names, pathnames, filenames, file extensions, and folders appear in Helvetica font.
Code appears in Lucida Sans Typewriter font.
Code output appears in Lucida Sans Typewriter italic font and is indented farther than the preceding code.
Helvetica bold formatting indicates items that you select to complete a task:
check boxes
list names that are selectable
tab names
text boxes
The following items appear in italics:
words or phrases that are important or have definitions specific to JMP
book titles
script output
Features that are for JMP Pro only are noted with the JMP Pro icon Image shown here. For an overview of JMP Pro features, visit
Note: Special information and limitations appear within a Note.
Tip: Helpful information appears within a Tip.
JMP Documentation
JMP offers documentation in various formats, from print books and Portable Document Format (PDF) to electronic books (e-books).
Open the PDF versions from the Help > Books menu.
All books are also combined into one PDF file, called JMP Documentation Library, for convenient searching. Open the JMP Documentation Library PDF file from the Help > Books menu.
You can also purchase printed documentation and e-books on the SAS website:
JMP Documentation Library
The following table describes the purpose and content of each book in the JMP library.
Document Title
Document Purpose
Document Content
Discovering JMP
If you are not familiar with JMP, start here.
Introduces you to JMP and gets you started creating and analyzing data.
Using JMP
Learn about JMP data tables and how to perform basic operations.
Covers general JMP concepts and features that span across all of JMP, including importing data, modifying columns properties, sorting data, and connecting to SAS.
Basic Analysis
Perform basic analysis using this document.
Describes these Analyze menu platforms:
Fit Y by X
Text Explorer
Covers how to perform bivariate, one-way ANOVA, and contingency analyses through Analyze > Fit Y by X. How to approximate sampling distributions using bootstrapping and how to perform parametric resampling with the Simulate platform are also included.
Essential Graphing
Find the ideal graph for your data.
Describes these Graph menu platforms:
Graph Builder
Overlay Plot
Scatterplot 3D
Contour Plot
Bubble Plot
Parallel Plot
Cell Plot
Scatterplot Matrix
Ternary Plot
The book also covers how to create background and custom maps.
Learn how to use interactive profiling tools, which enable you to view cross-sections of any response surface.
Covers all profilers listed in the Graph menu. Analyzing noise factors is included along with running simulations using random inputs.
Design of Experiments Guide
Learn how to design experiments and determine appropriate sample sizes.
Covers all topics in the DOE menu and the Specialized DOE Models menu item in the Analyze > Specialized Modeling menu.
Fitting Linear Models
Learn about Fit Model platform and many of its personalities.
Describes these personalities, all available within the Analyze menu Fit Model platform:
Standard Least Squares
Generalized Regression
Mixed Model
Loglinear Variance
Nominal Logistic
Ordinal Logistic
Generalized Linear Model
Predictive and Specialized Modeling
Learn about additional modeling techniques.
Describes these Analyze > Predictive Modeling menu platforms:
Modeling Utilities
Bootstrap Forest
Boosted Tree
K Nearest Neighbors
Naive Bayes
Model Comparison
Formula Depot
Describes these Analyze > Specialized Modeling menu platforms:
Fit Curve
Gaussian Process
Time Series
Matched Pairs
Describes these Analyze > Screening menu platforms:
Response Screening
Process Screening
Predictor Screening
Association Analysis
The platforms in the Analyze > Specialized Modeling > Specialized DOE Models menu are described in Design of Experiments Guide.
Multivariate Methods
Read about techniques for analyzing several variables simultaneously.
Describes these Analyze > Multivariate Methods menu platforms:
Principal Components
Partial Least Squares
Describes these Analyze > Clustering menu platforms:
Hierarchical Cluster
K Means Cluster
Normal Mixtures
Latent Class Analysis
Cluster Variables
Quality and Process Methods
Read about tools for evaluating and improving processes.
Describes these Analyze > Quality and Process menu platforms:
Control Chart Builder and individual control charts
Measurement Systems Analysis
Variability / Attribute Gauge Charts
Process Capability
Pareto Plot
Reliability and Survival Methods
Learn to evaluate and improve reliability in a product or system and analyze survival data for people and products.
Describes these Analyze > Reliability and Survival menu platforms:
Life Distribution
Fit Life by X
Cumulative Damage
Recurrence Analysis
Degradation and Destructive Degradation
Reliability Forecast
Reliability Growth
Reliability Block Diagram
Repairable Systems Simulation
Fit Parametric Survival
Fit Proportional Hazards
Consumer Research
Learn about methods for studying consumer preferences and using that insight to create better products and services.
Describes these Analyze > Consumer Research menu platforms:
Multiple Correspondence Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling
Factor Analysis
Item Analysis
Scripting Guide
Learn about taking advantage of the powerful JMP Scripting Language (JSL).
