Reading XML Data Directly

The SqlCommand class has another method that executes SQL queries, namely ExecuteXmlReader( ). ExecuteXmlReader( ) returns an instance of XmlReader that can be used to read the data.

ExecuteXmlReader( ) is a method of SqlCommand and not OleDbCommand (or the IDbCommand interface) because it uses the SQL Server for xml clause. The result of such a query is XML, which can then be read using the XmlReader instance. Example 11-10 shows a program to read data using ExecuteXmlReader( ).


The XmlReader returned from ExecuteXmlReader( ) is actually of the type XmlTextReader, because the data returned from the query is a text stream.

Example 11-10. Reading data using ExecuteXmlReader( )
using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Xml;

public class ReadDataAsXml {
  public static void Main(string [ ] args) {
    string command = "SELECT name, expiration_date, total_discount " +
      "FROM coupons, coupon_redemptions, customers " +
      "WHERE coupons.coupon_code = coupon_redemptions.coupon_code " + 
      "AND coupon_redemptions.customer_id = customers.customer_id " +
      "FOR XML AUTO";

    SqlCommand xmlCommand = new SqlCommand(command, connection);

    connection.Open( );
    XmlReader reader = xmlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader( );

    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument( );

    connection.Close( );


Like all XmlReader subclasses, the XmlReader returned from SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader( ) keeps the underlying data source open, which means that the SqlConnection remains open as long as the XmlReader is.

The resulting XML document output to the console is shown here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="IBM437"?>
<customers name="Mark's Roofing">
  <coupons expiration_date="2002-11-30T00:00:00">
    <coupon_redemptions total_discount="2.150000000000000e+001" />
    <coupon_redemptions total_discount="1.525000000000000e+001" />

It already looks different from the DiffGram. First, all the column values are represented as XML attributes rather than elements. Second, the numeric data values are shown with full precision.


SQL Server has a lot of built-in XML functionality, including the for xml clause, but it’s outside of the scope of this book. For more information on selecting XML data directly from a SQL Server database, see chapter 8 of AppliedXML Programming for Microsoft .NET by Dino Esposito (Microsoft Press).

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