Covers a variety of topics, such as writing and debugging scripts, manipulating data tables, constructing display boxes, and creating JMP applications.
JSL Syntax Reference
Read about many JSL functions on functions and their arguments, and messages that you send to objects and display boxes.
Includes syntax, examples, and notes for JSL commands.
Note: The Books menu also contains two reference cards that can be printed: The Menu Card describes JMP menus, and the Quick Reference describes JMP keyboard shortcuts.
JMP Help
JMP Help is an abbreviated version of the documentation library that provides targeted information. You can open JMP Help in several ways:
On Windows, press the F1 key to open the Help system window.
Get help on a specific part of a data table or report window. Select the Help tool Image shown here from the Tools menu and then click anywhere in a data table or report window to see the Help for that area.
Within a JMP window, click the Help button.
Search and view JMP Help on Windows using the Help > Help Contents, Search Help, and Help Index options. On Mac, select Help > JMP Help.
Search the Help at (English only).
Additional Resources for Learning JMP
In addition to JMP documentation and JMP Help, you can also learn about JMP using the following resources:
Tutorials (see “Tutorials”)
Sample data (see “Sample Data Tables”)
Tip of the Day (see “Learn JMP Tips and Tricks”)
Web resources (see “JMP User Community”)
JMPer Cable technical publication (see “JMPer Cable”)
Books about JMP (see “JMP Books by Users”)
JMP Starter (see “The JMP Starter Window”)
Teaching Resources (see “Sample Data Tables”)
You can access JMP tutorials by selecting Help > Tutorials. The first item on the Tutorials menu is Tutorials Directory. This opens a new window with all the tutorials grouped by category.
If you are not familiar with JMP, then start with the Beginners Tutorial. It steps you through the JMP interface and explains the basics of using JMP.
The rest of the tutorials help you with specific aspects of JMP, such as designing an experiment and comparing a sample mean to a constant.
Sample Data Tables
All of the examples in the JMP documentation suite use sample data. Select Help > Sample Data Library to open the sample data directory.
To view an alphabetized list of sample data tables or view sample data within categories, select Help > Sample Data.
Sample data tables are installed in the following directory:
On Windows: C:Program FilesSASJMP13SamplesData
On Macintosh: LibraryApplication SupportJMP13SamplesData
In JMP Pro, sample data is installed in the JMPPRO (rather than JMP) directory. In JMP Shrinkwrap, sample data is installed in the JMPSW directory.
To view examples using sample data, select Help > Sample Data and navigate to the Teaching Resources section. To learn more about the teaching resources, visit
Learn about Statistical and JSL Terms
The Help menu contains the following indexes:
Statistics Index
Provides definitions of statistical terms.
Scripting Index
Lets you search for information about JSL functions, objects, and display boxes. You can also edit and run sample scripts from the Scripting Index.
Learn JMP Tips and Tricks
When you first start JMP, you see the Tip of the Day window. This window provides tips for using JMP.
To turn off the Tip of the Day, clear the Show tips at startup check box. To view it again, select Help > Tip of the Day. Or, you can turn it off using the Preferences window. See the Using JMP book for details.
JMP provides descriptive tooltips when you place your cursor over items, such as the following:
Menu or toolbar options
Labels in graphs
Text results in the report window (move your cursor in a circle to reveal)
Files or windows in the Home Window
Code in the Script Editor
Tip: On Windows, you can hide tooltips in the JMP Preferences. Select File > Preferences > General and then deselect Show menu tips. This option is not available on Macintosh.
JMP User Community
The JMP User Community provides a range of options to help you learn more about JMP and connect with other JMP users. The learning library of one-page guides, tutorials, and demos is a good place to start. And you can continue your education by registering for a variety of JMP training courses.
Other resources include a discussion forum, sample data and script file exchange, webcasts, and social networking groups.
To access JMP resources on the website, select Help > JMP User Community or visit
JMPer Cable
The JMPer Cable is a yearly technical publication targeted to users of JMP. The JMPer Cable is available on the JMP website:
JMP Books by Users
Additional books about using JMP that are written by JMP users are available on the JMP website:
The JMP Starter Window
The JMP Starter window is a good place to begin if you are not familiar with JMP or data analysis. Options are categorized and described, and you launch them by clicking a button. The JMP Starter window covers many of the options found in the Analyze, Graph, Tables, and File menus. The window also lists JMP Pro features and platforms.
To open the JMP Starter window, select View (Window on the Macintosh) > JMP Starter.
To display the JMP Starter automatically when you open JMP on Windows, select File > Preferences > General, and then select JMP Starter from the Initial JMP Window list. On Macintosh, select JMP > Preferences > Initial JMP Starter Window.
Technical Support
JMP technical support is provided by statisticians and engineers educated in SAS and JMP, many of whom have graduate degrees in statistics or other technical disciplines.
Many technical support options are provided at, including the technical support phone number.
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